"These troops have begun to gather towards the borders of the empire and can launch an offensive within a week. As long as I wait here to contain the main force of the empire, they can attack the empire from multiple directions and open up the situation! By then, More countries will join our ranks, so why worry about big things happening?"

When Yan Junyou heard this, his expression suddenly softened: "If that's the case, then I'll be relieved!"

"In other words, the week before the arrival of the imperial reinforcements is the key point that determines the outcome of the war!" Yan Qinghong said again, "As long as I make a mistake in waiting here, the history of the empire will end in one to two years. ! By then, our race will separate from the Federation and stand on its own, and you will be able to clear your name!"

The Yun family's mansion.

"Father, why did you do this?" Yun Xinyao asked angrily in the study.

"Why? You also know the unnecessary troubles that our race has been facing recently. How much loss have we suffered since that kid came to power?" Cheng Guiyun said indifferently, "As a father, I wouldn't expect this. However, this is not the case. The situation will become even more difficult in the future! The emperor has made it clear that he has no intention of letting us go!"

"For the present plan, only by making good friends with these important ministers of the empire can we ensure that our race can tide over the difficulties smoothly! It is not too unfair for you to marry the prime minister of the empire!"

"You don't know what kind of virtue that damn fat man has! You want me to serve him? Is there any father like you?" Yun Xinyao's pretty face turned pale with anger.

"So what? The interests of the family race are above all else!" Cheng Guiyun snorted coldly, "You have enjoyed the fine clothes and food given to you by the family race. Now that the family race is in trouble, you will naturally repay the favor to the family race! I No matter he is a human or a ghost, even if he is a dog, as long as he sits in that seat, you have to marry him!"

"Father, my daughter has been advising you not to go against Ye Qingyuan! You didn't listen, and now the situation has gotten out of hand! Even the family's race-suppressing artifact has been lost!" Yun Xinyao picked at the corner of her eyes, Then he persuaded: "Isn't the reconciliation plan proposed by the clan elders meeting that time very good? You refused to agree! As of now, no one can step down, so why bother?"

"Don't mention that bastard again!" Cheng Guiyun jumped up and shouted almost madly: "It's all this damn beast! Without him, how could the Yun family be in this situation? If he died, Where are there so many unnecessary things?"

"Aren't you still willing to give up?" Yun Xinyao asked angrily, "What power can you have to kill him now? Just with those greedy volleyballs you hired at a sky-high price? Do you know that if you do this, It’s pushing our race to the point of death!”

"Shut up!" Cheng Guiyun slammed the table, "My race belongs to me! Why don't I need you to teach me a lesson!"

"That's right, that time the Prime Minister went to find you, but that boy disrupted the situation!" The prince looked back and forth at his daughter with his cold eyes. "You definitely fell in love with that bastard, so you asked him to come over to help you, right? The Prime Minister is very angry about this!"

"Go to the Prime Minister's residence immediately, apologize to him, and ask for his forgiveness!"

"You want me to see that fat pig?" Yun Xinyao asked coldly, "Are you still asking me to take off my clothes to seduce him?"

The prince glared at his daughter fiercely, and said through his teeth: "Just do it if necessary!"

"You dirty old dog!" Yun Xinyao exploded completely, grabbed the teacup in front of her and threw it heavily!

Yunhui on the side reached out and grabbed the cup.

"Sister, don't be like this, my father is also for this family's race!" He tried to persuade him without confidence, but was silenced by Yun Xinyao's murderous gaze.

Cheng Guiyun snorted coldly: "Yes! I am a dog! Then what are you? You are raised by a dog!"

"I tell you today, you have to marry whether you want to marry or not! It's not up to you! If you make trouble again, I will strip you naked and send you to the Prime Minister right now!"

"So what if you send me there?" Yun Xinyao said angrily, "No matter how great the prime minister is, can he be bigger than the emperor? Don't think that you can keep your position! I'm going to take a look at it now, what will you do in the future? He killed him!"

After that, she kicked open the door and rushed away for a while!

Cheng Guiyun stared at her back and said to Yunhui gloomily: "Go and send a few people to keep an eye on her. The Prime Minister is coming to a banquet tonight. Ask her to cooperate then. We can't let her do bad things again!"

"...Understood, Father!" Yunhui hesitated and agreed.

Yun Xinyao walked through the corridor and walked out angrily, but unexpectedly, a group of young men suddenly turned out in front of them, blocking the way.

"Miss Yun, where are you going in such a hurry?" the leader said with a smile.

"Yun Hailong?" She said with a cold expression on her pretty face, "What are you doing here? I'm in a bad mood right now and I have no time to care about you!"

With that said, she turned around to take another path.

Yun Hailong and several best friends swarmed up and surrounded her.

The young master didn't waste any words and said straightforwardly: "Yun Xinyao, your father has been having a hard time lately! Do you know that the clan elders in the family have met several times to depose him? Isn't it the elders like me?" Only by agreeing did you keep your father’s position!”

"For this, shouldn't you express a little gratitude to us?"

"What are you going to say?" Yun Xinyao said angrily.

"It's very simple. I heard that you are going to be given to the Prime Minister of the Empire!" Yun Hailong stared at her beautiful face greedily and said, "What's wrong with that disgusting fat pig? Why don't you give the third one to her before marrying her? Just wait for me for once, okay? Why do you think I have been secretly in love with you for so many years? How about you just let me have a taste of you?"

As he said that, he couldn't hold it in any longer, reached out and grabbed her arm, dragging her to a cabin next to her.

"You bastards, let me go..." She was fighting for her life, but how could she defeat so many people joining forces? He was quickly dragged in.

Yunhui, who was following from a distance, heard his sister's cry for help in the cabin. He hesitated for a while, but still couldn't pass.

Sister, forgive me! My father’s position as head of the family is about to be lost! Nowadays, they really can’t afford to offend! You just...

He lowered his head and slowly left the cabin.

"These useless things are even more outrageous!" In a palace in the distance, Yuntian Que retracted his brainwaves and snorted coldly.

"Go and take action once!" He ordered Yun Linjie beside him.

Yun Linjie nodded gently, and her figure suddenly disappeared from the spot.

In less than ten seconds, she came back, holding Yun Xinyao with tears on her face.

"My child, you have been wronged!" Seeing that the shirt on her body was still intact, Yuntianque breathed a sigh of relief and said comfortingly: "Go and have a rest first! I'll probably talk to you later!"

The huge imperial fleet rushed all the way and arrived at the Prison Star Territory on the second day. It was still more than ten days away from the southern front line. )

News of the tense war on the front line has come back. The federal fleet has stepped up its offensive these days, and several small countries have also sent troops to participate in the war. The imperial regiment is under great pressure!

"Is Guo Qiuxian about to be unable to withstand it?" In the flagship, Wang Yuexiang watched the battle report sent back from the front line, frowning and said: "We have lost three star fields, saying it is to concentrate our strength and shrink the defense line! According to him, , how long will it take to see the outcome?”

"I don't think it matters much!" Simon, the chief of staff of the fleet, said. "As long as he can maintain the current situation and persist for a few more days, when I wait, the decline can be completely reversed! The few star fields that have been temporarily lost can also be Take it back!"

"Maybe it won't work!" Wang Yuexiang ticked the corners of his eyes and looked back: "Lieutenant General Luo Qingyue, please explain the situation to everyone!"

Luo Qingyue, who was dressed in military uniform, nodded slightly, turned on the photon computer in front of him, and explained to the high-ranking officers present: "According to the latest intelligence collected by the Ministry of Security, the Golle and Mexley around the empire, Tianyan and more than a dozen small and medium-sized countries have already reached an alliance with the Xuanluo Federation! Their fleets are gathering towards the border of the empire, and they will complete their attack preparations in almost a week!"

Suddenly, the faces of all the generals became solemn, and Tian Xuanhao asked: "How many troops do they have? If they launch an offensive, can the existing troops on the imperial defense line be able to withstand it?"

"More than three million fleets, nearly a hundred supernatural legions! Although there are not many elite divisions among them, the numerical advantage can make up for it!" Luo Qingyue said, "They will be divided into three directions and attack the empire's border! Because I The border line adjacent to them is thousands of light-years long! Even after rigorous deduction and analysis, there are dozens of possible attack locations for the opponent! There is no way to concentrate forces in advance to focus on defense!"

"And our main fleet is dragged on the front line of the battle with the Federation, and it can't find the strength to put out the fire! Therefore..."

"If the border fleet we are waiting for cannot stop the coalition forces of those small and medium-sized countries and allow them to invade the empire, the ensuing situation will be very difficult, right?" Ye Qingyuan asked.

"Yes! Therefore, we have to strike early and expose it for the time being!" Wang Yuexiang said, "We must find ways to prevent those third-rate countries from taking advantage of the situation. If there is no way to stop it, then we must give them a lesson they will never forget!"

"I feel that these small countries are nothing to worry about!" Luo Qingyue said, "They dare to be so bold at this time and come to attack the empire! It's just because the Xuanluo Federation is behind them. As long as this big country is defeated, Don’t be afraid of what tricks they dare to play!”

"It is not difficult to defeat the Federation! It is not difficult with our current strength!" Tian Xuanhao said, "As long as we can arrive in time! But do we still have enough time?"

The generals were silent. From here to the southern border of the empire, even if we hurry up, we won't be able to arrive within a week!

From the imperial capital to southern Xinjiang, an ordinary first-speed spacecraft can do it in five to five days. However, as a huge fleet, there are too many factors that affect its marching speed! No matter how fast we speed up, we can’t meet the requirements!

If these small countries are allowed to succeed and break through the border without any scruples about destruction, even though there are still many fleets in the empire, they can be mobilized to intercept them! There is no doubt that there will be too much loss in a short period of time, but the political impact is too bad!

When those big countries that are still waiting to see find that some unscrupulous countries can invade the empire and cause destruction, what will they think? Will they think that this empire is already a powerful foreign power, and thus change their original intention of neutrality and join in to take advantage of it?

For now, it is best to defeat the Federation as soon as possible, or at least let it suffer several defeats to stabilize the situation! Only in this way can you arrange things calmly and face the next challenge!

After all, the only problem now is time! As long as we can arrive in time, everything will be easy to handle; if not, direct control of the battlefield will fall into the hands of the opponent, and there will definitely be a lot of trouble in the future!

"I feel that the current method is to report the situation to His Majesty!" said the great wise man Leng Zhuo, "ask him to order the entire southern territory of the empire to enter a state of emergency. All armies located here must immediately assemble and move closer to the border! Hope! Delay their offensive as much as possible! The Ministry of Foreign Affairs can also put pressure on those countries! Of course it is best if you can win without a fight!"

"However, there is no way to estimate the time issue at the moment! We can only send a small number of first-class speed warships and carry some elite supernatural legions to go first! Try to stabilize the defense line before we talk! Whether it can be done depends on God's will!"

"This is also an idea! Let's just do it this way!" Wang Yuexiang said, "If there are any other means, everyone might as well speak freely!"

The generals discussed it for a while, and finally figured out that there was no more problem, and they just had to give up!

Yu Ming understood that the fleet had mobilized 150,000 first-class speed warships for reconnaissance and rescue, and carried 300 elite mecha legions and fifty superpower legions, leaving the main force and rushing on. But if something unexpected happens, they will arrive within a week! Can effectively alleviate the situation on the front line!

"Is it just a shortcut?" After the meeting, Ye Qingyuan asked Luo Qingyue privately: "If we can travel through less wormholes, we will save time!"

"How can it be so easy?" Luo Qingyue rolled her eyes at him, "There were not many wormholes in this star field before! The current interstellar transportation network is still the result of the empire's expansion here, which took hundreds of years and a lot of manpower and material resources. It’s built! You’re probably looking for a shortcut, look for Shuyuanwww.zhaoshuyuaan.com Why maybe? Unless those volleyball players have the means!”

Transportation in the interstellar era mainly relies on wormholes and star gates. Wormholes are space transmission nodes that connect different planets, different star fields, and galaxies. The transmission distance is generally from a few light years to dozens of light years, sometimes hundreds of light years. Star gates are mainly used for short-distance space transmission. , the transmission distance is generally thousands to tens of thousands of light seconds, and will not exceed one light year at most.

The fleet can generally reach it instantly when passing through the wormhole. The main reason is that after emerging from the wormhole, when rushing to the next transmission node, it must travel at sub-light speed. In some particularly prosperous star fields, there will be short-distance star gates connecting two adjacent wormholes, which can save this step; however, most star fields do not have this luxury and can only let the fleet run on its own. !

Wormholes and star gates are both expensive things. It is estimated that if you want to open a new route in a certain star field, more than 90% of the cost will be on wormholes. However, for star gates, they are generally not particularly important. In the star field, you can't see its shadow at all!

The manufacturing technology of these two things is naturally in the hands of the ghost race! Although humans also have similar technology, the quality of the finished products is not even the slightest bit worse. The stability and service life are incomparable, and the money spent is even more surprising! For the same cost that humans spend to build a pair of wormholes, the ghost race people can build several pairs! (To be continued.)

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