Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 658: Demonic Falcon Troops

More than ten minutes later, the imperial fleet's blockade finally received a more powerful impact!

A circle of pale golden ripples emerged from the mouth of the wormhole, and then spread out slowly. When the artillery fire of the Imperial fleet fell on it, there were just waves of wave-like fluctuations!

The scope of the ripples gradually expanded, like an oversized golden cocoon. The cocoon is translucent, and a large number of battleships can be clearly seen there!

At the entrance of the wormhole that has been covered by the cocoon, many warships are seizing the opportunity to teleport over! There are also a large number of supernatural warriors! Fortunately, the cocoon's protection is two-way. Although the outside cannot attack there, the fleet there cannot attack the outside until the cocoon body disappears. Otherwise, the imperial fleet will have a lot of unnecessary trouble!

"Continue to bombard with all your strength!" Tian Xuanhao ordered without changing his expression, "The defensive power of this kind of thing has an upper limit. It is absolutely impossible to protect them all the time! There is no need to worry!"

Sure enough, as the cocoon further expanded and the energy became more dispersed, the golden light on the surface of the cocoon dimmed, and it was teetering under the bombardment of countless destructive beams!

A few minutes later, the space mirror array in the shape of a golden cocoon finally ran out of energy and collapsed under the salvo of thousands of cannons! However, at this time, the number of battleships that have successfully completed the transmission has exceeded 9,000!

As soon as the mirror array collapsed, the federal fleet, which had already been charged, immediately bombarded the surrounding enemy ships with all its strength, trying to hold back their firepower so that more fleets could have the opportunity to teleport over!

"Do you think this can turn the tide of the war?" Tian Xuanhao smiled disapprovingly, "Even if we double the fleet, I will still be able to block you back!"

The fleets of both sides surrounded the wormhole and launched a fierce bayonet battle. At this time, you can see the level gap between the two sides! Under Tian Xuanhao's precise control, the federal fleet's loss rate was much higher than that of the empire!

Although there are battleships constantly replenishing the wormhole, they still cannot make up for the lost speed!

"The superpower army attacks! Be sure to keep all the opponents here!" Ye Qingyuan looked at the superpower warriors who came out with the fleet and ordered calmly.

Countless awakened beings wearing federal-style light armor swarmed out and rushed towards the five-week-old Imperial fleet. A few figures flashed slightly in the universe, and suddenly they were almost at the Imperial Regiment's camp. They all seemed to be strong men above Qianxing.

Cheng Dan broke away from the formation and rushed into an imperial fleet first. With a wave of the energy knife in his hand, a thousand-meter-long bright sword light passed through, breaking through the energy shield of a space carrier, completely separating the tail engine from the hull! The out-of-control engine exploded instantly, turning the entire mothership into a ball of gorgeous fireworks!

After a successful blow, he rushed towards the next target without stopping. He waved the energy sword in his hand repeatedly. Every sword light was bound to hit a battleship!

Behind him, fireballs from exploding battleships appeared one after another! However, in the span of dozens of breaths, hundreds of battleships had been destroyed by him!

Some awakened members of the Imperial Regiment tried to intercept them by firing light arrows, but their combat effectiveness was not worth mentioning in front of the Qianxing strongman. They could not even lock onto his figure. Instead, he saw the opportunity and killed more than twenty people in a row. indivual!

However, his good luck ended here. A more powerful aura appeared relatively close to his eyes. A woman whose whole body was enclosed in black light armor came from the sky holding a golden spear in her hand!

The woman's long arms were relaxed, and hundreds of spear shadows bloomed from the spear in her hand, easily covering every vital part of his body! The next moment, more than a dozen spear shadows broke through his defense and turned him into a sieve!

As he was dying, he saw clearly the twelve gold stars on the woman's chest, and he suddenly realized: It turned out that she was almost at the semi-divine level, no wonder... Then, he didn't know anything at all!

As the empire's supernatural forces continued to leave the ship and join the battle, the offensive of the federal supernatural forces was effectively contained. Then, under the siege of powerful men several times their own, it gradually declined, and finally there were more casualties!

After Ye Qingyuan got off the ship, he killed several Qianxing with his own hands, but he could no longer find a target worth killing! However, the battle between fleets is almost coming to an end at this time!

When the last federal warship on the wormhole was destroyed, less than an hour had passed! Cameron lost a piece of equipment that was a sub-artifact, plus about 29,000 warships and five supernatural legions, but he got nothing!

"Who is commanding on the other side? Why is it so powerful?" Cameron looked at the battle video on the other side of the wormhole and wondered if he was dazzled! "Unless a wise man who is about to reach the divine level leads a team of wise men and conducts personal deduction and analysis, it is possible to achieve such an accurate hit rate and his own dodge to run rate!"

"However, according to previous intelligence, it seems that there are no wise men of this kind in the empire? Even if there are, they cannot be sent to such a place. What is going on?"

"Marshal, what should we do now?" a general asked.

"What else can I do? Of course continue to attack!" Cameron suddenly clenched his fist and then ordered:

"Send all the supernatural legions to me this time, including those foreign aids! They only have a total of more than 200,000 battleships, and they will not carry too many awakened ones. The ten legions that just went into battle should be their entire strength, right? ?”

"As long as the supernatural army can gain a firm foothold and open up the situation! We have hope of victory in this battle! Don't forget that we still have two sets of 'Thunder Shields' that we haven't used yet!"

A few minutes later, the pale golden ripples appeared again at the entrance of the wormhole, judging from this it was a plan to repeat the same trick! Of course Tian Xuanhao was unambiguous and ordered all battleship main guns to bombard at full operating rate!

Just like that time, the pale golden ripples slowly expanded and once again transformed into a huge cocoon of light, inside which was the federal fleet that was constantly being teleported over!

All federal warships opened their energy shields, and their main guns were charged and ready to go. They knew the hard battle they were about to face, so they didn't dare to be unprepared! The officers and soldiers of the Super Power Corps were also ready to go. As soon as the light cocoon collapsed, they attacked immediately, destroying the formation of the imperial fleet and clearing obstacles for subsequent friendly forces!

In the universe, millions of energy beams poured down like a waterfall, hitting the pale golden cocoon of light and causing countless fluctuations! In order to break through the defense as soon as possible, all the mecha legions have been dispatched, throwing out various powerful missiles at their best, and there are also many heavy anti-matter bombs!

Sure enough, a few minutes ahead of schedule, the cocoon collapsed! This time, the fleet that has been teleported is only a little more than half of that time, and only the number of supernatural legions is several times greater than that time!

The fierce exchange of fire between the two sides began again, and millions of federal awakened people rushed towards the imperial fleet's camp regardless of their own safety! At the entrance of the wormhole behind, pale golden ripples appeared again, seemingly regardless of the cost!

This battleship is no problem, Tian Xuanhao can solve it quickly with his ability! The supernatural army has some unnecessary things to do, but it’s nothing!

Ye Qingyuan completed the encirclement and annihilation matters, then opened the Magic Square Matrix and rushed into the federal army's camp with the Death Night Knife.

All targets encountered along the way, regardless of their level of cultivation, will be killed if they dare to block them! The golden-red sword light filled the universe for miles around!

Dozens of federal super-powerful legions, this is a force that can influence the rise and fall of the country's destiny for any medium-power country! Millions of awakened people of different grades rushed out together. The momentum was truly magnificent and unstoppable!

As more supernatural legions from the empire joined the battlefield, countless blue light arrows passed through the space, and with a heart-stopping trembling sound, they plunged into the place where the awakened people gathered the most!

The blue ion fireballs lit up one after another, dazzling Ye Qingyuan's eyes!

At this time, with the help of the artifact, his figure has quietly disappeared into the fault space, traveling extremely quickly! Every time he sees a target of absolute value, he will temporarily leave the stealth state. After killing him with a sword, he will disappear again!

Unconsciously, there were more and more Awakened Federation people around, and a few slightly difficult guys appeared! Yu Ming understood that the Demon-Slaying God-Slaying Technique was activated with all his strength, and circles of solid silver ripples enveloped the universe with a radius of tens of kilometers with an unparalleled momentum!

The screams one after another echoed on the spiritual level for a long time. With his current combat power, launching such a spiritual storm would be difficult for even a 135-star super-level expert to resist without the help of sub-artifact-level protective equipment!

With just one blow, all the awakened ones within the attack range were killed, including those dry stars!

The next moment, Ye Qingyuan's figure disappeared from the place. When he appeared again, he had arrived at another place where the awakened people of the Federation gathered! Then the terrifying spiritual storm started again!

Just a few rounds like this, coupled with the intensive attacks carried out by the outer empire's supernatural forces relying on their superior equipment, the federal awakeners suffered heavy casualties! Even several powerful demi-gods were killed by the combined efforts of the powerful members of the Imperial Guards Corps!

"Who is this person? A fifteen-star peak expert who is good at brainwave attacks? How can he be so powerful!"

In the flagship, Cameron stared at the video sent from the other side, raised his eyebrows, and ordered: "Tremonti, Diana, can you two go out for this unnecessary business? The guy opposite caused it to us. The casualties are too great!”

In front of him, stood two indifferent old men, wearing a set of black-purple sealed light armor. The huge aura around them was vaguely billowing, but it was not revealed, with a sense of superiority, overlooking the majesty of all living beings. !

This is one of Cameron's trump cards, a top-notch strongman with fifteen-star combat power and the title of God of War in the federal country!

The Martial God named Tremonti nodded slightly, and no movement was seen from him. A breeze blew through the living room, and the figures of the two Martial Gods had completely disappeared, as if they had never appeared!

At the entrance of the wormhole, the fierce battle has reached full swing. The second wave of fleets has long been annihilated, and the third layer of light cocoon has also been blasted away! Both fleets are firing at each other desperately!

In the duel between the supernatural legions, the empire has completely taken control of the situation! If Ye Qingyuan takes action and his subordinates work together, what enemy cannot be defeated? Almost half of the dozens of federal legions died on the battlefield. Only some guys who were particularly powerful in combat and quick to spot opportunities escaped early and escaped with their lives!

"If the federal fleet only uses this method, they may not be able to break through here even if they lose all their wealth!" Bramon said with a smile.

"Isn't Cameron just at this level? The military god of the Federation must still have two skills!" Tian Xuanhao slowly rubbed his chin and said, "If I were him, what should I do to break the predicament? ah?"

Before he could analyze the results, there was already an unusual reaction at the entrance of the wormhole!

Two figures with unparalleled momentum and fierce murderous intent were teleported from the other end of the wormhole. In an instant, they bypassed the artillery blockade of the imperial fleet and rushed to Ye Qingyuan in just a few breaths!

He had already sensed this and retreated hastily. He just had time to avoid the attack of one of them. Fortunately, the magic square matrix on his body did not let him down and successfully resisted the sneak attack of another strong man!

A black horn dagger scratched across the eggshell-like energy shield. The powerful impact made him take dozens of steps back before he could stabilize his body!

Just looking at the intensity of the attack, you can tell that the Federation’s God of War is out!

The two Martial Gods failed to succeed with one blow, and immediately pressed forward again. The powerful soldiers in their hands came like a storm, and they launched thousands of attacks in just one breath, and each attack landed in the same place! Even the magic square matrix of the artifact seems to have a vague tendency to be unstoppable!

"Dugu Yingxuan! Baal! You two go pick up one of them, and I'll deal with the rest!" Ye Qingyuan calmed down and immediately shouted to the two groups of blue lights rushing behind him at a high speed.

These two were the two peak fifteen-star experts sent to him by Fang Moxing as enshrined by the royal family!

The afterimage of the human figure in the cyan light ball paused for a moment, nodded slightly to Shuyuan, and dragged one of them to the left and right; the other one was blocked by Ye Qingyuan.

The thick flail passed through the universe, hitting the energy shield heavily with a trail of substantial afterimages! The dense energy patterns on the magic square matrix flashed rapidly for a while, still canceling out this powerful blow!

Closer, Tremonti appeared, his greedy eyes passing over the young man.

This young man actually has the rank of general? Or the director of the Imperial Superpower Corps? No wonder he has several artifacts on his body! If you can capture him, it will be a great achievement, and the benefits will be surprisingly rich!

It is estimated that he, a peak martial god who has been famous for hundreds of years and is as high as fifteen stars, has only one life to take the artifact! The guy opposite is only twelve stars, but he has so many good equipment! How could this make him feel so embarrassed?

"Boy, you are very powerful. You can achieve such a level of cultivation at such a young age!" He stared at Ye Qingyuan and said darkly: "I heard that you are the son-in-law of the emperor of the empire? No wonder all the good things are given to you! So Well, hand over all the equipment you have, how about I let you go today?" (To be continued.)

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