With an order, the supernatural warriors immediately boarded the vehicle. Fifteen seconds later, the convoy took off collectively and sped towards the 97th Legion's station on the other side of the continent!

Yun Ye Song stood at the gate of the base, waiting patiently. Next to him was the command level of the entire legion. ?w.suimeng.lā

"General, what time is it? Those guys haven't come yet!" An adjutant came over and said angrily, "My brothers are all waiting here. Do you really think you are some great big shot?"

"Why don't we let the brothers take a break?"

"Okay! Then go ahead and do it!" Yunyesong glanced at him and said calmly: "I, the general, can just wait here alone!"

"General, this...isn't it good?" the adjutant said with a smile, "Why can I let you wait here in person? Why don't you let me come?"

"Sloppy!" Yun Yesong scolded softly, "According to convention, when high-level officers are appointed and transferred, both parties must be present in person to hand over all matters! If I am not here, others will have an excuse to find fault! Then we will be passive. Got it!"

"Let you go rest, that's okay! As long as the person in charge is here, they know that we are neglecting them, but they still say it's nothing!"

"Go! Tell the brothers to have a good time. Didn't you hear a few days ago that a group of good girls came to some entertainment cities outside? Give them a sum of money and let them do whatever they like!"

"Yes! General, you are so generous!" The adjutant's eyes shone, but he was a little nervous: "If you do this, but it violates military orders, will the impact be too bad?"

Yun Yesong smiled and said: "What are you afraid of? Anyway, I will no longer be the leader of the legion soon! By then, all the unnecessary things will be taken care of by that young man! He is a genius, will he care about such trivial matters?"

"Yes, general!" the adjutant said happily.

Yunyesong smiled coldly and said to himself, let's see how you behave now! On the first day after the new legion commander took office, a scandal involving tens of thousands of officers and soldiers of the entire legion collectively taking public funds was revealed. I am afraid that he will become a laughing stock in the entire human world!

At that time, even if His Majesty the Emperor valued that boy, he wouldn't be able to protect him, right? In order to calm the influence, it is possible to even demote him to a civilian on the spot!

He already knew the order from the top of the family race. Regarding that young genius, the family race had decided to kill him at all costs! The reward was so rich that, as a direct descendant of his family, he was jealous!

The actions of the family leader made him extremely disdainful. He wondered if he had to kill someone by himself. Wouldn't it be better to kill someone with a borrowed knife? It was the emperor who promoted him, so they thought of ways to let His Majesty the Emperor knock him down again. If they took the opportunity to step on him a few more times, that kid wouldn't be able to make trouble even if he had great abilities!

Soon, everyone dispersed, and the entrance to the base was cleaner than a dog licking it. He was left standing there alone, waiting!

When Ye Qingyuan and his party arrived, they saw this scene.

"That's true!" He sneered, "These damn guys, it seems they are really going to kill a few people today!"

"Let's go, I'll wait! Let's see what tricks they play!"

The motorcade slowly descended at the door. Ye Qingyuan and others got out of the car and walked towards the base gate.

Yun Yesong carefully arranged his military uniform to ensure that his appearance was impeccable, and then he came forward with a smile on his face.

"General, the 97th Legion welcomes you!" He smiled, "I have received the order from above and have prepared the handover procedures!"

As he spoke, he took out a stack of documents from his space weapon belt and handed them to him with both hands: "Please take a look at it. If there are no problems! Please sign. The tens of thousands of officers and soldiers of this army will be your subordinates from now on!"

Ye Qingyuan took the document, glanced at it relaxedly, and asked calmly: "Okay! I will look at this slowly, but before that, I think I will meet the brothers of the legion!"

"Sir, this is not easy to handle!" Yun Yesong spread his hands exaggeratedly and shrugged: "The brothers are all on vacation, and I won't be able to find them for a while. If you want to see someone, you have to wait until tomorrow! "

His eyebrows raised slightly: "On vacation? I remember today is not the weekend. What kind of vacation are you taking?"

"General, you are not clear about something!" Yunyesong said lukewarmly, "According to the customs of the imperial regiment, it is better that during wartime, when the commander of the regiment takes office, all officers and soldiers under his command can get a day and a half of leave to celebrate. !”

"Huh? Is there such a custom? However, even if there is, it seems that I will give the order, right?" Ye Qingyuan's voice became colder.

"General, after all, you are a bit younger, and some of the rules are not clear, which is understandable, so I will make the decision for you! Now, brothers should be having fun outside!" Yun Yesong looked indifferent. typical.

At this moment, Luo Hanxing felt the photon computer on his forearm trembling slightly. He walked aside and looked at the information displayed on it. His expression suddenly changed!

"What's the matter?" Ye Qingyuan turned around and asked.

Luo Hanxing ticked the corners of his eyes, and used mental fluctuations to inform his subordinates of the information sent not long ago about the movements of the legion's officers and soldiers.

Anger burned in his heart, the other party actually bullied him like this! It seems that it is really difficult to be kind today.

"Yunye Song!" He said every word, "I'll give you half an hour to call all your soldiers back! I want to review them!"

"Oh? Sir General, that's just your soldier, I'm no longer the commander of the legion!" the other party exclaimed, pretending to be surprised. "Besides, you have let your soldiers go away for a while, how can I have the right to command them?"

"The handover procedures haven't been completed yet?" Ye Qingyuan sneered, "If I don't sign for one minute, this legion will still be yours, and you have to be responsible for your words and deeds, as well as the words and deeds of your men!"

"I'll say it again, within half an hour, I want to see all the officers and soldiers of the Ninety-seventh Legion, not one less! Otherwise, you will personally take care of it!"

With that said, he and his men rushed into the base gate with their heads held high and headed for the review ground.

Yun Ye Song stood on the spot, thinking for a while with a gloomy expression. Until a voice sounded in his mind: "General, you should think of ways to call this person back! Otherwise, I will have to invite you to the military court as a guest!"

"I am fully aware of what happened today, so don't expect this clumsy trick to succeed!"

He looked up and saw Luo Hanxing in the distance glanced at him with a half-smile, then turned around and followed Ye Qingyuan and his party.

It was only then that he noticed that there were actually people from the Imperial Security Department accompanying the opponent's team today.

"It seems like there are some unnecessary things to do? This kid doesn't seem to be that easy to fool!" He muttered privately, "However, the programs I have prepared for you are not just one or two, it all depends on how capable you are! Whether It can all be followed immediately!”

"General, what's going on right now?" His adjutant came out from nowhere and asked secretly.

"How else can I correct him?" He waved his hand and gave him a slap in the face, shouting with a livid face: "Go quickly, no matter what method you use, get all those bastards back for me!"

On the parade ground, a young man wearing the rank of lieutenant general sat quietly on the reviewing stand, staring at the empty venue and making no sound. ) naturally carried a calm, majestic and immovable demeanor, causing the people around him to unconsciously fall silent, silent!

That was the coercion of a high-grade Qianxing strongman, as well as the chilling aura brought by many brutal killings on the battlefield! Today, this young-looking general already has the majesty of a big shot! There is an awe-inspiring demeanor in every gesture that one dares not look down upon.

The timer on the photon computer beat silently, and as time passed, the young general's face became darker and darker.

Finally, nearly an hour later, officers and soldiers began to appear on the training ground in twos and threes. Although most of them are disheveled, they are still here!

After more than half an hour, the officers and soldiers finally arrived. Nearly 50,000 awakened people were arranged in divisions into square formations, filling half of the parade ground.

"General, everyone is here!" Yun Ye Song came over and said, "What do you have to say to them?"

"Is everyone really here?" Ye Qingyuan asked casually, looking at the documents in his hand.

"Yes, except for a few people on duty, everyone who is supposed to be here is here!"

Hearing this, he sneered, pulled out a document from the pile and raised it: "According to the information from the military department, the strength of the Ninety-Seven Superpower Corps is 83,735 people, and the number here is three Ninety-five hundred and thirty-three people! Even if we include some personnel on duty, there is still a gap of more than 20,000 people!"

"General, can you tell me where these people have gone?"

Yun Ye Song's eyelids twitched, and he quickly said: "That's right. Due to the recent frequent wars, the legion has suffered heavy casualties, and the missing officers and soldiers have not been replenished in time!"

"Huh?" Ye Qingyuan said unceremoniously, "But I remember that as long as there are casualties or losses in the Imperial Ability Legion, they will always be replenished as soon as possible after reporting to the superiors! The last battle your legion participated in, It’s been nearly a month since today, right? Why haven’t the number of people been filled in yet?”

"And that's not all! According to the information obtained by the military department, your legion's military pay is issued every month based on the full strength! But in the past year and a half, the cumulative number of reported casualties has reached two There are ninety-five hundred and eighty-one people, and the pensions have been paid in full, and the recruitment agency has also added the same number of recruits, but at the moment, I only see these people!"

"What's going on? General, don't you think you should give me an explanation?"

Yun Ye Song's expression suddenly changed: "Those recruits were sent back because they didn't meet the requirements! The supernatural army doesn't need weaklings!"

"Refunded? Why is there no record in the document? Why didn't you reapply for additional troops? And the military pay that was fully paid? Where did it go? Don't tell me that the money was also returned!"

"General, as a soldier of the Imperial Regiment, fighting is very hard!" Yunyesong said calmly, "Many of the injured brothers have not been able to get enough resources to recover, resulting in genetic collapse or poor cultivation. In order to improve their situation, we are trying our best to get more funds in order to better help them! This is understandable!"

Ye Qingyuan stared at him coldly for a while, then turned and walked down the reviewing stand, coming to a square formation.

"You! Take off your equipment and show it to me!" He easily clicked on a soldier and said to him.

The other party hesitated for a moment and then complied. He took off his light armor and handed it to him.

Ye Qingyuan took the equipment, glanced at it lightly, and his face became even more gloomy! He stretched out a finger and lightly tapped the breastplate with the strongest defense, and a big hole opened in the five-star light armor!

He took his energy knife again and found that the energy concentration index of the main control movement was more than twice lower than the design standard. It was worse than even a three-star energy knife, and the compressed energy block was also inferior! After activation, the blade that should have been blazing white turned out to be dark red, and the energy blade was very unstable and made an abnormal "buzzing" sound!

He let his hand grip the blade with all his strength, and then released it after a few seconds. His white palm was unscathed, but the blade flashed a few times and collapsed!

However, he no longer wanted to look at the other parts! This kind of equipment is sold as rubbish and no one wants it. If you take it to the battlefield, you will only be slaughtered!

"What's going on? Dear General!" He asked through gritted teeth, "Can such soldiers and such equipment be able to fight?"

Yunyesong's facial muscles twitched a few times and said: "General, after successive battles, the soldiers' equipment is really damaged! However, the superiors will not replenish it, so I have no choice!"

"No replenishment?" Ye Qingyuan slowly walked up to him, "Within two months, you have applied for new equipment three times from the Military Logistics Center, accumulating more than 30,000 complete sets of five-star light armor. Find Shuyuan www. .zhaoshuyua.com There are more than 300 complete sets of five-star light armor; there are also a large number of energy knives, magic square matrices, space equipment, mirror camouflage systems, etc.! Haven't these equipment been issued to you? "

"Let's not talk about this for now. I read the documents you prepared. It shows that the financial situation of the legion has been extremely bad. The various debts have reached 3 billion crystal cores. They can't even get out this month's military salary! So! I don’t know where the money was spent?”

"Dear General Yunsong, it's no problem that the main army has been turned into this by you! Why did you become the commander?" At the end of his words, his voice was stern.

Yun Yesong's face turned red and white, and said fiercely: "General, you are still too young, and there are many things you don't understand! It is extremely difficult to manage a legion! I don't think you have the right to question me. the behavior of!"

"In short, the order from above has been issued. I will no longer be the commander of the legion. These problems will naturally be solved by you, the new commander! I hope you can do better than me!"

As soon as these extremely shameless words were spoken, the military parade ground at Nuo Da fell into silence. The men on both sides remained silent, watching how the young general responded. (To be continued.)

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