Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 550: Premonition of War

This kind of mental activity, which extremely tests people's thinking and overall planning ability, has been passed down for thousands of years since the age of the earth, which shows its strong vitality. The time on the battleship is boring. After fighting, in addition to practicing, he only eats and sleeps. In order to maintain military discipline, many types of entertainment projects are not allowed on the ship, and many officers and soldiers use this kind of intellectual game to pass the time.

"Looks like I lost again!" After thinking hard for a while, Ye Qingyuan reluctantly dropped the chess piece in his hand and said.

On the chessboard, her white stones have surrounded her black stones, suppressing them so much that they are unable to fight back!

"I thought you could do anything! I've seen bad people, but this is the first time I've encountered someone as bad as you!" Luo Qingyue said with a smile. She seemed to be confident that she could surpass him in some aspects. Feel very happy!

"I have had little exposure to this before and have never practiced in general. How can I compare with you?" He said with a wry smile.

"Okay, you lost five games, bring me the winnings!" A slender hand as white and beautiful as ivory stretched out in front of his eyes.

He shook his head and took out two boxes of "Source of Divinity" highly concentrated nutritional supplements and handed them to her, who immediately took them with joy.

"He is indeed a rich person! Now he eats these high-quality goods every day!" she sighed.

"My situation is different from theirs!" he explained. "The source energy in my body is far better than that of awakened people from the same star, so the demand for energy is also surprisingly large! I have to take at least 8 pills of this every day. Nutritional supplements can meet the needs!”

Luo Qingyue's eyes widened in surprise, staring at him like a monster: "This concentrated nutrient is specially prepared for awakened people of the Qianxing level. One tube contains the nutrients of seven hundred roasted whole cows." Essence! I only need to take one bite a day, and one tube can meet my needs for a week! You are one level higher than me, and you are not even a dry star, so why do you need so much energy?"

"You generally know my situation. You don't need me to explain it again, do you? As for you, why haven't I seen you using this before? Your genetic status is unstable, so eating this should be beneficial!"

"I'm not as rich as you! This thing costs two thousand crystal cores each. Do you think everyone can afford it?" she pouted.

There was something wrong with him, even if she didn't have much money. However, Luo Hanxing's net worth should be very rich. Could it be that he couldn't afford to support her, his only relative? It seems like things are not that simple.

"Since you need it, I'll give you some more! I bought a lot before that expedition, which is enough for me to use for several years!" He smiled and took out ten more boxes and handed them over. These should be enough for her. Been eating it for a year.

Luo Qingyue cheered, took it and put it into the space ring, as if she was afraid that he would regret it.

"Master, General. The general asked me to invite you over!" A captain officer opened the door and came in, saluted and said.

Since Alves was injured that time and was suspended from duty to recuperate, the deputy division commander Yu Kai who took over died in battle only a few hours later! As a last resort, at the recommendation of Lieutenant General Zhou Junyi, Commander Franz asked him to temporarily take over the position of division commander, just waiting for him to make enough contributions this time to correct the situation!

"Have you got any work to do?" He and Luo Qingyue looked at each other, and they already knew about it.

In the past few days, the fleet's main guns have been used to deal with enemy situations. These mecha legions and awakened ones generally have no chance to take action. They only live a leisurely and leisurely life on the ship. Now they finally have a chance to appear!

"Let's go! Let's go take a look!" Luo Qingyue held his hand and went out.

Three hundred advance ships were covered by a large number of space fighters. The fleet is almost reaching the ground, and the main fleet is staying in planetary synchronous orbit, ready to respond at any time.

The landing site was chosen near the equator in the northern hemisphere of the planet. It was night and the ground was pitch black. The formerly prosperous cities have long been reduced to ruins, and the entire planet's surface is lifeless, with only a trace of human activity visible! Not even the larger animals can be seen!

Scenes like this can be seen everywhere throughout the federal occupied areas. Ever since the Kilizako people occupied this star region. All human beings on all planets have been largely plundered, leaving only the ruins of a large number of magnificent cities. Silently telling of a glorious era before civilization.

The vast sea of ​​stars, every moment. There are powerful civilizations due to various reasons, such as natural disasters, civil strife, invasion by foreign enemies, the raging of some super viruses, etc. Slowly declining, and even disappearing in the long river of time!

Of course, there are also civilizations that will overcome all kinds of hardships and use this as an opportunity to rise quickly and become a pivotal force in the star sea! This is how humans are. Since the first wormhole near the solar system was discovered thousands of years ago, aerospace technology has become a priority development area for governments of various countries at that time. In the process of interstellar exploration, development of outer space, and search for resources and territory, war has become the primary means of expansion of this civilization!

After thousands of years of first-rate development, stepping on the bones of many civilizations, the human race has finally won a place for itself in the sea of ​​stars! Although in the eyes of those old civilizations, this race that has entered the civilized era less than 20,000 years ago and has been in space for thousands of years is just a shallow upstart, no one will doubt the development potential of this race!

In time, no one can say whether this race will surpass all the old and glorious civilizations in the past and truly become the masters of the star sea! But fortunately, this race is not monolithic. The battles between many national forces are more fierce than any other civilization, seriously depleting the combat effectiveness of mankind! This way, those old civilizations can feel slightly at ease.

Out of fear of the development potential of this race, they divide and disintegrate, sow discord, make friends openly, and suppress them secretly! It has become the inevitable choice for many established civilizations! This time, the invasion of the Kilizako Empire is a godsend opportunity for them! With the help of those devils, this race will be suddenly weakened, and it is best to let it collapse. At the same time, use the power of human beings to reduce the opponent's combat effectiveness, and they can profit from it! This is the calculation of almost all high-level alien civilizations!

Of course, it’s hard to say whether things will develop as they estimate! At least for now, with the enemy ahead, the human camp can still put aside its prejudices and work together to overcome difficulties!

"Have you discovered anything?" Ye Qingyuan asked in the vanguard ship.

The officer in charge of the observation twitched his eyes and said nothing.

"You were clearly aware of a situation before. How could you disappear for no reason?" Reid asked suspiciously, "Could it be that some special means were used to cover up the tracks?"

Ye Qingyuan nodded slightly: "There is indeed such a possibility. I order everyone to maintain their formation. Don't be too far apart from each other! Then conduct a carpet-like search of this area, and we must find them!"

"I don't know how big this base is!" Luo Qingyue said. "If there are too many tough guys, it will be another tough battle!"

"That's not necessarily the case! I don't want to force anything, just find their nest!" He smiled, "Set the coordinates and leave the rest to Tian Xuanhao. What are we doing when we can be lazy? Are you going to fight them to the death?"

At this point, far behind enemy lines, any losses would not be immediately replenished. Save any effort you can!

"Is there still no situation?" Half an hour later, Ye Qingyuan asked again.

"We can only delineate a suspicious place, but the signal is very weak and there is no way to conduct further exploration!" an officer responded.

Luo Qingyue frowned and said, "Such unnecessary trivial matters? How big is that suspicious place?"

"Almost five to nine thousand square kilometers!"

"It seems it's not easy to find!" Ye Qingyuan raised his head, stared at the vast night outside the porthole, and said slowly: "It's almost time for us to leave for a while and take a look!"

The advance fleet had shut down its main engines and was floating in the air using only its anti-gravity devices, gliding briskly. Hundreds of meters below him was the earth shrouded in night. Overhead, there was no moon visible, but stars were everywhere. Under the cool starlight, everything on the ground is clearly visible!

To this day, night has no effect on human beings. As long as the DNA of the second level or above is awakened, one can function normally in this dark environment.

Ye Qingyuan gently closed his eyes, and the powerful brain waves spread out in circles with him as the center. Until more than ten kilometers away! Within the range covered by brain waves, all visible and invisible energy fluctuations are invisible and displayed in his mind in detail!

Under the use of that set of magical skills, his brain wave intensity has far exceeded that of ordinary Qianxing. In terms of the exquisiteness of his luck control, only semi-divine level experts can compare with him! No matter what the Kilizako people are up to. He is sure to see through it all!

While he was exploring carefully, he moved forward at a constant speed. Luo Qingyue. Hu Mu and others followed him, their hands on the hilt of the energy sword. Watched Wu Zhou warily.

About twenty minutes later, the spiritual perception field finally responded. A few kilometers away, hundreds of meters deep underground, a faint energy wave escaped and was discovered by him.

He slowly stopped and focused all his attention on the suspicious place, and soon discovered the problem!

"Finally found it! A huge base!" He silently informed his teammates of his results.

Hundreds of meters deep underground, the rock formations with a radius of more than ten kilometers have been completely hollowed out, forming a huge underground city! The strange-style building is built with various crystal stones as materials. Various supplies and machinery and equipment were piled up like mountains, with countless Kilizako people busy like ants among them, and a large number of small aircraft shuttled back and forth!

"How long did it take for this to happen? This place has been transformed beyond recognition by them!"

"It seems that they really regard this star field as their own territory to build..."

"There must be many such bases. It is not easy to find and destroy them one by one! Their technical level is much better than ours!"

"It doesn't matter, as long as their main fleet can be destroyed, these bases are not a problem at all..."

Several people communicated silently with mental fluctuations.

Ye Qingyuan confirmed for the last time, recorded the coordinates, and then ordered: "That's enough, order all the advance ships to immediately float to an altitude of 10,000 meters and retreat thirty kilometers. Let the fleet above do the rest! We just have to pick up the pieces!”

A recent investigation concluded that there were no fewer than hundreds of assassins in that base, and a large number of elite soldiers were stationed in it. If the mecha army and the awakened army attack, the casualties will be huge! Therefore, taking advantage of their unpreparedness and using a large number of battleship main guns to strike concentratedly is the most effective way!

In the flagship, Tian Xuanhao carefully checked the attack coordinates, turned on the dedicated photon computer in front of him, entered the complicated password, and issued the firing order!

Tens of thousands of blazing light pillars streaked across the dark night sky, and suddenly fell with a terrifying power that created the world!

The terrifying high temperature easily tore apart the hundred-meter-thick rock formation, and most of the facilities in the entire base were melted and completely vaporized within a few seconds! Countless Kilizako people were bombarded to ashes!

Tens of seconds later, the second round of blows came again, followed by the third and fifth rounds! The deeper rock formations were also penetrated, and a large amount of groundwater gushed out, turning this huge underground city base into a huge lake!

After five rounds of strikes, the advance fleet was ordered to arrive to observe the results. Judging from past experience, there will generally be no survivors in such a sudden blow. Even a strong person above Qianxing, without strong equipment protection, would never be able to withstand the intensive bombardment of a large number of battleship main guns!

"Are there any survivors?" Luo Qingyue asked.

"There are still reactions on the life detector, and there are more than one!" Ye Qingyuan said.

"Those must be powerful guys above General Mo Jing!"

"Of course, but they have also been seriously injured and there is not much threat left! Just send a few people to take care of it!"

The lake below that was transformed not long ago is still boiling. Large streams of white water vapor keep rising upwards, forming thick clouds above the lake, like a huge steamer! That was caused by the residual high temperature after the main gun bombardment.

A dozen extremely dim light groups emerged from the boiling lake water, and the trapped beasts flew towards the shore! Being able to survive this level of intensive attack is enough to prove their strength!

It's a pity that their lives are only a little longer than that of their kind! Closer, dozens of figures were floating quietly in the air, looking at them coldly!

The leader, General Mo Jing, tried to attack, but found that most of his body had been scorched, and the energy in his body was almost exhausted. Looking for Shuyuan www. Weakened to the extreme! Even a low-star awakened person can take care of it!


It roared unwillingly, its voice was hoarse, desolate, and full of unwillingness and anger! It used to be extremely powerful, but it was actually calculated to this extent by a group of low-grade life forms using such despicable and shameless methods. How could it be willing to do so?

On the opposite side, the leader of the human Awakened waved lightly, and dozens of blue, silk-thin light blades came through the air, easily dismembering it and its companions!

"Another one has been solved..."

"Our achievements currently rank first among many task forces."

This was the last sound it heard, and then its consciousness fell into endless darkness!

Mars star field.

Zhaluoifei drove a small reconnaissance flying saucer, cruising in the universe about five hundred light seconds away from the planet. The cautious habits she had developed over the years prevented her from neglecting her current responsibilities. (To be continued.)

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