"What are you talking about?" He was startled, and then he figured out that there were no outsiders here, and calmed down again: "Are you kidding? Is this something you can get just by guessing?"

"It's impossible to realize it if you estimate it, but if you don't even dare to estimate it! Then you will never reach the top!" Lan Yu said seriously, "Just a year ago, did you estimate it? Will I reach my current height?"

"I find that you don't have a real goal at the moment! You are just thinking about becoming as strong as possible and getting promoted, and then you also add one, revenge on the Yun family! Is there anything else besides this?"

"The road has to be walked step by step, right? After you have accomplished this, why not think about the next step?" he said.

Lan Yu said disapprovingly: "Then you just guess! With that super-class race here, will your guess be realized one day? They can mobilize a huge amount of resources to deal with you, but you can only protect yourself. , what can you do? They can’t kill you, but can you kill them? That’s a behemoth that even the royal family is afraid of!"

"It is definitely not the right choice to fight against a superior race on your own! No matter how high your status is in the future, it will still be high. However, the emperor of the empire, how can you introduce a race that even the emperor can't do anything about? ?”

What she said left Ye Qingyuan speechless.

Yes, as long as they are still on the territory of the empire, the power of the Yun family cannot be easily shaken. No matter how powerful he is, he cannot change this result. Of course, the Yun family can't do anything to him, but what about the people beside him?

After being silent for a long time, he said slowly: "What you said makes sense! It's just..."

"I didn't tell you to do whatever you want now, as long as you put yourself right!" Lan Yu said, "You just need to remember what you think you want and why you should take the future!"

"The situation in the human world is changing rapidly like the clouds on the horizon! Who knows if one day the situation will evolve into something you can't even imagine in your dreams?"

"What did you have a premonition about?" he asked with some confusion. The powerful man in front of him had great powers. Maybe she actually could see some parts of the future.

"The secret must not be leaked! When the time comes, you will know!" Her smile looked like a devil for some reason.

Imperial Regiment Base.

"General. What do you think of this batch of new recruits?"

On the high platform, Deputy Division Commander Brigadier Hu Mu spoke to Ye Qingyuan.

In the training ground of Nuo University, more than 5,000 officers and soldiers of the 88th Division of the 17th Superpower Corps lined up in order to be inspected by the general.

"It's just so-so!" Ye Qingyuan glanced at it easily and said calmly: "The appearance looks good, and the combat effectiveness is up to standard! I just understand, this psychological quality..."

Hu Mu watched him gently shaking his head and sighed softly: "This is also a helpless thing! Since the war began, the supernatural army has suffered heavy losses, and a large number of well-trained officers and soldiers have been killed. A large number of new people have to be replaced! This has led to the legion's death. The combat power has dropped significantly! Not only us, but also other legions are in the same situation!"

Since the war started, millions of awakened people have been lost in various countries. These are all elites trained by the human world at the expense of a large amount of high-end resources. Now they are all dead in the bloody battle with the Kilizako people! Such a loss can be described as unprecedentedly heavy!

However, as long as the war is not over, this war of attrition will have to continue! The empire's reserve armies have all been sent to the front line, and now most of the new recruits are awakened people recruited from the civilian population, with varying qualities!

Ye Qingyuan just said it. In fact, these generals all know that the current situation is pretty good, at least people who die can be replenished in time! If this damn war continues for another year and a half. I'm afraid that the recruiting agencies won't even be able to supply these new recruits who look down upon them!

"There are not many officers with considerable experience nowadays. As long as we fight a few more battles, promotion is certain! You guys need to work harder!" He whispered to Hu Mu. "After I gave you something that time, the effect was pretty good, right?"

"Understood, we all know this!" Hu Mu said with suppressed excitement. "A few of them have broken through, and so have my subordinates! They broke through the Nine Stars not long ago!"

"That's good. Your combat effectiveness has increased, and your chances of saving your life through meritorious deeds have increased. As long as you work hard, the future will be bright!"

The 88th Division has a total of nine fully formed regiments. Each regiment has a standard establishment of 800 men, plus a division commander's guard of 300 men. There are also some civilian personnel, the entire division has almost 8,000 people.

The eight people who privately swore allegiance to him that time received his care without leaving any trace during this period. Not only did they survive on the battlefield, but they all also gained promotion. Hu Mu, who is extremely old, calm, and has the highest level of cultivation, has become his deputy. Reid has become the leader of the guard. Zhao Qingyang, Liu Delin, Wu Hongbin, and Qi Wei have all been ordered to lead a regiment after the breakthrough. No problem Yu Jichang, Frankie, and Yang Wentao. There are already nine people who are almost confidants! The other two commanders also had pretty good attitudes, and it was only a matter of time before they moved closer to him.

After talking to Lan Yu that time, his mentality has changed. Although it is difficult to accept some of her views for a while, one thing she said is right, that is, within the empire's power system, it is really difficult to fight against the behemoth of the Yun family! Even if he can rise through the ranks in the future, and be favored by the emperor, it is impossible to completely eradicate this super-grade family race. At most, it can only be temporarily weakened! The emperor couldn't do anything about his existence, so what could he do?

Yu Ming understood that he began to consciously cultivate his own power in the army. Although he could see little effect for a while, the road was step by step. As long as he did not die and continued to accumulate military exploits and advance through the ranks, he would always be able to establish his own power. Start from your own foundation. But as for how the situation will evolve in the future, the wisest man may not be able to give an answer. He only needs to do what he should do now!

After thinking for a while, he added: "I will give each of you a fifth-grade DNA awakening potion later. If your luck is good, you should be able to be promoted to one star! It depends on your own luck! Use your heart to do things in the future. , I will also try my best to get the 8th grade medicine for you!"

"General! This... this thing is so precious!" Hu Mu couldn't believe his ears and was so excited that he couldn't speak incoherently.

This kind of medicine, which is only produced on a small scale in the research institute and is only used by those big shots, is not something that can be obtained with money. Even those ordinary Qianxing strong men have no chance to use it! Unless you have a close relationship with those big forces, it is possible to get one! The young general in front of him not only got it, but judging by this, he also got more than one copy! How did he get it?

For a while. His evaluation of this lord, who was a full round younger than himself, was even higher! It seems that the expedient measure I made to save my life now seems to be the most correct decision in my life!

"As long as you use your heart, the benefits in the future will be far more than these, just know it in your heart!" He said calmly.

"Yes! My subordinates know!"

"Brother, where did you get such a high-quality set of equipment?"

In the living room of the villa, Zhong Zixia looked at the complete set of the 8-star "Solo Grella" in front of her with a shocked face, and asked in disbelief.

"Of course I bought it! Could it be that it was stolen?" He laughed.

"Such equipment costs a lot of money. Why do you have so much money?" Qin Yuanyuan also felt like she was dreaming!

This whole set of conditions is reserved for the wise. It is divided into the telepathy amplification headband, the Dayan Celestial Orbiter, the energy-gathering bracelet, the 8 Renzhi Celestial Spheres, and twenty-five pyramid-shaped super photon computers that are responsible for the functions of information collection, analysis, sorting and restoration, and reasoning and evolution. Each pyramid is equivalent to a super photon computer with a computing speed of two quadrillion trillions!

With the high-quality assistance in this set of wise men's equipment, the brother and sister's combat effectiveness can be increased by two stars out of thin air. The development and design of a medium-sized warship can even be completed within two months! The speed and accuracy of battle situation deduction and analysis can reach a new height!

"Isn't your brother fishing for seafood every day? He will earn more money than he can spend in a lifetime!" Luo Qingyue said with a smile, "This equipment was specially purchased for you two through Cangling! Don't be surprised! Take it as soon as possible. Why are you so polite as a family?"

The brother and sister's excitement was not over yet. Ye Qingyuan took out two more fifth-grade and eighth-grade DNA awakening potions, as well as a lot of top-notch resources suitable for the wise men to break through. Even among the top ten dangerous things in Xinghai, they ranked No. Injections made from the brains of Wu's Fluoride are ready! That is a rare potion that can greatly enhance the combat effectiveness of wise men! And the effect on DNA awakening is still based on the blood of rhodium-based sharks!

Finally, Ye Qingyuan took out two more gene-stabilizing injections mixed with his own blood, and personally helped them inject them. With this. Relying on external forces to quickly upgrade their position stars, the problem of genetic structural imbalance caused by them will no longer exist in them!

It's no exaggeration to say so. With these resources, it is possible to create two high-star wise men in a short period of time. Even promotion to Qianxing is not impossible!

The eyes of the brother and sister looking at him had an extra layer of sparkle. This brother, who was highly capable in combat and almost omnipotent in their eyes, was really good at planning for them!

It’s better to be one’s own family! Although Leng Zhuo accepted them as his disciples and taught them carefully, he would not be able to benefit them so much in the short term! This is not because she is stingy. After all, according to common sense, a wise man with five or eight stars cannot use such top-quality equipment!

"Don't be envious, here's the thing for you!" He handed Luo Qingyue a beautiful box made of crystal cores.

Open the box and you will find a dazzling diamond flower the size of a basketball!

"Is this... could it be?" The brother and sister looked at it for a moment, but Luo Qingyue vaguely guessed it and asked uncertainly.

"The secondary artifact 'Xiayu Xihuang' is fully prepared!" He smiled, "Let's try it on!"

She took it blankly, her brainwaves focused on it. The leaves of the diamond flower lit up one by one, and brilliant and unusually colorful halos surrounded her. The shadows of countless golden flowers appeared out of thin air, flying at first-level speed for a while, and sprinkled down pieces. The pieces of gold dissipated in the air after the rain!

After a few breaths, the leaves of the Diamond Flower had all unfolded, turning into a set of graceful and elegant light armor that enveloped her whole body! The light armor is black, with faint golden textures on the surface, blending into a vivid divine bird that looks like a jackal but not a jackal, like a phoenix but not a phoenix. This is not only a decoration, but also a defense mechanism. When fully activated, it can even compete with medium-caliber weapons. Full bombardment from the fortress artillery!

The light armor has an astonishing defensive power, but the armor leaves themselves are extremely thin, perfectly showing off her ups and downs. The noble, cool, and sexy temperaments are perfectly blended together, making her even more charming. People are surprised! The eyes of the brother and sister were full of admiration for their new reward!

"Do you like it?" he asked with a smile.

She nodded lightly, her beautiful eyes quietly filled with mist. It would be better if she didn't care that there were two brothers and sisters present, so she would hug him and kiss him wildly.

"I feel that this sword is more suitable for you!" He handed her the frost-edged sword that he had obtained from Commander Mo Jing that time. "I named it 'Hanshuang', and you will use it from now on." Okay, I’ll give that ‘Melting Prison’ to your brother!”

No matter how strong a person is, the influence he can exert is limited. Only when the people around you become stronger can you create a force that your opponents dare not ignore, and a force that can help your future plans! That's what Ye Qingyuan estimated, and that's what he did!

A few days later, bad news came: Under the repeated attacks by the Kilizako people regardless of the cost, all three fortresses near the etqt8054 wormhole fell! The enemy's frontline has been pointed at the defense line of the Hengcharhan Star Territory, and a fierce battle continues!

A fierce battle unfolded on the outer edge of the Hengcharhan Star Territory.

Here, the distance from the star system where the cyanobacteria star is located is only two wormholes. Millions of warships from both sides are fighting here selflessly!

Marshal Gurungs has increased his troops three times, and the Kilizako people on the opposite side are not to be outdone. A large number of disc-shaped fleets continue to join the battle circle. The original tentative attack has a vague tendency to evolve into a decisive battle!

In the Supreme Command Center, Marshal Gurungs stared at the monitor in front of him, frowning and saying nothing. Thousands of officers and soldiers in the reception hall were busy at their respective posts, and the atmosphere was dull and depressing!

"Marshal!" His adjutant walked in quietly and looked for Shuyuan www. zhaaoshuyuan.com whispered.

"What's the matter? Tell me!" he replied calmly.

"The news confirmed not long ago is that General Wenke has died for his country!"

The marshal's solid body suddenly shook: "Are you...sure you're not mistaken?"

"Part of the body has been found, and the DNA comparison is correct!" the adjutant sighed, "The detachment where his flagship was located was targeted by dozens of Black Crystal war generals. However, in a few minutes, tens of thousands of warships were all destroyed, and then The ship’s three special combat divisions were also completely dispersed!”

"What are the fleets nearby doing?"

"They are all entangled. The group of devils used his position as a key breakthrough point and invested a large number of high-star warriors to attack! Our strength is not dominant. Although we have made targeted deployments temporarily, we still cannot stop him! "

The marshal's face became darker and darker. Admiral Wenke was a famous young general in the empire. He was courageous, knowledgeable, and outstanding in strategy. He was also one of his students. Originally he had high hopes for it, but this time he directly asked for help and led his troops to attack, but he never came back! (To be continued.)

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