The difference between the two sides is not only reflected in the quality of the current equipment, but also in the current number of troops! This time, there were less than thirty Awakened Legions that came with the Federation's fleet. At this time, they had all been deployed on the battlefield to participate in the containment of the Imperial Fleet. However, facing the Imperial Regiment whose equipment was better than theirs and whose numbers were far superior to theirs, being abused was a normal result!

A few seconds later, following Ye Qingyuan's order, the second wave of light arrows was sent out, and then the third wave!

After three rounds of attacks, the morale of the federal army has completely collapsed, and the formation is in chaos! No matter how much the commander yells at you, it will be difficult to maintain the situation! Ye Qingyuan took the opportunity to order an attack, part of which surrounded and annihilated the remaining enemies, and part of which went to clean up the opponent's mecha army! The balance of victory begins to tilt toward the empire!

Near the gap, another salvo from the imperial fleet was fired! This time, the second encirclement formed not long ago was violently torn apart, and the fleet escaped from the cage!

Admiral Berknan was shocked. He estimated that he would deploy troops to intercept again, but found that it was already too late! The imperial fleet was like a tiger that had escaped from the lock. It rushed away at first-level speed for a period of tens of light seconds, and then turned back again!

"Order all the fleets to bombard with all their strength according to the coordinates I gave after charging!" Tian Xuanhao suddenly said, "These idiots think that the empire has no one! They are acting so arrogantly! Today, one of them will be killed!" Can’t go back!”

Yu Ming understood that the artillery fire that became a few points more intense then covered the camp of the federal fleet! In less than ten minutes, more than 30,000 warships were destroyed!

"Why is their shooting hit rate so high?" Faced with the skyrocketing casualty figures, Admiral Bernan calmed down and began to think about the focus of the problem.

Could it be that the Imperial Fleet has used some new fire control system? It seems that it can only be explained in this way! However, that's pretty much it. Isn't this increase in hit rate too outrageous?

Admiral Bernanke considers himself not a famous general, but he is by no means mediocre! To be able to reach the level of an admiral, why does one have to have some real skills! However, after just a few rounds of shooting, he found that his hit rate was less than one-tenth of his opponent's!

What the hell! Isn't this too shocking? Even though he is almost the god of the federal military, Marshal Cameron holding the staff may not be able to achieve this level! Who is the commander of the fleet opposite? It seems that the military rank is not necessarily higher than his, why is he so powerful?

"Check me the information of all the officers in the empire who are above the rank of lieutenant general!" He ordered the adjutant beside him, "Let the wise men on board the ship conduct analysis one by one to see who has a similar command style to this one? I will never believe it. It will be their Marshal Gurungs who is personally commanding!"

The adjutant took the order and left. Bernan looked at the monitor. The Imperial fleet and the commandos had formed a spindle formation, wandering at the edge of the ultimate firepower range of the Federal fleet! After the main gun is charged, it will slow down to allow the federal fleet to catch up slightly, and then a fierce salvo will greet them! Accelerate immediately after shooting and use your speed to gain distance!

hateful! What do you think of each other? When the federal fleet once again approached the opponent, Admiral Bernanke ordered all battleship main guns to bombard at the ultimate operating rate!

Although he suffered some losses before, his fleet still has an absolute advantage! Even in a life-for-life battle of attrition, he is confident that he will eat up this entire imperial fleet!

The slight but continuous trembling could be heard through the floor beneath my feet. That was the flagship main gun group beginning to unleash its power! In the universe outside the porthole, millions of thick beams of different colors were emitted from each fleet camp, rushing toward each other with thunderous momentum!

However, just when he thought he would be able to teach the opponent an unforgettable lesson, the imperial fleet moved. Nearly 150,000 battleships suddenly bloomed like a peacock, and then the battleships in the center gathered and shrank toward the edges, transforming into An arc! Ninety-nine percent of the fierce volleys fired by the Federation fell into the air! Only about three thousand warships were destroyed because of their slow reaction!

"What the hell! What a ghost! Why did they avoid it?" Bernanke slammed his fist on the table! A deep dent suddenly appeared on the alloy desktop!

It doesn’t matter if it happens once or twice. If it happens every time, why fight this war?

"Go out! General!" the adjutant came over to report.

"Why? Can you be sure who is commanding?" Bernan asked angrily. "Wei Dongyang? Fang Yukun? Or Maxton? Don't say it's Brussel! However, even he can't do this. Which bastard is he?"

"Very unhappy! General, neither!" the adjutant said, "If the wise men's group's inference is correct, this is probably a newcomer, a new general who stood out from that war!"

"Who is that?"

The adjutant turned on the photon computer, pulled up a photo, pointed at the young lieutenant general on it and said: "That's him. The Wise Men checked the previous combat images. After comparison and analysis, they found that the command styles of the two are very similar. It can be generally determined. It’s the same person!”

"Tian Xuanhao?" Burkenan muttered this name with some confusion, "Where have you heard of it? Yes, during that military meeting, Marshal Yan Qinghong seemed to have mentioned this guy's name and said to him Looks more interested!"

"However, why does a young boy from a civilian background have such great commanding skills? This should be unreasonable..."

No one came to answer the admiral's incomprehension. A new round of attacks from the imperial fleet has arrived! This time the offensive was particularly fierce. More than 20,000 warships disintegrated and exploded in the bright light! Occasionally, some escape capsules were ejected and torn apart by violent energy shock waves!

After several back and forths like this, when the number of lost battleships reached almost 29,000, Bernan finally gave up on his plan to eat the opponent! Although he felt very aggrieved, he had to do this. If he continued to carry on, sooner or later his fleet would be exhausted by that hateful boy on the opposite side!

"All mechas and space fighters are recovered, and the Awakened Legion returns to the fleet! The entire army evacuates to the dust cloud belt at the rear!" Bernan ordered, and he planned to use the terrain commandos there to organize a defensive counterattack.

"General, our supernatural army was encircled by the enemy and suffered heavy losses. The mecha army also..." The adjutant reported to his superior with a blue face.

"How much was the loss?" Bernan asked in a deep voice.

"Read it for yourself..." The adjutant didn't dare to look at him and put a document in front of him.

Bernanke only glanced at it, and his face suddenly became so gloomy that he could shed tears!

Thirty supernatural legions were nearly surrounded and annihilated by an imperial regiment whose quantity and quality were far superior to theirs! Hundreds of mecha legions were almost completely wiped out, and even the space fighter wing suffered a disaster! In short, less than 10% can come back happily!

Without the assistance of these arms, the combat strength of the federal fleet would be cut in half out of thin air! Coupled with the terrifying commanding ability of the guy opposite, why should we fight this battle?

Although I currently have five to nine thousand battleships, I still have an absolute numerical advantage! However, he knew that he no longer had much capital to spend with the other party!

How to introduce it? Then retreat to the original hiding place and use the terrain there to deal with the opponent. Or should we temporarily reveal the original battle plan and retreat immediately?

The Federation has spent a lot of money this time, planned in many ways, and even used a secret waterway built not long ago, planning to outflank it from the rear, striving to catch all the Imperial fleet on the front line, thus establishing victory on the battlefield in southern Xinjiang!

However, he never expected that the imperial fleet would arrive so quickly and be so difficult to deal with! The encirclement and annihilation battle was no problem, but now I was about to become the target of encirclement and annihilation!

Outside the porthole, the recharged Imperial fleet was approaching again. A few seconds later, another wave of incredibly accurate strikes landed on the Federation fleet camp!

Groups of huge fireworks exploded continuously in the universe. When the salvo ended, tens of thousands of warships were turned into space garbage! However, the federal fleet's obviously much more violent counterattack was largely in vain!

Seeing this scene, General Berknan finally stopped hesitating and ordered a full speed evacuation! All fleets retreat to the dust cloud belt behind!

The imperial fleet paused briefly when passing through the original encirclement, recovered all the special forces that had left the ship, and then pursued it in the direction in which the federal army retreated!

"Are they planning to run away?" Ye Qingyuan asked, returning to the flagship main control room. )

"It doesn't look like judging from this!" Tian Xuanhao responded while commanding the fleet to accelerate the pursuit: "Maybe they have some arrangements there? They plan to use the terrain there to counterattack!"

"They should rely on the space mirror array technology, right? Why? Are you sure you can handle it?" Ye Qingyuan said.

"It's hard to say! However, relying on the speed advantage, I am sure to keep all their fleets on the road before they reach their destination!" Tian Xuanhao smiled softly, "Even if they have an artifact as a trump card, they have no chance to use it. Got it!"

The original battlefield was about 800 light seconds away from the dust cloud belt. The first two fleets chased and escaped. Halfway through the journey, the federal fleet was finally chased within range! Following Tian Xuanhao's cold firing command, millions of beams of destruction engulfed nearly 10,000 warships that were lagging behind!

Thirty seconds later, the second wave of salvos came again, and the same number of battleships turned into dazzling cosmic fireworks!

"Speed ​​up! We must get rid of them!" Bernan ordered anxiously.

"General, we are already at the ultimate speed! If we speed up any further, the engine's upper limit will be exceeded, and the operation of the energy reactor will also be affected! You know the consequences of that!" the adjutant explained helplessly.

The maximum speed of the federal warships is about one-fifth of the speed of light, while the speed of the imperial fleet is one-fifth. If we don't find other methods, it is absolutely impossible to get rid of them!

Watching a beam of destruction pouring down, the fleet under his command was almost eaten without any resistance! Bernan gritted his teeth and ordered the detachment of 150,000 warships to entangle the imperial fleet at all costs. He then led the remaining warships to evacuate at full speed!

Although my heart is extremely painful, if this is not the case, then all the fleets must be here! For the last chance of a comeback, Bernanke reluctantly issued this order like a strong man breaking his wrist!

"The troops are divided?" Tian Xuanhao looked at the monitor with some surprise and said, "The opponent's commander is not very good, but he is quite cruel!"

"Throwing away the car to protect the commander is their only feasible method at present! Otherwise, they will have to surrender!" Ye Qingyuan said with a smile.

Tian Xuanhao knocked on the table: "Since the other party is so generous in giving us gifts, let's eat this fleet first! Once it's done, we can pick up the rest. Then I don't believe they can escape today. sky!"

The 150,000 federal warships responsible for the task of cutting off the aftermath, with a tragic and indomitable momentum, formed a fan shape to block the pursuing imperial fleet!

However, spiritual bravery cannot make up for the gap in combat effectiveness. Under Tian Xuanhao's dispatch and command, half an hour later, all 150,000 warships had been bombarded to pieces!

However, their sacrifice was still worthwhile, and Bernanke successfully escaped back to the dust cloud belt with the remaining approximately 170,000 warships.

When the imperial fleet caught up there, what they saw was a dust cloud about 9,000 kilometers in diameter and 10,000 kilometers thick, composed of tiny meteorite chunks, ice crystals, and dust! Lines of vague smoke emerged from the dust cloud, drifting slowly in the universe. And the federal fleet has long since disappeared!

"We can't just go in like this!" Tian Xuanhao looked at the star map. "The aura of the federal fleet has completely disappeared! The nearby space is shielded by unknown energy. Except for visible light, most detection methods have failed!"

The enemy is in the dark, we are in the light! If you enter rashly, you may die without even knowing what is going on!

"Let the wise men come over and take a look! I hope they can find some tips!" Ye Qingyuan said.

There were more than 300 wise men coming with the fleet this time, and the leader was a Qianxing. Normally, he is also a rare talent! I just understand that I have hit a wall here!

"General, this is very disgraceful. We can only confirm that it is an extremely sophisticated space mirror shielding array!" He said with some embarrassment, "However, as for the method of cracking it, there is really no way to get the result for a while!"

There are also ship-mounted imagers in the flagship. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com Their cultivation level is average, and they are nothing more than useful things! For a moment, the entire fleet stood still outside the dust cloud.

"This is not a trick! If they just come, can't we just wait outside?" Ye Qingyuan frowned, "It would be great if His Highness Leng Zhuo was here! With her cultivation, she can definitely crack this problem!"

When the vanguard fleet set off, Marshal Wang Yuexiang did not let Leng Zhuo accompany him because of safety concerns. After all, the other party still has the identity of a royal concubine. If something goes wrong, they will not be able to tell His Majesty! It would be safer to let her follow the big fleet!

Tian Xuanhao thought about it, and sent a part of the fleet to the outer space to clean up the "Krella" particle fog and eliminate its blocking effect on fleet communication, and then send the situation here to the front line and the large fleet behind!

Since the Federation can ambush a huge force here, who knows if there will be other back-ups? The situation of the frontline fleet looks more dangerous than expected! We must rush over for reinforcements!

"Should we try those banned weapons?" Fleet Vice Commander Bramon suggested, "Since we can't find the target, let's just destroy them all together with this dust cloud!" (To be continued.)

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