The base on the planet stores high-purity energy crystals that can be used by 39,000 warships for 100 days. The safety of these materials is related to the success or failure of the empire's next round of strategic offensive, and there is no room for error!

However, this is not the most important thing! After comprehensive and deep exploration and scanning of this planet, it was discovered that there are a large number of extremely high-quality mineral veins in the strata thousands of meters deep, and there are even magic crystal mineral veins! It is the ideal place to build a sacrificial temple!

After this important piece of information was submitted, the commander immediately issued an order and transferred a large amount of materials. After careful measurement, the totem priests initially selected 8 suitable areas and began to build the temple.

The sacrificial temple is the most important dry land in the hearts of the Kilizako people. This race was born from the ground and relied on devouring various ores from the ground to sustain its development. After a long period of evolution, it finally developed its own civilization. Build a huge underground empire!

Every absolute number of years, they will enter a period of transformation, which lasts from a few years to more than ten years. As long as they spend it happily, their power will be greatly improved! Life forms will also gradually transform from carbon-based to silicon-based. Those individuals that have existed long enough and metamorphosed enough times will eventually be completely transformed into silicon-based forms and become perfect crystal life forms! They call it the Crystal Emperor! The empire has been passed down for countless epochs, and there are only nine crystal emperors still alive today, who jointly hold the highest power of the empire!

Transformation is inseparable from the assistance of the sacrificial temple. No matter what type of individual, after the transformation period arrives, they must go to the sacrificial temple and accept the blessing ceremony of the totem priests. With the help of the unique gentle energy in the sacrificial dry crystals, their bodies can be guided into deep sleep. Absorb the essence from the surrounding mineral veins while sleeping, and enhance your own life essence and source of power!

This period is also their weakest period. Any external adverse influence may kill them! therefore. Whenever the transformation period of people of this race comes, the totem priests will always rack their brains. Choose those areas that are remote and unobtrusive, deep underground, and have as many mineral resources as possible to build the temple! To ensure that the people of this race can survive this period of weakness safely!

Of course, there is no airtight wall in the world, and there are clues to follow even the most secretive layout! During the long years when the Kilizako people thrived underground and finally emerged from the ground and entered the universe, they encountered countless powerful civilizations. In the process of competing for living space with these civilizations, because of this damn weakness, they have been forced to the brink of genocide many times! Especially millions of years ago, when the war started with the ancient race of gods on the other side of the star sea, it happened that two-thirds of the entire race entered the stage of transformation. That damn race took the opportunity and started an unprecedented war. The massacre!

Because there are too many individuals entering the transformation stage, the power to protect the safety of the temple is greatly weakened! The ancient race of gods broke into their territory almost effortlessly! A large number of wealthy planets were occupied, countless underground temples were discovered, and then there was a one-sided massacre!

During those bloody years. The people of Kilizako were almost genocide! Almost all the existing lands were destroyed, and only a few barren planets with remote places and few resources were spared! Such one spans millions of light years. In a powerful empire with more than one trillion individuals, the number of individuals who escaped the disaster was ultimately less than one million!

Later, in order to survive and to continue the fire of civilization, the Kilizako race had to compromise and temporarily revealed all the dignity and glory of an ancient noble race. They voluntarily became captive slaves of the ancient god race to help them in the vast world. Search and mine various precious resources among the stars. In exchange for a place to stay.

Later, the ancient race of gods encountered more powerful enemies. In just a few years, the immeasurably huge empire collapsed! All individuals are missing! The speed of decline is so fast. The complete destruction was even worse than that of the Kilizako people!

After the disappearance of the previous suzerainty, the Kilizako people were able to rise again. After millions of years of recuperation, they became the masters of this starry sky again!

The empire's top officials had previously investigated the reasons for the demise of the Yuangu God race, but found nothing in the end. A huge unknown energy blockade hid the ancient wormhole, turning both ends of the star sea into a chasm, completely cutting off the origin of the ancient race of gods from the Haoting Xiaodutian galaxy! No longer able to travel freely!

The empire that survived the catastrophe learned its lesson. In addition to making the place of worship in the temple more remote and difficult to find, it also used various methods to cover it up. At the same time, secret techniques were used to postpone the transformation period of some ethnic groups, and the tribes were staggered as much as possible. In order to prevent too many races from entering the transformation period at the same time, the empire's combat effectiveness will drop too sharply in a short period of time, and others will eventually take advantage of it!

This time the ancient wormhole reappeared in the sea of ​​​​stars, and the big lord ordered to march into this starry sky, which means that there are quite a lot of resources here, and at the same time there is no race powerful enough to threaten them, watching with eagerness! It can be used as a reasonable place to build a sacrificial temple!

Even so, while building the temple, the senior officials still put in enough effort and used all available concealment methods! Those temples are heavily covered with multi-layered space mirroring technology, and even the strongest masters of the Black Crystal Command cannot find any clues without guidance.

After all, there were two examples of temples being destroyed that time, even though the temples had not yet been completed and various defensive and concealment methods were not in place at that time! The higher-ups only classified this matter as an unexpected situation, but it was related to the life and death of this race, so they had no choice but to act cautiously!

The golden-robed priest previously suggested to the great lord that he deploy part of the fleet to protect the safety of the temple. But this unrealistic suggestion was rejected by the great lord!

Because the conditions required to establish a sacrificial temple are too stringent, it is impossible to have too many suitable locations on the same planet, and a temple can only accommodate no more than nine thousand people of the same species to perform rituals at the same time! This means that the temples must be distributed in countless galaxies. It is estimated that leaving a strong enough defense force near each planet is an impossible task!

"If the temple is taken into consideration, the offensive against humans will have to stop and let them have a chance to breathe. After taking a breath, the commando team can organize enough strength to counterattack. The losses of my race will be unpredictable!" said the great lord! He said, "Only by taking this opportunity to completely defeat human civilization can we pave the way for the tribe's revival!"

The logistics material transfer base on the surface of the planet is another way to confuse the enemy. Even if humans discover this place. The supplies in the base were enough to satisfy them and they returned, but it was absolutely unimaginable that there was something else a thousand meters deep underground!

The dark universe is like a huge piece of velvet, dotted with countless bright stars. Behind it is the magnificent Haoting Xiaodutian Galaxy, its hometown!

I looked at the dashboard in front of me. I had been out for so long. It was time to go back and replenish energy! and. It also missed the taste of human flesh very much, it was more delicious than any living thing it had eaten before! This time I go back, I will definitely have a full meal!

However, just as it was preparing to return, the detector howled like crazy, and countless light spots of unknown origin filled the spar display in front of it!

It's an enemy attack!

What's going on? Isn't this behind the defense line? The human fleet has been forced thousands of light years away. It should be safe here. Where did those guys come from?

Full of confusion, it alerted the base. Then plan to rush back quickly! A few seconds later, a thick laser beam passed by silently. Turn this little spaceship into a ball of fire!

"There is a situation right ahead!" a staff officer reported back from the flagship.

"How many fleets does the other party have?" Tian Xuanhao asked.

"Nothing was found. There seems to be only one large-scale base on that planet!" the staff member responded.

"Send additional detection satellites. Conduct a comprehensive scan of the entire planet, and pay close attention to the reaction of the surrounding star fields. If the other party has reinforcements coming, report back as soon as possible!"


Soon, the almost undefended situation on the planet was confirmed. In the base, huge crystal jars with a height of one hundred meters were sealed, all of which were extremely pure energy crystals! And the strength of the guards is only a mere 20,000 cannon fodder-grade Kilizako warriors!

"I've made a lot of money this time!" the officers couldn't help but exclaimed.

So much energy. Enough to consume 39,000 Kilizako main warships in continuous combat for 100 days! How could they be unhappy that such a nearly free gift fell into the hands of the human task force?

This kind of energy crystal is a specialty of Haoting Xiaodutian. It is different from the energy used by humans. The energy intensity contained in some volumes is much higher than similar products in the human world. This shows that certain resources in that galaxy are much greater than those in the starry sky where humans live; in addition, their energy crystal purification and processing technology is far better than humans!

As long as the energy circulation system in the battleship is slightly improved, this batch of crystals can be used by humans!

"It's been more than a week. Today's harvest can be said to be the ultimate!" Tian Xuanhao said excitedly, "Inform the brothers to transport all the trophies of this batch to the battleship! Then explore the surface of the planet to see if there are any Have you found anything else?"

"There shouldn't be any, right?" Karadzic said.

"The harvest this time is enough! The loss of so many energy crystals at once may even affect the operations of the fleet ahead. I'm afraid they will immediately send reinforcements to intercept them after learning the news! For safety reasons, we It’s best to retreat immediately!”

When he said this, Tian Xuanhao also hesitated: "That seems to be the truth! In this case, let's leave now?"

"I don't agree!" Ye Qingyuan said, "My eighth sense tells me that there must be something worthy of our interest on this planet!"

"Idealistic things like the 8th sense cannot be used as the basis for battlefield decisions!" Karadzic said dissatisfied.

Ye Qingyuan smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, ignored him, turned to Tian Xuanhao and said: "I will take some people down to take a look, and walk around. If we don't find anything, it won't be too late for us to retreat!"

Tian Xuanhao thought about it, nodded lightly and said, "Okay! But you only have two hours!"

"No problem, this time is enough!"

The vanguard ship was suspended in the sky 10,000 meters above the ground, speeding at a hundred times the speed of sound.

Ye Qingyuan sat quietly with his eyes closed in a closed cabin, and his brain waves spread out at full strength! With him as the center, all movements within a radius of twenty kilometers in the sky and on the earth are invisible! Even in a deep hole, the eating movements of some tiny reptiles escaped his perception!

With the technical level of the Kilizako people, there is generally no hope that human detection methods will be effective. Only the spiritual perception of high-star awakened people can make discoveries!

"Even if you fly at this speed, you won't be able to explore the entire planet in two hours!" Deep in his consciousness, Lan Yu spoke: "Besides, can your brain waves hold up?"

"You have to give it a try!" He responded, "I hope my luck is not that bad, or are you willing to help? Let's talk about it first. I don't have a crystal core to give you at the moment, so I can only owe you everything until I get back. Cash it in the Empire!"

Lan Yu was also unambiguous: "Yes! But you have to add interest!"

"You're cruel! Well, it's up to you!" He said depressedly.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the woman let out a burst of triumphant laughter, raised her hands slightly, and circles of golden brilliance dissipated. In an instant, it came out of the body and spread in all directions!

Having absorbed an astronomical amount of crystal core energy, she has now recovered a lot. She can use some not too strong magical powers to sense the surrounding environment with brain waves and find out where the enemy may be hiding. To her, It’s just a piece of cake compared to the great power!

Ten minutes later, Lan Yu had finished his work.

"Is it done so quickly?" he asked with surprise and joy. "Did you find anything?"

A map appeared in his mind, with eight underground bases clearly marked on it!

"These guys are getting smarter and smarter. They even use extremely sophisticated space mirror shielding. If it's not me, I'm afraid you won't be able to find it even if you wander around here for a hundred years!" she said proudly. Find bookstore

"Great! When I go back this time, all the crystal nuclei will belong to you! As long as you help find more bases in the future!" He promised firmly.

With that experience, he could tell at a glance that it was definitely the sacrificial temple, the key point of the Kilizako people! Orders have been issued from above. Every time such a base is discovered and destroyed, there will be generous merit rewards. Now that 8 of them have been discovered at once, this merit is enough for him to be promoted to general!

In the main control room of the flagship, a group of officers stared at the coordinates sent back not long ago and were speechless for a long time.

"This guy's eighth sense is right. There are so many sacrificial temples hidden here!" Karadzic was convinced. "It would be better to do something unnecessary before leaving. I will really miss a big contribution!"

Tian Xuanhao nodded lightly: "Ye Qingyuan deserves the first credit for this discovery. As long as we discover and destroy a few more, we will all become heroes of the empire when we return!"

"Command the main gun to charge immediately, lock the target, and fire a salvo at full operation rate!"

"Yes!" the officers responded excitedly. (To be continued.)

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