"Ninety percent are back!" she said. "Of the other two thousand people, more than five hundred were reported to have died in accidents. The rest have some problems!"

"What's the problem? Aren't they all spies?" Qin Yuanyuan, who was sitting aside, interjected. .SUIMENG.lā

Luo Qingyue smiled and said: "You are right, they are indeed those people! It seems that they still don't give up!"

My sister asked worriedly: "How about fixing it? With these moles mixing in there, sooner or later there will be a lot of unnecessary trouble!"

"Should we take them right now..." Luo Qingyue blinked her eyes and said coldly.

Ye Qingyuan thought about it, shook his head and said: "This is not good, it will expose my superiority in intelligence strength prematurely! Moreover, after killing this batch of people, they will find other ways to deploy people. They came in! It’s not as good as it is now, as long as they don’t blatantly disobey military orders!”

"Actually, I'm thinking, why can't we let this group of people be used by us? We can use them to inadvertently spread some false information and leave for a while. As long as the operation is good, we can trick the Yun family! Wait until They will no longer be trusted there, and when their use value is exhausted, catch them all in one go! Wouldn’t it be better to do this?”

"You are quite insidious! But that's how it should be!" Luo Qingyue smiled so much that her eyebrows arched.

Ye Qingyuan looked at her plump and sexy figure, and his eyes unconsciously drifted to the desk in front of him. It is said that after a few times, he has become obsessed with the wonderful taste of having sex in the office.

Moreover, he found that as he rose through the ranks, the offices he was assigned became larger and the facilities became more luxurious! Just like the office of the legion commander, it covers an area of ​​thousands of square meters! The indoor facilities are all high-quality products produced on earth, and they are also antiques with a history of thousands of years!

Not to mention anything else, this simple and thick golden nanmu desk alone is larger than an ordinary widened and elongated double bed! In addition to using it for office use, it can also be used for other purposes... It is very easy to use! Moreover, you can even lie down several times without feeling crowded! His eyes drifted to his sister sitting aside.

"Brother, what are you guessing? Are you smiling so happily?" Qin Yuanyuan's mind was still simple and she asked unconsciously.

Luo Qingyue was different. You could tell what he was planning by looking at his eyes! She glared at him suddenly and said, "He's not happy, he's vulgar!"

As he said that, he flashed in front of her, pulled her and walked out: "I'll leave for a while and wander around. It feels so boring here!"

"Why is it boring here?" Qin Yuanyuan still didn't respond.

Luo Qingyue couldn't help but drag her out of the office door, as if she couldn't see Ye Qingyuan's resentful eyes.

"Sister, you need to know that when a man smiles like that at you, it means he is going to do something bad..."

"...Yes! It's the standard vulgarity he was just like..."

"Be careful next time. Never go to a place like this alone to find him, otherwise..."

Outside the door, Luo Qingyue's voice came from afar, making his depression even deeper!

After a few days of busy work, the reconstruction work of the Ninety-Seventh Legion is on track.

With Li Mace's full help, Ye Qingyuan carefully reviewed each soldier's resume, star status, energy attributes, genetic status, development potential, etc.! I have a better understanding of the combat effectiveness of this legion.

The entire legion is divided into ten combat divisions, each with more than 5,000 people. In addition to a logistics division, command center, civilian department, and some special establishments, the total number is more than 80,000 people!

This kind of organization is different from the conventional legion. The scale is much smaller, but the combat effectiveness is not the same!

After the Yungang group of people resigned, the entire high-level army was almost wiped out! Ye Qingyuan had no choice but to appoint Pedroel as deputy commander. The other deputy position was temporarily vacant. Luo Qingyue was also transferred from the original 17th Army and came here to serve as the special security officer stationed here. Liaison Officer.

Hu Mu, who was promoted to Qianxing not long ago, is the commander of one of the divisions. Yu Jichang, who already has nine-star combat effectiveness, and Reid are the commanders of the other two divisions. The remaining people who are relatively close can only serve as regimental commanders because their combat effectiveness is not enough. A professional or associate teacher position!

The remaining divisions had to be temporarily handed over to the nineteen strong Qianxing warriors brought by Pedroel, and they would only be replaced when more suitable candidates are available in the future!

In the following time, he trained like a life-threatening person. He equipped all those close to him with a complete set of five-star mechs. The chance of saving lives on the battlefield was greatly improved! These people are the first batch of his team and cannot be easily wasted like cannon fodder!

Liu Xiangyun, who has reached the peak of eight stars, becomes his new adjutant and is in charge of his 500-man guard. As soon as he reaches another rank, a division will be handed over to him to lead.

Of course, there are many outstanding talents in the legion, including those with eight or nine stars. Unfortunately, their identities and origins remain to be seen, and we can only talk about them later!

At this time, the great lord's palace has approached the federal border and will arrive at the Hengcharhan defense line within a week, accompanied by millions of saucer-shaped warships! What’s even more terrible is that the news fed back from the ghost race is that the second asteroid has passed through the ancient wormhole and entered the territory of the former Federation! It is expected to arrive in a few months, and the pressure on the human defense line will be so great that it is difficult to estimate!

The good news is that after that secret attack, the military strength under the commander-in-chief has been reduced to ten, and they can no longer pose a strategic threat to mankind. The coalition headquarters decided to dispatch a large number of elite fleets to conduct a thorough raid on that area. Clean up and generally clear out the Kilizako people there!

Immediately afterwards, you have to concentrate all your strength and prepare to deal with the big lord's palace!

The asteroid is the embodiment of the highest technological achievements of the silicon-based civilization Kilizako Empire. It is also the most powerful war machine the human world has encountered so far. It cannot be treated with caution by the top human beings.

After all, humans have seen the power of its main gun, and even in hundreds of years they have not been able to build weapons of similar quality! Naturally, it would be more difficult to deal with it than to deal with the elephant!

If the human defense line cannot stop its progress, then all the previous resistance made by humans will be meaningless. As long as it invades the hinterland of the empire, the decline of human civilization and even genocide will become an irreversible fact!

These days, high-level officials from major countries are in frequent contact with several established civilizations, hoping that they can help deal with the planet. After all, if human civilization is finished, it will be their turn soon! No one can run away!

"Xilong" is in the palace, in the royal study.

Emperor Fang Xuqing put down the documents in his hand, gently rubbed his temples, then picked up the warm jade wine bottle placed aside, and took a slight sip, with a hint of tiredness on his handsome face.

With his high star ability, of course he is not feeling physically unwell. This kind of fatigue is mainly from the mental state!

As the emperor of an empire, the highest power controller in this country with a population of one trillion, the things he has to deal with must be so numerous that they are incalculable! Even if there is a huge think tank behind him to help him share the burden, even when he is on patrol, the number of documents presented to him every day is not a small amount!

Of course, this is nothing. A high-star awakened person is full of energy and can read and process information much faster than ordinary people. This is not enough to make him feel inadequate.

What bothered him were the negotiations between the top leaders of human countries and those old civilizations!

In order to contain the getting closer asteroid, the human camp has promised a lot of benefits to those old civilizations! I hope they can help, but the appetite of these guys has far exceeded the bottom line that the human camp can bear! Not to mention the other conditions, the conditions for the ghost race alone are outrageously harsh!

In the next three hundred years, human countries are not allowed to charge any taxes on all goods sold by the ghost race in the human world; they can adjust prices without human permission; and for any goods sold to the ghost race in the human world, the tax rate must be increased by 100%. Thirty; The ghost race has the power to freely do business, mine, set up factories, and develop resource planets in the territory of the human world; it has the power to acquire any human enterprise without restriction, and it contains energy related to the lifeblood of the country, including the military industry!

The economic terms are not the most demanding. Politically, human countries must give priority to the interests of the ghost race when making decisions on any foreign affairs! In terms of science and technology, the human world must completely terminate all research projects in the field of multi-dimensional space technology, close relevant research institutions, seal up equipment, and cannot carry out any research in this area in the future! All space technologies and products can only be purchased from the ghost race at high prices!

There are all kinds of clauses, but the ultimate meaning is only one, that is, your human civilization, from now on, don’t worry about independent development! Come here obediently and become the vassal race we are waiting for! The meat is mine to eat, but whether you have soup to drink depends on whether I am in a good mood and whether you are obedient enough!

"Human civilization has reached a very dangerous juncture. It is estimated that we must keep the fire of civilization and continue to survive in this universe! We must change some of the wrong practices in the past and make absolute concessions. This is the most correct choice!" Negotiation table On the road, the messenger of the ghost race spoke arrogantly to the top leaders of the human countries.

Fang Xucheng's expression changed immediately and he walked away! Heads of state from other countries also walked out in protest. If you really agree to these conditions, it will be no different from the subjugation of the country! It's better to rely on your own strength to fight once!

These damn guys, if human civilization ends, will their lives be easy? You must know that what the Star Sea World is currently facing is not just a tribe of Kilizako people, but an all-out invasion from the entire Haoting Xiaodutian Galaxy in the near future! Facing a super overlord civilization with an area of ​​tens of millions of light-years, what can the chaotic star sea world do to resist?

Fang Xuqing snorted coldly in his heart, these greedy people, without your help, wouldn't humanity be able to overcome the difficulties? Well, you don't know whether it's good or bad, so I'll let you see whether the empire's trump card can deal with the Kilizako people, and whether it is really as unbearable as you estimate!

"Your Majesty!" I don't know when, Manager Yan came out of the front door: "It's time for you to rest!"

Fang Xu nodded gently: "Okay! Let me sit for a while!"

Manager Yan walked over silently, saw that the wine bottle had reached the bottom, reached out to take it, filled the back end again and gave it to him.

"Has nothing happened these days?" The emperor asked casually, squinting his eyes slightly.

"It's okay! Within the Imperial Regiment, as well as the major races, they have been calm recently and are preparing to deal with the upcoming war!" General Yan said, "There is something wrong with the 97th Legion!"

"Oh! What's going on? Are the Yun family competing with that young man again?" Fang Xucheng asked lightly, "That guy Cheng Guiyun really won't give up until he reaches the Yellow River! How long has it been, and he still wants to Want to engage in internal fighting!"

"That's not the case!" General Manager Yan said softly, "I heard that the people from the Logistics Department made things difficult for him and replaced all the supernatural equipment supplied to the Ninety-seventh Legion with inferior goods. Ye Qingyuan was so angry that he led People surrounded the entire supply base of the Logistics Department! They beat up a few people in charge, and then had people evacuate almost all the supplies in the base! There were more than 80,000 sets of five-star equipment, and thousands of sets of five-star equipment. There are also a large number of high-grade supernatural weapons, and now they have fallen into the hands of the Ninety-seventh Legion!"

"Those guys in the logistics department are so courageous that they dare to fight against a main force of supernatural powers! It seems that their backstage is not that tough! Is it the Yun family again?" Fang Xuqing smiled coldly, "I don't know, Cheng Guiyun gave them so many benefits that they had the courage to risk their lives for a while!"

"Then? What did they do?"

"Those guys who were beaten first ran to complain to Marshal Gurungs at the military headquarters, and now they came to you. They are waiting outside the palace gate! See you or not?"

"What else can you do with these losers?" Fang Xucheng waved his hand casually, "Send someone to reprimand them and tell them to go back and reflect!"

Manager Yan nodded gently, winked at the corner, and a silhouette of a man in black bowed in greeting, and silently retreated for a while.

Fang Xucheng opened his eyes and said: "It seems that my decision is right. This young man has a decent temperament! He is resolute, courageous, and will never look forward or backward! He can organize such an army into obedience in a few days. , look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshhuyuan.com which shows his ability!”

"I hope he can bring me more joy! If he can do a good job, I will have greater responsibilities for him to shoulder!"

On the edge of the former Federation, the great lord's palace passed through another wormhole, and the empire's defense line was getting closer and closer.

Alastam Qiqig stared coldly at Qili Zhaluoqi who was kneeling below, the former commander and his direct descendant! At this moment, it is trembling under its majesty!

"Qili Zhaluoqi, my child!" After a long silence, the great lord finally spoke: "Your fleet? I place great trust in you and entrust you with such a huge power to enable you to make achievements and serve for the world. The prosperity of my race has made immortal contributions! But what have you done?"

"For such a weak civilization, you have been defeated again and again, and even lost millions of elite fleets! Your performance really puts the tribe to shame!"

"That alone is not enough. You can't even guarantee the safety of the most important Sacrificial Palace! You actually let those hateful humans discover it! Thousands of Sacrificial Palaces have been destroyed, and you are to blame!" (To be continued. )

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