Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 555: Brilliant Results

This time the battle was broken, the results were brilliant! Logistics bases destroyed by dozens of fleets, and tens of thousands of underground settlements! The scattered fleets that took orders totaled more than 8,000 or 9,000 ships, and the individual casualties of the Kilizako people were in the hundreds of millions! However, the ultimate result was that thousands of temples were destroyed, and a large number of Kilizako elites were killed when the transformation ceremony was about to take place!

Of course, most of the credit was made by Tian Xuanhao's fleet! Among them, Ye Qingyuan deserves the most credit. After the top military officials confirmed the results, the entire empire base was excited!

The good news was sent back to the rear and circulated rapidly in all strata of society. Even His Majesty the Emperor heard about the reputation of this young officer with special abilities!

The commendation order will come soon! The officers and soldiers who participated in the war received medals and honorary titles, as well as an absolute number of material rewards. The main officers have been promoted. Tian Xuanhao, Luo Qingyue, and Karadzic have all been awarded the rank of major general.

Ye Qingyuan was officially appointed as the division commander of the 808th Division of the 17th Army Corps, with the rank of brigadier general; and received the Mandala Medal! The material reward is a fifth-grade DNA awakening reagent, three million crystal nuclei, and an 8-star energy knife. Of course, this thing is nothing to him now.

The most useful one is the Mandala Medal, which is one of the highest symbols of honor for the people of the Empire! Only those who have made extremely important contributions that can affect the outcome of a major battle can be awarded!

Officers who receive this medal can enjoy many privileges that ordinary generals cannot enjoy! For example, you can give priority to purchasing various high-quality resources needed for practice at extremely favorable prices; you do not need to salute any officer who is higher than yourself, including marshals; you have judicial immunity for ordinary criminal cases; regardless of the crime No matter what the fault, no high-ranking general has the right to deal with it easily, and must be handed over to the emperor himself; unless he commits extremely serious crimes such as treason and conspiracy. No one shall be deprived of his honor, etc.; and there are a whole host of such clauses!

"Finally sitting in the major general's seat! Doesn't it feel good?"

On the Blue Algae Star, in the luxurious office of the Imperial Security Department's ground base, Ye Qingyuan smiled at the woman sitting on the rosewood chair. "This is the first time I've seen a female general's uniform, and I have to admit. It's really beautiful!"

The bright red military uniform fits perfectly, perfectly showing off her undulating curves; the buttons are carved from large natural rubies, and there are exquisite and complicated patterns and golden ribbons on the chest. On the second button , a huge golden coat of arms is pinned between the towering twin peaks! There are already nine gold stars on the nameplate on the left chest! The round shoulders are decorated with beautiful rose branches! The whole uniform looks dashing and gorgeous on her! Set off by that cold and charming face, any man who sees her will have an uncontrollable urge to conquer her!

A seductive blush appeared on Luo Qingyue's face. He asked in a soft voice: "Is it really good-looking? That's good enough for you to see it every day!"

He nodded hurriedly and gently, walked over and hugged her shoulders: "The fighting ahead has temporarily stopped. The boss has given us a few days of vacation. We can finally relax! Can we leave for a while later? I invite you Have a meal!"

"Is this almost a date invitation?" she asked with a slight smile.

"Well! So to speak, are you willing to give me a chance?"

"Humph! It depends on whether you are sincere or not!"

"...If so, I will prove it through actions!" He smiled gently.

"I can't believe that this guy can make such a big contribution! I still underestimated him before!"

In the palace, the princess stared at the information on the monitor and said to herself: "It seems that my original decision was right! Leave those things in his hands. One day, he will really be able to grow up. How much it affects the overall situation!”

"That's fine, I've almost had enough! Those damn things. It's up to this kid to deal with it in the future! After receiving benefits, he must also bear the corresponding responsibilities!"

Luo Hanxing stood aside and said cautiously: "Your Highness, according to the latest news from our people in the Yun family, the men sent by the family leader Cheng Guiyun have been hiding in the capital of the Hengcharhan Star Territory for several days. They learned that Ye Qingyuan Back on Planet Cyanobacteria, maybe they will take action soon!”

Fang Yuqing asked casually: "How many people are here? How is their combat effectiveness? Is there any discrepancy with the original intelligence?"

"The information is generally true, but Yun Qingfeng himself may also participate in the siege against him!"

Her face became slightly serious: "Then do you think this kid has a certain chance of escaping from them?"

Luo Hanxing thought for a while. He shook his head and said: "If we don't intervene, he won't even be 10% sure! After all, there are many strong opponents on the other side. And they are all good at hiding and assassinating ambush! And his apparent combat power is only Nine stars. Even with some trump cards, it’s not enough to guarantee one’s escape from many high-end Qianxing experts!”

"Then you mean we are going to take action?"

"Your Highness, this is necessary. No matter what angle you think of it, we cannot let the Yun family run amok on the land of the empire!" He said coldly.

Fang Yuqing gently closed her eyes and thought quietly.

"What if we don't care about anything?" she asked suddenly.

Luo Hanxing was taken aback and responded hesitantly: "Your Highness, I don't know what you mean!"

The princess smiled faintly, and another lotus seed appeared on her delicate and slender fingers. She peeled it slowly and methodically, and said: "Don't you feel that that boy is a person who can create miracles? I am just taking a look. , will he bring us joy this time!"

"But Your Highness, is the risk too great?"

"Everything is risky! If he really fails, it's just because his luck is not good enough and he is not worthy of our continued training! If he can rely on his own efforts to turn the impossible into a possibility, then he will be worthy of his name. He is a genius, we will not treat him badly in the future!" The princess's voice was cold and solemn, and this alone decided his solution.

"I know that you value that boy more, but this time, you are not allowed to help him secretly! He must face the next crisis alone! Do you understand?" she finally said.

Luo Hanxing sighed softly in private and responded helplessly: "Understood. Your Highness, I will obey your orders!"

Okay, I've tried my best. What happens next? Seeing as I have taken on a lot of unnecessary chores for you. Don't let me down! Otherwise, even if I don't care, my sister will not forgive you!

"Are the plans ready?"

In a secret room in the Yun family's fleet base, Yun Qingfeng asked a group of close men in front of him.

"Your Majesty, the venue has been prepared and can be used at any time!" A masked man replied in a low voice. "As for the Imperial Regiment, all aspects have been taken care of. For this purpose, we have used several powerful secret agents who have been lurking for many years! The only drawback is that those guys have too much appetite! The cost of this operation has exceeded three billion The crystal core has greatly exceeded the original budget!"

Yun Qingfeng curled his lips indifferently: "Money is nothing! As long as this operation can be completed successfully, everything will be worth it!"

"The head of the family has said that when this kid is killed, you will receive extremely generous rewards! For example, to manage a planet with rich resources in the territory of the family, but for high-quality equipment, training resources, and beautiful women. Give me whatever you want!"

The subordinates didn't say anything, but their eyes all turned hot without exception!

"Get ready! I will take action together with several other venerables then, and you will do your part well. If someone makes a mistake and messes up the matter! Humph! The rules of our race are not just decorations. !" He said with a cold face.

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

At the other end of the base, in Yun Xinyao's boudoir.

"Your Highness, this is the portable genetic detector you want. It is the latest model from our ethnic research institute! It can conduct the most accurate analysis and detection of the genetic map of any carbon-based life form in the known universe!" A person with a beautiful face The maid placed a box the size of a school bag in front of her.

"No problem, you have nothing to do here! Just wait outside and lock the door for one hour. No one is allowed in!" Yun Xinyao ordered the maids beside her.

The maids did as they were told and quietly left the cabin.

Stare at the genetic testing machine. The corner of Yun Xinyao's mouth curled up slightly, and Hao's wrist flicked. The small jade bottle has appeared on the palm as white as jade.

"Dear brother, let me see your true face!"

The night sky of the Blue Algae Star is still quiet and brilliant, and the vast sea of ​​stars hangs in the sky, unchanged forever, witnessing the rise and fall of civilizations and historical changes for hundreds of millions of years!

"This is my hometown. From the time I was born to the age of eighteen, I never left this planet until I was dragged into the Imperial Security Department by your brother!"

The former Grand Military Academy campus is now empty, and all teachers and students have moved to the rear star field. ) On the boulevard, Ye Qingyuan was recounting his past to Luo Qingyue: "At that time, I was just a poor student with nothing. In order to achieve my wish to get ahead as soon as possible, I joined the team that went out to sea to fish for seafood. From those Grabbing food from the mouth of dangerous things, hoping that with good luck, I can collect the cost of the second-grade DNA awakening surgery...\

,"She listened quietly, and occasionally asked: "If the seabed is so dangerous, why do you want to go there? There are more ways to make money than this!"

Ye Qingyuan sighed: "It's easy to put it! You don't know that those people living at the bottom have no chance of finding a satisfactory job! No matter where you apply, as long as I hear that you are a low-class person with first-class genes, Citizen, that’s basically out of the question! In the military academy, it’s hard to find a girlfriend with even better conditions!”

"Is it that exaggerated?"

"I liked a girl before, but because I didn't have money to do second-grade DNA awakening, I couldn't keep her in the end..." Thinking about his past, Ye Qingyuan felt very lonely.

Luo Qingyue raised her delicate eyebrows lightly and said with a smile: "Now, have you considered going to find her? With your current status, it is not a problem at all to recover that relationship! Of course, you Don’t worry, I won’t mind!”

Having said that, the pair of bare hands behind her back clenched and unclenched involuntarily, indicating that her heart was by no means as peaceful as she appeared on the surface.

"Is this necessary? Some things, once lost, cannot be found again!" He stretched out his hand and gently hugged her: "The most correct thing to do is to look at the precious things!"

She said nothing, a hint of intoxicating blush appeared on her snowy face, and she snuggled into his arms obediently.

"Qingyue..." Gazing at her graceful and bright red lips, he felt vaguely restless in his heart.


"I guess..." He suddenly lowered his head, kissed her heavily, and expressed his guess through his actions.

"..." Luo Qingyue stiffened and subconsciously pushed him away. It's just that his hands wrapped around her forcefully, leaving her no room to escape.

After realizing that her efforts were in vain, she gradually stopped fighting in a trapped beast, her body softened, and she leaned completely into his arms. She wrapped her arms around his waist and began to respond fiercely.

Before their sanity was burned out by passion, a faint murderous intention finally awakened them who were about to sink.

"I have nothing to do!" He said coldly, watching the scenery around him that had quietly changed.

"Well, it seems that the other party is quite courageous!" After quickly sorting out her clothes, Luo Qingyue began to observe the situation around her: "Despite the fact that the imperial base is nearby and may be dispatched at any time, you dare to set up an ambush here and attack the two generals! It can be seen that the opponent’s determination and fighting power are extraordinary!”

"Then it's just maybe them!" Ye Qingyuan exhaled slowly, "That old bastard Cheng Guiyun has already planned to kill them all! Even if it will cause the dissatisfaction of the royal family, he will not hesitate!"

"Will he get what he wants?" Luo Qingyue sneered, took out the pocket space liaison device and started to contact nearby bases.

"It's not in use, the space is blocked!" He said calmly, "I can tell at least that they used more than ten methods to completely block this space and isolate it from the outside world! Unless we die and find Shuyuan Otherwise, this blockade will not be lifted!"

She tried it, and sure enough, the instrument was completely silent, and no signal could be received! With a cold look on her face, she took out a few more strange communication tools. After trying them one by one, she finally had no choice but to put them aside for the time being.

"It seems that a fierce battle is inevitable!" Ye Qingyuan waved his hand, took out the light armor and put it on. After finishing sorting, he took out two Huan Gua puppet beads and handed them to her: "A good thing to save your life. You can use it by injecting a small amount of source energy at key moments!"

The killing intent in the air is even stronger! A faint black cloud slowly spreads out, and you can clearly feel that a change has occurred in the space. All free energy has been neutralized and absorbed by the cloud, turning this place into an energy vacuum!

Just like Qianxing strongmen, they also need to borrow energy from the outside world when fighting. The opponent's arrangement can be said to be a drain on the bottom of the cauldron!

"When the energy is low, just use the crystal core!" He took out a pile of crystal bricks from the space ring and handed it to her. "Remember not to separate, lest they take advantage of you!"

"I know!" She put on the light armor and turned on the magic square matrix of the sub-artifact. (To be continued.)

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