Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 688: There is a difference between us and the enemy

The capital of the Yanlong Universe region, the planet Purple Dragon Wings.

The abnormal situation from the Shengyuan universe area had been brought to Ram Kudler's eyes more than a month ago.

At that time, the head of the Yanlong chaebol family did not take the news seriously, but it was just a lucky guy who unified a certain area of ​​the universe, no big deal!

However, later, when he heard that the new commander of the Sea Beast Star Thieves Group unexpectedly went out of his way to take down Yumeng and Solang in two cosmic regions! Only then did he really take it seriously! Immediately issue an order for strict investigation!

Since the confidentiality work in the Shengyuan Universe area was relatively good, we waited for an unknown number of days and paid a lot of money before some sporadic information was sent back one after another!

It is said that the other side is also a native force from the Shengyuan universe area. However, Kudler will not believe this at all!

What he is concerned about is how much fierce fighting power the other side currently has? What a price to pay for complete annihilation! As for the big force that suddenly owns three cosmic regions, it must be eliminated!

This dozens of cosmic areas within a radius only need one leader from the Yanlong chaebol family!

The Yanlong chaebol family developed from a small force a hundred years ago. Because of his father's outstanding talents and coincidence, he was able to rise without any danger! And after replacing the original dominant force, it further expanded externally and eventually became the master of this large area of ​​the universe!

Yanlong and the three nearby universe areas are the places with the best economic development and the highest technological level! Under his personal control, it is the direct descendant territory of his family's race! There are a dozen or so smaller cosmic areas nearby, each controlled by his cronies and descendants of his family's race!

On the outside, there are those small forces that are nominally attached to him! There are more than twenty universe areas.

This is the tacit unspoken rule of almost all the major forces in the Hell Star Sea to prevent the appearance of a commando organization with too large a territory and too fierce fighting power within their own sphere of influence, so as not to threaten their own status!

Now, a force with territory in three universes has appeared, and it has appeared in less than a year and a half! Naturally, the Yanlong chaebol family will not let it go! Immediately after conducting multiple investigations and collecting intelligence, a careful plan to eliminate it was formulated!

After a hundred years of hard work and good relations with higher-ranking powerful forces, the Yanlong Chaebol family has accumulated a substantial fortune! It has an armed force that makes the surrounding space areas formidable!

The fierce combat power of the direct line and branches of the chaebol family combined to possess more than 8,000 to 9,000 warships of various types, all of which are relatively new models; there are also nearly 5,000 to 9,000 awakened troops, among which 29 are strong stars. There are eight eleven-star experts and three twelve-star experts! He himself is even a semi-divine level expert!

In the secret meeting room at the headquarters of the chaebol family, Kudler, who is sitting in the main seat, is a young man in his forties. He is chubby and kind, and his fat, fair face always wears kindness and gentleness. smile! He looks more like a successful businessman than a tycoon who controls the lives and deaths of hundreds of millions of people!

On both sides of the long solid wood conference table, there were more than forty people sitting, nearly half of whom were wearing military uniforms! This is his core team!

"Everyone, you all know something about the situation of the Sea Beast Thieves Group and its recent movements!" Kudler looked at his subordinates and said solemnly:

"Currently, how should we deal with this force? You may wish to speak out!"

In fact, everyone already knows how to deal with it! The boss has already made up his mind, and saying this is just a pretense to show that he is open to speaking out and values ​​the opinions of his subordinates!

His chief adviser, Yu Sade, said: "Boss! This force has threatened the order and stability of this starry sky! Therefore, the best way for us to deal with it is to completely obliterate it before it truly grows up. !”

"I feel that such a rapidly rising force may have been sent by our opponents, or it may be a chess piece deployed by the big powers outside! In short, it will definitely not be a force born and raised in the local area!" The fleet commander under his command Commander Marshal Zasik said.

"No matter where it comes from, no matter what background it has! It doesn't matter anymore! Because it will be wiped out by us soon! No?" Another cold voice sounded.

The person speaking this time was a young woman with a delicate face and a bright and beautiful face. She was Kudler's lover, Crelia, an eleven-star powerhouse!

Others agreed.

Kudler nodded lightly with satisfaction: "Okay! Since everyone's opinions are the same! What we need to discuss now is: how to obliterate it!"

He turned around and asked Fick: "How many troops do I need to give you so that you can easily destroy this force?"

Zasik thought for a while and said: "According to the information we have, the total strength of this force is only about 80,000 old-fashioned warships of various types, and almost 30,000 awakened people! Qianxing It is said that there are three strong men, and one of them is a strong man of twelve stars!"

"For us, this little power may be a little unnecessary, but that's all!"

"If the boss wants to control the losses within a low range, then his subordinates need 9,000 warships of various types, plus 9,000 awakened people, which can perfectly solve the problem! Of course, the high-star powerhouses need to send a few more position to prevent that commander from escaping!"

"Nine thousand warships of all kinds? It's nothing, but are you really that confident?" Kudler slowly rubbed the thick crystal core ring on his finger and asked calmly.

"Boss, my subordinates can issue a military order! The mission will definitely be completed!" Zasik solemnly promised.

Yusade also said: "Boss, what Marshal Zasik said is right! Nine thousand warships of various types are enough! The various warships we use ourselves are much better than those we sold to them before. Junk goods are much more energy efficient! Getting rid of them is not a superfluous chore!"

Kudler said calmly: "However, my special feeling tells me that things are not that simple! The other side has risen so quickly, and it must be relying on something! It cannot be completely based on common sense!"

"Then boss, what are you planning to do?" Yusade asked.

"I will give you 29,000 warships of various types! And the same number of awakened ones!" Kudler said in a surprising way!

"What?" Everyone here couldn't help but be horrified.

Two to nine thousand of the most elite warships of all kinds, plus an equal number of awakened ones! This is already most of the mobile force of the Yanlong Zaibatsu family!

To deal with such a small force that they think has an unstable foothold, it really feels like "killing a chicken with a camel's knife"!

Kudler looked at Fick's stunned expression and said with a smile: "I'm just worried about getting into trouble. Of course it's better if there are no problems! Just treat it as a practical exercise!"

"Eradicate this disturbing force as soon as possible! Those cosmic areas will be directly included in the territory of our race! As meritorious officials, you will definitely benefit from less in the future!"

"Very good! Now that you have spoken, boss, your subordinates must obey!" Zasik said cheerfully.

The matter is settled!

Early the next morning, the Yanlong Chaebol family's 29,000 various warships officially set off and headed straight for the Shengyuan universe area! Kudler personally accompanied the army on the expedition to boost morale!

The top brass of the chaebol family are already planning how to distribute the interests of these three universe regions after the war is over! No one would think that there is a chance of failure in this battle!

The large fleet moved quickly, but it took three to five days to reach the Solang universe area.

What makes Zashik happy is that Suolang and Yumeng have no troops to defend the two universe areas! It was obvious that the other party knew that it was weak and had already transferred its limited fleet back to concentrate on defending the Shengyuan Universe area!

Yu Ming understood that he immediately sent troops to take over the two universe areas without any humility! This credit alone is enough for him to obtain a rich ecological planet as his own territory!

He left 33,700 fleets stationed in each of the two universe regions. He led the remaining 180,000 various warships and awakened ones to approach the Shengyuan universe region!

When passing through the void tunnel, they enjoyed the treatment that Duan Xingtian's fleet had experienced before!

Facing countless highly intelligent mobile space mines, Zashik was really in a hurry for a while! However, the Yanlong chaebol family was different from ordinary forces after all, and they quickly came up with countermeasures!

Tens of thousands of old-fashioned cargo ships were thrown over and used as cannon fodder to open the way, and then a large number of high-tech mine clearance tools were used. Fike was already breaking through the blockade of the void tunnel at any cost, striving to capture this cosmic area as soon as possible so that he could claim credit from his master. !

The other side of the void tunnel.

"That Kudler guy is really rich! It looks like it will take some effort to deal with him!" In the main control room of the command ship, Ye Qingyuan stroked the hilt of his sword and said with a smile.

Tian Xuanhao said: "It's just a few more swords! It's not a big deal!"

"I hope there will be a few decent strong men there, otherwise the fight will be too boring!" Ye Qingyuan said.

Leng Zhuo smiled and said: "Then you are destined to be disappointed! No matter how strong the Yanlong Chaebol family's fierce fighting power is, it is impossible for there to be a fifteen-star strong man, otherwise it will never be possible to control such a small amount of territory!"

In this battle, Ye Qingyuan issued an order to dispatch 80,000 warships of various types and more than 50,000 awakened people. The newly acquired Solang has temporarily uncovered the Yumeng Universe area to concentrate on a decisive battle with the enemy!

Twenty-nine thousand warships of various types are really a very powerful force for them now! However, they are confident that the final victory will never belong to the Yanlong chaebol family!

As long as all this powerful power is lost here! Then we can buy them at least half a year of development time, right?

By then, the first batch of new warships of various types will be in place, and the first batch of trainees in the military academy will have been trained, and they will soon be able to commando into a powerful fleet that is far ahead of surrounding forces!

Only in this way can we almost truly have the capital to replace the Yanlong chaebol family and officially become the dominant force in this starry sky!

An hour later, the Yanlong chaebol family's fleet finally broke through the void tunnel defense line and rushed into the Shengyuan universe area.

Waiting for them are more than 80,000 warships of various types waiting in close formation!

Obviously, the other party has planned to use this place as the venue for the decisive battle!

In the cold starry sky, the dazzling death beam lights up continuously!

Every salvo means that hundreds of warships of all kinds are destroyed! As for the casualties of soldiers, two zeros must be added to this number!

Compared with the high battle loss rate of the fleet duel, the fierce battle between the supernatural legions seems to be inferior, but the lethality of the High Star Awakener cannot be underestimated at all!

Crolande used all his strength to finally kill the half-hundred High Star Awakeners who besieged him one by one! The entire set of five-star light armor on his body had half a hundred deep wounds, some of which had even penetrated the body of the light armor and damaged internal organs! This was caused by the desperate counterattack before the other party was about to die!

He is one of the elite guards under the lord's command, and they are all clones created in the same batch! From the moment they were born, they were informed of their identity and destiny! Protect the safety of your lord, even if it means sacrificing your own life!

After being trained by the commandos at all costs, their current fierce combat effectiveness is generally between five and seven stars! Of course, this is also the effect of the blood given by the Lord in their bodies!

The lord treats them really well. All the people of the same kind who join the lord's army have their own names, complete identity certificates and relevant salary and benefits! No different from those normal humans!

From the beginning, they have had legal human status, instead of being simply used as cheap cannon fodder by the above like before!

As long as the lord can achieve great things, then everything they can enjoy will also benefit countless similar people in the darkness! They can all live in the sunshine like normal people from now on! With complete dignity and personality, you can choose the life you like!

Therefore, for existences like them, their performance on the battlefield is also the most eye-catching!

The fierce battle this time was extremely fierce! The enemy's half a million warships of various types and almost the same number of awakened ones came fiercely to kill! They are determined not to give up until they are wiped out!

After a burst of extremely fast light arrows covered the blow, looking for Shuyuan The Lord still took the lead and blocked more than a dozen strong men above Qianxing on the other side with his own power!

As the Lord's bodyguard, Croland was not far behind and led his team members into the enemy group! Kill without any scruples!

This batch of enemies is really much stronger than the miscellaneous troops we encountered before! In addition to being more numerous and generally superior in fierce combat effectiveness, the equipment on them is also relatively complete, and they are all of the same standard! Although most of them are low-end and mid-range equipment of two-star or three-star quality!

Croland and others are protected by high-quality equipment, and ordinary enemies can't do anything to them! You have the upper hand almost from the start! In just half an hour, he personally sent more than 80 enemies to hell!

However, there are strong people on the other side! His performance was very eye-catching, and he soon received "key attention" from the enemy!

Although he himself is also a seven-star, his level of cultivation is far from enough to exert the full power of the five-star equipment! Under the joint siege of half a hundred high star awakeners, he tasted injury for the first time! (To be continued.)

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