Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 587 Horrible information

The cabin door closed silently and locked.

The door to the inner room opened, and more than a dozen middle-aged men and women with dignified temperaments came out and sat down each.

The sages of Yuntianque's sect all gathered together.

"Okay, now let's discuss how to treat this child in order to maximize the interests of the family race?" Yuntianque spoke.

Yun Linjie immediately said: "My opinion is to let him come back! There is a precedent for this!"

What she is talking about is those illegitimate children left behind by the family race among the people. If they can show sufficient talents in adulthood, it is not impossible to regain the recognition of the family race, and even gain some status! Ye Qingyuan's situation is a bit special, so this convention is appropriate.

"What about Cheng Guiyun? What should be done?" A venerable asked immediately.

"Cheng Guiyun is currently unable to protect himself, why do you care about his speculation?" Another venerable said dissatisfiedly, "The expeditionary force of our race suffered heavy casualties. Now there are many voices of dissatisfaction with him within our race. If he is wise, he will You shouldn’t oppose our opinions!”

Everyone expressed their opinions one after another:

"But after all, he is the head of the family, and we have to take his attitude into consideration on some things..."

"Actually, because of this child, the family's race has suffered a lot. If we continue to implement the plan of erasure, I'm afraid the gain will outweigh the loss..."

"We can't let him come back. He is a factor causing racial instability in our family..."

"Even if he comes back, we can't let him gain too high a status, lest he break the rules of his race..."

"Or let him make enough contributions first, and then think about it..."

Yuntianque half-opened and half-closed his eyes, but remained silent.

Everyone discussed it for a while, but couldn't come to a common opinion. So he focused on the chief power lord again.

"If this child returns to his clan, then Cheng Guiyun's family will have to step aside!" He said slowly, "With that child's temperament and style of dealing with things, he will not let the family head go easily! Even if we try our best to mediate, it will be the same !”

"You mean you don't agree?" Yun Linjie asked.

Yuntianque did not answer her words. Instead, he continued: "It was my decision to pass it on to him in the first place! Cheng Guiyun is still capable, and he has done well as the head of the family over the years. He is just a little narrow-minded, too obsessed, and cares too much about himself. Gains and losses! The scope is too small! It’s enough to be a conservative lord, but I guess it’s difficult to lead our race to a further step!”

"The empire is now in a troubled state. It is also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Whether our race can survive this war safely and gain as many benefits as possible, the actions of the family master are crucial!"

"My opinion is to go see the child in person and talk to him. If he comes back, everything in my hands can be handed over to him for inheritance, on the condition that he must no longer pursue the family head's previous behavior! At this time, the Yun family , we should concentrate our efforts to deal with the outside world together, and there should be no room for internal fighting!"

"If he doesn't agree, then we can only use the strategic power of our race to kill him as soon as possible! If such a genius cannot be used by our race, he will become a serious problem sooner or later!"

"How do you feel?"

All the venerables thought about it for a while, but none of them had any objections.

"Then let's do this for now!" He said to Venerable Yun Linjie, "If you send someone there again, even if it gives you some benefits, you have to get his genetic samples back for research! In this regard, we can't Falling behind the royal family, if they use this to cultivate more elites, our race will suffer!"

"When has it been? It's not finished yet!"

Luo Qingyue raised her legs and sat on the large desk, looking at Ye Qingyuan who was busy in the pile of documents in front of her.

"It'll be fine soon! Are you okay today? Are you here so soon?" He responded without raising his head.

"I'm done with my work! I made an appointment with my sister to go shopping today. I'm just waiting for you!"

"Yeah, no problem!"

She leaned over and stared at him quietly. The handsome and fair face was full of concentration, carrying an indescribable magnetism. Making her eyes softer and softer.

"I heard that the special envoy from the imperial capital came again today?" she asked.

"Yes, you know this too! Why ask again?"

"I mean, His Majesty has rewarded a lot of good things this time. What do you plan to do with them?" She reached out and stroked his hair.

His Majesty the Emperor's special envoy came this time and brought with him a commendation order from His Majesty the Emperor. In addition to being promoted to a second-class baron and doubling the area of ​​the fiefdom, there was also an 8th-grade DNA awakening potion and the "Destiny Spring" used by the royal family. One hundred boxes of concentrated nutrient supplements; five hundred sets of five-star special equipment, thirty sets of five-star equipment, and three sets of eight-star equipment; enough for the commando team to build a personal guard with strong combat effectiveness.

In addition, there are several consortium bonds under the royal family with a face value of 3 billion; a large winery with a history of 700 years; fifty luxury leisure spaceships, and five ducal-sized residences, located in major stars of the empire. The most beautiful vacation planet in the world! Supreme VIP membership cards for more than a dozen of the top luxury leisure clubs in the imperial capital, something that ordinary high-ranking people cannot have, were actually rewarded as gifts by His Majesty!

In the end, the emperor also gave him a thousand "Xilong" warships specially used by the Royal Guards, as well as a series of corresponding auxiliary equipment, which had been transported to his territory and sealed.

As a newly promoted person, he estimated that he would not be able to see many results in the short term if he managed his own power. Therefore, the royal family gave him as much care as possible and sent many capable talents to his work. Help him take care of the territory, just wait for him to come back and take it over! The central bank of the empire also gave him the treatment of a first-class VIP member, who can obtain low-interest and high-interest loans totaling no more than 50 billion at any time, without any guarantee!

"Of course I accept it! Why else should I deal with it?" he asked in confusion.

"Then...can you share some with me?"

"What are you talking about? Isn't what's mine yours? Whatever you want, just take it!"

"Okay, you said it personally! I still need some people to handle chores, so how about giving me those thirty maids?" she said immediately.

" this the real purpose of your coming here today?" His hand paused for a moment.

Among the many rewards given by His Majesty the Emperor, there are thirty beauties with first-rate appearance and temperament! Of course, they are all clones. According to the laws of the empire, a woman with legal citizenship cannot be given as a gift, at least not on the surface!

Luo Qingyue's thoughts. Can he still not know clearly?

"Do you really think so?" He finally raised his head and glanced at her.

At this sight, he couldn't take his eyes away! A pair of plump and round lines. A **** of surprising length came into view. The shiny high leather boots and well-cut and pressed trousers are decorated with exquisite rose branch textures! At the end of that ****, there is a round of **** that is as plump as the full moon. Under the squeeze of the smooth tabletop, it shows an extremely attractive arc!

"Well! You personally promised, and you are not allowed to go back on it!" She said unconsciously.

"Is this..." He smiled slightly, lowered his head and signed the last document. Then click a control button under the desktop.

In the sound of soft music. The office door closed silently, and the large floor-to-ceiling windows were covered by white curtains.

"What do you do?" she asked with some confusion, and he answered with practical actions.

He reached out and grabbed her crotch, gently used force to skillfully take off her trousers.

"...I'll kill you! How dare you cause trouble here!" Her pretty face was red with embarrassment, and she was about to push him away with her hands.

"I gave it to you, so I have to get some compensation, right?" He kept moving.

" doesn't work bastard!"

Ru Congyu's fingers tightened and loosened on the edge of the table, feeling the rapid thrust of his lower body, and the moans he tried to suppress echoed in the large office...

"Sir, this is what you want. Please take a look!"

In the office, Dronnikov handed a large-capacity space bracelet to Ye Qingyuan.

He took it and Brainwave explored inside. All kinds of equipment, genetic potions, and powerful special weapons of various colors are sealed in various exquisite boxes. The quantity is good.

"This is the crystal core you want, a total of 55 billion!" The other party handed over another space bracelet, his hand trembling slightly.

Inside the bracelet, there are densely packed crystal bricks that are one meter long, 30 centimeters wide and 30 centimeters high, and there are probably more than 100,000 of them!

"Okay. I've seen it!" He nodded slightly to express his satisfaction.

Dronnikov added: "General, the commando team has analyzed your genetic sample! It is indeed unprecedentedly excellent. It's just that there seems to be traces of viral infection. I don't know what's going on?"

"I was ambushed by people from the Yun family that time. This poison is a secret weapon they made, and they have no way to remove it! With the ability of your commando team, it shouldn't be difficult to confirm it, right?"

"Oh! That's it! Sarui, I'm overthinking it!" the other party immediately said, "It has been decided from above. In view of the excellence of your genes, it is foreseeable that your future achievements will be surprising, and you may surpass demigods. It is possible to reach the legendary highest realm! Therefore, I am willing to give you the highest-quality VIP treatment, Purple Diamond+! All services and resources within the commando organization can be provided to you!"

"That time you mentioned that you were planning to equip the secondary artifacts. We have already brought you a list of finished products. You can choose freely!" Dronnikov turned on the photon computer again and called up a piece of information for him to review.

This time, the types and quantities of equipment are much smaller! After all, this artifact is not a common commodity, I guess you can get it as much as you want! With the rich heritage of the Awakened Commandos, the ultimate and oldest organization in the human world, there are only less than a hundred types of equipment to choose from, and you can only buy one of each type!

This was only given because of his expected development potential. If it had been someone else, even an ordinary semi-god-level expert, he might not have had the opportunity to see the commando's top-level equipment inventory! This is not only a matter of money, but mainly because there are too few human creators who can create semi-divine equipment!

There are few types of equipment, and even fewer are suitable for him to use! He weighed it for a while and chose a set of "Star Zirconium Demonic Dragon" light armor for himself. Luo Qingyue also needed a set, and he already had the weapon. I also need a set of "Gaia's Shield" magic square matrix; a set of "Menotis" wise men's complete set, and finally I picked a set of "Erebora" star gate, which can instantly move within a light-year range. Shuttle teleportation!

There are a total of five complete sets, and any one of them is worth the entire value of that batch of goods! Currently he has to pay 250 billion crystal cores for this!

Other things are not bad, but they are not suitable for him to use. Besides, he can't buy too much at the moment! After all, too much top-grade equipment on a Qianxing will attract people's attention, even if Luo Hanxing helps him cover it up! You must know that he is almost a semi-divine powerhouse, and he only has one or two sub-artifacts!

He also took out some antiques from the space ring and gave them to Dronnikov to deal with.

"In five days, I will bring you what you need!" He said, "In addition, I make a request on behalf of the commando organization, that is, at the right time, I hope you can help the commando organization once! The specific content is currently It’s inconvenient to bloom! But don’t worry, we won’t make excessive demands!”

Ye Qingyuan thought about it and agreed.

After seeing this gentleman off, he immediately went to the secret training room hidden underground.

Seal the door and turn off all detection equipment. Then a touch of golden light penetrated the body and spread like water waves. In just a few breaths, the entire living room was coated with a layer of bright gold! With Lan Yu's current fighting power, as long as she is willing, she can block the brain waves of any powerful being from peeking!

He began to put the crystal cores in the space bracelet out in piles. The crystal bricks, which symbolized a lot of wealth, lost their luster in an instant after coming into contact with the golden light and turned into useless stones!

In just half an hour, tens of billions of wealth were wiped out by her!

“What a joy this meal was!”

In front of his eyes, looking for the book A faint golden shadow slowly appeared, turned lightly on the spot, and said with satisfaction.

"How far have you recovered?" Ye Qingyuan asked.

"Absolute power is probably 8 stars! I think the magical powers I had before are a bit more powerful! There will be more places where I can help you in the future!" she responded.

"That's good!" He smiled, "I still like the way you are now. You can come out and communicate with me. Talking to you in my head every day is really a bit unaccustomed!"

"However, I can only turn into this shadow shape now! To make it look clearer, I have to absorb more crystal nuclei!"

He sighed softly after hearing this: "Don't worry, I will figure out the means and find an opportunity to sell all those things! Hey! If this continues, even the emperor of the empire may not be able to support you!" "

"Of course the emperor of an empire cannot afford it, but what if he is the emperor of all countries?" She suddenly stood in front of him, leaning over and staring at him, her voice also filled with a hint of confusion: "You guess? Have you ever wanted to be an emperor?" (To be continued.)

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