Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 654: Battle of Dust Cloud Belt

All the design materials for the "Qinghai" battleship, the "Poseidon" mecha, the "Star Sea Ranger" mechanical combat partner, and dozens of first-class heavy equipment, as well as related production lines, were packaged and sent over!

The total value is difficult to estimate for a while!

"The wealth of a thousand-year-old family is truly extraordinary!" He sighed. "That old guy entrusted you with so much wealth for me just for the so-called glimmer of hope? He is so sure that the future of the Yun family Will it be destroyed in my hands?"

"This is half of all the wealth that the venerable Yun family will control!" Yun Xinyao said, "What he means is: no matter what, you are the blood of the Yun family, and it is better to transfer things to you than to fall to them in the future. That emperor is much stronger in his hands!"

Ye Qingyuan stood up and walked around the cabin a few times, then asked, "You don't need to directly state what Yuntian Que means! Now that we've talked about it, do you think I will let him get his wish?"

"I know!" She said calmly, "I have told them all their plans now, but I don't think I will be used as a tool by them again! I have really had enough of this race!"

"Now I realize how ridiculous my original thinking was! I tried my best to get you back! It ended up in this situation! I really regret why I found out your identity and even said you would leave for a while... "Unconsciously, her voice became choked with sobs.

"Now that things have happened, there is no point in saying this!" Looking at her sad look, he couldn't bear it, but he still decided to speak clearly: "Then I will ask you, where will you stand in the decisive battle between your father and me in the future? side?"

"You can do whatever you like!" She gritted her teeth and said, "I really don't know, but the position of power is so important to him that he can do anything! He... can be said to be crazy!"

"Currently, are you willing to accept me?"

Ye Qingyuan pondered for a long time, and then slowly said: "Although all this happened because of you, you should know that when your father planned to sell you to that old ghost, if you told my secret, it would This great contribution will not only allow you to change your own situation, but the entire Yun family will also be yours in the future! Why didn't you tell me?"

"I just didn't think you would be hurt! From the beginning, I never thought about harming you!" She said sadly, "At that time, I just thought about letting you go back. I almost had selfish motives. However, what happened later, It really wasn’t my intention! Why do I know about the grudge between that lunatic and your father?”

He sighed softly in his heart. This girl was still too wishful thinking. She didn't know that in the face of interests, everything was unreliable! The person closest to her is the person who hurt her the most!

Fortunately, she didn't say that, even when she was almost raped! Just for this reason, maybe I should give her a chance?

"Okay! For the sake of keeping my secret, I won't care about those things in the past!" Ye Qingyuan finally said, "But before that, you still have to talk to Qingyue and the others! You two had some unpleasantness at first, so don’t take it personally in the future!”

"Yeah! I know!" she said meekly.

"By the way, what happened to the girl from the Qi family?" He asked again, "Is it possible that she was forced by the elders in the family to stay no longer, so she ran out with you to seek refuge?"

"She!" Yun Xinyao smiled softly, "She said she was worried about my safety and there was no point in sitting around at home. So she came with me! However, in my opinion, she is largely I’m doing this just for you!”

"Are you kidding me! How old is that girl? Will she fall in love with me?" He said in confusion.

"Is it true? Why don't you just let her tell you?" She said slightly jealously, "It's because you are so hateful that even underage children are attracted to you!"

"The front line is dangerous, so let her go back!" He said, "If something happens to her, I can't explain it to her grandfather. No matter why, Lang Hao was still good to me at the beginning!"

"Why are you driving her away? She is also a talented mirror artist and can help you during the war!" Yun Xinyao said, "Don't worry, I won't cause any unnecessary trouble for you! I am the same Master Gao Xing!"

Ye Qingyuan was about to persuade him again when he suddenly felt a slight tremor under his feet.

"What's going on?" His face became serious. Based on experience, he judged that this was a sign that the battleship's main gun would fire at full strength!

The door to the secret room opened, and Liu Xiangyun rushed in and said, "General, we have been ambushed! There are federal fleets everywhere outside!"

We were almost at the front line when the Xuanluo Federation's fleet suddenly appeared. We had not expected this possibility before and had made targeted arrangements, but we guessed that something had happened!

"What's the situation?" Ye Qingyuan rushed to the main control room. All personnel were in place. Tian Xuanhao stared at the dynamics of the enemy fleet on the monitor and issued instructions one after another from time to time!

Against the background of the magnificent starry sky, a large number of warships with the Xuanluo Federation's gold-leaf multicolored rose ribbon engraved on their bows formed a formation to outflank the imperial fleet! The energy shield was fully opened, judging from this, he planned to eat them all!

"These guys were hiding in a dust cloud belt 800 light seconds away!" After a few rounds of shooting, Tian Xuanhao took a moment to relax and explained to him: "The matter there is very important to all kinds of things." Frequency electromagnetic waves, gravitational waves, and biological body induction detection all have a kind of interference shielding for use! It’s not clear whether it is a natural change or they have done something to it!”

"That's all! The point is that they used some kind of large-scale mirror array technology to cover up the traces of the fleet's existence. Even the hyperspace detector can't detect it!"

"Can it be dealt with?" he asked.

"It should be possible!" Tian Xuanhao said, "Although the opponent has 8,000 or 9,000 warships, and they all look elite! But it doesn't matter to me! As long as there are no reinforcements!"

Why didn't Admiral Bernanke expect that his superior ordered him to lurk here temporarily to prepare for the arrival of the subsequent large fleet, so as to implement the strategic encirclement plan of the frontline imperial fleet? But he had only been here for less than two hours, and when he settled down not long ago, he discovered the Imperial fleet rushing in from behind!

He almost jumped up in shock! What's going on? Didn't they say that their reinforcements are still on the way and it will take at least a week to arrive? Why is it here now?

When he saw that the opponent only had 150,000 warships, he was slightly relieved. This should only be the forward, the main force is probably still far away!

Judging by common sense, this fleet and the number of supernatural legions accompanying the fleet, even if they pass through unscathed, may not affect the entire battle situation!

However, with five times the combat power of the opponent in hand, his mind inevitably became more active! If you can eat all this fleet, this achievement will be enough for you to rise to another level!

Moreover, they have set up a "Krella" particle fog around them to block hyperspace communication! There is no need to worry about the news leaking! Then, there is no suspense left! Let’s start the fight. Don’t let the hard work of delivering it to your door go to waste!

"Surround them, and all departments must cooperate!" he ordered, "Don't let even one ship go! After this battle, I will take credit from everyone!"

Under his command, the federal fleet formation spread out and surrounded them in a spherical shape. The main guns of the battleships kept firing, driving the imperial fleet in the encirclement toward the center!

Not to be outdone, the imperial fleet fired back unceremoniously. They only attacked one direction with each salvo, and the attack area was not large, but the firepower was extremely fierce! The hit rate is also incredibly high!

What's even more terrible is that the Imperial Fleet seems to be able to predict their attack targets, and can always rely on its own speed advantage to avoid the places where the Federation Fleet's firepower is the most intense!

After several rounds of shooting, more than 30,000 federal warships have been completely destroyed! And the losses of the imperial fleet were only a little more than one-tenth of theirs!

An exchange ratio of nearly one to ten! This is really unbelievable! Admiral Bernanke got angry and cursed angrily: "Labour and management don't believe you are so powerful! Pass my order, all the fleets will speed up and press on them, and the pile will kill them!"

After receiving the order, the federal fleet no longer cared about casualties and accelerated their charge!

"The twenty-eighth, twenty-seventh to thirty-fifth fleets, move forward 800 kilometers, eight o'clock position, coordinates xxxx, xxxx... The main gun group fires a salvo with an 80% operating rate! Immediately after the shooting is completed Maneuver backward and downward, and continue charging the main gun..." In response to the enemy's suddenly strengthened offensive, Tian Xuanhao remained unmoved, and then issued various instructions in an orderly manner!

"Fifty-eighth, Fifty-seventh Squadron, you will move down a thousand kilometers immediately. The federal fleet is about to launch a covering attack on your headquarters!"

Near the left wing of the fleet formation, the two named fleets made emergency maneuvers, and the originally complete and tight spherical fleet formation suddenly collapsed! Five or five seconds later, the overwhelming beam of destruction flooded the empty place!

The salvo of more than 9,000 warships is enough to destroy even a mobile interstellar fortress!

"We can't be beaten by them, it would be too much of a disadvantage!" Ye Qingyuan said.

"Yes, so I plan to rush away from this position for a while before starting a commando counterattack!" Tian Xuanhao made a few marks on the battlefield map on the monitor and said.

Soon, the imperial fleet moved, and the round formation suddenly changed, turning into a shuttle shape, like a sharp spear! Suddenly rush towards the federal fleet in the northwest corner!

Under Tian Xuanhao's terrifyingly accurate control ability, the more than 20,000 warships blocking the front were torn to pieces by the imperial fleet with almost no resistance! More than 100,000 first-class speed warships rushed towards the opened gap!

"Asshole! What do you do with the fleet nearby? Block the gap for me!" Admiral Bernan was furious. "Their warships are faster than us, so we must not let them run away for a while!"

Driven by him, the fleets around the gap hurried over, and space fighters and mecha legions were also launched one after another! Soon the second layer of surrounding net took shape.

"Pay attention to maintaining the formation! The fleet that has been fully charged will follow the unified arrangements and carry out the utmost clearing and killing of the enemies along the way!" Tian Xuanhao ordered calmly.

"The space fighter wings and mecha legions of each fleet can be dispatched! We must definitely hold back the opponent's same type of troops, and we cannot let those guys get close to the fleet we are waiting for!"

After more than ten breaths, the imperial fleet has rushed to the gap in the encirclement. After another round of shooting, the main guns of both sides are stepping up charging! At this time, the mecha legions on both sides have become close to each other! A brutal fight ensued!

Since the Federation fleet is far more numerous than the Empire, the number of mecha legions and space fighter wings accompanying the ships is also far greater! However, thanks to the number of supernatural legions, the empire had a greater advantage, and the two sides ended up in a draw for a while!

The neatly dressed Ye Qingyuan rushed out of the flagship, his figure disappearing and appearing in the universe. In a few blinks of an eye, he had arrived at the side of a Qianxing awakener from the Federation!

Before he could react, a golden-red sword light flashed through. His 8-star heavy-duty light armor was effortlessly sliced ​​open, and the human body inside was also cut in half. The bright red blood was like a fountain. It gushes out like water and spontaneously condenses into blood beads of different sizes in a gravity-free environment!

"Let me see how capable the Federation's Awakened Army is in terms of combat effectiveness!" He gently waved his sword and rushed into the formation of the Federation Army again!

In the universe, the mecha legions and the awakened legions on both sides are fighting for their lives! Source energy of various different grades and attributes collided fiercely in the air, and the violent energy aftermath spread in all directions, even affecting some warships that were closer!

Ye Qingyuan's figure suddenly appeared in the universe, and every time he appeared, he was bound to be accompanied by a fierce and powerful sword light! In three breaths, his figure froze fifteen times and fired fifteen swords. Each sword must take away a life!

By the time he returned to the formation, fifteen high-level commanders in the Federation's Awakened Legion had died, each of them at least as powerful as a Qianxing!

The effect of this decapitation operation was obvious. There was a brief chaos in the opposite legion. Ye Qingyuan took this opportunity and immediately ordered: "Prepare the light crossbow!"

In an instant, millions of light crossbows were aimed at the federal army on the opposite side. As the source energy continued to pour in, the blue and faint cold light in the diamond-shaped launch hole began to light up from scratch!

The remaining commanders on the opposite side were shocked and immediately ordered all officers and soldiers to activate the matrix defense and activate the energy shield to the extreme! At the same time, our own light crossbows also began to prepare for a counterattack.

This comparison shows the gap between the two camps! Every member of the Empire's supernatural army has a five-star light crossbow. This kind of weapon, which in the past was only qualified for officers above the school grade, has now become a popular equipment in the empire! However, officers above lieutenant colonel are equipped with a complete set of five-star equipment!

Moreover, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshhuyuan. co believes that due to the excessive loss of source energy, an absolute number of energy potions are distributed to each awakened person! On the battlefield, as long as it is used properly, it can completely create an overwhelming firepower advantage over the enemy!

On the other hand, in the federal camp, those who have the same grade of equipment are all middle-level and above officers. Compared with the hard-working Imperial regiment, they are like a group of miscellaneous troops that cannot stand on the stage!


With a command, millions of light arrows flashing with a faint cold light streaked across the universe, covering the federal supernatural army on the opposite side!

As the light arrows continued to hit their targets, clusters of annihilation light clusters with a diameter of tens of meters exploded one after another, causing heavy casualties to the federal awakeners.

However, the counterattack suffered by the Imperial Regiment was weak and weak. The light arrows emitted by those two-star and three-star light crossbows did not even break through their energy shield!

After a round of shooting, the Empire regiment suffered negligible losses, while on the Federation side, almost nine thousand Awakeneds were dead, and many others were injured! (To be continued.)

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