"Okay, now you don't have to worry about anyone overhearing!" He said solemnly: "Now, there is something I should let you know, it's about my genes!"

"You should remember that that time something happened to you, it was my blood that helped you temporarily save your life, and then I bought enough time to help you completely solve the hidden danger!"

"Why? Could it be that your blood..." she said with some confusion, "At that time, I asked you why your blood had the effect of a semi-divine strong person. You didn't tell me at that time, so I won't stop. asked!"

"See it for yourself!" Ye Qingyuan took out a pocket genetic analyzer, took a drop of blood and put it in. After a while, dense analysis data appeared on the monitor.

Luo Qingyue only glanced at it before her expression changed wildly: "You...why maybe? Am I wrong?"

"You read that right, this is the perfect gene!" He said solemnly, "The countries of the Star Sea have invested a huge amount of manpower and material resources, and spent hundreds of years researching to obtain the perfect genetic map, the ultimate form of human DNA awakening!"

"That's it! No wonder your combat power has improved so quickly, but... how did you get it?" After a while, she calmed down and asked excitedly:

"It's a long story, I'll tell you later!" He smiled, "I'm worried right now. If my secret is leaked, there will be a lot of unnecessary trouble in the future! Maybe I will be invited to the Imperial Academy of Sciences The Institute of Biochemistry serves as a guinea pig!”

"Do you think there is any way to help me avoid this?"

She frowned and thought for a moment, then suddenly her eyes lit up: "Yes!"


"My brother said that time that a doctor checked your blood when you were recovering from your injuries. However, you were poisoned by the Yun family's poison at that time and your genes were contaminated. But you can still see that you are very outstanding..."

She told the story again, and finally said: "That doctor has been locked up by my brother! So you don't have to worry, I understand. We can prepare some blood samples in advance and use several specific viruses to process them." 'Ichiban. The problem is solved!"

"Well, this is indeed a method!" He agreed, "Then just do it like this! After finishing the meal, let's get ready!"

More than an hour later, on the tarmac outside the base, several luxurious spaceships with a diameter of more than 100 meters and bright yellow bodies landed slowly. The harmonious lines of the hull were engraved with the royal family's unique huge five-clawed golden dragon ribbon!

His Majesty the Emperor's envoy has arrived.

The hatch opens slowly. A group of officials with gorgeous clothes and arrogant expressions walked down, surrounded by two middle-aged men who were well maintained but were already showing signs of aging.

"Respected Lord Viscount Colind, respected Lord Baron Bolt, welcome to Cyanobacteria Star!" Marshal Gurungs stepped forward and greeted warmly.

A grand welcome ceremony has been set up beside the tarmac, and all the leading figures from the empire's major legions have arrived to welcome the special envoy.

The Viscount named Colind nodded gently and said slowly: "Marshal, you are too polite. We are here this time to adhere to His Majesty the Emperor's decree to express our condolences to the frontline soldiers. At the same time, we will pay tribute to those who have made outstanding contributions. Heroes are awarded honors and knights! Everything is for the empire, for His Majesty! Well..."

He reservedly stretched out his hand, shook it lightly with the marshal, and said: "Hurry up! We have finished our errands early, and we have to go back to recover!"

After all, this guy turns out to be afraid of death! I also understand that this is the front line, and those devils may come and kill them at any time, like these pampered men. Why do you want to stay here so long?

The marshal concealed his disdain and said with a smile: "No problem. Everything will follow your orders!"

The investiture ceremony was held in the senior officer conference room of the base.

The two masters, representing the royal family and the House of Superiors respectively, changed from the imperial officialdom's prevarication. The tradition of doing things in a hurry, and after the extremely short speech, it’s time for the ceremony!

There are many officers and soldiers who have been awarded honors, and the long list is several meters long! Viscount Colind just selected a few people in front of them, hung various shiny medals on their chests, gave them a few words of encouragement and called it a day, leaving the marshal and generals to distribute them on their behalf!

The highlight is the knighthood. Among the hundreds of millions of officers and soldiers of the Imperial Regiment, only a dozen people have received this honor this time! Ye Qingyuan is one of them. In addition to him, there are two other people who also relied on breaking through Qianxing to obtain the title of knight. However, they are more than twice as old as Ye Qingyuan. They have practiced for decades and worked hard to get to this point!

The rest of them are generals who have made great military exploits and have absolute power behind them. Several of them are descendants from eight major aristocratic families! Originally, Tian Xuanhao's military exploits were enough, but there was no one behind him, so he was brushed off this time. I don't know if there will be a chance next time.

At the beginning of the ceremony, his name was the first in line. At the marshal's signal, he stepped onto the carefully decorated stage and knelt on one knee in front of the two superiors.

This is not to kneel to them, but to the Emperor they represent, the controller of the highest power in the empire!

Colind couldn't help but look at him twice, and there was a hint of surprise and approval on his rigid face.

This young man with a childish face actually made such great achievements in less than a year after joining the Imperial Regiment and became the youngest general in the Empire! Moreover, his combat effectiveness has also improved by leaps and bounds, and he broke through to Qianxing before he was twenty years old! How many years has it been since the empire has produced such a genius? His genes are definitely excellent, right?

As His Majesty's confidant, before leaving, His Majesty the Emperor specifically ordered to pay special attention to this young man! Now it seems that His Majesty's vision was correct, and this is indeed a person worthy of cultivation.

Witnessed by many high-ranking officers, Viscount Colind took out a beautifully mounted silk document and a golden ceremonial sword.

"General Ye Qingyuan, in view of your well-known outstanding achievements, as well as your loyalty and contribution to the empire! On behalf of His Majesty the Emperor of the Shuofeng Empire, I would like to confer you the title of third-class baron of the empire and grant you a fiefdom of 80,000 square kilometers. I hope you will be sincere Remember your oaths and responsibilities, and then make greater contributions to the prosperity and stability of the empire..." He said with a solemn expression.

What followed was a lot of red tape, which made him confused and confused.

at last. The sword in the baron's hand tapped his shoulder three times, and sealed the silk document in a gold box, giving it to him in a precious and precious way. The canonization ceremony is complete!

"Lord Baron, not counting those hereditary nobles! You are the youngest in the empire. You have been awarded the title of superior as a commoner! Congratulations!" Baron Bolt, the special envoy of the Imperial Academy of Superiors, sincerely praised.

"This is all due to the care of His Majesty the Emperor! And the tireless work of the two adults!" Ye Qingyuan said humbly.

The two gentlemen looked at each other, and Colind said: "Lord Baron, as is customary, for those who have been granted the title of Qianxing, you are obliged to hand over your genetic samples for research by the Imperial Academy of Sciences! And! , the Superior Court also needs a sample for registration and archival purposes! You see..."

In the interstellar age. Personal privacy is highly respected, and genetic maps, as the ultimate personal confidentiality, are protected by law. Without the consent of the individual, no force or individual can easily steal other people's genes and use them for illegal purposes.

Of course, the empire's decree says so, but the actual implementation is actually very problematic! At least those big forces don't take this seriously, as long as they encounter genetic samples that they think are valuable. You have to get it by any means necessary!

And as a high star awakener, especially a being of Qianxing's level, genetic samples are even more precious. The genes of every Qianxing are extremely excellent and have a treasure trove of huge research value! It was expected that the empire would set up such a system.

Ye Qingyuan, who already knew this in his heart, nodded gently without changing his expression: "Of course, as a high-ranking person in the empire, it is a natural obligation to abide by the laws of the empire! I have no objection!"

He took out two well-sealed test tubes, each containing fifty ml of processed blood.

Colind took a breath and reached out to take the test tube. When Kankan touched his hand, he found that his hand turned around. A crystal card was cleverly placed close to his sleeve!

His expression remained unchanged, and his brain waves were secretly sensed. When he discovered the seven-digit number on the crystal card, he immediately quietly slipped the card into his sleeve.

He glanced at Bolt next to him. There was also a tacit expression on his face, and it was obvious that he had also received a "goodwill gesture" from this young genius.

Looking at such an intelligent young man in front of them, the two superiors showed their most fervent smiles at the same time: "Baron, we all know your loyalty and dedication to the empire, and we will report everything about you to His Majesty the Emperor truthfully! "

"In this case, you two adults will have to worry about it!" Ye Qingyuan said humbly.

"Yeah! It's easy to talk, easy to talk..."

Ye Qingyuan bowed again and stepped back from the podium.

It’s finally over, and I don’t know whether to use my own methods or not! However, after receiving so many benefits, it is estimated that they do not need to embarrass themselves and accuse themselves in front of the emperor, right?

he thought privately.

The third-class baron is just the lowest star among the hereditary superiors. Of course, the treatment is completely different whether you have this status or not! At least from now on, my identity is that of a superior officially registered in the Imperial Council of Superiors, and I have the combat power of Qianxing. Many things will have unexpected benefits!

Future promotions, as long as you have enough merit, will generally be smooth sailing!

In terms of business, official service, taxation, etc., the advantages of those in power are self-evident, and this honor can be passed down to future generations and remain unchanged for thousands of years!

The empire has been passed down for thousands of years. Nowadays, the newly-confessed superiors have mostly acquired fiefs in relatively remote places, and the natural environment is ordinary! And his territory is on a first-class administrative planet near the Tianhua Star Territory, the imperial capital. From this, it can be seen that the senior royal family members have begun to notice him, and the treatment they give him is obviously different!

"Congratulations! Lord Baron!" Luo Qingyue stepped out from the side and pretended to be serious.

"Why should I congratulate you? Isn't this also your happy event?" He smiled and hugged her, "We will definitely treat those guys in the army to dinner later, and you, the hostess, will be responsible for the arrangements!"

Her face suddenly turned red: "When... did I become the mistress?"

"Don't you agree? Or do you not agree?" He seemed to find that he liked to see her shy look even more.

"You... you damn bastard!" The delicate hand on his waist suddenly pinched it.

While the two were flirting secretly, Hu Mu came over.

"General, someone wants to see you!" He took out a jade business card and handed it to him.

"Oh? Who is it?" He took it and glanced at it casually, his face suddenly became complicated.

In the cabin, Yun Linjie watched as the young general with fresh eyes and a green face walked in, walking steadily and unhurriedly.

"Sure enough, they are really alike!" she sighed with emotion, "Xi'er back then was just like him! No, it should be said that this child's talents are even better than his father's!"

Especially his combat power is already as high as Qianxing! The information obtained previously seems to say that he only has eight or nine stars. How long has it been like this? Moreover, looking at the opponent's momentum, which is majestic, long and far-reaching, it is obviously a sign of bottomless potential!

She watched him walk across from her, nodded, and then sat down on his own. His black and white eyes showed an inquiring expression. It was obvious that he had no intention of speaking first.

Yun Linjie smiled softly and did not care about the other party's slightly rude behavior. In fact, there is really no affection at all between the current family members and him, they are all determined to put each other to death and then hurry up! It is already very rare that he is willing to come to see me!

Before coming, Yuntianque had already explained that he wanted to see the child's situation, talk to him at a convenient time, understand his assessment method, and then decide how to deal with it.

"Are you... Ye Qingyuan?" she asked.

He nodded gently and looked at this ********* who was wearing a plain dress and had a subtle and elegant expression: "Excuse me, who are you?"

"Forgot to introduce myself, I am a member of the Yun Family Venerable Council, one of the twelve most powerful venerables!" She said lightly, "I am here on behalf of the Venerable Council to understand your situation! We all know about your affairs and the festival with the head of the family!"

Ye Qingyuan was a little surprised. He didn't realize that this graceful and beautiful woman had such a high status. He straightened his expression slightly and asked, "I don't know what the Lord wants to ask? How does he plan to treat me?" What happened with Cheng Guiyun?"

"Don't be nervous, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com. I'm here this time just to take a look. This is also what your grandfather meant!" Yun Linjie said gently, "For certain behaviors of the family head, the venerable will be If he doesn’t know the truth, most members won’t approve of his actions! So you don’t have to worry about me speaking for him!”

"Grandpa?" His face darkened slightly.

"That's the previous head of the family, Yun Tianque! According to the blood relationship, of course he is your grandfather, there is no doubt about it!" Yun Linjie looked at his face and knew why he didn't want to see this elder he had never met before. .

"Why did he come to me?" he asked coldly.

Yun Linjie said softly: "My child, I know that you are a little resentful about the past, and you have suffered a lot for it! However, your grandfather also had his difficulties at that time. For the overall benefit of the family race, he had to do this ! After all these years, he has regretted what happened back then, so he sent me over to see you!"

"Very good, now you can see it! Why do you want to do it? You might as well just say it!" Ye Qingyuan said simply. (To be continued.)

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