"Your Highness, I... don't know what you mean!" He really didn't know why he spoke. Just pretend to be careless.

"I have already made it clear. Since you still want to be careless, I will tell you more clearly. Where did the equipment you rely on to protect your life come from?" Fang Yuqing asked slowly. "Don't say you bought it or made it yourself! Those things can only come from one place! They belong to a lost civilization!"

"This is your last chance. Are you still going to keep your words?"

Ye Qingyuan finally resigned and sighed softly. The opponent's strength was simply beyond what he could handle at the moment!

"Okay! Let me confess, there is a base left behind by an ancient civilization in that sea area! Those things all come from there..." He recounted his experience in that base.

Of course, he would never say anything about Lan Yu's existence. He would just attribute the reason for obtaining that base to his own good luck!

Fang Yuqing listened calmly, occasionally interjecting a question. It sounds like she is not unfamiliar with that base, but only God knows why she knows it!

After he finished speaking, the princess gently closed her eyes, thought for a while, and then asked: "How many more of those things are there? Take them out and let me see them!"

"No problem, as you wish!" He took out those things one by one from the space ring and placed them on the crystal desk! Finally, he hesitated and took out the Yuangu Scepter!

His slender and delicate jade fingers easily flipped through it a few times, and finally grasped the artifact tightly. He studied it carefully for a while.

"This thing is really good. I just understand that you can't use it at all right now, right?" Chongbao was in front, and the princess's voice was still calm.

"Yes, it can be used as a warehouse now!" he responded.

Fang Yuqing nodded gently. Without saying another word, his almost perfect delicate hand slowly rubbed the scepter, and the study fell into a long silence.

"It seems that everything can be explained!" After a long time, she said again: "Your genes originally had fatal flaws. But your combat power has increased so fast! I guess it is all the result of this base! Without it, you wouldn’t be able to die even if you had a hundred lives!”

She was right, she had saved herself from danger many times just by relying on those equipments.

"I don't know what you think about your future?" She suddenly asked a seemingly irrelevant question.

He thought for a moment before giving the answer: "Alive!"

"Alive?" She was stunned for a moment, obviously unable to understand what he meant.

"Yes, just to live!" He responded clearly, "This wish seems very simple. However, the current situation has made this simplest estimate a distant goal for most people. It’s a dream to guess!”

"I almost have dreams, or to put it another way, they are called ambitions! But the prerequisite for all of them is to live first! Only then will there be a chance to think about other things! Therefore, my only wish at the moment is to live and survive this life. A war!”

The princess's distant mountain-like eyebrows raised slightly. Said: "If you just want to live, that's easy! You can ask me to transfer you away from your current place and arrange a leisurely job for you in the rear! How about that?"

"It's a very tempting suggestion. Unfortunately, I don't need it!" He said calmly.

"Why? Aren't you afraid of death? The war is getting more intense. On the front line, no one can guarantee that they will survive forever! If you don't have these things around you, maybe the next war will kill you. ! Let’s leave here and go to the safety of the rear, wouldn’t it?”

"I forgot to tell Your Highness that living is not my only purpose!" He said solemnly, "right in front of the word alive. The word 'dignity' should also be added! Living with dignity is what I pursue. The real purpose!”

The princess's complexion finally wavered: "Live with dignity..."

"The meaning of this word is too broad! It sounds like a very simple estimation method. But it is also very difficult! It can even be said to be very naive!" After muttering a few words in a low voice, she finally asked: "Then How do you feel about living with dignity?"

"Do what you plan to do! Live the life you like! Don't worry about anyone or any force interfering with your will!"

"It sounds even more exaggerated!" She smiled disapprovingly, "Did you know? Even His Majesty the Emperor of the Empire cannot achieve this step. Why in the world of life can he do whatever he wants and everything goes as he wants?"

"It can be seen that you hate being controlled by others and being influenced by the human form! You definitely hated Luo Hanxing when he brought you in, right? However, he was also doing it for your own good. With your ability at the time, you were simply not enough to protect him. Once you are targeted by a big force, the consequences will be unpredictable! For example, that Yun family!"

"The unnecessary troubles you will face in the future are not small. The Yun family is in front of you. Later, more powerful forces will come to our door! At that time, you were almost a powerful person with a divine level, and there was no way you could compete with them. They fight! At that time, will you still stick to your beliefs?"

"Of course!" He responded categorically, "If you haven't tried it, how would you know whether you can do it or not? I will never give it away lightly!"

Fang Yuqing stood up slowly, moved her steps lightly, and slowly came to him. She stared at him with her deep eyes for a long time, and then breathed out softly.

"Okay! Let me see how far you can walk in the future!" She looked directly at him and said, a faint, fragrant breath like orchid blowing towards her face.

"I have some bad news for you. The men sent by the head of the Yun family have already set off and will arrive at the station in a few days! I don't need to say more about what this means to you, right?"

"What's supposed to come will come! I don't think they will get what they want!" He sneered.

"Very good, I hope you can teach them a lesson that is so profound that they will never forget it!" The princess smiled, "Now, you can leave! Work hard to improve your combat effectiveness!"

"No problem, I'll take my leave!" He bowed lightly, turned back and walked towards the door.

"Wait!" the princess said, pointing to the equipment, "Take your things away. I don't have anywhere to keep them for you!"

The capital of the empire, Tianhua Star Territory.

In a certain secret hall in the majestic imperial palace. A meeting related to the life and death of the empire, and even the fate of mankind, is underway.

There were not many people in attendance. There were only more than twenty people, and there was no secretary. All meeting outline minutes were taken by Deputy Prime Minister Xiao Xian.

The heads of all the powerful departments in the empire, plus the prime minister and deputy prime ministers, several bosses from the strategic command department, and the representative of the royal family, Prince Fang Zongchen. There are also Tianxi, Yuanshuo and Cangling. Representative of Yanyue's five super commando organizations.

In the center of the circular conference table is a huge three-dimensional projection star map, which clearly shows the situation in the Gardley Federation. Among them, the human side's military strength and controlled areas are displayed in blue, while the Kilizako people's are shown in blood red!

A large country that spans tens of thousands of light years, has a population of trillions, and countless resource planets, has been cut into pieces by the shocking blood! Since the fall of the Federation Capital Star Territory, the fleets of major human nations have been able to control less than one-tenth of the Federation's territory! And it’s shrinking every moment!

"Everyone, this is the end of the introduction to the battlefield. I believe everyone has a clearer understanding of the current situation!" the empire's only staff-wielding marshal. Military Minister Gurungs said: "If there is no strong foreign aid coming in, the Federation will be completely destroyed within ten days to half a month! At that time, it is inevitable that the war will spread to the empire!"

"This is an unprecedented catastrophe for the trillions of people of the empire! You are all the pillars in charge of the empire's important weapons. How to deal with it, I hope everyone can speak freely!"

"As early as when those damn life forms appeared, we knew that this day would come sooner or later, didn't we?" Her Royal Highness Princess Fang Yuqing, the controller of the Empire's Security Department, said calmly. At this time, she herself was on the battlefield tens of thousands of light years away, so what appeared on her seat was a three-dimensional image.

"I thought that fully assisting the Federation would buy us at least half a year, but now it seems that this is an impossible hope! The Empire will soon face all the pressure from foreign races alone! In addition to concentrating all resources and stepping up efforts Prepare for war. Do we have a second option?"

"However, time is running out. The empire is not completely ready!" Finance Minister Trump frowned. "Although the empire entered a state of full war preparations several months ago, due to the large scale of the project, there are too many factors involved. , So far, all aspects of war preparation measures have not reached the scheduled progress! Various defense projects on the empire's frontier have not yet been perfected, and a large amount of war preparation materials are still left in the rear and have not been transported in time! "

"The production of various important weapons, the reserve of energy, the overall planning and dispatch of logistics materials! There are also the relocation of important enterprises, the transfer of the people of the empire... all things, the fastest progress has only been completed about 80%! Even though Even after half a month, there is no way to complete the scheduled preparations!”

"In this case, how much time will it take for us to have the minimum conditions for a full-scale war with them?" Imperial Prime Minister Wang Guangchang, sitting in the center of the conference table, asked.

"At least a month and a half! Only then will all combat preparation measures be fully in place!" said a woman in white, about thirty years old, with a graceful appearance.

"So long?" The Prime Minister frowned and said, "Master Leng Zhuo, the wise man, can't it be made earlier?"

"This is the most optimistic estimate!" said the woman named Leng Zhuo, "Such a big plan is so complicated that if one step goes wrong, it will affect a lot of subsequent affairs! The empire's wise team has already We’ve worked very hard! If we have to move forward any further, there’s really nothing we can do!”

"In this case, our current topic is how to buy enough time for the empire!" The Prime Minister pondered for a while and said, "If you have any opinions, you might as well speak freely!"

"Don't we still have at least 500 integrated fleets in the federal territory?" Minister of the Interior Jerick asked, "There are also fleets from several other major countries, and the combined strength is also extremely impressive! Can't we combine those fleets with each other?" Did the devil stop him for more than a month?"

"Although our strength seems strong, those demons are even more powerful!" Marshal Gurungs said, "The number of their warships is not inferior to ours, and the technical indicators of the human camp's warships are far inferior to them, so we It won’t last long at all!”

"I remember that not long after the war started, the military sent the wreckage of the destroyed saucer-shaped warship back to China, and the Academy of Transportation Sciences dismantled it and studied it!" the Prime Minister asked, "Is it that it has been so long and they haven't been found yet?" Weakness?"

"Sir, the Academy of Sciences has indeed gained a lot!" Le Feiling, chief academician of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, said, "The design of the new generation of warships has been completed and construction is under way. As long as the various tests meet the expected indicators, they can be equipped on a large scale! Just understand that this also takes time! Without two or three months, it is impossible to complete it!"

"Is there no other way?" the Prime Minister asked dissatisfiedly.

"Sir, if our fleet is allowed to hold them back at all costs..." Finance Minister Trump was halfway through his words, and he stopped wisely when he saw something was wrong with Gurungs's face.

"You are assuming that all those hundreds of fleets and more than a billion officers and soldiers will be abandoned in order to gain enough time to prepare for war, right?" Gurungs asked coldly.

Trump said with some guilt: "Marshal, I just estimate that the empire needs time! And we don't have many options now!"

"So you plan to sacrifice our army," Gurungs sneered, "These fleets are the elite of the empire. If they are all buried there, can the fleet in the country that has not been tested in the war be able to withstand those devils? "

"And even if we do this, it's hard to say whether we can achieve our goal! The fleets of other countries have no obligation to obey our orders! If they don't cooperate then, our sacrifice will be meaningless!"

"Are there no means left?" Prime Minister Wang Guangchang's voice was filled with anxiety. "Is it feasible to send part of the fleet from the country to reinforce?"

"Sir, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com. That's a bottomless pit!" Gurungs smiled bitterly, "Not to mention that the domestic defense line also needs to be heavily guarded. Even if we still have some strength, how many troops will we send over? One hundred. Fleet, or three hundred? This method can no longer solve the problem! Even if it can buy time, the loss of the fleet will be too great, which will have a fatal impact on the future Patriotic War! "

"Perhaps, we should discuss it with the senior officials of several other major countries. The current situation cannot be dealt with by the power of the empire alone!" said the great wise man Leng Zhuo, "This war is related to the rise and fall of human civilization. No one can control it." I guess I’ll stay on my own! I’m sure they’ll know too!”

"Very good!" Prime Minister Wang Guangchang sighed softly and looked at the few people beside him who had not spoken. They were representatives of the five super commando organizations.

"Gentlemen, I don't know what you have to say. If the empire is over, it won't be good news for the commandos behind you, right?"

The few people looked at each other, and an old man who led them stood up and said: "The Cangling Venerable Meeting decided to fully assist the empire. Three or nine thousand high-star awakened people and a batch of sophisticated equipment have already set off. Within ten days, we will Arrive at the border of the empire and wait for your country's dispatch! More assistance will arrive in the future!" (To be continued.)

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