Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 656 Space Mirror Array

Tian Xuanhao shook his head: "The space mirror array itself has the property of absorbing energy and converting it for use! Those high-quality goods can even create a mirror space between reality and illusion. No matter how powerful the weapon effect is, It’s also limited! What’s more, you don’t know whether they are in this dust cloud or have gone elsewhere!”

"Can you let me try?" Just when everyone was at a loss, a beautiful voice sounded in his ears.

Luo Qingyue walked in, followed by a beautiful little loli. Who else could it be if it wasn't Zhou Yiwei?

"Why did you bring her in?" Ye Qingyuan said to Luo Qingyue with some displeasure. After all, the flagship main control room is the key point of the military aircraft, and ordinary people cannot enter and exit easily. This little girl doesn't have the status of an officer. Just coming in like this and leaving for a while will inevitably lead to some unnecessary business.

"She specializes in mirroring technology, so we can leave this problem to her!" Luo Qingyue said with a smile, "Since there is nothing we can do at the moment, let me give it a try!"

"This... okay!" Ye Qingyuan looked at the little Loli with doubt. No matter how powerful she was, could she solve the problem if she only had an 8-star cultivation level at this time?

Zhou Yiwei gave him a demonstrative glance, his eyes seeming to say, "Don't look down on people! There are many things you can't predict!"

She took out a sapphire box from her space bracelet, and after opening it, there were ten photon computer chips the size of fingernails neatly arranged inside.

"Do you mind if I use the main control photon computer?" she said.

After getting Tian Xuanhao's approval, she took out a chip, opened the external interface on the photon computer console, embedded the chip, and started operating it. Countless formula symbols with unknown meanings appeared on the monitor, scrolling at a dizzying speed!

"No matter how brilliant the mirroring technology is, there are traces to follow! For example, currently, the space at this coordinate point is empty to the naked eye. If you look at it one by one using other detection methods, the same result will come!" She said while Operation, while explaining to everyone:

"However, as long as all the data are combined and analyzed intensively with a special program, subtle abnormalities can still be seen! Its spatial fluctuation curvature is not consistent with the normal threshold!"

"What's fake is fake, it can never be true!"

"In other words, you have the means to crack it?" Tian Xuanhao perked up and asked immediately.

"Give me half an hour, and I'm about 70% sure that I can analyze and restore their shielding methods!" Zhou Yiwei said.

"Very good! I can still afford to wait for this little time!" Bramon smiled and said, "I can go have a steak just in time, and I can see the results when I come back!"

Having said that, no one really wanted to eat before the results came out! Fortunately, half an hour was not long. To be precise, by the twenty-third minute, the little Lolita was already celebrating her victory!

"Those guys are here!" On the monitor, the formula symbols slowly changed, turning into abstract line patterns. Then, after several transformations, they evolved into a spatial image, which looked the same as the original exploration results. There is no difference!

She picked up the light pen and made a few marks on the image in front of her, which were then reflected on the large projection display, which were seven red coordinate dots.

"Now, you can let your fleet open fire!" She said with confidence, "As long as these few nodes are destroyed, the entire mirror array will collapse! By then, hum..."

"Okay! If it is really used, your contribution will definitely be indispensable!" Ye Qingyuan promised that the Qi family's attainments in the field of space mirroring are outstanding in the entire empire! If she can really solve this problem, there will be a lot of help from her in the future!

Soon, under the command of Tian Xuanhao, fierce artillery fire accurately hit the seven coordinate points!

A few seconds later, the distant universe seemed to be shaking slightly, and even the starlight shining through was absolutely scattered! As time goes by, the shaking becomes more and more obvious!

A piece of the dark universe suddenly disappeared out of thin air! It was as if the curtain on the stage was violently torn open by an external force, revealing the fleet hidden behind!

"Fire! Don't let even one ship go!" Tian Xuanhao ordered excitedly!

As soon as the federal fleet hidden in the space mirror array appeared, it was violently bombarded by the imperial fleet that was waiting for it! Millions of beams of destruction instantly covered the target area, and this wave of strikes killed nearly 20,000 warships!

"'s all over!" Admiral Berknan's hands and feet were cold, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead! The space mirror array that was the ultimate reliance in the past was easily cracked by the imperial fleet. Now the entire fleet has become a helpless lamb waiting to be slaughtered!

He became cruel and planned to repeat his old tricks. He ordered nine thousand warships to entangle the opponent at all costs, while he led the remaining remnants to escape!

However, under the terrifyingly precise attack by the Imperial fleet, the desperate federal officers and soldiers were no longer willing to follow his command and dispatch. ) nearly 20,000 warships left him as the fleet commander and began to flee for their lives. The remaining fleet is also hesitant!

What should be done? Surrender? It seems that this is the only feasible way at present, if you don't risk death!

There was no hope of escaping, not to mention that the battle was going on like this. Even if he could run back as a mere commander, he would be shot to death by the angry Marshal Cameron himself!

Looking out the window, during his moment of hesitation, more than 80,000 warships exploded and disintegrated! The mutilated corpses of the officers and soldiers were thrown all over the sky, and more of them were directly vaporized by the terrifying high temperature!

No more hesitation! He gave the surrender order with a pale face, and used the public channel to express his attitude to the imperial fleet on the opposite side!

After a brief thought, the Imperial Fleet Commander agreed to his request. In an instant, the less than 70,000 warships remaining in the federal fleet shut down their engines, all the main gun barrels retracted into the hull, the protective armor covers were locked, and all radar reconnaissance systems were shut down! The main cabin door is open, waiting for the Imperial Regiment to send someone to receive it!

"I sent the supernatural army to accept the surrender. You have to work hard, and the remaining 20,000 warships cannot be spared!" Ye Qingyuan said to Tian Xuanhao, "If we let them escape, it will be a big blow to the next step." An action plan is a waste of time!"

"Don't worry! I promise to get them all back!" Tian Xuanhao said with confidence.

The imperial fleet immediately divided its forces. Tian Xuanhao ordered several squadron commanders to lead their own troops to pursue the escaping warships. He himself led 10,000 warships and chased them in the direction with the largest number of deserters! The remaining 50,000 battleships stayed in place to monitor the surrendered federal fleet!

The reception work was very smooth. Half an hour later, all enemy warships were controlled by the imperial regiment. The authority of the warship commander of each ship, the communication password between the fleet commander and the superior, and a large number of confidential documents fell into the hands of the imperial fleet!

Two hours later, the pursuit and annihilation battle ended. All the escaping warships were destroyed, and not a single one could escape!

At this point, the Imperial Fleet has won a great victory! At the slight cost of destroying more than 30,000 warships, more than 500,000 warships in the federal fleet were destroyed and more than 80,000 warships were captured! A large number of officers, including Fleet Commander Admiral Bernan, were taken prisoners!

"The results are brilliant!" Tian Xuanhao said with satisfaction, "This time the federation has suffered a huge loss! If there are another few such victories, hey! They will have to stop the war and beg for peace, and cede territory and pay compensation!"

"I estimate that this country will be destroyed directly!" Ye Qingyuan snorted, "How can I allow others to snore next to the bed? This big country is so close to the empire. If it is not completely conquered or dismembered, there will be no unnecessary troubles in the future. No less!”

"Of course, as long as there is a chance, we will not be polite!" Luo Qingyue said with a smile, "For now, it is up to me to meet this interesting general! If he is willing to cooperate, I believe he can You will get a lot of useful things!”

In just one hour, under the warm "hospitality" of the torture experts from the Ministry of Security, Admiral Bernanke, who was almost mentally broken, told everything he knew!

The situation facing the imperial fleet is not optimistic. Even after experiencing huge losses in several days of fighting, the Federation Legion still has more than five million warships in the Sand Ou Star Territory! It is 30% larger than the Imperial fleet here, and the Awakened forces are more powerful than the Empire! Therefore, General Guo Qiuxian can only remain on the defensive for now!

However, the top leaders of the Federation are not satisfied with such a stalemate. They need to see brilliant enough results as soon as possible so that they can use them as bargaining chips to negotiate with the big forces and win more support!

Yu Ming understood that the top five chaebols who controlled the federal state machinery had secretly discussed that, except for the necessary garrison fleet, all domestic fleets that could be used were gathered together and planned to attack the front line from behind through a secret channel newly built by the federation near the empire's border. The imperial fleets on the battlefield encircled and established victory in one fell swoop!

By then, the entire southern border of the empire will have fallen! The federation that takes the lead will become famous and gain more bets from more forces! And those neighboring countries that are eager to take advantage of it will come and take advantage of it. The fall of the empire is just around the corner!

These 8,000 to 9,000 warships are the vanguard, followed by as many as three million federal main fleets! Estimated arrival in three days. By then, the imperial fleet will face a tough battle with a huge disparity in power!

"It would be better if we discovered it earlier. This is really a unnecessary chore!" Tian Xuanhao frowned and said, "Now, how should we decide! Do you have any opinions?"

Liu Xiangyun sighed: "The large fleet we are waiting for is still at the rear and will not arrive until at least five days! The distant water cannot save the nearby fire! However, the troops on the front line are also very tight, and there is not much power available to assist us! This The situation is not easy to solve!"

"Didn't their contact code fall into our hands?" Luo Qingyue said, "We can use this to set up an ambush somewhere in that waterway! As soon as their main force arrives, we can let them They suffered a big loss!"

"Using the other's way, how can you repay the other's body?" Bramon shook his head, "I guess the method is okay, but the risk is too great. We currently have less than 120,000 warships! There are still some who have suffered Injury, use this little strength to set up an ambush, it’s better not to get eaten by others!"

"The captured federal warships can be used. We will discuss with Guo Qiuxian on the front line and ask him to mobilize some forces from the reserve team!" Tian Xuanhao said, "I only need 250,000 warships, and I am sure to defeat them. We stayed around for two days until the main fleet arrived from behind!"

Everyone discussed it again and the plan was finalized.

Admiral Guo Qiuxian used the hyperspace communication system to briefly communicate with them, approved their plan, and readily allocated 9,000 first-class speed battleships and enough manpower!

One day later, the fleets returning from the front arrived at the rendezvous point. After some adjustments, they left the more damaged warships behind and assembled 280,000 warships. They followed the discovered secret waterway all the way. OK.

The information provided by Bernanke was not false. Eighteen hours later, the imperial fleet discovered a more reasonable ambush point - a small wormhole with a diameter of only three thousand meters!

This waterway was secretly built by the Federation for many years, and it was only completed recently. It can be seen that the Federation secretly plotted the empire and it did not happen in a day or two! Since the Federation's technology is very hard and the construction cost is extremely high, the diameter of the wormholes passed through along the way are not very large, and the one here is the smallest!

Compared with those big guys that are often tens of kilometers or even hundreds of kilometers in diameter, the energy threshold of this small wormhole is relatively low. Only hundreds of warships can be teleported at one time, and the speed is not fast. As long as they are in the wormhole Deploying enough fleets on this side can completely seal the enemy over there! The premise is that the opponent does not have equipment to temporarily expand the diameter of the wormhole, or some particularly powerful space mirror array!

"Just stay here!" Tian Xuanhao said, "As long as they dare to come, I will teach them a lesson they will never forget!"

"Well! There are still more than twenty hours before the original time. Find Shuyuan and everyone should take a rest!" Bolamon said.

Two hundred and eighty thousand warships formed an arc formation around the wormhole, with all their guns aimed at the dark cosmic shaft in the center! As soon as the opponent shows his face, he will suffer a devastating blow!

Ye Qingyuan took a look and saw that a high-level meeting of the supernatural corps was held in the officer conference room on the flagship. All officers of division commander and above were required to attend.

His original intention was to summarize some of the issues in that battle before the war started, and to make coordination arrangements for the ensuing blockade! In order to reduce casualties and better cooperate with the fleet!

Not even a quarter of an hour into the meeting, someone jumped out to make trouble! Moreover, they are from the Yun family and the Song family.

"Master Director, I think the fleet's plan is too risky! The enemy's combat power is so strong that we can't deal with it at all! Especially for our super-powered legions, if we go out to fight, the battle damage rate will definitely be huge. People are surprised!”

The speaker was a young man with high cheekbones, sunken eyes, and thin lips. He also had the rank of lieutenant general on his shoulders and eleven gold stars on the ribbon on his chest. (To be continued.)

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