Watching the box gradually disappear, Ye Qingyuan finally got free and began to count today's harvest! The ultimate trophy is the artifact, followed by the five corpses of the ghost race with lingering light. A strong man of this type of alien race can get a large sum of money by selling it to the Institute of Life Chemistry!

There are also several sub-artifacts in the equipment of those strong men, and the bigger harvest comes from the space equipment taken from the strong men of the ghost race! In addition to a large number of crystal core crystal bricks, there are also many rare treasures, most of which are priceless treasures! At present, it is completely advantageous for him!

Finally, he took out the jade pendant-like artifact and looked at it carefully. The jade pendant was seven inches and nine minutes long, five inches and eight minutes wide, and two minutes thick! There are countless obscure symbols on it! The jade pendant is surrounded by gorgeous moire decoration! In the middle is a huge, unknown dragon-shaped life form!

With the injection of energy, the jade pendant slowly lit up, and the cloud pattern began to twist and swim like a living thing. A faint shield-shaped shadow about a foot long appeared, and then separated from the jade pendant body and hung around his body. . Then came the second, third...

A total of eighteen shield-shaped shadows appeared, spinning rapidly around him for a while! Then the shield-shaped shadow suddenly lit up! All disappear again! He disappeared together with his figure!

In the universe, it seems like nothing is happening! Ye Qingyuan was hidden in the space dust, and with the help of the space mirror array of this artifact, he completely erased all traces of its existence!

It is indeed a good thing. It can block all forms of space energy fluctuations. If used for assassination, or to escape when encountering an overly powerful opponent, the effect will be extremely good!

He studied the thing that looked a bit like a black card for a while, and coupled with Lan Yu's analysis, he speculated that it should be a component separated from a powerful piece of equipment. It could be used to neutralize and assimilate energy shields. Although The effect is not very strong, but a specific moment may be the key to determining victory or death!

From the beginning of the battle to the present, it only took a few minutes. He finally explored the surrounding universe, and after confirming that nothing was missing, he casually broke through the universe with his Night Sword, and his figure disappeared into the space fault. When he reappeared, They were already on the surface of the planet, thousands of meters above the ground, and the speeding car convoy was relatively close.

"General! Are you okay?" His new guard leader Li Jianfeng came up to him and asked nervously: "My subordinates just informed the military department that they have sent strong men to support you!"

"It's okay! Let them come back!" Ye Qingyuan said, "Today's incident is not allowed to be mentioned to anyone. Just treat it as if it never happened. Do you understand?"

"...Yes! General!" He didn't understand, but he still did as he was told!

The motorcade continued to move forward, and soon they arrived at their mansion.

Sister, Luo Qingyue, and life chemistry housekeeper Shuangyan were all waiting outside. When they saw him getting out of the car, they came up to him with joy on their faces.

"You're almost back!" Qin Yuanyuan said with a smile, "His Second Highness's hospitality was very thoughtful, wasn't it? Didn't you gain a lot of benefits?"

"Of course there are benefits, and they are quite a lot!" He waved his hand gently to stop their inquiries: "I'll talk about it when we go in! There was an accident today, and I'm afraid there will be more unnecessary things to do in the future! "

Prince Yun's Mansion.

It was late at night, but the lights were still on in the owner's study, and the atmosphere was so oppressive that it made people breathless! The surrounding male and female servants all had solemn expressions, carefully entering and exiting, doing their own duties, for fear that something would go wrong and the master there who was on the verge of an explosion would be used as a target to vent his anger!

In the past few hours alone, two palace maids had been ordered to be dragged away for a period of time and beaten to death for a small mistake!

"No news yet?" Standing in front of the large floor-to-ceiling window, Cheng Guiyun, wearing a black nightgown, asked again, his voice hoarse and cold, like the cold wind from the Nine Nether Hell! This is the tenth time he has asked the same question!

"Your Highness, no!" a butler at the door responded tremblingly.

"Have you not discovered the situation at all?" Cheng Guiyun turned around and stared at him coldly with his red eyes, as if he was ready to bite a poisonous snake at any time!

"Your Highness, as early as more than three hours ago, the people I was waiting for had detected that the boy had returned to his mansion! There were only any signs of fighting, and he was not injured!" The housekeeper lowered his head and trembled. responded.

"Is he okay? What about Yun Qingfeng and the others? And those ten or so strong men? Where have they gone?" Cheng Guiyun asked anxiously, "Even if the task is not completed, even if he is injured, it has taken so long Well, there should be some news back, right?"

"Your Highness, will they..." an aide said cautiously, "something happened to them?"

Cheng Guiyun's eyes narrowed: "Something happened? What do you mean? More than a dozen strong men with at least twelve stars, plus the assistance of five Youhuang commanders, and artifacts in hand! Such a lineup can kill a fifteen-star cultivator The peerless experts are enough for us! Why did something happen?"

The staff hesitated for a moment and whispered: "However, that person has returned safe and sound!"

"Maybe he was lucky and was not intercepted by the people we were waiting for!" Cheng Guiyun had an extremely dangerous premonition in his heart, but why couldn't he accept that terrible judgment!

At this moment, Yunhui hurried in.

"Did you find anything?" Seeing his son, Cheng Guiyun perked up and asked quickly.

Yunhui did not answer, but first ordered the staff: "You all get down!"

As if they were being pardoned, everyone immediately bowed and saluted, and then ran out of the door.

"Why?" Cheng Guiyun's face darkened, and the premonition of danger in his heart became stronger.

"The people we are waiting for have discovered the mutilated corpses of those powerful men in outer space! The five Youhuang commanders containing the ghost race! However, the whereabouts of my uncle are no longer clear. It is estimated that... the situation is in danger!" His son's words completely wiped out the last trace of luck in Cheng Guiyun's heart! His vision went dark and he almost fell to the floor!

"Father! You...are you okay?" Yunhui supported him and asked in panic.

Cheng Guiyun felt a buzzing in his mind, and a desperate voice kept wailing in his heart: It's over! It's all over!

Ever since that kid rose to the top and became the director of the Empire's Super Power Corps, the Yun family's misfortune has befallen them!

However, in just over a month, the family’s business in the underground world suffered a devastating blow! Countless industries and countless manpower were all looted by that guy in the name of "anti-crime"! Unfortunately, he doesn't even have any strong coping methods!

This unconventional approach naturally aroused the anger of the senior leaders of each major race. Under his instigation, a joint assassination team was finally established, and at a great cost, the strong men of the ghost race were invited to assist. , to ensure nothing goes wrong!

Unexpectedly, the final result is still the same as before!

Now he can only start to think about how to deal with the aftermath!

The Anluo Xumi Jambu Barrier is a race-suppressing treasure of our race! It has always been stored in the secret vault of the family race. Without the permission of the Venerable Association, even the head of the family cannot easily use it!

This time, after all his hard talk, Yuntianque finally relaxed and allowed him to use this treasure and attack that kid again!

"This is the last time!" Yuntianque's extremely cold and emotionless voice still echoed in his ears.

The previous head of the family's intention was obvious. Since forceful erasure was no longer feasible, the only option was to compromise.

If he can't settle this matter, then the lords of the family race will start to think of using gentle methods to eliminate the kid's hostility to the family race as much as possible, no matter how much it costs!

Anyway, everything is based on the interests of the family and race!

At that time, we can only guess what kind of fate he, the head of the family, will face!

"They don't know the news yet, right?" Cheng Guiyun asked in a hoarse voice.

"Father, they don't know!" Yunhui said immediately, "The fleet participating in the search in outer space are all people we are waiting for, and they are currently quarantined! I promise not to leak any information!"

"Isolation is not safe!" Cheng Guiyun said suddenly, "Bring a group of people and deal with them all! The dead are the most reassuring!"

"...No problem!" Yun Hui's heart trembled. There were more than 15,000 people, all elite men loyal to the family master! To kill him just like that?

However, he also knew that this was an important moment. If he looked forward and backward again, when the news spread, his father would really be doomed! And he, the first heir of the Yun family, has become a thing of the past!

The Qi family's residence.

In a small, clean garden, Lang Hao was playing chess with his brother who was half lying on a rocking chair.

The current head of the family, Zhou Mengde, was seriously injured in that battle. He has not fully recovered to this day, and his cultivation has regressed by at least half! He had to temporarily transfer the power to his younger brother and rest in peace.

"Your Highness, it's time for you to take your medicine!" the maid held up a silver bowl and presented it to him in a low voice.

Zhou Mengde dropped the chess piece in his hand and took the silver bowl. There was a slightly black liquid in it, exuding a burst of medicinal fragrance.

He took a sip lightly, swallowed it slowly, and ticked the corners of his eyes with some discomfort: "I don't know why, but I don't like the taste of this medicine even more!"

Lang Hao smiled and said: "This is also a hopeless thing! It's so good, who wants to take medicine?"

"Brother, you are the head of the family, and so many people are counting on you! You might as well recover quickly, I can't bear this burden anymore!"

Zhou Mengde sighed lightly, closed his eyes, and drank the liquid in the bowl in one gulp!

"You came to me today just to play chess, right? Tell me! What's the matter?" he asked.

"That operation failed!" Lang Hao hesitated for a moment, then said: "All the manpower has not returned!"

Zhou Mengde was slightly stunned: "Failed? I remember that the child's combat power is only twelve stars. Even if the information is wrong, he is at most a demigod! Why can he wipe out so many strong men? Could someone help him?"

"No! He is the only one, this can be confirmed!" Lang Hao emphasized.

"...It seems that your original opinion was right!" Zhou Mengde's face darkened. "This child can no longer be killed by force!"

Lang Hao immediately said: "I understand that I don't agree with this in the first place! However, that guy Cheng Guiyun is not in the right position and has a ulterior motive in his heart! He insists on dragging me along to wait! The result? So many strong men were killed and injured in vain!"

"Actually, he's right!" Zhou Mengde sighed, "What this kid did is really too much! How much profit have our Qi family lost in these few days alone? Those industries and manpower were all managed by us with great pains. How many years of family wealth! Now he has robbed it all!"

"Moreover, I can see that things are not over at this point! Your Majesty has this sharp sword, and your ambition will become even greater! 8 The situation of our race will be even more difficult in the future, and all of this is because It was caused by this child! That’s why I agreed to send people to participate in this operation with them!”

"Even without him! Your Majesty will find someone else, right?" Lang Hao somewhat disagreed with his opinion.

"That's natural! However, there are too few capable men like him!" Zhou Mengde laughed. "Nowadays, the royal family's prestige and combat effectiveness have greatly increased, and a large part of the reason is due to him! Without him, the empire's superpowers would be in the south. I’m afraid it will be very difficult in the war in Xinjiang!”

"Then what's the plan now?" Lang Hao asked.

"Second brother, I know that you admire this child very much, and even considered bringing him into the family race! However, this child has drifted away from us now, and is no longer the same person! He is only loyal to the emperor. , represents the interests of the royal family!" Zhou Mengde said, "That's why I agreed to Cheng Guiyun's joint action that time! There is no other reason than the interests of the family and race above all else!"

"Then...since force is no longer feasible! What should we do now?"

"If you are too hard, then you have to be soft!" Zhou Mengde said, "Almost, I should let you go and talk to him. You have helped him before and we have a good relationship. He should be a little considerate! "

"Of course, this kid is not a mean and ungrateful person! Maybe we can really reach some kind of agreement with him!" Lang Hao was quite confident about this. Find bookstore

"However, there is one more thing!" After thinking about it, Lang Hao added: "That guy Cheng Guiyun sent someone to see me today, saying that he wanted to propose marriage for his son!"

"Why are you looking?" Zhou Mengde asked, somewhat surprised.

"Hmph! Why else are you looking? That guy has been in bad luck recently, and his status within his family is already very unstable!" Lang Hao said disdainfully, "Isn't he just asking for a marriage just to grab a life-saving straw? "

"I hope we can help him! So that he can continue to be the head of his own family! Hey! What a good plan!"

Zhou Mengde ticked the corners of his eyes lightly: "Cheng Guiyun still has some abilities, but his temperament is biased toward sinister birds of prey, and he has too many desires! It's just that he can't see through some things! The cause of yesterday is the result of today! Everything is determined. !”

"That boy Yunhui, I thought he was pretty good! But look what he did in that battle? Apart from losing troops and generals, he also lost troops and generals! There is no impressive record at all! Such a waste can still estimate Marrying a girl from my Qi family? What a joke!" Lang Hao said, (To be continued.)

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