Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 664 Roasting on the Fire

Even when I encourage you to do things that are simply overstepping your duty, you don’t even know how to reflect on yourself!

Did you know that the seat you are currently sitting on is a volcano! Now that you are sitting on it, you should be cautious in your words and deeds, and be cautious, so that you can ensure that you survive until the day you reach the top!

However, you have reached out in all directions, and now you have decided on His Majesty! This is the way to death!

Sighing in his heart, Crassus couldn't even remember why he left the palace and returned to his residence.

When his housekeeper saw him coming back, he immediately came over and said, "Master, there is a guest who has been waiting in the living room for a while to see you."

"Who is it?" he asked casually.

"Mr. Crassus, I have long admired you! I hope you don't mind if I take the liberty of visiting you today!" A man wearing a uniform of Lieutenant General of the Imperial Security Department and a handsome face came out and said with a smile.

"Who are you?" Crassus vaguely felt that the other person looked familiar, but for a moment he couldn't make a guess, so he had to ask.

"I'm Li Mace! Currently working in the Imperial Security Department!" He said with a smile, "I hope I can talk to you about some things!"

"Talk? What to talk about? Could it be..." Crassus's face suddenly changed.

With his IQ, he had vaguely guessed the whole story, and he couldn't help but feel chills running through his bones.

"Well! Mr. Crassus has always been famous for his resourcefulness! I have been paying attention to you for a long time!" Li Maci said with an authentic smile, "Fang Yanren was able to recruit you to serve under his command. It was a very clever move. Chess! If he could reuse you, he would never be like this today!"

"What a pity! This guy treats talents the same way he treats the woman he likes! He spared no expense and devoted himself to get it, and finally got it! After a while, the enthusiasm faded!"

"The current situation of the gentleman is like that of a woman he has played with who has been relegated to the cold palace! I heard that if you see him now, you have to report it multiple times! Am I right?"

The more he spoke, the uglier Crassus' face became, and by the end he had completely cooled down.

"General, what do you think you are talking about?"

"It's very simple. I'm here to show you a clear path!" Li Kuai said sternly, "Leave that waste as soon as possible! I will recommend you a wise master who is more worthy of support!"


The Yun family's mansion.

In the study, Cheng Guiyun confidently said to Yun Hui: "Your Majesty made a bad move this time and appointed that loser as the crown prince! However, this is a rare opportunity for us, no matter what Um?"

"Can this guy succeed?" Yunhui asked doubtfully, "Is it worth our efforts to support him?"

"It's just that he has to be incompetent!" Cheng Guiyun said with a smile, "A loser who has no ability at all to get into the position, but he just sat in that seat! And he is expected to sit for a long time, and he has to sit firmly! How to deal with it? "

"We can only seek support from powerful forces!" Yunhui immediately knew what his father meant.

"Yes, this guy estimates that if he wants to secure his position, he will definitely be unable to do without our support! However, there is no free lunch in the world, so he will naturally have to repay us, so that our interests can be maximized. ! No?" Cheng Guiyun said proudly,

"I will contact several other family heads. It is best to persuade them to unite and support this guy, let him gradually participate in national affairs, and gradually isolate His Majesty! If you are happy, the crisis of the family race can be completely alleviated, and there is no need to be afraid anymore Those old guys are dissatisfied!"

Three days later, fifteen governors of the Star Territory, together with hundreds of officials from the DPRK and China, wrote to Fang Xuqing, requesting that Fang Yanren be allowed to assist in the affairs of the country and participate in the war in southern Xinjiang on the grounds that the prince needed experience. In essence, it is to let His Majesty the Emperor gradually delegate power!

Regarding this memorial, Fang Xucheng remained silent and did not publish it.

Two days later, this group of officials gathered another group of congressmen and jointly submitted another letter, the content of which was exactly the same as that time!

After the memorial was handed over, there was still no news! However, this matter has already spread, and the government and the public are talking about it, and no one knows what the emperor's attitude is.

However, a group of officials who were originally in a wait-and-see state saw His Majesty's expression of no dissatisfaction and thought they had figured out the meaning. They understood, discussed it with a few leaders, and wrote again a few days later. Mention this matter!

This time the momentum was even greater. With Fang Yanren's support from five places, there were over a thousand officials cheering for him! The leader is Fang Yan, the prince of the royal family, a mediocre man who only knows how to eat, drink and have fun without any political acumen; and the other is Mu Side, the Minister of Industry, who has always been a good official but has no independent opinions. After cheating, he got on the ship and agreed to work for him!

With these two people taking the lead, more and more officials responded! The whole government and the public paid attention to it.

By this time, the commotion was well known to everyone, and even the countries in the Star Sea began to pay attention to the matter, analyzing the possibility of the imperial prince ascending to the throne, his administrative ability, and what impact it would have on the empire's future domestic and foreign policies. etc!

This time, His Majesty the Emperor was no longer silent. He immediately reacted, and it was an unexpected reaction!

As soon as it dawned, the interstellar fortress near Tianhua Star became busy.

Groups of high-star awakened ones wearing blood-red heavy light armor, under the command of their commanders, lined up in neat formation and boarded the royal battleship in the fortress! On their helmets, they all have a small bloody emblem, with a bloody dragon head emblem on it! Just by looking at that pattern, you can feel a fierce and ferocious killing aura!

There are nine thousand awakened people, and their lowest cultivation level is above seven stars! Strong men of the Qianxing level can be seen everywhere. In the main control room on the flagship, there are even more than thirty strong men of demigod level gathered!

Their equipment is also specially provided by the royal family, and is a complete set of five-star equipment that has been specially modified and enhanced. Officers above the rank of leader have 8-star equipment!

In addition, there are many gray humanoid afterimages that are thin but more vigorous and flexible, looming in the universe, exuding waves of mysterious and unpredictable auras!

The mechanical war puppets, ranging from three to five meters tall, were burly and stocky, and their bodies were shimmering with light. They entered the battleships one by one with heavy footsteps.

Behind them were a group of beings wrapped tightly in black cloaks. Although they looked like human figures, judging from the powerful and cold aura they inadvertently exuded, the life forms there were definitely not much like humans. connect!

This is the "Imperial Shield" elite guard regiment created by spending countless resources of the royal family. It only takes orders from His Majesty the Emperor! It is an important cornerstone to protect the throne and maintain the royal authority! It is a weapon that the royal family can use to intimidate many forces in the country! It has always been firmly controlled by His Majesty the Emperor, and he never reveals it to others easily!

Wu Yuankong, the commander of the Guards Corps, stood in the main control room, and General Manager Yan stood beside him quietly, silent.

As time went by, all the supernatural legions boarded the ship one by one, and finally a group of robots dragged countless various, tightly sealed alloy boxes onto the battleship! Should be some secret weapon.

"Is everything okay?" I saw that the hatches of all the battleships were closed together, and the large launch port in the distance had been opened. Yan Mengbing couldn't help but ask.

"The supernatural army is all ready and ready to go!" Wu Yuankong said solemnly.

Manager Yan nodded slightly: "Then let's set off!"

Tens of thousands of warships filed out and flew towards Fang Yanren's mansion on the fifth planet.

Along the way, you can find that the entire star system is under martial law, and there are tens of thousands of warships monitoring each planet, ready to deal with any emergencies that may arise!

"Your Highness, this is bad! Something big has happened!"

The panicked voice of the maid sounded in the palace.

In the palace, Fang Yanren was sleeping with several naked women in his arms. Hearing the noise coming from outside, he turned over unhappily and asked lazily: "Who are making noise outside? A group of lazy people Guys, can you afford the punishment for disturbing this king’s sweet dream?”

A pale-faced maid stumbled in and said fearfully: "Your Highness, I don't know how many fleets there are outside! They will... surround the palace!"

"What?" Upon hearing this, Fang Yanren's dazed brain sobered up a little and asked again: "What fleet? Say it again!"

"Your Highness, outside the door...the Royal Guards have surrounded this place! They say they want to...arrest Your Highness!" The maid's voice was filled with tears.

Now, no matter how careless he is, he still knows the seriousness of the matter! Naked, he got out of the bed, jumped out of bed and ran out!

When he rushed to the door, he realized that he was still naked. He hurriedly ran back and put on his clothes at random, then hurriedly left for a while!

Outside, a large group of elite warships have completely surrounded an area with a radius of a hundred kilometers, and not even a bird can fly away! On the bow of the ship, the huge colorful golden dragon ribbon is clearly visible!

There are three posts per post and five posts per sentry near the palace. Nine thousand awakened people have all left the ship, and multiple blockades have been set up in the air and on the ground!

The sky that was originally bright gradually darkened again under the influence of some unknown force. Within a radius of a hundred kilometers, all free energy has been drained out, and all communications on all bands have been blocked! Even underground, there are countless strong people who rely on powerful brain waves to monitor closely all the time.

Countless mysterious shadows loomed in the air, and bursts of mysterious power emitted, making the entire space become sticky and stagnant like water waves! Even breathing was greatly affected!

At the gate of the palace, Manager Yan held a golden scroll in his hand and stood there expressionlessly. Wu Yuankong stood next to her with a solemn expression, looking at the panicked servants and maids there with a dead look. .

Behind them were dozens of neatly dressed high-grade Qianxing warriors, and behind them, a legion of tens of thousands of high-star awakened commandos filled the square in front of the palace! The incomparable aura rushed towards them, shocking the guards at the gate who were already good at fighting, and all of them lost their dignity!

"Second Prince?" Manager Yan asked calmly.

"My Lord Steward, Your Highness has not gotten up yet, so I will send someone to fetch him right now," a butler responded carefully.

Wu Yuankong snorted and said: "He is quite at ease! I am here to follow His Majesty's order! I don't have time to wait!"

"It doesn't matter! It won't be too late!" Manager Yan still said calmly, "Let your Highness hurry up and complete His Majesty's errands as soon as possible, so that I can go back and resume my duties later!"

"Master Steward, I don't know what the Emperor's order is this time..." The steward looked at her face and asked boldly, while secretly handing over a delicate small box.

"Huh?" Manager Yan's face turned cold, and he was so majestic that he was so frightened that the butler never dared to make a mistake again!

"Your Highness, do you usually discipline you like this? No wonder today happened!" Wu Yuankong snorted coldly.

A few minutes later, Fang Yanren, sleepy-eyed and disheveled, rushed out in a panic. When he saw the formation at the door, his feet went weak and he almost fell!

"Master Manager, this...what's going on?" He calmed down and spoke calmly.

Manager Yan looked at the former Crown Prince, and the contempt in his heart became more and more obvious!

It was obvious that he had overindulged last night and was only awakened by his subordinates just now. Look at how messy his clothes are, with buttons wrongly buttoned, armed belts loose, shoes half pulled up, and hair disheveled! There is also a transparent pink bra hanging around her neck! He didn't notice it himself!

How dare such a person dare to hope for a divine weapon and even speculate that one day he will be in charge of the empire? With your virtue, I am afraid that no matter how big your foundation is, you will ruin it!

"Important!" Manager Yan opened the golden scroll and said coldly: "The second prince Fang Yanren behaves surly and wantonly, takes bribes and bends the law, forms cliques for personal gain, and even secretly interacts with foreign forces, betrays the secrets of the empire, and has evil intentions! Although he is of my blood, This is an unforgivable crime! Now I am depriving myself of the title of prince and removing my name from the royal family’s jade certificate! I am going to commit suicide by drinking poison!”

Every time she said something, Fang Yanren's face became paler. When he heard the last few words, he couldn't hold on any longer and collapsed to the ground with a "pop"!

"No... this is not true... why maybe?" He cried and climbed up to Manager Yan, grabbed her skirt, and asked hopefully: " Sir, this is definitely not true... I am the Crown Prince, how could my father suddenly issue such an edict?"

"My father is definitely at fault! I want to see my father and ask him in person!"

Manager Yan sighed softly and said: "The emperor can't make mistakes! Your Highness, if you had known this today, why bother? If you had known better, Your Majesty wouldn't be so heartless!"

"It's useless to talk more now. Your Highness, you... just go in peace! Your Majesty will not embarrass your children, wives and concubines out of past friendship!"

"No!" Fang Yanren was like a wounded beast, howling like crazy: "I absolutely want to see my father! I will never accept such an order! I... I also want to see the clan's venerable association, I I want to appeal! I...I don't accept it!"

Manager Yan glanced at him with disdain, turned back to Wu Yuankong and said, "General, come and give him a ride!" (To be continued.)

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