Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 657: Simple and Quick

"Therefore, I think that we should not participate in the upcoming war!" He looked at the hundreds of generals sitting silently in the conference room of Nuo University, and said with disdain.

"Yes! I also agree with General Yuntao's opinion!" Another guy jumped up and echoed, "A battle with such a disparity in strength is simply an act of deliberately sending us to death! This is against the principles of humanitarianism and the imperial code. ! I am waiting for the Song family’s legion to collectively refuse to implement such an order!"

Immediately afterwards, some officers also echoed their words, and they seemed to be from these two races! More generals remained silent, and they all turned their attention to Ye Qingyuan in the chief position. They didn't say anything about this extremely young director, but they still had some contempt in their hearts!

This time, when Ye Qingyuan set off with the vanguard fleet, he specially mobilized the supernatural legions of the Yun and Song families to act together! Their leader was very dissatisfied, thinking that he was deliberately using them as cannon fodder! This time, they took this opportunity to attack!

"Yuntao? Song Shuting?" He spoke out the two names calmly, "According to your words, you no longer intend to obey the imperial order? This is a time of war, and you should know what this means!"

"Director, you are still too young and don't understand some unreasonable orders. We can refuse them!" Yun Tao said sarcastically, "Just like this time, you actually came up with such a strange idea. Plan! Two hundred and eighty thousand battleships versus three million? Oh my God! Do you know how to fight?"

"That's right! Mr. Director, I feel that you do not have the right to issue such an order at the moment. The actions of the supernatural army should be jointly decided by everyone here!" Song Shuting also snorted coldly.

Ye Qingyuan asked slowly: "Who else agrees with your opinions? Come forward!"

In an instant, more than thirty officers stood up. However, not all members of these two major races, more people are still waiting and watching.

"It seems that you are not monolithic inside!" Ye Qingyuan's fist hidden under the table tightened slightly.

Yuntao glanced at those members of the same race who did not advance or retreat with him with some dissatisfaction, and said without giving in: "So what? No matter why you said it, we will never accept such an order!"

"Okay, very good!" Ye Qingyuan took a deep look at them, and suddenly the corner of his mouth curled up slightly.

A bad feeling suddenly arose in Yun Tao's heart. The director looked at him as if...

Before he could come up with a conclusion, he found himself lightened and suddenly flying up. The crystal chandelier on the ceiling and the exquisite patterns on the lamp posts quickly magnified in front of his eyes, and finally almost touched his eyelashes!

What's going on? His mind gradually became confused, a bloody light seemed to flash in his eyes, and then his consciousness returned to chaos!

In less than one-tenth of a breath, more than thirty heads left their original places. The headless bodies stood on their own for tens of seconds under the influence of inertia before collapsing!

Blood sprayed all over the floor and it was clear that large areas of the originally white carpet had been dyed bright red!

The hundreds of generals in the conference hall were all shocked! Why didn't they expect that this director would be so ruthless and would kill him at the slightest disagreement?

However, this is during wartime. If a lower-ranking person disobeys military orders, he will be severely punished. Under special circumstances, a higher-ranking person can make arbitrary decisions on the spot! Therefore, no one dared to question the director’s move! Even though those who died were members of the eight major families!

Ye Qingyuan retracted the Night Sword slowly and methodically, looked down at his slender fingers, and gently brushed the sword's edge!

"Is there anyone else who is dissatisfied?" A calm and soft voice echoed in the dead silence of the living room.

Who dares to answer such a question?

Dead silence!

Ye Qingyuan asked again. Seeing that no one said anything, he smiled softly and said: "Since everyone has no objection, let's just make it this way! The battle that follows is really dangerous, but eating the emperor's salary , a matter of loyalty to the emperor! We are all soldiers of the empire, and it is natural to serve the country! What do you think?"

"Master Director, we have no objections!" All the generals expressed their opinions one after another, and no one dared to show any dissatisfaction.

"Okay, that's it for today's meeting! Let's disperse!"

Ye Qingyuan stood up and walked to the door, then looked back at the row of headless corpses and said lightly: "Don't dirty the place here. If anyone has a mutated beast, use it as food!"

Behind him, the generals looked at him with obvious awe!

Ye Qingyuan killed people to establish his power at the military meeting, which immediately caused some people with secret ulterior motives to temporarily settle down, for fear of being caught by him and ending up with his body and head missing!

Those guys were originally bullying him because he was too young, and they probably wanted to fight for some say, or even ignore him! Anyway, this is on the battlefield, far away from the imperial capital, and no one will come to support him!

But I didn’t estimate that the other party was not ambiguous at all! Seven Qianxing and more than twenty quasi-Qianxing, all of them had their heads removed with just one sword strike! Kill decisively without hesitation!

From then on, no one dared to openly question the young director’s order!

Ye Qingyuan was unyielding when he gained the upper hand. In the subsequent battle deployment, he arranged the troublemaking legions to the extremely dangerous front line. He did not have any difficulties with the neutral legions of the two major races.

Everyone can see that he is out to avenge himself, but there is nothing anyone can do except obey!

From Ye Qingyuan's point of view, these people are not his direct descendants, or even soldiers of the empire. They are just private armies of our race. It doesn't matter even if everyone dies! It would be fine if they were obedient, but since they dare to challenge his status regardless of life and death, then don't blame him for being ruthless!

In the dark starry sky, a huge fleet is approaching rapidly. The bow of the ship is engraved with eye-catching golden leaf and colorful rose ribbons!

"Marshal! After walking through this channel, we will pass through a wormhole and enter the empire!"

In the main control room of the flagship, a young and beautiful female adjutant reported back to a middle-aged man with a dark complexion, a slender body, an eagle nose and green eyes sitting in the main seat.

The middle-aged man had a calm expression. Hearing the adjutant's words, he just nodded lightly and asked, "What's the situation over at Bernan?"

The adjutant said: "General Bernan is already waiting at the planned ambush place. We only need to wait for the marshal to arrive before we can discuss the next move!"

This middle-aged man is the federal military god, Marshal Cameron with a staff! A figure as famous as Marshal Gurungs of the Empire! His combat command style tends to be fierce, with an awe-inspiring aura of opening and closing, and moving forward inexorably! Since becoming famous, he has rarely failed!

Cameron personally led the troops here this time because the top leaders of the five major conglomerates who control the federation are trying to use the commanding talents of this military god to perfectly implement the federation's battle plan and strive to complete the victory in one battle!

As long as they join up with the forward, there are two roads in front of the federal army. One is to cut off the logistical supply line of the Imperial army, encircle and encircle the Imperial fleet on the front line, and then deal with the Imperial reinforcements after it is resolved; the other is to ambush the incoming Imperial reinforcements first!

Both paths actually have the same goal: to kill as much of the empire's effective forces as possible! As long as this goal is accomplished, hundreds of wealthy star regions in the southern frontier of the empire will be at your fingertips! Direct strategic power will also be completely in the hands of the federation!

I just understand, is the plan really so easy to achieve? Cameron is not as optimistic as others estimate! So far so good though!

After many years of leading troops in combat, the marshal has developed a keen and special feeling that is almost instinctive regarding the evolution of the battlefield situation! Behind the dark wormhole, he vaguely smelled something uncomfortable!

There is no evidence or any logic to follow for this special feeling! But relying on this seemingly unreliable thing, he escaped many times the opponents set up for him and turned defeat into victory!

So now, a premonition once again told him that the road ahead was not as smooth as he had imagined! The marshal began to hesitate in his heart!

Putting aside the plan for now, direct evacuation is impossible! A fleet of millions went on an expedition and paid for it! If you don't get any benefits, then there is no way to deal with the five major conglomerates in the federation who value economic interests! Even if he is a marshal, he must be dismissed from office!

Moving on? If there is a problem, how do you fix it? This is a total of three million fleets and hundreds of millions of elite federal officers and soldiers! Their safety is all in their own hands. If they fall into the empire's scheme, the consequences will be disastrous!

Cameron pondered for a long time and then asked, "Is there really no problem there at Bernanke? He's been there for a few days and hasn't found anything unusual at all?"

"General Bernanke said that there have been no accidents so far! His boys are almost rusty with idleness!" the adjutant responded.

The marshal thought for a while, and finally said somewhat improvised: "Then let's move forward! Pay attention to sending more scout fleets and closely monitor any suspicious situations around the waterway!"

The fleet that received the order became more and more careful, only to understand that the final result would not change at all! When they were about to reach a particularly narrow wormhole, bad news came from the scout fleet directly ahead - they were all missing!

"Sure enough, there is a problem!" Cameron's heart tightened, and he immediately ordered the entire army to be on alert, and more scout fleets were sent out! But they are all lost in the sea, and there is no news at all!

By this time, everyone knew that the other end of the wormhole had been occupied by the imperial fleet! It is estimated that it is impossible to pass smoothly!

However, for Bernan's troops, there is no need to estimate, they are definitely in danger!

"Marshal! What should we do now?" Many generals in the control room all turned their attention to Cameron.

How else can I introduce it? Either retreat or advance, just these two ways! If you go back, you can't give instructions to the five major chaebols; if you go forward, you have to figure out how to break through the fire blockade of the imperial fleet, and the price you pay will never be small!

The empire's reinforcements were about to arrive. Apart from the time to break through the blockade and the time to rush, he thought there was not much time left!

Cameron hoped to return, but he also knew that this decision would be opposed by many radical generals! Among them are many children from the five major chaebols, and they all hope to make contributions and gain a future through this!

However, they would not care about the losses caused by breaking through the wormhole. What does the life and death of those civilian officers and soldiers have to do with them?

With a heavy sigh in his heart, he ordered: "The whole army is ready to fight and break through the empire's fire blockade! I hope there won't be too many enemies over there!"

"They get out!"

Liu Xiangyun said excitedly. In the deep shaft relatively nearby, the figures of hundreds of warships gradually changed from blur to solid!

"Attack and block the wormhole! Don't let even one ship go!" Tian Xuanhao ordered.

The fleet surrounding the wormhole immediately opened fire, and countless energy beams of different colors and calibers were unleashed towards the target. The federal warship that was teleported not long ago was instantly torn into pieces!

Battleships were constantly being teleported over and then swamped by fierce gunfire. After a few minutes, the transmission over there temporarily stopped!

In three hundred seconds, an entire fleet was reduced to nothing! It can be seen that the combat effectiveness of the opposing imperial fleet is not weak, but it is not so strong that it is irresistible!

"Their number of battleships should be between 29,000 and 39,000, and at most it will not exceed 59,000!" Cameron said, "So we are still somewhat sure that we can control the losses within an acceptable range. !”

"Order, dispatch the battleships with the strongest defense, equipped with external induction energy shields! Controlled by mechanical soldiers, responsible for breaking through the empire's defense line! The supernatural legion is on standby, ready to attack at any time!"

Yu Ming understood, looking for Shuyuan The federal fleet adjusted its strategy and launched another attack half an hour later. On this side of the wormhole, the number of warships that suddenly appeared was twice as large, and their bodies were also much larger. few!

However, even so, it could not withstand the fierce offensive of the imperial fleet! Two hundred and eighty thousand battleships opened fire at once, turning the space near the wormhole entrance into a flaming hell!

The diameter of the wormhole is too small and the energy threshold is not high. The maximum number of warships transmitted each time is no more than a thousand. No matter how fast the transmission speed is, it cannot reverse the situation. It just increases casualties in vain!

When more than ten battleships were lost, Cameron had to stop this suicidal attack again! If it continues like this, it is possible that the entire fleet will be wiped out and crippled!

"Order the 'Magic Falcon' legion to dispatch, and you can use the 'Thunder Shield' space mirror array!" Cameron ordered, "In addition, 8 more powerful legions will be mobilized to act together, and we must definitely contain the firepower of the imperial fleet. Buy time for the follow-up troops to teleport!"

"Magic Falcon" is an elite direct lineage under Cameron. It has 39,000 new "Golden Falcon" warships. Its offensive and defensive capabilities and the tactical qualities of its officers and soldiers are famous throughout the federation! (To be continued.)

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