Most of the generals of the Yungang faction looked disdainful, as if they were mocking this young man for not knowing how high the sky was. ◢Щщш.suimeng.lā Of course, they have the right to be arrogant. Behind them stands a super-class family. Even the royal family does not dare to force them too much. How can they take this stupid young man with no foundation in their eyes?

It is said that he also has the blood of the Yun family? Nonsence! Such a bastard is actually worthy of having the noble blood of his own race? I heard that the top leaders of the family have decided to offer a reward privately, so why not kill him at all costs! It is foreseeable that this kid's days in this world are numbered, but he doesn't know it yet and presumes to come here to seize power? You drank too much!

After a full three minutes of silence, Ye Qingyuan spoke calmly: "Yungang, you, the commander, are to blame for the current situation of the Ninety-seventh Legion. I have decided to detain you until the entire ins and outs of the matter are understood. Then we will decide whether to send you to a military court! Li Mace!"

"Here!" Li Kuai took a step forward and responded in a deep voice.

"Take him down and imprison him!"

A cold light flashed in Li Kai's eyes, and he responded happily: "As you command!"

Yungang was furious and said with a gloomy face: "General, are you careless? I also have the rank of lieutenant general, and I am a member of the House of Superiors with the status of earl. Why do you detain me?"

"Just because you violated the imperial order!" Li Maci said with a smile, "Your behavior has endangered national security! Therefore, we have to ask you to go to the Security Department!"

"You dare?" Yungang snorted coldly, raised his hand fiercely, and the energy knife had already appeared in his hand. A red halo appeared on itself, and overwhelming pressure surged out! It can be seen that he is also a strong man of twelve stars!

Following his movements, more than twenty generals on the parade ground also drew out their strong troops and stood beside him, judging from this that they were going to advance and retreat together! They are all strong men who are at Qianxing or are about to reach Qianxing! Obviously, these guys are all members of the Yun family!

"What are you going to do?" Ye Qingyuan's expression remained unchanged, and his hand had already tightened his grip on the hilt of the Night Sword.

"Young man, don't do such stupid things that don't overestimate your capabilities!" Yungang mocked, "You can't touch the Yun family! Sign as soon as possible and become the commander of your legion. Have fun before you die. , you can rest in peace!"

"Those who don't know whether they are dead or alive!" He finally got angry. "I don't need any strong soldiers today to beat you bunch of bastards to the ground!"

In an instant, silver-blue sword light filled the entire place, and the pressure as vast as the abyss almost suffocated the officers and soldiers present! After a short period of dead silence, waves of spiritual storms swept through everything!

Accompanied by continuous roars, circles of silver ripples spread out. At such a close distance, Yungang and the others barely had time to make any response before they were shaken to pieces and vomited blood!

After the storm subsided, the generals who stood up were all paralyzed on the ground, bleeding from their orifices, and unconscious!

"Ahhh..." Yungang, who had the highest combat effectiveness, covered his head and howled for his life, rolling around on the ground like crazy. His neatly ironed uniform was torn into rags, mixed with dust and spots. Bloodstains, the demeanor of a strong generation is gone!

Regardless of whether he can recover from his injuries afterwards, this guy is basically useless and has no hope of making a breakthrough for the rest of his life. If he is unlucky, his cultivation may be reduced!

Li Maci waved his hand, and people from the security department swarmed in and handcuffed all these guys!

"Intensify the interrogation!" Ye Qingyuan said calmly, "We only have a few hours. No matter what means we use, we must obtain a confession and then submit it to His Majesty the Emperor for decision!"

"Understood, General!" the big guy responded respectfully.

Seeing a group of usually aloof dignitaries being dragged away like dead dogs, the ordinary soldiers had expressions of relief in their eyes.

They had reason to be happy. The guys who had done many evil things and were unscrupulous in the past finally met their enemies and were defeated in an instant. From now on, they no longer need to be bullied!

"The Seventy-ninth Legion is no longer the territory of the Yun family from now on! Yun Tianque, my grandfather, you think you want my life! Then I will show you whether my life is so easy to get!" Will he die right in front of you?" Ye Qingyuan said fiercely in private.

Under the methods of torture experts from the Imperial Security Department, these descendants of the Yun family only lasted less than two hours before they all surrendered and confessed to all the causes and consequences of the matter.

This legion is actually fully staffed. The more than 20,000 people are the elite of the legion, but they were transferred to their own private army by the Yun family through various means. Some of them were recruited, and most of the rest were recruited. It is used by these generals to serve their own private interests! For example, smuggling rare minerals, drug trafficking, assassination, opening black shops, grabbing land and collecting protection fees, etc.!

This phenomenon has existed since the Yun family took over the legion! It has been like this for hundreds of years. Because they have the banner of the Imperial Regiment and the Yun family as their backstage, no organization dares to come after them for their unnecessary business. Even the Imperial Security Department cannot make this determination!

Later, the third princess, Fang Yuqing, took over the Imperial Security Department, carried out vigorous internal rectification, and then began to gradually deal with these dirty phenomena, so that they could restrain themselves. )

Now that Ye Qingyuan is the commander of the legion, he doesn't know these inside stories. Even if he knew, he would not show mercy to the Yun family. With the emperor's backing, his combat effectiveness is strong enough! What else is he afraid of?

Originally, the current situation of the legion was not so unbearable, but when they heard that he was coming, these guys prepared for several days overnight, just to give him a good look! By then, as long as he can't clean up this mess, you can just let him go! Of course, it would be perfect if all the responsibility for all these things could be pinned on him!

"General! It's all done!" A torture expert with the rank of colonel came out of the solitary room and handed a stack of paper documents to Li Mace: "What these guys have done since they took office in the legion ten years ago All illegal activities are on it, and they have signed it!"

Li Maci nodded lightly with satisfaction, and after reading it, handed the document to Ye Qingyuan.

"What should we do now?" he asked.

"How to correct it? Of course, report it to His Majesty the Emperor immediately!" Ye Qingyuan raised the evidence in his hand, "With these things here, I see why the Yun family said it! Either they have to use a lot of benefits to settle this matter, or We have to sacrifice the elite children of this batch of family races! Let’s see how Cheng Guiyun chooses!”

"Have you got all the bank account passwords of those guys?" Ye Qingyuan asked again.

"Of course!" Li Maci smiled, "All the funds there have been transferred to a specific account of the Ministry of Security. In total, there are nearly 100 billion crystal cores, of which the one from Yungang accounts for about 70%! And Their residences have also been searched, and the various jewelry, antiques, high-quality equipment, and cosmic treasures found are roughly estimated to be worth no less than 100 billion!"

"Okay, confiscate them all! Also, to restore the Ninety-seventh Legion to its due combat effectiveness, all the equipment and personnel training fees required will be used, shall we evaluate it?"

"It has been estimated that it is around 200 billion!"

"You make a list and send the bill to the Yun family. They must get the money! And those people must be paid back to me one by one! If there is an imposter, there is no problem with substituting the charge. I found out I won't tolerate it!" Ye Qingyuan suddenly said, "Then I don't believe what tricks they dare to play!"

"Take these guys with you and I'll go see His Majesty!"

Yu Ming understood that after staying at the base for a few hours, Ye Qingyuan came to His Majesty the Emperor's palace again.

In the imperial study room, Fang Xuqing stared at the confession in front of him, frowning and saying nothing.

Ye Qingyuan and Li Kuai stood under the jade star, with their heads held high and their chests raised, without squinting. An annoyed Cheng Guiyun stood on the other side, gnashing his teeth and glaring at them, his eyes seeming to burst out of fire!

Outside the door, more than 20 guys headed by Yungang squatted there with gray faces, shivering, like a group of chickens!

"Brother Yun, what do you have to say about this matter?" Fang Xucheng put down the confession in his hand and asked slowly.

"Your Majesty, these ministers don't know the truth at all!" Cheng Guiyun said in a deep voice, "All of this was caused by those unscrupulous men. They violated the laws of the empire and should pay the due price! No matter how they are dealt with They, I have no objection!"

"I feel extremely unhappy about the Ninety-seventh Legion! However," he changed the topic, "Now that the war is ahead, it is time to use people. After all, they are also warriors with high-star superpowers. , please give them a chance to make meritorious service!"

Fang Xu was silent and Ye Qingyuan just snorted coldly in his heart.

"Your Majesty might as well promise him to understand that the brains of these guys have been irreversibly damaged. I guarantee that they will have no hope of breaking through again in their lifetime! As long as he is willing to take the money, it will be okay to return these trash to him!" He Suddenly, he secretly spoke to Fang Xu with mental fluctuations.

Fang Xucheng looked up at him slightly in surprise, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he nodded gently and said: "Okay! Since Brother Yun, you are interceding for them, why should I give you some face? It's just that, Ninety-seven The reconstruction funds of the legion are used, as well as the officers and soldiers who were transferred..."

Cheng Guiyun's face twitched a few times, and he gritted his teeth and said: "This fee should be paid by the minister, and the officers and soldiers will pay it back one by one! Please rest assured, Your Majesty!"

"That's good!" Fang Xu said cheerfully, "It's rare that Brother Yun is willing to understand the general situation and consider the overall situation! The empire is at a critical moment. If all the ministers and ministers can be like Brother Yun, why worry about the injustice of the powerful enemy? The border is not peaceful?"

"This is just a deal! It's getting late, can Brother Yun have lunch before leaving?"

"Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty! I still have many things to do, so there's no need!" Cheng Guiyun said lightly.

"I take my leave!" He bowed lightly, turned around and left the palace gate.

Only Ye Qingyuan's keen senses could discover what burning hatred and murderous intent was hidden under his calm appearance! This is not just for him, but also for His Majesty!

"Let you live a little longer. One day, I will cut off your head and use it as a wine bowl!" He said privately.

Outside, as soon as Cheng Guiyun's ship left the warning range of the imperial camp, the head of the family could no longer suppress his anger and became hysterical!

"Idiot! Waste! Bastard..." He suddenly rushed to Yungang and slapped him across the face. Then he rushed to the side of several other guys and kicked them with his feet!

"What's the use of labor and capital raising a bunch of trash like you? What's the use -" he roared at the top of his lungs, "Anything that involves that bastard, you will only give bad news to labor and management! Aren't you all very powerful? Isn’t it? Don’t you have your eyes higher than your head? Don’t you say that there is nothing you can’t do?”

"You enjoy the power, wealth, and women provided by labor and capital! But you can't even handle this little thing! What else can you do?"

The extremely luxurious cabin echoed with the owner's angry curses. A group of people in Yungang lay on the ground tremblingly, not daring to breathe.

There was a group of high-status staff standing in the corner. However, they were all looking at each other in confusion. No one dared to speak out at this time, lest they become the target of the family head's vent!

After a while, Cheng Guiyun calmed down. After taking a few breaths, his face showed an abnormal flush!

"Your Royal Highness! What's the next step?" a staff member asked nervously.

"What else can I do?" Cheng Guiyun said with a tired look on his face, "Just give them the money!"

"Then...are there still those people? Are they going to be returned?"

"Of course I'll give it back. Can you still keep it?" His Highness the Prince glanced at him coldly.

The staff said unwillingly: "However, some people with excellent qualifications have been recruited by the family race. We have provided a lot of resources to train them. Why can we just send them back like this?"

"Then what means do you have?"

"Your Highness, we can select some people with good qualifications and great potential, and then forge a copy of information about their accidental death, and use it to deal with the Imperial Regiment!" The staff whispered, "And, we can also wait for it. We can take the opportunity to place some people and lurk among them. This legion cannot just be so cheap to that kid. He is currently gaining power. I don’t want to argue with him. When the time is right, I will still get it back!"

Cheng Guiyun thought about it, and his face finally looked better: "Your opinion is absolutely justified! Okay, just do it like this! Let me inform the other side and speed up the action! I've had enough of that kid. !”

"As you wish, Your Highness!"

Two days later.

"The money has been received!" Luo Qingyue said in the office of the commander of the 97th Army: "The next step is to ask the logistics department to send new equipment as soon as possible, and to strengthen training. I have observed that the entire army is currently The atmosphere is not very good, we are used to being lax! We must change it!"

"You are right, look for Shuyuan However, I feel that training alone has little effect and is too time-consuming!" Ye Qingyuan said.

Luo Qingyue asked with some confusion: "Then what better means do you have?"

"It's very simple, drive them all to the battlefield!" Ye Qingyuan said, "As long as they have experienced several real battles with real swords and guns, there is no need to worry that they will not be able to change their moral character!"

The tip of her eyebrows raised slightly: "You said it lightly, the battlefield is not for children to play house. The people of Kilizako are powerful. If you just push them up like this, aren't you afraid of sending the sheep into the tiger's mouth? By then it will be done. Commander, what do you think of your introduction?"

"Why? Since I have decided to do this, I will naturally control the intensity!" He smiled and said, "Get some less powerful guys to practice with them without being too difficult to deal with! Don't worry, I have a sense of proportion. !”

"Very good! Since you have decided, I won't say anything anymore!" She nodded lightly.

"By the way, have the officers and soldiers who were secretly taken away by the Yun family come back?" he asked again. (To be continued.)

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