Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 673 Greedy Li Tianlang

However, for a warship production base, such a small place is impossible to exist, not even on Gilad's territory! Only middle- and above-average countries can develop and produce this kind of large-scale main battle equipment with such combat effectiveness!

There are many criteria for measuring the strength of a country's combat effectiveness, among which industrial manufacturing capabilities are an extremely important criterion! Whether it can independently develop and manufacture main warships is an important reflection of the country's industrial manufacturing capabilities!

Although the Prison Soul Star Sea has a huge scope and numerous forces, there will never be more than a hundred forces that can manufacture warships. Among these one hundred major forces, there are those who can fully produce all types of main warships in the human world. It has been reduced to less than ten!

The battleships used by Timason before were all second-hand goods used by the larger forces in the surrounding area! The style is old, the ship is old, but the price remains high! However, there are also new ships for sale. However, in addition to the ridiculously high price, the purchase quantity is also strictly restricted. You cannot buy as much as you estimate you will need!

This is the tacit unspoken rule of those big forces, in order to better control the small vassal forces below and prevent them from having the opportunity to threaten their own status!

The nine forces in the Shengyuan Star Region, as well as hundreds of large and small forces in more than thirty surrounding star regions, are all nominally attached to the Yanlong Consortium in the Yanlong Star Region. The leader of the consortium is named Ram Ku. Dele is almost the number one figure in the Hell Soul Star Sea!

The Yanlong Consortium has been operating in this Xinghai for hundreds of years. It currently has five direct star regions, and its power affects dozens of surrounding star regions!

Now that Ye Qingyuan has his starting base, the first problem he faces is to expand his combat effectiveness, among which battleships are an unavoidable problem.

In fact, if you don't want to be slaughtered by those big forces, you can also buy it from passing caravans. However, there are not many big merchants with the ability to sell high-quality warships. It still depends on whether they are willing to sell! After all, this field is a real seller's market! You can’t get it just by having money!

Finally, just go grab it! As long as you have the ability, it is also a good way to steal the warships of other forces. The premise is that you have the ability to defeat them!

With Ye Qingyuan's family background and connections, it is not difficult to get some warships. In fact, he currently has nine thousand warships, which are sealed in the empire and in many secret bases controlled by the Yun Family Venerable Group. As long as he You can get it right away if you adjust it and use it.

The problem is clear. At present, their identities cannot be exposed, and certain things cannot be exposed, so as not to attract the attention of the big forces in the Prison Soul Star Sea!

If a little-known small force suddenly possesses a batch of advanced warships of unknown origin, even a fool can figure out their true identity!

They must now follow the development rules of the local small forces and slowly expand their territory and force! Those advanced equipment that are far superior to the average local technical level are definitely not the time to show them on a large scale!

Until now, they have not released all the awakened ones, and those who have appeared have deliberately suppressed their own cultivation so that they will not look too out of the ordinary.

Before their territory reaches the size of several star regions, they all have to be careful to avoid their true identities being discovered by outsiders, thus attracting full suppression from those big forces!

"After a comprehensive investigation of the family assets left by Timason, I have to tell you with a little displeasure that our current financial situation is very unreasonable!" At the military meeting, Link Bergeron told the participants The big guy said.

"This guy's total profit in a year is almost 300 million crystal cores, which seems to be a big number! It's a pity that he doesn't know how to run a business, he has so many subordinates, and he has to endlessly communicate with the surrounding forces Beat him to death! Before I took over, he had a fight with that Gilad not long ago, and he had basically destroyed all of his family fortune!"

"In addition to the rectification actions we took a while ago, so many factories were built! At present, we have very little funds left on our books! If there is no large capital investment, it will be difficult to proceed with the next steps. !”

Everyone was watching Ye Qingyuan, listening to his decision.

He smiled slightly and said: "Okay, I will give you one billion crystal cores, and the economic planning and daily administrative management of these three planets will be all left to you! Zhong Zixia will cooperate with your work !”

Then, he turned to Liu Xiangyun and said: "I will also give you a billion crystal cores, and I will leave it to you to take charge of the warships! In three days, the fleet I am waiting for will go out to find work! Any questions?"

Liu Xiangyun said: "With the help of the Chamber of Commerce's cover, we brought a total of more than a thousand old warships this time. However, compared to the junk used by many forces in this star field, our warships are still much better than theirs. Less! So, this is the first time I go out to work, and I still can’t take them out!”

"The ones currently available for use are the more than 1,500 warships owned by that Timasen guy. Including those of his subordinates, there are a total of more than 2,000 warships that are about to enter the museum! The subordinates sent people to inspect and repair one Fan, excluding some with greater safety risks, there are only 1,500 ships that are truly usable!"

"Do they only have this little fighting power? They're all rubbish! They can't meet the requirements at all!" Ye Qingyuan frowned.

Tian Xuanhao said: "My lord, there is no need to worry! With my command experience, I am no better than encountering an opponent with more than 10,000 ships and a technological gap of no more than twenty years. I am sure to inflict heavy damage on the opponent at a lower cost!" "

"Currently, of the many caravans passing through the channels in the surrounding star field, not many can meet this standard! When we go out to work for the first time, we can choose those weaker targets to start with!"

Ye Qingyuan thought about it, shook his head and said: "Having said that, I still estimate that getting more warships can increase the combat effectiveness. It will always be no problem! After all, this kind of rubbish is no better than the elite of the empire. Battleship! I don’t want the soldiers I’m waiting for to be dragged down to death by these junk battleships!”

"Then we can only go to that Kudler guy to buy it! It's nothing more than spending more money to buy more than a thousand newer ships, and then we wait to start taking action? However, in this case, we will have to wait longer. It’s been more than ten days!” Zhong Zixia said.

Luo Qingyue said from the side: "Actually, I have a method! It can ensure that the fleet we are waiting for will generally have no casualties, and we can get a lot of trophies that meet the standards!"

"Tell me about it!" Ye Qingyuan said with a smile.

"Acting!" Luo Qingyue said slyly, "Commando Team Zhi also has some resources and contacts here. We can find two chambers of commerce to bring a batch of warships and supplies that we currently need, in the waterway close to Linyuan Galaxy. Passing by, they were hit and 'robbed' by our fleet! Everything fell into our hands!"

"Of course, the quantity cannot be too large each time, just like three to five hundred ships! To avoid arousing suspicion! As long as this happens a few times, we will have the capital for initial development!"

"Is this possible?" Hu Mu was a little doubtful.

Liu Xiangyun said: "I think it is feasible! After all, we only need to cover up for a period of time. The most important thing for us at the moment is to seize the time and wipe out all the remaining eight forces in the Shengyuan Star Territory. As long as This star field is completely in our hands, so it will be much easier to block the news! Don’t worry about other star fields having abnormal reactions!”

"Very good! That's the deal!" Ye Qingyuan said, "Let them make arrangements. In three days, I will see the first batch of warships and supplies!"

The Clone Commandos are woven in this star field and still have some influence, and some small chambers of commerce are secretly controlled by their people. With the full cooperation of the other party, a few days later, a fleet of more than 800 warships and 3,000 merchant ship commandos, fully loaded with cargo, secretly passed through the Linyuan Galaxy.

As a result, without any suspense, they were blocked by Timason's fleet waiting there! After a fierce exchange of fire, the person in charge of the other party led more than a hundred warships and fled in panic! The merchant ship and the remaining warships were abandoned to the group of vicious "star thieves" behind them.

Nearly five hundred battleships, a large number of machinery and equipment required for the early construction of the planet, a large number of battleship parts, and nine thousand qualified ship personnel, all fell into the hands of the Star Thief Group in this way.

Then, the interesting Timasen got lucky. In the next few days, he succeeded twice more and made a lot of money! Then the behavior stopped.

Too many times will arouse suspicion! It’s impossible for all good things to happen to you, right?

After the news spread, those forces were surprised and privately cursed Timason's good luck! No suspicion yet.

However, some people just can’t sit still! For example, a force close to the Linyuan Galaxy.

Li Tianlang is the controller of the Yuluo star system. It owns two planets, Shanyun and Songzhen. The population is more than 100 million. The economy is developing well. The number of battleships is even higher than that of Timason.

Some time ago, Timaison and several small forces joined forces to fight against Gilad and suffered heavy losses. He planned to take this opportunity to unite two allies and divide Timasen's territory!

It's a pity that they have been arguing about the distribution of benefits for too long, and they are all trying to get the ultimate share of the benefits! As a result, this quarrel lasted for half a month!

When they finally finalized the plan, they heard the news that Timasen had been having good luck recently and had made several "big business" deals in a row!

This is great! Once the old ghost is allowed to digest the spoils of war, it will be their turn to be tortured!

No action at this time! When will it be more?

Yu Ming understood that after emergency consultation, several guys decided to send troops to attack Timasen two days later!

Near the Linyuan Galaxy, on the tyu1007 channel, a fleet came quietly from a distance.

In the flagship, Li Tianlang was sitting in the fleet commander's seat, his eyes slightly closed, replaying all the details of the action plan in his mind. Thinking about possible mistakes.

Li Tianlang is young and handsome, but there is a birthmark the size of a copper coin on his left cheek near the corner of his lip. He looks like he is in his twenties or thirties. Of course, due to the existence of DNA awakening technology, this era has no way to A person’s true age can be determined by their appearance!

This guy was the right-hand man of a gang boss, and later killed his own boss and replaced him! He is a cold-natured and ruthless person!

In this operation, he united with the controllers of the two star systems Lihe and Songyue to act in unison to lay siege to Timasen's territory! As long as the plan succeeds, the nine forces in the Shengyuan Star Territory will become eight!

The fleet moved slowly and stopped when it approached the wormhole, quietly hiding behind a meteorite hundreds of kilometers in diameter. Past the wormhole is the Linyuan Galaxy, that old guy's territory.

He can't act alone yet, he has to wait for the two people to come!

To be honest, this operation is risky. It is easy to say that it succeeds, but if it fails, the end of these people will definitely not be much better!

No one knows how much benefit the old ghost has gained recently. If he has gathered enough manpower to launch all the battleships that are said to be of good quality, even if Gilad's men come, they may not be able to What a bargain!

However, he had no choice. If he didn't do this, Timason would definitely attack the forces on his side after his combat power increased greatly. They would eventually face the same result!

"Oh no! Wealth can be found in danger! If I don't twist off that guy Timason's head today, I won't go back!" After figuring out the key points of interest, Li Tianlang no longer hesitated.

At this moment, two more fleets of similar size came from the other two directions and merged with Li Tianlang's troops.

"Old man, you're almost here!" He forced a smile and spoke to the two stereoscopic projections on the monitor.

On the monitor, the guy on the left is a slovenly, unkempt middle-aged man in black, and the other is a white-haired little old man with a very wretched face. This is Lihe, the master of the two star systems in Songyue!

"Wei Lang, Brak! Why didn't you come on time? Should I take action right now?" Li Tianlang asked again.

The big man in black named Wei Lang snorted and said, "It's okay if you don't come. If you get the benefits all by yourself, why don't you ask Shuyuan to let me wait for the northwest wind?"

Li Tianlang secretly cursed in his heart and said firmly: "Didn't we agree on how to distribute the benefits before? Linyuan Star belongs to me, and you will have one planet each for the remaining two planets! Why? Didn't you think you could change your mind? "

The old man named Brak laughed evilly a few times and said slowly: "It's not that we changed our minds, but that you took too much! Although we all got a planet, Lin Yuan The oil and water of the star is obviously much higher than those two planets! Timasen’s main wealth is placed there!”

"You have also seen it! The forces brought by the three of us this time are almost the same! They are more than 1,500 warships, all the mobile power that we can use! Although your warship may be newer, but it is also Why don't we wait for the two of them to join forces? If...I mean if...that...hehehehe..." Brak smiled evilly, with a sinister and cunning light in his eyes.

"What do you mean?" Li Tianlang said angrily.

Wei Lang hummed coldly and said nothing. However, their two warships were leaning together intentionally or unintentionally, and their guns were vaguely pointed at Li Tianlang's fleet. (To be continued.)

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