Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 640: The Tracker’s Clues

"However, if it's that child Ye Qingyuan, we can accept it! That girl Zhou Yiwei often mentions him!"

"You!" Zhou Mengde laughed dumbly, "How long has it been? You still want Si Si to think about this?"

"I'm serious!" Lang Hao straightened his face and said, "The intelligence network of our race has made a major discovery recently! It's about the royal family's breakthrough progress in the field of genetic technology!"

"I only had a rough idea before, but now I have more detailed information!" As he said that, he took out a document and handed it to his brother.

Zhou Mengde took it and took a look, his face changed greatly: "Is this true? They have already achieved such a big advantage in the production of fifth-grade and eighth-grade DNA awakening reagents?"

"Of course it's true! The output of our racial experimental base in one year is not equal to their output in one month! And their cost is much lower than mine! The same is true for many other types of genetic medicines ! Of course, this is not the most terrible thing. I heard..." Lang Hao lowered his voice and said, "I heard that they have developed a seventh-grade DNA awakening reagent!"

"Several old antiques who are loyal to the royal family and have stayed at the fifteen-star level for many years have used this thing. It is said that the effect is good, and it may be possible to break through to the divine level! In the human world, no one can reach this level now! "

"And all this is because they obtained this child's genes!"

Now, Zhou Mengde really couldn't sit still!

He stood up with a bang, walked back and forth around the yard a few times, and then said decisively: "Okay! I'll leave this matter to you! No matter what he wants, he can be satisfied! For this joint action of the eight races , I can personally apologize to him! And I am willing to give him adequate compensation, no matter what the cost, as long as I can obtain the genetic sample! It will not be considered a loss!"

The head of the family was clear-headed and immediately saw the crux of the problem. With the child's genes, within a few years, the royal family's advantage in this area will be so great that it will be difficult for the eight major families to resist! If we do not find ways to remedy the situation now, in the future we will face high-star awakened beings that are several times or ten times our own, and these races will really become history!

"No problem, I understand!" Lang Hao said solemnly.

The Jie Yang Galaxy is a relatively remote place in the Tianhua Star Territory. It is also one of the places with the largest number of rare mineral deposits in this star field! Most of the high-purity ore produced here is directly supplied to the royal shipbuilding base not far from here!

Inside this star system, there are more than twenty solid planets of different sizes. The smallest diameter is more than 5,000 kilometers, and the ultimate diameter is nearly 9,000 kilometers! There are several to dozens of rare minerals on almost every planet. Therefore, there are large mining farms of the Imperial Mining Organization on every planet.

On this day, a small fleet from the Imperial Capital Tianhua Galaxy flew to this galaxy without notifying the mining area management of the situation. He broke into the edge of the galaxy on his own, on an inconspicuous asteroid!

There are a total of twelve warships. The hulls are in the shape of a graceful shuttle, and the whole body is dark and dull. When it was almost time to reach the galaxy, the electromagnetic shielding system on the ship was activated, and the space mirror camouflage system was activated, turning various nearby detectors into decorations!

The battleship formation lowered its altitude in a relatively flat place on the surface of the asteroid. Since this planet has no atmosphere and is too far away from the star, the temperature is almost the same as that of outer space!

On the dark, frozen ground, a crack that was several kilometers long and five hundred meters wide suddenly appeared! It was like a huge mouth that "swallowed" the fleet that landed not long ago. Then the cracks quickly closed, and everything returned to deathly silence, as if nothing had happened!

The fleet entered the crack, continued to descend all the way, and finally turned around at a depth of more than three thousand meters above the ground. Suddenly, an underground city covering hundreds of square kilometers appeared in front of it!

Countless men and women with imperial emblems on their uniforms were rushing around the city. Judging by their aura, they were all soldiers with absolute supernatural abilities. In the city, all kinds of weapons and equipment can be seen everywhere, and of course more of them are used in training grounds for different purposes! There are groups of mid- and low-star awakened people standing in a neat square formation, receiving instructions from the instructors!

This is a secret training base for the Empire's Superpower Legion. After the awakened people recruited through various means receive absolute time-based devilish training here, they will be officially incorporated into the Empire's Superpower Legion, and from then on they will become A member of the Empire!

The battleship hatch opened, and a young admiral walked out accompanied by dozens of officers. Colonel Balmer, the general person in charge of the base, immediately came forward with a group of subordinates.

"Dear Director, welcome to the CFR7705 base!" Balmer stood at attention and gave a standard military salute.

Ye Qingyuan nodded gently and said: "No more gossip! Take me to see you! Let's see how many achievements you have made in the past year and a half?"

"Yes! Everything is as you wish! Sir!" Balmer did not dare to neglect and immediately responded.

He looked at Li Kai beside the director, who smiled and nodded at him, indicating that he didn't need to be nervous.

Balmer's heart suddenly settled down, and he led Ye Qingyuan and others into the flying car and headed deeper into the city.

Along the way, I saw more and more awakened people, and most of them were being driven by instructors to undergo various high-intensity training! There are also some awakened people who have put on the uniforms of regular soldiers and are undergoing the final ability testing and equipment adaptation steps in the closed training room.

"How many people have been away for a while this month?" Ye Qingyuan asked.

"Sir! A total of 2,585 people have completed the training and passed the assessment!" Balmer responded, "Their abilities are all between three and eight stars. They also have absolute fighting experience. Generally speaking, they can Competent for general battlefield tasks! Moreover, due to the large number of newcomers sent here some time ago, there will be slightly more people completing training next month!"

"Yeah! Not bad!" Ye Qingyuan responded calmly.

This secret base existed a long time ago! It's just that the scale is not large, and the level of vigilance is not high. It would be better for Ye Qingyuan to re-activate it after he becomes the director of the supernatural army. This place has almost become a wasteland!

Under the orders of this young director, the entire base was expanded on a large scale. Everything was built according to the highest standards, and all facilities were brand new! Some of the people who manage the base are his cronies, and the other part is arranged by Li Maci. Don't ask, they are all members of the Clone Commando Organization! Including the base instructor Colonel Balmer.

"What happened to those kids?" Ye Qingyuan asked again.

Balmer responded: "Sir! A total of 29,000 children were sent last month. After the first to fifth levels of DNA awakening, there are currently 733 people who have shown signs of superpower activation! In addition to the previous ones, There are more than 5,000 quasi-awakened people in the base! And after testing, they are all seedlings with extremely good potential! They are worthy of focusing on training!"

"Of course!" The young director adjusted the golden ribbon on his uniform slowly and methodically, "This group of children will be the future backbone of the Empire's superpowers! Of course we must train them well!"

"DNA awakening reagent, how much stock does the base have?"

"Sir, there are still three to nine thousand copies left!"

"Okay!" Ye Qingyuan ordered, "Starting from next month, the number of children sent will be doubled! I will also order a sufficient supply of DNA awakening reagents, and all children who have inspired special powers will be unified by the base. Responsible for training and cultivation! However, for those who are not inspired, we will send them away for a period of time as usual and be transferred to ordinary military schools to study!"

This has been the practice of the supernatural corps for many years. They use the power of the imperial government to regularly select a large number of civilian children with relatively good basic qualities from the civilian population for fifth-level DNA awakening. Children who inspire supernatural powers will be sent to a specialized training base. , when he grows up, he will be incorporated into the supernatural army.

In fact, the eight major aristocratic families and some other races with strong combat capabilities are also doing this kind of thing! After all, among the people of the empire, those who are capable of awakening third-grade DNA or above on their own are productive stars with good economic and combat capabilities. Even if their powers are activated, they are not willing to accept the empire's call to join the army.

With superpowers, the social status of these people will be greatly improved, and they will naturally have a bright future in the future! Who wants to be disciplined in the military without a special reason? You must know that members of the Imperial Ability Corps are lifelong members. Unless they are injured or have made major achievements, they cannot quit easily!

Therefore, the empire is not very willing to recruit ready-made awakened people from the people to join the army. One of the main reasons is that they are difficult to control! Only when there is an invasion of foreign races like that time, and the Imperial regiment suffers too many casualties, will it break the convention and recruit a large number of new blood from the civilian population!

After Ye Qingyuan took over the supernatural army, he wanted to restore his combat effectiveness as soon as possible! He also adopted the same method, and while achieving his goal, he suddenly attacked the power of the eight major families! It can be said that it kills two birds with one stone! However, there are definitely some hidden dangers in using manpower obtained in this way! Loyalty and discipline cannot be compared with the seedlings you specially cultivated by yourself!

His Majesty the Emperor and the senior officials of the Strategic Command are well aware that this group of manpower, however, is an expedient move during the period of weakness of the Super Power Corps. Most of them will eventually be slowly wasted on the battlefield in the next few years. ! The future of the Empire's supernatural army still has to fall on these carefully selected children who have been trained since childhood!

Therefore, in order to quickly restore combat effectiveness, it is also for the unification battle that the empire will face in the future! Ye Qingyuan's investment in this aspect is more than ten times greater than that of his predecessor! Anyway, the supernatural army is not short of money at the moment, so they can spend it as much as they want!

With the help of the state machine, 50 million young men and women are selected from the civilian population every month. After being screened by DNA awakening, all the seedlings worth cultivating are sent to secret military bases located in major star fields for high-intensity training. , in 58 years, they will be officially incorporated into the supernatural corps.

Of course, such a big move by the empire quickly caused uneasiness among the eight major families! They all know that after the empire's combat effectiveness in this area has greatly increased, it will certainly be beneficial to the outside world! However, this sharp sword may be used against them at any time, especially when this sword is in the hands of a person who has no good impressions of them!

Yu Ming understands that in order to balance the empire's advantages in this regard, or to protect himself! The eight major aristocratic families had to follow closely and slowly, and they also increased their investment in this area. It is a pity to understand that no matter how powerful they are, they are not the masters of the empire after all, and they cannot confront the state machinery head-on!

Moreover, as a thousand-year-old family, the various economic benefits are of course astronomical, but for such a large family and race, millions of children need to be fed, and no amount of resources is enough! There is no way they can invest like Ye Qingyuan at the moment and expand their military strength like crazy regardless of the cost!

"Based on the current economic combat power of these races, even if some inputs that we don't know about are included, the capital investment they can use in this area every month is only one-tenth of ours. !" Ye Qingyuan said this to Fang Xu at that time.

"Even if the 8 major races unite together, they may have less combat power than the Imperial Regiment in the future! Not to mention, with the assistance of a large number of fifth-grade and eighth-grade DNA awakening reagents, the future Imperial Regiment will have more people awakening on the high star. The quality will be far superior to them!”

The eight major aristocratic families pose a great threat to the imperial power. In addition to their political and economic influence, the most important thing is that their force is strong enough! Maybe one or two families alone can't compete with the royal family, but if 8 families join forces, they can definitely shake the foundation of imperial power! With a knife in your hand, your words are naturally tough!

Now, Ye Qingyuan suggested using supernatural force as a breakthrough point to gradually gain an advantage over the aristocratic families, and then gradually squeeze their interest space, supplemented by other political and economic means, to finally weaken them and defeat them! Really return power to the royal family and fulfill the long-cherished wish of all emperors since the founding of the Shuofeng Empire!

At that time, the empire had completely eliminated internal hidden dangers and would no longer have any constraints in external wars! He is fully qualified to compete in the Xinghai and conquer the world!

After Fang Xucheng heard his plan, he went to Shuyuan www. only said one sentence: "If that day comes! Yunqing, you are the number one hero of the empire, and I will not hesitate to reward you with the king's title!"

After patrolling the base, Li Maci suggested that everyone go have lunch first and then discuss new decisions on various affairs of the base!

Ye Qingyuan understood and agreed easily. )

In the base's high-end officers' dining room, a group of attachés were having a drink. Ye Qingyuan drank a few drinks and went to rest first on the excuse that he was too drunk!

After leaving the door, a waitress immediately came to greet him and took him to a hidden compartment. After a while, Li Mace and Balmer also found an excuse and slipped out to join him!

"Where is he? Take me to see him!" he said.

Li nodded lightly: "Of course, no problem. This is the reason why I invited my lord here!"

After Luo Qingyue's genetic collapse problem was solved, he had already taken Ye Qingyuan as his master and voluntarily became a member of his retainers, and Ye Qingyuan's performance later did not disappoint him. (To be continued.)

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