Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 554 The Iron Wall of Defense

In the main hall, two people began to get busy.

Due to time constraints, all the boxes were simply opened and looked over before being put into the artifact space by Ye Qingyuan. Anyway, it was big enough, even if there were ten more treasure houses, they could be stored there!

"Look, the box here actually contains high-star superpower equipment!" Luo Qingyue shouted happily.

Ye Qingyuan put the twenty boxes of blue and white porcelain beside him into the space, floated over and asked, "Superpower equipment? What grade is it?"

"They are all five-star or above, and they are all in hundreds of boxes in this area!" she said excitedly.

"Have a look, is there anything suitable for you to use?"

"Well, let's look for it together!"

It didn't take long, and all the boxes were checked. The boxes on the outside were all five-star light armor. Each metal box contained ten sets, a total of two thousand sets; the box on the inside was five-star. There are two sets of Pinguang Armor in each box, a total of one hundred and fifty sets; the most valuable ones are the dozens of exquisite and elegant pieces surrounding the center, inlaid with gold and jade, and covered with crystal A box made from nuclear power!

Each box has a small display on one side, and above it is a password input box with hundreds of digits. Of course, he didn't know the password, so he had to use violence to open it!

"Melting Prison" lightly scratched and cut open the lid of the box effortlessly! Inside is indeed a set of 8-star light armor!

"Women's style! Just right for you!" He checked it and happily took it out to her.

"Great!" She grabbed it and put on the near-space ring, "Is there anything else good? Take a look!"

Dozens of boxes were opened one by one, revealing a total of twenty sets of 8-star light armor, one hundred and fifty five-star energy knives, and three hundred light crossbows; twenty 8-star energy knives and twenty light crossbows each. There is also a box full of space rings, bracelets and other large-capacity space equipment!

The ultimate harvest, in a golden box. It was a palm-sized set with an extremely delicate appearance. Beautifully crafted silver magic square matrix shield!

"The 'Guardian of Eloriya!' is actually this thing!" Luo Qingyue said in disbelief.

"Sounds famous?"

"Of course, this is an artifact. It was the last masterpiece of a top creator in the Federation hundreds of years ago!" She rolled her eyes at him, "This thing has only been around for a few years, and a strong man who owned it has Because he died in an accident, his whereabouts disappeared later! I don’t think this thing has been kept in the federal treasury!”

"Well, it seems that this is also something used by girls. Just keep it together! It will also be an extra safeguard in the future!" He smiled. “I gained a lot today!”

The two of them continued to work, but they had already checked less than one-tenth of the boxes. It might take a whole day to finish them all!

Luo Qingyue was a little anxious, and finally said: "We've uncovered it for now, there's no need to look at it! Put it all away! When we get back, let's find a place where no one is around and check it out slowly!"

Ye Qingyuan also felt that this was not a means: "Very good! Collect your things and leave quickly, otherwise the people above may not be able to wait!"

The ancient scepter emerged from the body, and wherever the red light swept, all items were taken away. After a dozen breaths, the hall was empty. Cleaner than a dog licked!

"How do you deal with this guy?" He pointed at the middle-aged man on the ground, who was said to be the vice president of the federation.

"Let me take a look!" Luo Qingyue came over to check, frowning slightly and said: "It seems that he has run out of breath. I don't know if he can be revived!"

"Forget it, let's give him a ride at last!" As she said that, she used gentle force on her hands to break his cervical vertebrae.

Ye Qingyuan's eyelids twitched but he said nothing. He seems a little unaccustomed to attacking people who have no power to resist! However, that guy is not a good person. If he dies, he will die. It’s no shame!

The two of them walked out of the door hand in hand, and halfway through, Luo Qingyue suddenly stopped.

"Why?" he asked puzzledly.

She said with some worry: "We have stayed here for so long. When we go back and say we found nothing, will it arouse people's suspicion?"

She is very thoughtful. This is indeed a problem.

"Then what means do you have?" he asked.

She sized it up, then her eyes suddenly lit up: "Yes. Put away your light armor!"

Ye Qingyuan did as she was told. She also put away her light armor, revealing the black tight-fitting thermal insulation suit underneath. Her breasts were tall and straight, and the graceful curves that made people's blood boil sharply gathered up to her waist, and she was bundled into a tight-fitting hand. His slender waist rippled further down, creating a full moon-like ****, and his slender and straight thighs made his throat go dry!

Then she started tearing his clothes off.

Ye Qingyuan was shocked: "What are you going to do!" Then he realized that his reaction was too intense, and he calmed down and said: "Don't stay here, okay? Not now, wait until you get back..."

She snorted and said: "Where do you think it went? I just made it look more like it, so that I can hide it from the guys above!"

A few random touches made his clothes messy. Then she followed the same pattern and messed up her clothes.

"Okay, just go back like this! I guarantee you can get away with it!" She said with a slight blush on her pretty face.

Ye Qingyuan rolled his eyes: "Okay! I admit that this method is almost feasible, but our reputation will be almost ruined! Are you sure you want to do this?"

She said angrily: "People don't care about this anymore! Why are you still hesitating? Isn't this all for you?"

"For me? This... where to start?" Seeing her about to go crazy, he resigned helplessly: "Okay, I've been away for a while! Isn't it just the wild...? It doesn't count, it doesn't count. What!"

Finally, when the two of them stepped off the vanguard ship and returned to the main control room of the flagship, what the officers saw was a pair of disheveled men and women. The man had an embarrassed expression and the woman had a blushing face.

"Are you... back?" Tian Xuanhao asked with a very strange look on his face.

"Yeah! I'm back!" Ye Qingyuan nodded hurriedly.

"You've been here for so long, have you discovered anything?"

"No, no! The entire planet has been checked! Nothing was found!" He said guiltily.

The doubt on Tian Xuanhao's face became even stronger. He turned to Luo Qingyue: "Really not!"

She didn't speak, just nodded slightly and hid behind Ye Qingyuan.

Commander Tian stared at the two of them for a while and then said: "Very good. The mission has been completed! Notify the fleet to prepare for departure. It's time for us to go home!"

"I have nothing to do here, I'm going to take a rest!" Luo Qingyue said. One side rushed out of the main control room door like lightning.

Ye Qingyuan said hurriedly: "Me too, I've been away for such a long time. I'm exhausted!" He ran away as if he was running for his life! Only a group of officers with extremely strange expressions were left laughing behind the scenes.

Tian Xuanhao ticked his eyes and gave the order.

"You bastard, what's the wrong place to choose? You have to go there! When you are still carrying out the task, then I will tell you why you didn't take anyone down this time and only took her with you. It turns out that you went to do that! You can be happy down there while millions of brothers wait here! Your arrogance is bigger than that of the emperor!"

"Have a good time! Is it because you have to tidy up your appearance before you come back? With the way you are, even a fool can see what you are doing! This matter has been turned around. I don't see why you two met. people?"

Commander Tian cursed secretly in his mind and thought about why he had to cover up this matter for him.

On the planet, there is an empty cave.

The dead fat man was still lying on the ground.

Suddenly, his bear-like body moved convulsively a few times, as if it were a corpse!

"Damn it! It hurts me so much!" He opened his eyes and cursed: "You guy, just leave as soon as you get the benefit! You are still here looking through the same things, don't you understand the meaning of long nights and many dreams? It made me almost unable to hold on!"

As he spoke, his body twitched strangely, and the wound appeared. Countless tiny granules grew out at a dizzying speed, repairing his body! However, after more than ten minutes, the half of the body that had disappeared reappeared intact!

"You're such a bastard! You don't have to work so hard when acting, right? The bones of labor and management are about to be torn apart by you!" Opposite me. The green-haired man with ribs also got up in a panic.

"That's because your bones are too brittle, but it's not that I didn't hold back!" the fat man retorted without showing any signs of weakness.

"Okay, you two, stop fighting!" A low and elegant voice came from the top of the hall.

The two of them respected that voice very much, and they bowed their heads and said, "Understood, Mr. Special Envoy!"

At the top of the originally empty hall, the space rippled like waves, revealing a slim woman wrapped in a blue robe.

"Are things going well?" She glanced at the empty hall and asked casually.

"Yes, sir! Let that kid take everything!" The fat man said humbly, "He doesn't seem to be suspicious!"

"It seems??" The green-robed woman smiled lightly. "It doesn't matter whether he is suspicious or not! The plan has already started to be implemented smoothly, and everything is under our control! Maybe. He will not know until many years later, but by then, nothing can be done by him!"

"Sir, with so much wealth just to give that kid, is it too cheap for him?" The green-haired man with ribs asked reluctantly, "Besides, he may not work hard in the direction we expect in the future!"

The woman in green robe said: "These things are not ours! What's the pity if we borrow flowers to offer to Buddha? It was the guy named Richard who was unlucky and fell into our hands! Otherwise, I would have to use our own It’s time to use the inventory to complete this step of the plan!”

"High investment will lead to high returns! This candidate has not consumed much of our resources. Compared with the other people, his cost is really low! Those few, however, at least control a multinational consortium, and even a The country's!"

"But it is no longer up to him how he will plan his future! Our series of back-up moves will push him down that path! Human beings are a very wrong kind of life. When you have nothing, you will never Most people will stay contentedly, but once they have the opportunity to rise to the top, their ambitions and desires will snowball and get bigger! If there are 100 million, they will estimate billions, tens of billions! With the Governor If he has the power, he will estimate the prominence of the prime minister, the duke, and the prince. When he gets his wish, he will focus on the highest place! Even if he is useless and reaches the top, he will still have greater ambitions. , until you are swallowed by your own ****!"

"Is it worth the investment?" the fat man asked.

"Why is it not worth it? Compared to the wealth of the entire human world, what is this cost? The empire has been dreaming for many years, and now with the opportunity of the Kilizako invasion, it may become a reality! By then , it is possible for the empire to control the entire sea of ​​stars! How much wealth do you need?"

"Understood, my lord is wise!" The two of them said sincerely.

"The fleet has left, we have to follow it quickly! We can't let that kid have an accident!" The woman in green robe waved her hand, sending out a blue rainbow that rolled up the two of them and pulled them into the fault space.

In the fault space, there is a golden spherical spacecraft with a diameter of one thousand meters.

"Hurry up and follow them!" the woman said, "After following them all this way, I'm almost convinced by that guy. We may not be able to find those hidden temples even if we use artifacts, but he can actually check them all accurately. ! I really don’t know how he got it!"

"This proves that the Lord has a unique vision and knows people well!" The fat man complimented, "Maybe he will bring us more joy in the future! Maybe, the empire's big plan will be realized with the help of him!"

"Yeah! That's best!"

After half a day of rushing, the fleet finally crossed the border of the Federation, no, it should be the former Federation, and entered the territory of the Empire.

Since the task force was dispatched, the Imperial Regiment and fleets from other countries have retreated to the border, and have had several more fierce battles with the Kilizako people who are pressing closer!

Just when the human fleet is about to be exhausted, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com The harassment operation of the rear task force finally showed its effect. A large number of logistics bases were destroyed, which brought a lot of unnecessary trouble to the Kilizako people's follow-up combat operations! For a time, the pressure on the human camp was greatly relieved.

The discovery and destruction of thousands of sacrificial temples directly touched the psychological limit of the Kilizako people! The great lord was furious as never before and dispatched 80% of the total force to occupy the area to encircle and suppress those abominable harassing fleets!

The logistics supply was greatly affected, and the continuous division of troops made it difficult to sustain the strong offensive at the national border. Humanity finally calmed down and began to calmly deploy!

When the Kilizako people began to mobilize heavy troops to encircle and rectify the rear, the losses of most of the task force began to increase and became unsustainable, except for a few fleets with particularly outstanding commanders such as Tian Xuanhao! Even so, only two-thirds of the 10,000 warships left during the expedition returned to the country! Of the other fleets, nearly half of them were left behind, but only a few hundred ships survived, and there were even cases where the entire fleet was wiped out, and the commander escaped single-handedly!

By the time Ye Qingyuan and his party returned to the base, the defense line on the empire's border had been basically completed, and all kinds of assistance from the Star Sea countries had been in place. Countless engineers worked day and night to build the entire border defense line into an iron wall! (To be continued.)

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