Ye Qingyuan took out a chip and handed it to her: "Here is information about some planets, most of which are within the territory of the former Federation! Your task is to immediately apply to the relevant departments of the empire to get special development rights! However, for the above I'll take care of the relationship! No one dares to compete with you."

She took it, embedded it in the photon computer and took a look, her face changed drastically: "There are more than 300 planets, and they are all resource-rich stars of first grade or above! I'm afraid I won't be able to get one without hundreds of millions of crystal cores! Are you...are you sure you want to get it together?"

Everyone was in an uproar, and Link said tactfully, "Qingyuan, at the beginning of starting a business, if you rush into things quickly and spread your business too big, there will be many problems, so I suggest that... it's better to do it step by step!"

Ye Qingyuan agreed and said: "What you said makes absolute sense! I didn't say that we need to develop all of them. All we need to do is get the authorization documents first! Start one or two first, and leave the others idle for the time being! Wait until the time is right in the future. Not too late!"

"This is no problem!" Meng Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well! Let's all work hard! In just a few years, we are all famous products!" Ye Qingyuan said with a smile.

There are more than 300 planets, all of which are resource-rich stars of grade one or above. The relevant information was obtained through the relationship with the imperial security department! If we want to obtain the right to develop their specialized resources, it will cost hundreds of millions of crystal cores on average for each planet, not counting the costs of up-and-down management, initial basic investment, various equipment required for large-scale development, and manpower costs. It's also a surprising number. However, as long as this period is passed smoothly and everything is on track, the income will be dozens or even hundreds of times of the investment!

Resource development in the interstellar era, as long as the information is only biased and the organization does not make major strategic mistakes, it is generally a guaranteed profit. The disadvantage is that the initial investment is too huge and the industry threshold is high! The Gardre Federation no longer exists, and in that large area of ​​unowned land, major forces and consortiums will soon come to "enclose the territory". The empire that is so close at hand will of course be the ultimate beneficiary!

I only understand that Ye Qingyuan's estimate is somewhat off. Those big groups with real wealth and power are not as enthusiastic about developing this unclaimed land as estimated; only those in the second echelon are Only then did the forces rush over. However, for other countries, the response was average.

He later found out the specific reason. The end of this star field is the three ancient wormholes, which are now blocked by the imperial fleet. The other end of the wormhole is the Haoting Xiaodutian Galaxy, which has been occupied by a super civilization! And it’s very unfriendly to humans, no problem being civilized! There is such a ferocious beast squatting next to it, and you never know when it will rush over and bite you! No wonder those big groups who heard the news were hesitant, worried that their investment was too large and might be lost without even getting the cost back!

However, as a high-ranking official in the empire, he was not worried. His Majesty, the current emperor, was considered wise and ambitious. With the empire's fighting power, he was fully qualified to conquer the Star Sea! By that time, facing a territory whose combat effectiveness has been increased many times, or even unified, the empire may not have the combat effectiveness to fight against those beast-like Kilizako people!

Now he has a position of power, but as a newly promoted person from a poor family, he estimates that there are still many things to do in order to consolidate everything he has and truly have his own place in the upper echelons of the empire! For example, managing one's own power, reputation, connections, industry, etc., and all of these are inseparable from the word "money"! In this real society, no matter what we do, we cannot do it without the backing of economic combat effectiveness!

As a superior, owning a number of high-quality industries that can make stable profits is a necessary guarantee for the prosperity of the family race! Therefore, when the war ended not long ago, he rushed to start planning, taking advantage of the existing information advantages to lay the foundation for future development for himself and those around him.

Although I have gained a lot of wealth by chance in the past, if I don't manage it carefully, no matter how much wealth I have, there will be times when I will be left with nothing to gain! Putting aside the spare money that cannot be used temporarily and investing it for a period of time, using money to make money is the way to go.

After eating with a group of colleagues, we went to their residence to chat for a while. Before we knew it, half a day had passed.

"I remember that before I left, I left you a sum of money for fifth-grade DNA awakening surgery." In the apartment, Ye Qingyuan asked, "How do you feel? Did you activate your powers?"

Tongshan twitched his eyes: "Don't mention it! Our fortunes and Link's are not good, and neither is Meng Xuan's! The only exception is that boy Ziyuan Lan! Now he also has three-star combat power!"

"Really?" he asked with some joy.

Zi Yuanlan nodded sheepishly: "Yes, during this period of time, most of my thoughts have been on practice! That's why I was able to break through, but this is really a bottomless pit that consumes money!"

The cost of cultivating supernatural powers is indeed beyond the reach of ordinary people. The price of concentrated nutrients alone is a shocking figure! No wonder he said that.

"Your talent is pretty good. If you keep up with your resources, you should be able to reach another star by now, right?" He used brainwaves to detect his physical condition, and then looked at Chen Shuhua beside him. He already knew in his heart that he was inseparable. ten.

This woman is already a five-star cultivation level. Don't ask, this stupid boy must have spent most of the money on her!

After sizing it up, he winked at Luo Qingyue beside him and asked her to take Meng Xuan and Chen Shuhua away together as an excuse to leave for a while to buy things.

After a few beauties left the door and the five of them were left, the conversation became easier.

"Ziyuan Lan, we have been friends for many years! I won't hide some things!" Ye Qingyuan said seriously, "Then I will ask you, this woman, do you think she is really suitable for you? ?”

"Qingyuan, I know what you mean!" He was slightly embarrassed, but still responded: "I know her past, but she was forced by life, I won't mind! She is very good to me, I have never felt so happy as I do now in a while!”

Ye Qingyuan looked at Link, who gently twitched the corners of his eyes: "That's it, during your absence, the two of them were so good at each other, they looked really good. Hey!"

Has this woman really changed her moral character? He was obviously a little suspicious, but since his brother really liked her, he couldn't say anything else.

"Qingyuan, I know you care about me, but she and I really love each other!" Ziyuan Lan said firmly, "She has already agreed to get married after I graduate!"

"Let's put it aside for now, do whatever you like!" He no longer dwells on this issue. Anyway, with these brothers here, as long as the woman dares to behave in a way that is disgraceful to Ziyuan Lan, he will never let her go. she.

He took out three exquisite crystal core boxes from the space bracelet and said: "This is for you, the fifth-grade DNA awakening reagent. If your luck is good, Aster Blue can get another star! However, for the two of you, maybe There is a chance to inspire supernatural powers!"

There is an absolute probability of activating superpowers when DNA is awakened at level 3 or above. Of course, this probability is quite low. Level 5 optimization only has a probability of less than 1%; level 5 is higher, with a probability of 1.5%. Of course, if you are serious about practicing, you can also use specific drugs to stimulate the cells so that their affinity with energy reaches an absolute threshold, thereby stimulating superpowers!

The injections all come with automatic injectors. This high-quality product produced by the Cangling Commando no longer requires the assistance of the medical cabin. You only need to directly inject it and rest for a night!

"I can't stay long. There are still a lot of things waiting for me in the Imperial Capital!" He smiled, "You can take the injection now, and then go to sleep without worries! I will give Meng Xuan's share to her later, but For the others, we’ll have to wait a while to see them!”

Don't say that he has double standards. People are inherently selfish. Friendships can be divided into close relationships and close relationships, so naturally the treatment will be different! This is human nature and there is nothing to blame.

Tongshan immediately nodded gently and opened the sealed package. Inside was a bright blue liquid medicine that was already packed in a large syringe. He picked it up and pressed it on the vein of his forearm. The photon sensing device started. , a small needle pierced his skin in an instant, and slowly pressed the liquid into his blood vessels.

After a while, both of them had finished the injection, but Zi Yuanlan put away the box.

"I have something else to do, so I won't need this now!" he said.

Link rolled his eyes: "Are you planning to leave it to Chen Shuhua?"

His expression was a little unnatural and he remained silent, obviously acquiescing.

"Hey! You..." Ye Qingyuan ticked the corners of his eyes and took out another box and threw it to him: "Okay, is it okay now?"

"Thank you, Qingyuan! There is no brother who is more trouble-free than you!" He said with gratitude.

After saying goodbye to them, we came out and boarded the spacecraft. It was almost evening.

Looking at the busy scene outside the space port, he felt a little emotional. The size of the sea of ​​​​stars has exceeded most people's estimates. They are tens of thousands of light years away, and he doesn't know when he will see his group again. brother.

"Why? You seem to want to do something too?" Looking at Luo Qingyue, who frowned and said nothing, he put his arms around her gently and said.

"It's okay, I'm fine!" she responded in a low voice. After a pause, she sighed softly: "I just now feel that compared to clones, there are many enviable things as a natural person, such as this real and simple campus life. , true camaraderie!”

It turns out that this is what she was guessing! I also understand that clones like her have been cultivated as killing tools since birth. In addition to eating and sleeping every day, they undergo various cruel trainings. Of course, they will not have the same experiences as normal people. What Li Kuai gave her was family affection, and what the man beside her gave her was love. She had never experienced this kind of campus life and camaraderie as colleagues.

Ye Qingyuan smiled and said: "Are you envious of them? It's nothing. When you return to the imperial capital, I will find ways to get you a student status, so you can stay in university for a few years and experience a normal life!" "

"Maybe it's not that simple!" She was very happy, but a little uneasy: "I'm a member of the Security Department. I guess I gave up my business and became a student. How can it be such a good thing?"

"Don't worry, I'm going to talk to the princess. I hope she can let me go for my sake!"

One day later, the rested fleet set off again, hurriedly and slowly, and finally arrived in the Tianhua Star Territory where the imperial capital was located more than twenty days later.

This prosperous star field, which is regarded as the capital of the empire, has been one of the key areas of development since mankind entered the interstellar era. This is because the transportation in this star field is extremely convenient and hundreds of wormholes are spread across various star systems in the star field. And the resources are also extremely abundant. The entire star field has hundreds of highly prosperous first-class administrative stars, more than 300 second-class administrative stars, distributed in more than a hundred star systems, and tens of thousands of them. Resource Planet.

Every day, a huge amount of rare resources are transported from all major star fields to the center of this empire. They have been flowing continuously for thousands of years, making this star field one of the most prosperous and powerful places in the human camp!

The star system where the imperial capital is located has eighteen planets. The fifth planet close to the star is where the major administrative departments of the empire are located. Every day, billions of instructions are sent from here to various places. Any disturbance here affects the rise and fall of countless people!

He will have to spend a long time here! It's unclear what kind of opportunities and risks are waiting for him in this core star region of the empire's power!

The prosperity of the Imperial Capital Star Territory was far beyond his expectations. ) Continuous streams of spaceships can be seen everywhere along the way, and caravans ranging in size from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of ships are often seen. Countless fleets bring countless business opportunities. Every day, the amount of cargo handled in the giant spaceports of major star systems is astronomical!

It is said that one day's tax revenue here is more than the entire financial benefits of those frontier star regions in one year! Its prosperity is evident!

After Luo Qingyue joined the Security Department, he initially stayed near the imperial capital, but was later sent out to carry out tasks, so he knew the place well. At this time, he directly took on the responsibility of the commentator and took the trouble to tell his beloved man about the various scenic spots in the Imperial Capital Star Territory.

The Imperial Capital Star Territory, also known as the Tianhua Star Territory, has thousands of star systems within its jurisdiction, and more than a hundred of them have administrative planets. The rest are all resource galaxies! The star system where the Imperial Capital is located is also called Tianhua, and has eighteen planets. The third planet is where the Imperial Palace is located, and the fifth planet is where the major administrative departments of the empire are concentrated.

The ancestors of the empire originally pioneered here because they saw a lot of resources here, convenient transportation, and a good location. It was surrounded by several naturally transformed extreme areas, which was of great use in protecting the safety of the imperial capital! So it was built as a capital from the beginning! (To be continued.)

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