Just when Li Tianlang's complexion became darker and darker, he was about to have an attack. Brak changed the topic again and said with a smile: "Okay! I didn't mean anything else, it was just a joke! However, you really took too much, and we are just a little unbalanced. !”

Li Tianlang suppressed his anger and tried to slow down his breathing and said: "Then why do you want to do it?"

"I want to take away 30% of the captured battleships first!" Wei Lang said solemnly.

"It's very simple. After the old ghost ascends to heaven! I want to pick half of the women he raised and take them away! I heard that he raised several top-notch female slaves! Hehe..." Why does Brak's smile look so disgusting? .

"Okay! The deal is done!" Li Tian clenched his teeth and said suddenly.

For those of you who are not practicing cultivation and are still staring at women’s thighs and butts even after they are hundreds of years old, you’d better die on a woman’s belly this time! I wish I could take over your territory!

And you, Wei Lang, are not a good person either! How dare you come with that old ghost to threaten me. One day, I will break your balls! See why you are so arrogant in front of me?

Over and over in my mind, I greeted the eighteenth generation ancestors of these two allies! Li Tianlang gave the order for the fleet to attack.

The fleets of the three forces combined have nearly 5,000 warships, which is almost as much as the entire mobile fleet of Gilad, the boss of this star field!

Although these battleships are not new, their overall combat effectiveness can still be guaranteed. Even Gilad didn't dare to take it lightly when faced with such a large force! It should be more than enough to deal with that old guy from Timason!

The fleet passed through the wormhole in turn. In the distance, illuminated by orange stars, three planets were moving quietly in their respective orbits.

"Are they coming?"

In the flagship, Ye Qingyuan stared at the monitor and said with a smile: "How dare such a junk battleship come to attack me?"

"This proves that our confidentiality work is effective! They definitely think this is still the territory of that old ghost Timasen!" Ziyuan Lan also laughed.

Tian Xuanhao played with the light pen in his hand and said slowly: "Even so, we can't take it lightly! After all, this is the first head-to-head contest between me and the local forces here! It's better to be cautious!"

"Yes, it should be so!" Ye Qingyuan agreed.

Liu Xiangyun asked: "The warships used this time are all old and have low energy efficiency. They will definitely not be as easy to command as before! Do you still use your method?"

Tian Xuanhao glanced at him: "Why? You don't believe me? Are you in charge?"

"As long as the lord agrees, there will be no problem with me here!" Liu Xiangyun said without any sign of weakness.

"Hmph! Are you okay? I remember that you have never commanded even a battleship before, right?" Tian Xuanhao said with contempt.

"Whether it works or not, you won't know until after the fight!" Liu Xiangyun said without fear.

"Okay! Stop arguing, you two! There will be more battles in the future! Whether you can do it or not will have consequences!" Ye Qingyuan stopped the argument between the two capable generals.

Tian Xuanhao snorted and ordered the fleet to dispatch to fight.

When Li Tianlang and his fleet were about to reach the outermost resource planet, they discovered that a fleet of about two thousand ships had moved out from behind the current small satellite.

"Isn't it? They reacted so quickly? That old guy Timason seems to be very lucky recently!" Wei Lang said in surprise!

The men sent by Ye Qingyuan had already sneaked into the territory of the nine forces, secretly inquiring about information, and secretly scattered many miniature space detection and reconnaissance equipment on the nearby star system channels. With the help of a wise man like Leng Zhuo, the surrounding people Every move escapes his eyes and ears!

"There's a lot of unnecessary business now, maybe it's hard to kill him all at once!" Brak said a little depressed.

Li Tianlang slapped the table: "What is there to be afraid of? Doesn't the opponent only have two thousand battleships? I have five thousand of them waiting, and there are also a large number of awakened people. What are you afraid of him?"

"That's all!" Brak sighed lightly.

At this time, even if you think about retreating, you won't be able to retreat calmly! Only maybe they will be defeated by each other!

Fortunately, they have an absolute advantage in terms of the number of warships, so it is not difficult to defeat the opponent!

"All fleets, advance at half speed! The main guns are fully charged!" Under Tian Xuanhao's orderly orders, more than two thousand warships under his command slowly formed a formation and began to move forward. The electric light from the main gun muzzles became brighter and brighter. !

When the energy is full, the fleets of both sides are almost within range!

The impatient Li Tianlang ordered a full-scale fire, and he would not hesitate to destroy the satellite for this!

Tens of thousands of powerful death beams and high-energy rays streak through the universe. If they can hit, they will definitely cause a lot of damage to Timasen's fleet!

Tian Xuanhao smiled calmly and ordered: "All battleships move up fifteen degrees to dodge the opponent's attacks! Then aim at coordinates xxxx, xxxx... and shoot with a 90% operation rate!"

In the universe, the two fleets began to shoot fiercely! After a few rounds, the problem of insufficient coordination among Li Tianlang's fleet suddenly appeared!

The three factions and three fleets were originally put together reluctantly and looked like the same thing. After a few rounds of tactical maneuvers, their true colors were revealed and they were divided into three distinct camps!

On Ye Qingyuan's side, although the battleship's energy efficiency was unsatisfactory, the officers and soldiers under his command strictly implemented the orders. In addition, after a brief drill beforehand, under Tian Xuanhao's meticulous control, they could still achieve a tight formation and advance and retreat within an absolute period of time. sequence!

In this way, the situation will soon become clearer! Hundreds of enemy ships were hit, and then exploded and caught fire! Since they are all junk warships, naturally we cannot have too high expectations for the escape system there. Generally speaking, no one will be left alive in any warship that is under fire!

In just ten minutes, the number of enemy fleets was reduced by one-third! And our side lost less than a hundred ships!

"What the hell, what's going on? When did that old guy Timason have such a powerful battleship command level?" Brak cursed in surprise and anger.

Wei Lang frowned and said, "What should we do now? Should we retreat?"

"Retreat? Retreat to where?" Li Tianlang said angrily, "I can't wait to get out! The opponent's battleship speed and reaction ability are much faster than mine! If we retreat, no one of the three of us can expect to survive." Run away!”

"For the present plan, we can only fight to the end!"

The three of them were silent and commanded their men to carry on with a sullen expression.

After a while, seeing more and more battleships lost, Brak finally said: "It's so far off, let's get closer! I brought 70% of my awakened ones this time, and you should also. That’s almost it! If we engage in close combat with them, we can almost save the defeat!”

"What the hell, you pig head! Why didn't you tell me earlier!" Wei Lang cursed and immediately began to give orders for action.

The three forces, who were beaten into a state of embarrassment, suddenly changed their approach of fighting and retreating, and uncharacteristically surrounded them.

"What are they going to do? They came up directly. Do you think they were beaten hard enough?" Ziyuan Lan said in the flagship with some confusion.

"They are planning to use the Awakened to turn the tide of the war, right?" Ye Qingyuan said, "It seems that the Awakened troops we are waiting for have work to do!"

"Yes! Order them to be ready and attack in two minutes!" Tian Xuanhao said.

A few minutes later, the enemy fleet finally approached Ye Qingyuan's headquarters after paying a heavy price. Of course, this is because the other party is willing to let them almost arrive.

Ye Qingyuan planned to take this opportunity to hone the special-powered troops built by the new commando team, so he decided like this. Otherwise, Tian Xuanhao could use his own advantages to drag these guys to death by "flying kites"!

Groups of Awakeneds wearing simple light armor and wielding old-fashioned energy knives ejected one after another. After briefly forming a commando team, they formed a loose formation and quickly outflanked them.

The awakened ones on our side are already ready! There are a total of three thousand people, all with the same set of five-star supernatural powers, but the surface is cleverly disguised, and it looks like just ordinary equipment! The combined strength of the other three factions totaled about 5,000 people, which gave them a considerable numerical advantage! This is why they feel that they can save the defeat!

Hu Mu, whose whole body was enclosed in a complete set of 8-star supernatural powers, looked at the opposing lineup coldly, and gently twitched the corners of his eyes.

A miscellaneous army is a miscellaneous army, there is no way to compare with them! Except for the guy at the head who is just a Qianxing, there are not many eight-star and nine-star experts, only a few hundred people! The equipment is even worse and sloppy. As long as my defense is fully activated, even if I let them attack me, they won't be able to do anything to me in a short time!

"Everyone, get ready to take action! Pay attention to cooperation! If you can't even deal with this kind of miscellaneous army, you will be ashamed of your trust in the lord!" He said to the team members calmly.

The three thousand awakened people understood in unison, and drew out their energy knives to face the oncoming enemy. The two sides quickly became a massacre, and people kept being cut off by the sharp light blade, and then their bodies were cut into pieces, with their limbs and broken arms flying everywhere in the universe!

Hu Mu faced the Qianxing alone, and there was a fierce fight between the two sides. He, who had no advantage in combat power or equipment, was unprepared, and was slashed on the left shoulder by Hu Mu with a sword, and half of his arm was removed!

The guy screamed in pain, turned around and ran away. Hu Muqing took out his light crossbow and aimed from a distance. Several blue light arrows accurately caught up with him. A ball of light with a diameter of tens of meters exploded in the universe, annihilating all traces of his existence!

"Wei Lang is dead? Why maybe!" Brak shouted in fear.

"We don't have any stars left! What should we do next?" Li Tianlang looked extremely ugly as he listened to the screams coming from the contact channel!

With his hands free, Hu Mu began to kill without any scruples, and specifically targeted those guys from the * Star. After all, their combat power was there, and they still posed a considerable threat to their own awakened people.

Half an hour later, there were less than 2,000 enemy Awakeners left, and many of the warriors who had freed up their hands began to attack the approaching enemy warships.

At this point in the battle, Ye Qingyuan's side had already gained an absolute advantage. No matter how unwilling they were, Brak and Li Tianlang had to admit this fact.

"Surrender!" Brak sighed softly and said helplessly.

Li Tianlang's face was twisted and ferocious, he gritted his teeth and thought for a long time, and finally nodded reluctantly.

Lee used the public channel to send a signal, and after obtaining the other party's consent, all battleships shut down their power engines, retracted their gun muzzles into the battleships, lowered their armor covers, and locked them. All awakened people put down their weapons and obey the victor's arrangements.

"Let their flagship go out first, and send some people to control the leader to prevent them from cheating!" Ye Qingyuan said.

The other party does what they say. After a while, Li Tianlang and Brak, as well as their cronies beside them, were escorted over and brought to Ye Qingyuan's eyes.

"Ah? You...you are not Timason, what's going on?" Brak looked at the young man in front of him and said in surprise:

"Are you his subordinate? But that's not right. When did the old ghost recruit someone as powerful as you?"

Li Tianlang was also a little confused and said: "Could it be that the old ghost has kicked his legs, and you are the boss here? Something is wrong. Why have I never heard of you before?"

Ziyuan Lan smiled slightly and said: "Two interesting gentlemen, you seem to have not corrected yourself yet! You are currently my lord's captives, captives! Do you know?"

"Prisoners have no right to ask too many questions! At present, please tell us all the situations in your territory in detail! Because that is already our territory! You'd better be more understanding and cooperate obediently to survive!"

The two guys' faces turned red and white, but finally they bowed their proud heads in resignation.

The next step is to count the results of the battle, seize the opponent's battleships, and disarm and control all the awakened ones! After more than an hour of busy work, the battlefield was finally cleaned.

After this battle, more than 3,000 enemy ships were destroyed and more than 1,000 complete warships were captured. There are nearly two thousand awakened people!

The greater result is that this battle completely destroyed the effective strength of the three nearby forces, causing his own territory to suddenly expand several times! There is clearly a tendency to become the ultimate force in the Shengyuan Star Territory!

The next day, the fleet, which had hurriedly digested the results of the victory, rushed non-stop to the three star systems of Lihe, Songyue, and Yuheng. Take over all these lands! Due to the strict blockade of news, when the fleet flew near the planet, the troops left behind did not know what was going on!

Li Tianlang and Brak were aware of current affairs, so they asked Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com to quickly order their men to disarm! It only took some effort to accept Wei Lang's territory, but it was done quickly!

So far, five star systems with a total of eleven ecological and administrative planets, a population of more than 500 million, and hundreds of nearby resource star systems have all become Ye Qingyuan's territory!

The combined wealth of several factions were combined, and after selection, nearly 5,000 relatively complete battleships were integrated. The Awakened captured nearly 5,000 people. After interrogation and careful screening, some of the people with too violent characters were eliminated. , send them to the resource planet for labor reform! The remaining more than 2,000 people who met the standards were organized into the special forces.

As the territory becomes larger, there are more internal affairs to be dealt with. The livelihood, economy and industrial layout of each planet must begin to be planned in a unified manner and managed and operated in accordance with standardized systems. Of course, with Zhong Zixia and the others responsible for this matter, and with the assistance of a wise man, it is not a problem at all.

"What should we do next? Do you have any opinions?" After everything was arranged, Ye Qingyuan asked everyone.

"Of course I need to rest and digest for a while! Then I can plot against other forces!" Zhong Zixia said. (To be continued.)

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