Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 576: No matter how difficult it is to meet each other

ps. Here is today’s update, and I’m going to vote for the “Qidian” 515 Fan Festival. Everyone has 8 votes, and you’ll get Qidian coins for voting. I beg you all for your support and appreciation!

Why do it? Look at the ten gold stars on the green ribbon on his chest, the gorgeous major general attire, and the title of superior he received not long ago. All of this is the result of a young man who has grown up among the common people and is less than twenty years old relying on his own power. Earned through hard work! For such a talented person, everyone knows what to do!

"Have you ever thought about the race back home?" Yun Linjie asked.

"No guessing!" His answer was simple and decisive.

"Don't you think so? Why... why? You are also a member of my family's race, and you have the noble blood of my family's race in your body. Why don't you want to go back?" Her expression was obviously stunned, and she didn't expect that he would actually do it. Say so.

"That old man Cheng Guiyun said that no matter how outstanding I am, this family's race will never have a place for me!" His eyes drifted to the side, "So far, all I have gained from my family's race are assassinations and Sneak attack! In order to get rid of me, Cheng Guiyun spent so much effort and paid so much price! If I went back, I don’t know why I was played to death by him! Do you think I would make such a decision? "

"Besides, I have never had a good impression of this family's race! Even if I don't mention my father's matter, I don't think I will have any interaction with this family's race again! Therefore, I cannot accept your kindness. !”

Yun Linjie sighed softly: "After all, you still harbor resentment! In fact, you don't know that when your grandfather retired and Cheng Guiyun came to power, there was a big dispute at the meeting of the Lords. Regarding some of his Many venerables are actually quite dissatisfied! After letting you go back this time, the venerable meeting will naturally ensure your safety and interests! You don’t have to worry about anything!"

"The Yun family is not the Yun family of Cheng Guiyun alone. Although your grandfather is no longer in his position, with the power he currently has, it will be easy to protect you!"

"You are the only surviving direct bloodline of your grandfather. If you don't go back, the place where the most powerful person is will fall into the hands of other races in the future! Even in terms of family ties, you can't let him alone. Will you be alone for the rest of your life?"

Ye Qingyuan was silent for a long time and said: "Then why will my status be determined after I go back? Why is it written in the racial genealogy? And how should Cheng Guiyun's grievances be settled? Don't think he will settle the old grudges. From now on, the whole family will be together. Be nice!"

"Of course I can't give you too high a status at the beginning. After all, your situation is special! We understand what we mean. You have to make enough contributions to your family's race before you can get promotion!"

Sure enough, you changed someone to talk to me, just because you took a fancy to my ability and felt that I was still useful, so you probably wanted me to work for you for free!

Ye Qingyuan sneered in his heart, and then asked: "In this case, what kind of place can I get in the end? Will I be given the status of the first heir? Will I be given the position of head of the family? Don't forget, that is what it is. mine!"

Her tone was choked, she didn't expect that he would open his mouth like this!

"Although there were a lot of controversies back then, since the head of the family has been chosen, he cannot be easily dismissed without any major fault!" After thinking about it for a while, she said slowly: "However, this is nothing. As long as you are capable enough, you can All the rights and resources in the hands of your grandfather will be passed on to you for inheritance, and you will become a new member of the Venerable Council, which is a status that is not inferior to that of the head of the family!"

"However, I have no intention of letting that guy go!" He said coldly: "I said that as long as I am not dead, one day I will kill everyone in Cheng Guiyun's family! Just because of what he did to me Things. Then I have never thought about letting him go! Let’s just let him live for a few more days!”

"You think you can fight against the family leader with one person?" Yun Linjie said displeased. "Although Cheng Guiyun did something wrong, after you return to your family race, you should put the overall situation first in everything, and take into account the interests of your family race in all your actions!"

"Your grandfather said that he didn't like Cheng Guiyun's actions. However, from the perspective of safeguarding the interests of his family's race, he still passed the throne to him! Since you want to return to your family's race, you shouldn't question your grandfather. decision!"

"My trip this time is kept secret, so as not to alert the empire! There is an important task for you to handle right now!"

"What is it?"

"The family race has been trying to cultivate forces close to the family race in the empire, but the royal family has been too guarded, so there has been little progress! It just so happens that your current status makes the royal family not wary of you. Therefore, your current task is Make more military exploits, gain a higher status, strive to control as much military power as possible, and at the same time cultivate your own strength as soon as possible! When the time is right, we will use covert means to send a group of children of the family race into the army!" Yun Lin Jie said seriously.

"Speaking of it! It's nothing more than taking advantage of the royal family's trust in me to serve your interests! Do you think I will agree?"

Yun Linjie frowned: "Since you want to return to your family race, of course you have to make some sacrifices! As long as this is done, you will naturally become a true member of your family race and regain your grandfather's recognition!"

"Don't ask what the family race has done for you, but ask what you have done for the family race! As a member of the family race, I hope you will always keep this in mind!"

Ye Qingyuan laughed angrily: "Did I say I wanted to go back? Don't forget what this so-called family race has done to me! I don't owe you the Yun family! Everything I did today was because I took my life on the battlefield. What I get in return has nothing to do with you!"

"Dear Sir, I appreciate your kindness! However, I am really not suitable for this family and race, and I cannot accept your approach of deciding everything based on interests! At least for now, the empire treats me It’s not bad. The reason why I can survive until now is because of the protection of the royal family. Therefore, I have no reason to go back and stab them again after benefiting from it! I can’t do anything like this!”

"But you are a child of the Yun family! It is natural to contribute to your family's race!" Yun Linjie said angrily.

"Sarui, I have never been! The Yun family has never acknowledged me, so I hope you will stop talking to me in such a condescending tone in the future!" He said coldly.

"You..." Ren Shiyun Linjie was extremely well-behaved, and she couldn't help but feel a little angry at this time.

The two confidant maids beside her also looked at her unkindly, and slowly put their hands on their waists. It seems that he may take action at any time.

They are just two ordinary dry stars, what is there to be so arrogant about? He sneered inwardly and made up his mind. As long as they dare to mess around, they will be killed with thunder!

Yun Linjie hesitated for a long time. Finally, for the time being, the crude guessing method was put aside: "Son, you have to know that the reason your father ended up in that situation in the first place is because his temperament is similar to yours!"

"As a member of the family race, you have to contribute to the family race! Since you don't agree with this, we can't control what happens in the future! You may be regarded as a factor affecting the stability of the family race. And be punished The entire family and race will be wiped out with all their strength! Even the Council of Honors will no longer protect you!"

"Weren't you always trying to kill me? What difference does it make?" he asked.

"Of course there is a difference. In the past, it was just the action of the family head! Now, it is the joint action of the entire family race!" She said with a solemn expression, "Don't underestimate the power of the Yun family! The true fighting strength of the family race is controlled by In the hands of those old guys, if they decide to take action, what you will face next time will not be a few incompetent stars!"

"That's all I've said, I hope you take it personally!" She sighed, got up and walked towards the door.

"Leave like this? Dear Venerable Yun Linjie, a semi-divine powerhouse in Xinghai in his early years. Now he only sneaks around to threaten his juniors! Where have your previous virtues of decisive killing gone? Is it possible that your life has become too comfortable and your temperament has changed? "

A cold voice came from outside the door.

"Your Highness Princess!" Yun Linjie's expression changed slightly.

Fang Yuqing walked out of the front door with a smile: "I'm here to collect the bill. I happened to overhear your conversation! I'm so sorry. The dogs you brought are sleeping soundly outside! Can I help you there? Wake them up?"

A flash of anger flashed across Yun Linjie's face: "No need! Thank you princess for your kindness!"

With that said, he walked out the door without looking back.

Fang Yuqing watched her disappear with a smile, a faint gleam in her eyes.

"It seems like you have a pretty good temperament. I didn't see the wrong person!" She turned back and stared at him. "follow me!"

"What to do?" he asked.

“Go out to sea and catch seafood!”


The seabed thousands of meters deep is still as bright as moonlight.

Ye Qingyuan was sneaking while looking for a suitable target.

In the distance, a jackal mosquito whale as huge as a hill was slowly leaving its nest. Start looking for food. The huge mouth that is more than ten meters long, with a circle of sharp teeth the size of a door panel, shines with a cold light under the moonlight! As a famous underwater overlord in this sea area. Nothing blind dares to challenge its majesty.

Just when it discovered a nest of coyote water bamboo shoots, it planned to enjoy this delicious meal. A thin ray of bright sword light fell silently. It can easily separate its ferocious giant head from its body like a piece of foam! Before it had time to react, its consciousness sank into boundless darkness!

The attacker moves extremely fast! Two cyan flashes of rapid freezing flashed through, freezing the two halves of the beast's body in an instant! Not even much blood was shed. Then the space bracelet emits a golden light and takes in the loot.

It’s already the fifth head! Ye Qingyuan calculated silently.

Beside him, Fang Yuqing was still wearing a luxurious sapphire blue lady's dress. In her delicate hands, the small folding knife was turning rapidly, making a heart-stopping slight trembling sound! Behind them were ten female palace guards, and judging by their auras, they were all strong men of the Qianxing level!

"Is this what you call fishing for seafood?" she asked with a chuckle, "I heard that this is how you made a fortune. Now it seems that you really have two brushes!"

"For people who are strong enough in combat, this is not difficult at all. It's just picking up money!" He said, "If you are an ordinary person, you can only gamble with the God of Death! Anything here will do. It takes people’s lives!”

"Huh? I heard that some people died every day on this planet?" She asked as if something was wrong.

"Not a few, but a lot!" He sighed softly. How could this powerful and pampered Tianhuang nobleman know the suffering of those at the bottom of society?

"In order to earn some or what can be called generous rewards, many people went down for the first time and never came back! I was just an ordinary person at that time. Every time before going to sea, I had to write a suicide note and then hug myself. Go on with the mentality of gambling on life. If you have good luck, you can catch a few valuable things and come up quickly. If you have bad luck, you may return empty-handed, but as long as you come back with life, you are lucky! The worst thing is those who are in danger. The people we targeted are dead, and even their bodies can’t be found!”

"I don't know how many friends died here, and my parents also..." He shook his head and did not continue.

The princess stared at him quietly, with a hint of new appreciation in her eyes: "You came back alive from here, finally inspired your powers, and embarked on the path of spiritual practice, right? It's just that you had such a wonderful past! "

"With your current combat power, this is indeed a good place to make money! No wonder you don't worry about the debt at all!"

"As long as I go back this time, the money will be enough!" He said.

"That's it! Then you have passed the first test!" Yingying's beautiful eyes swept over him, "Although the combat power is still average, it is enough for use!"

He asked confusedly: "Your Highness, what are you... talking about?"

Fang Yuqing did not answer, but changed the topic: "Did you know? The person who came today is one of the twelve most powerful sages of the Yun family!"

"Yes, she told me!" Ye Qingyuan said, "From the sound of it, she and Cheng Guiyun are not the same people! I just understand that we still didn't have a pleasant conversation!"

"She said I could go back, but in exchange for the interests of the empire! Then I don't know, why do these people from our race only focus on interests? The so-called loyalty, the so-called family affection , in their eyes, friendship is just a bargaining chip!"

The smile on Fang Yuqing's face faded: "Yes, it's good that you know this fact at Shuyuan! The human world is like this. No matter which country or family, no matter the past, present or future, There will be no exceptions!”

"The human race is originally an extremely selfish race, especially the small group of people who stand at the top of the pyramid. Their power and glory are obtained at the expense of other people's interests, including their own. My dearest relative! What your grandfather did back then was said to be for the benefit of the family race, but in fact it was just for his own status and face!"

"It's just that in the future, my unnecessary troubles may become even bigger!" Ye Qingyuan felt a little headache thinking about the stalking behavior of this family.

"That's right! Don't think that just because you have broken through the Qian Star, you can do whatever you want!" Fang Yuqing said, "I might as well tell you that in the sea of ​​​​stars, powerful individuals of different races have their own set of commonly used combat power divisions. system!"

"The Qianxing of mankind, to use the terminology of those old civilizations, is the Youhuang War General! The semi-divine powerhouse is the Youhuang Commander! And further up is the Youhuang God King!"

[515 is coming soon, and I hope to continue to hit the 515 red envelope list. By May 15th, the red envelope rain will be able to reward readers and promote promotional works. One piece is also love, I will definitely update it! 】(To be continued.)

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