In the center of the secret room, there was a silver ball about two meters in diameter suspended quietly.

He walked to the ball and tapped it lightly. A delicate display appeared on one side, with a password dial on it.

After entering multiple tedious password authentications, the ball vibrated slightly, and circles of brilliant halos emerged from the surface, and then spread out layer by layer!

After a few seconds, the ball became transparent and a blurry image appeared inside.

"Dear Your Royal Highness, are you finally willing to contact us?" A pleasant voice sounded,

The image gradually became clearer, and it could be seen that it was a volleyball-like life form.

"I need your help!" Cheng Guiyun said bluntly.

The light blue magnetic field around the living body fluctuated, and a low laughter came out: "Huh? No problem, the ghost race is always willing to lend a helping hand to its friends! I don't know what you have encountered, Your Highness. What kind of difficulty?"

"That's right, I need you to help me eradicate the rebellion of a family..." Cheng Guiyun briefly explained the matter, and then transferred Ye Qingyuan's video data to the other party.

The ghost race messenger was silent for a while, as if he was assessing the difficulty of this matter and how much benefit he could get from this prince!

"The impact of attacking and killing the high-ranking officers of the Imperial Regiment is really not very good. Our race has signed a peace and friendship treaty with the Empire!" The ghost race messenger spoke, "Moreover, the other party is still a strong man with the combat power of Qianxing. We must start from Killing it in the heavily guarded Imperial Regiment base is not that difficult! The loss of my race will never be too small..."

"Okay!" Cheng Guiyun interrupted the other party impatiently, "Don't talk about these unused ones. Just tell me how much they cost! I just want to see that kid's head as soon as possible!"

The ghost race envoy was slightly startled. Unexpectedly, this noble human being would be so straightforward. It pondered for a while and said: "Ten billion crystal cores! How about it? We can dispatch five Youhuang generals, which is enough to ensure the completion of the mission!"

This is a ridiculous asking price. Killing an ordinary human Qianxing, up to hundreds of millions of crystal nuclei can be settled!

"No! Too little!" He flatly denied. "You can't even imagine how terrifying the other party is! Only demi-god level experts can be deployed to ensure success!!"

"What?" the ghost race envoy said in surprise, "It's just a Qianxing. Even if it has powerful equipment for self-defense, its combat power is not as good as our Youhuang general! Is this necessary?"

"The other party's true combat power is far more powerful than your Youhuang General! Look at this!" He sent another video material.

It was captured by some remote detection equipment on the battlefield. The young man in the picture casually struck. He beat eight of the Yun family’s Qianxing priests until they vomited blood and were seriously injured!

Watching the video, the ghost race envoy also changed his attitude and said solemnly: "Yes, the opponent's combat effectiveness cannot be measured by ordinary Qianxing. Even the high-star Youhuang general of my race is not as good as him!"

"Okay! We can dispatch Commander Youhuang, but at what cost... You have to come up with 300 billion crystal cores, and they must be in stock!"

"Deal!" Cheng Guiyun responded happily, "Within ten days, I will hear the news of that kid's death!"

"Yes! Everything is as you wish. Your Highness!"

Just when Cheng Guiyun was making deals with other races in order to get rid of the thorn in his side, in the territory of the Yun family's family race, the chief power lord Yun Tianque was also paying attention to his grandson.

"Dear Sir! This is all the information we have recently collected about that general!"

In the main hall. A middle-aged man with a capable and capable face presented a large-capacity chip to the old man on the throne.

"Is it really all the information?" Yuntianque asked.

The middle-aged man said humbly: "Our personnel have investigated all his deeds before leaving the Blue Algae Planet, but after he joined the Imperial Regiment, due to the care of the Imperial Security Department, a lot of information has been encrypted ! However, this is nothing. From the existing data, we have analyzed a lot of useful things!"

"Tell me!"

"No problem!" the middle-aged man said, "Before that, please allow me to introduce someone to you. His words may interest you more!"

As he spoke, he waved outside.

An ordinary dress. A stocky, bearded white man walked in timidly.

"Captain Froude. Tell the truth about everything you know about that young man's situation!" the middle-aged man ordered.

This white man was his employer when Qingyuan first went out to fish for seafood that night, the drunkard Captain Froude.

The intelligence system under Yuntianque was still very powerful. In just one month, they dug out all the information they could find about Ye Qingyuan! We even invited some of the more important people here!

After the war broke out, this drunkard captain got rid of his ship early and went to the rear star field to enjoy his happiness! It took a lot of effort for the intelligence system personnel to find him.

It didn't take long for Captain Fludd to explain everything he knew about the situation.

"This young man only found me two years ago..." he recalled. "At that time, he was just an ordinary student! Of course, those who are willing to go out to sea to fish for seafood will not be rich. I am Talk about ordinary people! The awakened ones don’t count!”

"Didn't he activate any supernatural powers at that time?" Yuntianque asked.

"Absolutely not!" Fludd said with certainty, "He didn't even awaken to second-grade DNA! It is said that he decided to embark on this path because he wanted to earn one million credit points as soon as possible after falling out of love!"

"He doesn't come here every day. He only goes to sea with us on weekends! And his luck is not too bad. He can earn tens of thousands of credit points every time he comes back. Sometimes he returns empty-handed, but in that kind of situation It’s a hell of a place, I’m almost lucky to be able to come back safely!”

"I only did this for a year," Froude said. "I remember that time, he never came up after he went down! I thought he was dead at the time, but just when I was about to finish work, he suddenly appeared again! We were so scared!”

"That time. He got the biggest harvest since he went to sea, and he used it to collect the money for the awakening of second-grade DNA!"

"From then on, he started to come every day. And each time the harvest was extremely surprising! In less than a month, he collected the funds for the awakening of third-grade DNA, and the superpower was stimulated! Later. He went to another organization!"

The middle-aged man added: "After changing the organization, he still leaves for a period of time every day, and it is a more dangerous deep-sea area! I understand that something is wrong. He has never had any accidents, but he has gained the most! From this, he has also accumulated I’m tired of having enough resources to practice my powers!”

Yun Tianque asked: "Why is his luck suddenly so good? Those dangerous things seem to treat him as if he doesn't exist! There must be something wrong here!"

"We can't figure this out!" the middle-aged man said regretfully, "It stands to reason that his mother is a clone, so his genes should have irreparable defects. It is difficult to cultivate to 8 stars or above! Unless There are gene repair drugs provided by the top biochemistry laboratories! But as far as we know, he could not obtain such controlled substances at the time!"

"Later, he joined the Imperial Regiment and went out with the first fleet to support the Gardley Federation! At that time, his combat effectiveness was between five and eight stars; after several battles, his combat effectiveness soared! By the time he returned home, his The first-class product has reached nine stars, and of course its actual combat power is far better than ordinary Qianxing! Otherwise, Yun Qingfeng and the others would not have suffered repeated losses!"

"We have carefully analyzed the speed of his breakthrough. It is really unbelievable! From the first time he activated his superpower to today, only one year has passed. But he is already a Qianxing strongman, and there is only the slightest sign of exhaustion of his potential. According to our people’s analysis, he should have the potential to break through to demigod level, or even reach a higher level! And he doesn’t have to wait too long!”

"What level is his current real combat effectiveness?" Yuntianque asked.

The middle-aged man did a few operations on the photon computer and called up several videos. One of them was the scene of the Hengcharhan battle, when the Yun family's children failed to sneak attack on him and were beaten to a pulp by him instead!

"His current equipment is quite good, and the skills he practices are also very wrong, and his lethality is extremely high!" The middle-aged man explained, "After we collected relevant information and data and conducted simulations, we found that his real combat power is no less than Compared with the strong men of the Twelve Stars. But to defeat him, it is estimated that three strong men of the Twelve Stars must rely on powerful equipment to do it! If you want to kill him, it will take at least 8 strong men of the Twelve Stars. Only a strong person, even a demigod, can do it!"

Yuntianque was slightly moved: "What does this mean?"

"The only possibility is that his genes are better than expected!" said the middle-aged man.

"However, this obviously cannot be explained. Isn't his gene defective? Unless, his mother is not the clone, but someone else!" Venerable Yun Linjie, who was sitting aside, spoke.

"Did Yun Yuxi find another woman?" Yun Tianque asked with some confusion.

The middle-aged man twitched his eyes: "According to our people's investigation, this possibility can be generally ruled out!"

"Take an 8-star awakened person with medium qualifications as an example. As long as the supply of various resources is guaranteed, if he practices diligently, he will not be able to advance to the first level in ten or eight years! He is almost genetically excellent. With the cultivation of the family race at all costs, it is estimated that it will be extremely difficult to break through the Qianxing before the age of thirty!" Yuntianque said slowly, "But this child only had a mere year to activate his powers, and he actually got here. One step, then how good should his genes be? Could it be that he has the legendary perfect genes?"

"Of course it's impossible to have perfect genes!" the middle-aged man said, "But we can estimate Xiang. His genes are definitely better than what we estimate. And he also has a lot of top-quality resources to help him get to this point!"

"That time, Cheng Guiyun's people ambushed him and used the DRG11 to 15 gene disintegrating poisons that were still in the experimental stage in our ethnic research institute! It stands to reason that he would have survived even if he had ten lives. However, now, Not only is he alive, but his combat effectiveness has not been affected at all! Who can tell me what is going on?" Yun Linjie asked.

The middle-aged man said: "The royal family has crowned him a superior and taken his genetic samples for research! The defense there is tighter, and our people have no way to know the detailed results. We only know that the progress has been great, and even His Majesty the Emperor has Being alerted, Tian Song, the instructor of genetic engineering, was able to meet with him, and then His Majesty sent a second special envoy, who was said to want a heavy reward!"

"Tell me, when did he start to change? Looking at the relevant information, he was a mediocre person before the age of eighteen. Why did he suddenly seem to be a different person?" Yuntianque slowly closed his eyes and said calmly. the inquiry said.

"The most suspicious point is that time when he went to sea!" The middle-aged man analyzed, "The time when he collected the second-grade DNA awakening fee and used it!"

He turned around and asked Froude: "Did anything wrong happen that day? Why was he the last one to come back?"

"This..." The drunkard captain thought hard for a while, and an almost forgotten scene suddenly appeared in his brain that had been anesthetized by alcohol for many years: that mysterious light group that appeared out of thin air!

"Yes!" he exclaimed.

"Speak quickly!" everyone shouted in unison.

After listening to Captain Froude's description, the cabin fell into a long dead silence.

"Why are you looking?" Yun Tianque pondered for a while and then asked his intelligence instructor.

The middle-aged man said: "My eighth sense tells me that Mr. Froude's words are credible, and the problem should lie in that light group!"

"What exactly is that light group?"

"This... subordinate is really hard to say!" the middle-aged man said cautiously, "Maybe it is some kind of powerful life form that was acquired by the child by chance and became his mutant beast!"

"This can explain why he went to sea many times in the future and remained unscathed under the gaze of many dangerous creatures! It was because the mutant beast was close to him, and the dangerous creatures were intimidated by its power and did not dare to get close. !”

Yuntianque nodded gently: "Your analysis makes sense! I only understand that this can only explain his unusual ease in fishing for seafood, but why is his cultivation speed so fast? Why are genetic defects repaired? ?”

The middle-aged man hesitated for a while and looked for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. ccom said: "It's hard for this subordinate to judge! Maybe, that light group is not a mutant beast, but the product of a powerful civilization?"

At this point, he couldn't help but twitch the corners of his eyes, feeling amused by his ridiculous calculation.

"Maybe he has other adventures that cannot be detected by our power, but no matter why, he is currently recognized as a genius by the empire! As long as he can survive this war, his future achievements will be limitless!" Yun Linjie said.

Yun Tianque thought about it and said to Captain Froude: "Sir! Thank you very much for your cooperation. I hope you will keep this matter a secret after you go back and forget everything! You will receive a generous sum of money for this." reward!"

"Understood, noble lord!" Froude said with sincerity and fear. This was the first time in his life that he had seen such a big shot. It was normal for him to feel awe in his heart.

The middle-aged man took him out of the cabin and gestured to a few guards in black outside. The men immediately came over and loaded the drunkard captain into an unmarked closed speed car like an eagle catching a chicken. , walked away.

At that moment, there was one less drunkard in the world! (To be continued.)

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