Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 663: Life Chemical Body Combat Partner

After both sides withdrew their troops, within half an hour, the federal camp responded!

This time, the opponent only dispatched five to nine thousand warships. However, when the three hundred warships led by it were halfway through, the ejection port on the belly of the ship opened, and a mouth was about a hundred meters long, with a height and width of thirty meters. The lacquered stone box was pushed out!

Countless patterns with inexplicable meanings are engraved on the stone box with ancient, vigorous, rough and powerful techniques! While flying at first-level speed, the stone box gradually became transparent, revealing the horrific scene inside.

In the pale white oily liquid, more than fifty humanoid life forms about three meters high were soaked there, looking a bit like gorillas! Motionless, as if dead in sleep! With the movement of the stone box, the temperature of the oily liquid gradually increased, and it began to boil within a few breaths! A series of greasy bubbles continuously formed and burst on the liquid surface!

After just "cooking" it for about eight or ten seconds, the life forms there finally reacted. One of the guys turned over, and its furry paws accidentally brushed against the other life form. In an instant, As if he had taken a stimulant, this guy jumped up in the air, dragged the fellow who was obviously not fully awake yet, opened his bloody mouth, and bit it suddenly!

The guy moved extremely fast, and in just a few seconds he chewed up the unlucky fellow! Then, with its obviously thicker body, it grabbed the next target! Just the same thing!

Of course, it was not the only one that woke up early. The two guys who were only one step slower than it also each grabbed one of its kind and chewed it up against the clock!

In the end, there were only two or three life forms left in each stone box! These monsters, whose stature and energy aura had greatly increased, rushed to break the stone box and roared towards the imperial fleet camp!

"This thing is the Federation's biological chemical warfare agent, right?" Ye Qingyuan asked, "It looks very scary, but I don't know what its actual combat capabilities are!"

Luo Qingyue said: "This thing is really powerful. Individuals who have evolved after being devoured in battle have combat power equivalent to that of a demigod! However, the genes of this thing are not stable, and they are usually soaked in special potions. It is in the solution and will be released during war, and you will die after using it once or twice! It is a weapon that makes its use extremely expensive!"

"If we can defeat the empire's defense line, no matter how high the cost is, it will be worth it!" Pedrol raised his energy knife, "Let me try to see how powerful these guys are!"

More than 500 chemical warfare puppets, nearly ten meters tall and with extremely violent expressions, rushed all the way and soon almost reached the Imperial Regiment's defense line. If these guys whose short-term combat effectiveness is equivalent to that of demigods really rush in, the consequences will be disastrous!

A round of black light came through the sky, and hundreds of sharp sword energy instantly enveloped the fighting partner who was at the front and charging the hardest!

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaized" by the guy. He howled like crazy, raised his huge claws and slapped up, down, left and right to intercept. The claws as sharp as alloy blades danced rapidly, bringing up bursts of strange blue rebound magnetic fields, Most of the incoming sword energy bounced away! The remaining sword energy left some shallow wounds on its tall and strong body!

This guy's vitality is extremely strong, and his wounds are healing at a speed visible to the naked eye! And it has no impact on its combat power at all!

The skin is quite thick. However, if I just let you rush over like this, I won't have to mess around anymore. Let's leave as soon as possible! Pedrol snorted coldly in his heart, and the sword in his hand changed again, and a sharper sword light slashed towards its neck!

According to common sense reasoning, this place should also be their vital part, but if it is unexpected, this blow should be able to kill it!

The sword light passed by, and Douda's head separated from his body without any suspense! However, the guy did not die as he expected! On the contrary, it aroused its violent emotions even more.

I saw it suddenly punched the hateful human in front of it and knocked it far away, then stretched out its big hand, grabbed its own head that had been separated from the body and was spinning around, and pressed it on the thick and short head. on the neck! Immediately, countless granulations sprouted from the wound area, closely connecting with the head!

After a few breaths, the guy's wound was completely healed! At least that's what it seems!

"The genetic model of this thing is not taken from humans at all, is it? It should come from alien intelligent life!" Ye Qingyuan has already seen that the body structure of the life form is not comparable to that of humans, and it just looks a bit like a gorilla. .

Pedrol retreated in disgrace. The group of terrifying life forms had gathered together. If he went up again, he would undoubtedly be beaten by them! Either he will die or he will be disabled!

Ye Qingyuan thought about it and ordered: "Use the 'Tian Zhen' mechanical crossbow formation! In addition, order the soldiers with five-star light crossbows to take action together!"

Immediately, ten silver-gray spheres with a diameter of fifty meters were pushed out by the tractor beam! , the appearance of the sphere is as smooth as a mirror, with only a trace of artificial carving, as if it were made by nature!

The silver sphere stabilized its shape in the universe, and then some places on the surface of the sphere were sharply dented, and ten launch holes with a diameter of about twenty centimeters were exposed on each sphere!

Following the instructions from behind, the sphere let out bursts of low and powerful roars. A golden light arrow about five meters long and about the thickness of a calf flew out of the launch hole. Suddenly, a chemical warfare creature of life form appeared. in front of my eyes.

The warrior realized that he was in danger, roared angrily, waved his claws quickly, and laid out dozens of layers of rebound magnetic fields in front of him, trying to block the dangerous light arrow!

The returning magnetic field really played some role, and the trajectory of the light vector obviously began to deflect, but that was all! The next second, the light arrow suddenly exploded into a ball of golden light with a diameter of 100 meters. A war puppet was unable to dodge and was hit by the ball of light. In an instant, it was directly annihilated by the terrifying energy storm, leaving no trace behind. Never stayed!

Immediately afterwards, the ten machine crossbow arrays unleashed their full power, and hundreds of golden light arrows shot out, instantly covering the place where the biological chemical warfare partner was! By the time the round of strikes was completed, except for a dozen or so who were still lingering, they had all been wiped out by the golden light arrow!

This thing can be said to be a super enhanced version of the light crossbow, but its energy core is much stronger than the ordinary light crossbow! The power of a full blow is comparable to that of the ultimate caliber fortress cannon! And it fires much faster! In that battle, Ye Qingyuan had seen its power before.

Of course, the cost of using such a powerful thing is also extremely surprising. Just in that moment of showing off, tens of billions of high-energy crystals were wiped out! It is a veritable gold-swallowing behemoth!

When the war in the southern border of the empire is raging, murderous intentions are lurking inside and outside the imperial capital, and undercurrents are stirring!

In the imperial palace, in the royal study.

Fang Xucheng put down the light pen in his hand and exhaled slightly tiredly.

Next to him, Su Qinghan, who was dressed in a palace dress as pure white as snow, moved elegantly, and had an unparalleled demure expression, picked up the wine bottle on the jade plate and offered it to him with both hands.

"What is Mengyan doing recently?" He took it and took a sip, asking in a friendly voice.

"This child is obsessed with space technology research. Ever since her brother went off to war, he has been staying in the research institute and has not come back!" Su Qinghan responded with a slight bow.

Fang Xuqing's lips curled up slightly: "This kid doesn't care about anything except his own areas of interest. He's quite similar to you!"

"Your Majesty..." Su Qinghan was a little nervous.

"Don't worry, I don't have any other intentions!" Fang Xuqing waved his hand and said with emotion: "I am praising her! She is sensible and knows how to advance and retreat. It is not her own thing. I will never ask for it! If all my descendants are If she were like this, I wouldn't have so many worries!"

Su Qinghan cautiously stopped talking. This matter in the court was definitely not something she should be involved in!

Looking back, she saw Manager Yan Mengbing walking in lightly. She immediately bowed and said, "If your Majesty has no other orders, I will resign!"

Fang Xu nodded gently, and after her figure disappeared outside the door, he casually asked, "How is the fighting over there? Is there any new news coming back today?"

Manager Yan smiled and said: "It's very satisfying. After several days of fierce fighting, the imperial army has broken through the federal defense line! It has recovered all the astrological areas! Yan Qinghong re-defended the federal border and mobilized troops from various places to try to stabilize the situation. Position! However, this is of no use at all. Without the entry of strong foreign aid, it is a certain fact that the Federation will continue to lose ground!"

"The Superpower Legion performed particularly well in this battle. That boy Ye Qingyuan personally killed three peak-grade experts from the Federation, and more than twenty semi-divine-grade experts! In addition to the gains made by other powerful men in the Imperial Regiment, , the Federation has lost most of its high-end supernatural combat power! It is no longer qualified to confront the Empire’s supernatural army head-on!"

"That's good!" Fang Moxing said comfortingly, "This child has never let me down. Maybe it won't be long before my army can enter the federal territory, and even reach the Tierbon star field, the capital of the federation! "

Manager Yan said with some worry: "It seems too easy to swallow up a big country just like this! Those neighboring countries will never sit idly by and ignore it. If they try to get a piece of the pie, how should the empire respond?"

"In a time of great strife, combat power speaks for itself!" Fang Moxing snorted coldly, "Is there any benefit? OK! If you have enough combat power, you can do whatever you want! Without combat power, there is no use for anything! My army will be useless. If they stay there and won’t leave, if they have the ability, just invite them away yourself!”

"I will decide the tens of thousands of light-year territory of the Xuanluo Federation! No one can try to take advantage of it!"

Mr. Yan said: "It's easy to defeat a big country, but it may take a short time to completely destroy it! It won't take more than two or three years. As a result, Her Royal Highness the Princess's wedding will have to be postponed!"

"Is this it?" Fang Moxing sized it up, "It's nothing. After she is awarded the title, let her go to the front line! After all, her status is a bit special. Accumulating more military exploits can also help her The opposition voices in both the government and the opposition should be lowered!"

Having said this, he stood up, walked around the study room twice with a wine bottle in hand, and asked slowly: "What's the recent news in the East Palace?"

Manager Yan looked solemn and said in a low voice: "The second prince has become more and more unscrupulous recently! Not only did he accept bribes in five places, he formed cliques without any scruples, wooed important officials in the court, and he also had close contacts with people from eight major families!"

Fang Moxing's eyebrows were deeply knitted, he was a little annoyed and a little disappointed: "This kid really forgot about his past! I didn't have high expectations for him at first, but I didn't expect him to go so far. !”

"I was thinking before that, as long as his behavior is not too outrageous, considering that he is of my blood, it would be okay to let him continue to be an idle prince after I clean up the court! But now..."

He didn't say any more, but the serious look in his eyes clearly expressed his intention!

Manager Yan's heart trembled, knowing that Fang Yanren was in danger this time! Although he was feeling emotional, he didn't say much.

"I don't know when your Majesty plans to take action?" she asked respectfully.

"Just ten days later!" Fang Moxing said calmly, "All officials who have dealings with Fang Yanren must be strictly investigated. No matter how high their status was before, they cannot be tolerated!"

"I'm guessing that I'm planning something evil right now, huh! I'm not dead yet!"

"Understood, Your Majesty! I will obey your orders!" Rao Shiyan Mengbing had participated in the Central Privy Council's secret discussions for many years and was used to seeing the bloodshed in the court, so she couldn't help but feel chilled at this time.

This time, I don’t know how many big shots are about to be killed, their homes confiscated and their genocide exterminated!

"Your Highness, don't you really think about it?"

In the secret room of the East Palace of the Emperor, Crassus persuaded the prince in the main seat: "Everyone knows about the ambitions of the empire from several major families. Although they have to bow to His Highness due to the situation, in fact they still harbor evil intentions. ! Your Highness must be on guard!"

The high-spirited Fang Yanren said disapprovingly: "What is there to be prepared for? They are now desperate. Do they have any other choice besides relying on me?"

"However, Your Highness, they are just being submissive on the surface. This time they say that they will mobilize the courtiers to jointly submit a letter to ask Your Highness to assist in state affairs and participate in military affairs! In fact, they are putting you on the fire!" Crassus said helplessly, "His Majesty the Emperor is now at the peak of the Spring and Autumn Period. , would you be willing to delegate power to His Majesty? Doing so will only make His Majesty unhappy, so how can you agree to it!"

"Okay, okay!" Fang Yanren said displeasedly, looking for Shuyuan "Now that the empire is at war with the Xuanluo Federation, my father has too many things to worry about! As a son, I, as my father, Sharing worries is a matter of course! How could his old man be unhappy?"

"You are also from one of the eight great families. Why are you so hostile to your own race? This is not good! I am still thinking that if I ascend the throne in the future, I will let you go back to take charge of the Augustin family! "

Seeing that Crassus wanted to say something else, he waved his hands impatiently and said: "Okay, don't mention this matter anymore! You have been doing a lot of things for me recently, and it has been really hard for me. I’ll give you a long vacation, reward you with a few beautiful maids, and rest at home to cultivate yourself!”

Looking at the unfamiliar lord in front of him, Crassus' heart gradually became cold!

Your Highness, do you know that what you are doing now is an act of playing with fire that leaves no way out for yourself!

Look at the people gathering around you these days, right? Flattery, flattery, flattery! Whatever you like to hear, they will tell you; whatever you like to play, they will give you something! (To be continued.)

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