Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 651 All kinds of problems are coming.

In addition to being in the cabinet, he also built a special private place at home and kept a large number of beautiful women for his enjoyment! Outside, he opened several top-quality entertainment and leisure clubs, and it is said that he also controlled several chambers of commerce specializing in slave trade, but their purpose is unknown!

What is good from above must be followed by those below! Anyone who thinks of following his path, relying on connections to do things, and getting close to them, as long as he prepares a few high-end beauties who can catch his eye, the matter will be very promising!

He takes great care of the woman he likes! I remember that there was once a stripper in a nightclub who, after a night of fun with him, suggested that he might enter politics and become a member of parliament. The excited Prime Minister immediately agreed and kept his word! In the next two years, using the connections at hand, he really managed to get such a stripper who knew nothing but getting into bed into the Imperial House of Commons!

And there are more than one such example! As long as she is a woman who is planning to enter politics and is pretty enough, she can definitely go to him for work! A female civil servant who had just started working found him, hoping that he could help her become the governor of a star field within ten years, and preferably get the title of a superior! The Prime Minister responded: "As long as it makes me happy, you can get everything you think you want!"

In the circle of women in the empire, there is a saying: "Do you expect to become famous? Go to the Prime Minister's ball! Do you expect to get rich? Go to the Prime Minister's ball! Do you expect to be promoted? Go to it. Let’s have a ball for the Prime Minister!”

As long as you take off all your clothes in front of the Prime Minister, you can change into everything you thought you wanted! This is the consensus among the women’s circles in the imperial capital! And it hasn’t changed in decades!

Although this prime minister's character is terrible, his credibility is still good! As long as he is happy enough, he will definitely fulfill his previous promise! The more than twenty beautiful members of the Imperial House of Commons are enough to prove this point! Even though their previous careers were not enough for outsiders to understand!

The Prime Minister's actions naturally aroused many voices of dissatisfaction, and his political opponents often used this excuse to attack him! The memorials accusing him could fill His Majesty the Emperor's study! However, for decades, no one could drive him out of this place!

This guy still has some abilities. Hundreds of years in this power circle have long since honed him into the shrewdest old fox in politics! In addition, the emperor of this dynasty was able to ascend the throne because of his great efforts. The emperor also needs to use his ability to stabilize the political situation and combat the influence of aristocratic families! Therefore, I turned a blind eye to his behavior and pretended not to see it!

It's really difficult to meet such an old gangster! Ye Qingyuan sighed with some embarrassment. In addition to the eight aristocratic families, there is such an enemy. It is not clear what kind of unnecessary troubles will come to his door in the future!

In the three-dimensional projection, a large number of reporters blocked the door of the Prime Minister's official residence, asking Wang Guangchang, who had gone out not long ago, about all the bad things he had done in the past!

"Prime Minister, I heard that you have more than five lovers, is it true..."

"Prime Minister, I heard that you hold some kind of private dance every night and only invite young women to attend. Is this true..."

"Your Majesty Prime Minister, the newly revised minor protection law in the empire was passed under your promotion in the past few years. However, I heard that you often have sex with underage girls. What is your explanation for this..."

"Your Majesty Prime Minister..."

All kinds of problems are overwhelming this big man! If it were any other official, he would have fled in panic!

However, this one was different. I could only see his hands on his hips, his round belly rising and falling together, and he suddenly burst out with a roar that shook the earth:

"Please calm down!"

This roar is really full of aura, the wind and clouds are thundering, and the color of the world changes! The aura of overlord is billowing out! In the past, reporters who were not afraid of anything and were interested in digging up big names were actually frightened by his demeanor and stopped talking in unison. Some of the novices even had expressions of fear on their faces!

After glancing around with disdain, facing this group of famous reporters known as the "Uncrowned Emperor", the Prime Minister began his earth-shattering and tearful speech:

"As for my private life, my answer is two sentences: First, I have almost everything you said, almost not, but so what? Second, even if I have many women, it is natural! In Empire, any successful man will have more than one woman, that’s normal!”

"As a successful man with normal physiological needs, all this is just my legitimate leisure!"

"I love life and women!"

"Therefore, I don't think you are qualified to raise any questions about my private life!"

"I'm over 370 years old, and someone actually said that I had close contact with more than 300 women in a month. This is simply an unfathomable thing!"


Ye Qingyuan could no longer listen to the next words. The name of the "Rogue Prime Minister" of the Shuofeng Empire was well-known throughout the Star Sea World! Now he has almost seen the other party's profound skills!

In fact, sometimes things went too far, and His Majesty the Emperor reprimanded him, and his reply was: "I have such a trivial hobby! Your Majesty, please forgive me!"

As the saying goes, if a person has no face, he is invincible in the world! This is what he is talking about!

Qin Yuanyuan and Luo Qingyue came out of the cabin, holding a box in their hands.

"Is everything done?" he asked.

"Generally everything is fine!" His sister sat down next to him, opened the box and said, "Half of your hundreds of properties and all the properties on the fief were transferred to my name and Sister Qingyue's, and the rest Please leave all your belongings to my aunt, we will go on an expedition with the army, so we can only put these things aside and take care of them when we get back!"

"It's nothing, just do it this way!" He looked at the photon computer chips in the box and the paper property rights certificates, which now had both of their names written on them.

The two women will follow him and will not get their status for the time being, so it would be better to give them some property first.

However, maybe all this will be taken back by His Majesty soon! If he decides to leave the empire! It's better to think that the royal family may be suspicious, and he will replace all these things with crystal nuclei in the future!

He didn't have much hope for Fang Yuqing's promise. The royal family seems to be unable to see his personal feelings and dignity, and treats him as a tool to carry on the family line. He will never accept this arrangement!

Perhaps, now is the time to start thinking about where to start your own business in the future! Relying on your own abilities and the group of subordinates who follow you loyally, it is not very difficult to build a foundation!

A few days later, the empire's new batch of reinforcements was finally assembled. All combat troops were in place. The first wave of fleets had already set off. Huge cargo fleets were constantly moving along the major waterways, collecting all the huge amounts of logistics supplies. Ship to the front!

This time, the empire once again dispatched 500 reorganized fleets, 300 private fleets from each major race, with Wang Yuexiang as the commander, 100 imperial power legions, plus 80 forcibly recruited from several major races. Legions, as well as the eight Guards Legions allocated to him by His Majesty the Emperor, the total strength reaches one hundred and eighty-eight legions, with tens of millions of awakened people!

Such a lineup, coupled with the previously dispatched fleet, has more than doubled the number of troops participating in the war of the Xuanluo Federation. The advantage is already very obvious! He is completely confident that he will drive the other party back to his hometown!

If the situation permits, we can even fight back and occupy dozens or hundreds of his star fields! Even destroying this big country is not impossible!

On the day of the expedition, His Majesty the Emperor personally led his ministers to the Imperial Regiment base on the 18th planet to practice it for the soldiers.

"My child, go early and come back early!" Fang Xucheng held his hand and said gently: "Don't let my princess wait too long!"

"Father, don't worry! I will definitely defeat the Federation as soon as possible and return to the court as soon as possible!" he responded. I also have some emotions in my heart!

No matter what his thoughts are, His Majesty has treated him well so far! He would not abandon him unless he had to!

In short, I estimate that by fighting this battle well, I can almost repay his kindness!

Fang Yuqing stood behind her father, watching him reluctantly, and secretly said to him with mental fluctuations: "Take care along the way!"

He nodded gently at her, said goodbye to the officials present one by one, and then boarded the flagship under the leadership of Wang Yuexiang.

The huge fleet began to take off one after another, forming a commando team, and then flew in formation towards the wormhole in the distance!

"Will he come back?" Looking at the direction in which the fleet disappeared, Fang Yuqing suddenly had a hunch that something was wrong!

The southern border of the empire, the Sand Ou Star Territory.

The fleets of both sides were fighting fiercely. Laser cannons, particle cannons, space cannons, cation plasma cannons... billions of beams of destruction filled the universe! Occasionally, powerful large-scale fortress cannons would fire. With one shot, hundreds of warships would be directly vaporized by the terrifying high temperature in an instant! The people there don't even have a chance to escape!

In the universe, there are wreckage of destroyed battleships, damaged mechas, space fighters, spherical rescue capsules, and the bodies of dead officers and soldiers scattered everywhere!

The main fleet was very close to arriving at this time. Under the deliberate actions of the commanders of both sides, they soon became entangled! Entering a large-scale close combat phase!

In the melee, the mecha troops and supernatural legions of both sides began to play an important role! The soldiers of the Mecha Legion are equipped with heavy ship-cutting light knives that are tens of meters long, which can effectively break through the energy shield of the battleship and carry out destructive strikes on the vital parts of the ship!

The equipment of the supernatural legion warriors can easily break through the protection of battleships! Just like this, while protecting one's own fleet, causing as much damage as possible to the enemy's fleet has become the unanimous mission of both armies!

A large number of awakened beings are fighting selflessly in the universe. The mecha knights disappear and appear among the densely packed battleship wreckage. After looking at the target, they rush out and hit the engine part with a heavy blow. Then they retreat and disappear. It fell into the wreckage, leaving behind an extremely blazing fireball!

It seemed that the fighting power of both sides was almost the same, and the battle was at a stalemate for a while, and the fight was extremely brutal!

"Is it almost done?" In the flagship of the federal army, Yan Junyou, who had been promoted to lieutenant general, looked at the battlefield situation map on the huge monitor and smiled: "The empire's combat effectiveness is only at this level! They have no more You can use the chips to waste! As long as you persist for a few more days, you can completely defeat them!"

Yan Qinghong frowned and stared at the map carefully. From time to time, he was calculating something on the personal terminal in front of him. Occasionally, he would ask the adjutant beside him some questions! Then issue corresponding attack instructions based on the latest battlefield situation changes!

"The situation is better than expected, but the improvement is limited!" She said slowly, "The person opposite is very stubborn. I think it will make him collapse in a short while, but the possibility is not high!"

Yan Junyou said: "Then send me and the rest of the fleet away for a while? There is also the supernatural legion. Their current casualties are higher than mine. If we add more fire, we will definitely be able to achieve our goal!" "

"How do you know that the opponent has no trump card?" Yan Qinghong said, "Although we have made absolute progress these days, the Imperial Regiment has not suffered a decisive blow! Their military morale is still stable, and their logistics supplies It has not been greatly affected, and the lost troops and equipment can still be absolutely replenished!"

"Under this situation, it is estimated that it will be quite difficult to completely defeat them. If it is not necessary, I do not agree with taking such a risk!"

"In this case, how long do I have to wait?" Yan Junyou frowned slightly and said anxiously: "We have already captured the five star regions of the empire. As long as we occupy this star region again, it will be different from the original territory. Then they can be connected as one, and their defense line can be transformed into a favorable containment situation!"

"Occupied? Do you think so?" Yan Qinghong twitched the corners of his eyes and called out a piece of intelligence received not long ago: "Come and take a look! The empire's reinforcements have already set off, about half We can reach the front line in a month!”

Yan Junyou's face suddenly darkened: "They move very fast!"

"In that case, what should I do now? Why not, as I suggested first, find Shuyuan www.zhaoshhuyua.comm to mobilize all our forces for a quick victory? Try to establish victory before their reinforcements arrive?"

"Maybe?" Yan Qinghong sighed, "The wise men accompanying the army have already deduced the feasibility of this plan, and concluded that they can be defeated and eventually capture three or five star regions, but that's the end of it! Our power does not have much advantage, we can suppress them, but it is impossible for them to completely collapse!"

"If you use up all the chips in your hand right now, the ensuing war will be difficult to handle!"

"But their reinforcements are coming!" Yan Junyou said angrily, "By then we won't even be able to maintain some of our current advantages!"

"Who said they are the only ones with reinforcements?" Yan Qinghong clicked a few times on the photon computer with her white fingers, and called up another message: "The news from the country is that the president has reached an agreement with more than a dozen small and medium-sized countries around the empire. We have formed an alliance! They can gather the strength of more than three million fleets and nearly a hundred supernatural legions!" (To be continued.)

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