Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 689 Victory or defeat

After finally clearing the enemy, he was planning to return to his own camp to deal with his injuries, when a white light rushed towards him, blocking his way!

"Qianxing? It seems to be even higher! Why didn't you see him appear just now?" He didn't dare to neglect, and immediately called several companions to stop the other side!

Bian Fang's whole body was enclosed in thick green light armor, and he could only look like a human being! However, judging from the energy pressure he exudes, it cannot be lower than eleven stars! All this side can rely on is the advantages of numbers and equipment!

"A bunch of things that don't know whether they live or die!" The Qianxing strongman cursed in a low voice, with a sour tone, which sounded more like jealousy!

After careful consideration, he understood that despite his own cultivation level, he only had a set of five-star equipment, and it took the boss a lot of effort to get it! But now, the guys in front of him are all brand new and equipped with the same equipment. How can he balance in his heart?

Jealousy quickly turned into action, and he launched a storm-like offensive against the enemies around him!

The others were okay, Croland was seriously injured, and the light armor was also damaged in many places! The energy shield has completely failed and it is no longer possible to exert its own power!

The Qianxing strongman saw his weakness, but he didn't expect to target him first!

Being seriously injured and exhausted, he was naturally no match. He was stabbed through the abdomen by the other party in just one round. The violent energy raged in the body, messing up the internal organs near the wound!

Just when he thought he was going to die, a sharp sword energy struck, easily cutting off the hand holding the sword! Then a strong force pulled his body out of the battle group!

The young man with dark eyes and black hair didn't know when he appeared beside him, and smiled gently at him: "Are you injured? Go back and have a good rest!"

"Understood, my lord..." Croland was trying to figure out what to say, but his body, which had lost so much blood, could no longer bear it, and his vision went dark and he fainted. )

Ye Qingyuan handed the guard to the medical team members who came from behind, then moved and disappeared into the enemy group again!

Yanlong fleet, in the main control room of the command ship, Kudler has recovered from his disdain and arrogance at the beginning, and begins to seriously think about the next way out!

This small force, which he didn't pay attention to at all, unexpectedly caused him to suffer a big loss!

It has been more than two hours since the war started! More than half of the fleet was destroyed by the other side's terrifyingly accurate bombardment! But the losses on the other side are far lower than our own!

However, regarding the Awakened Legion, the losses are even more surprising! From the beginning, the young man opposite had stopped almost all the Qianxing warriors by himself and killed them one by one! No matter if they are eleven stars or twelve stars!

It seems that he has never suffered such a big setback since he took over the chaebol family, right?

"If I can go back alive this time, I will hang all the guys who collected and analyzed the instructor's intelligence!" Kudler said with a gloomy expression.

Yusade looked at his face and said bravely: "Boss, with things like this, do we still want to continue fighting? What if..."

Kudler glanced at him and said with a cold face: "What are you guessing? Don't hesitate!"

"Boss! You have also discovered that the power possessed by this force has greatly exceeded our expectations! Take the Awakened as an example. Their numbers and fierce fighting power cannot compare with mine, but their equipment is stronger. I've waited a long time! What does this mean?"

"It means that the other side is not short of money at all! All it is short of is manpower! From this, we can conclude that the other side is unlikely to be like a chess piece sent by those big countries outside! It is more like a certain human race taking refuge! Let's wait..."

"What's the point of talking about this now?" Kudler interrupted him coldly! "What I need to know is, do we still have a chance to make a comeback? If not, how can we negotiate with the other party in order to get a chance to escape safely?"

Yusade's tone was choked, and he said: "My subordinates are willing to negotiate with them! However, if they open their mouths and ask for too many benefits, how can we deal with it?"

"Now I just need to agree to them! It's important to escape!" Kudler said gloomily, "As long as I return to my own territory, I will find ways to deal with them before it's too late!"

"Understood, boss!"

Soon, Yusade's request for armistice negotiations was forwarded on the public channel!

"You've suffered a loss, so you just gave in? Weren't you quite arrogant before?" Ye Qingyuan snorted coldly in the contact device.

"Lord, do you mean you don't accept it?" Ziyuan Lan asked.

Ye Qingyuan shrugged: "I can accept it, but they have to surrender unconditionally! Ask that guy if he will agree?"

Tian Xuanhao frowned and said: "However, there are almost nine thousand warships of various types on the other side. If we don't fight until the last moment, we may not be willing to agree to such harsh conditions!"

"Then let's fight! Whenever he is willing to submit, we will cease fighting!" Ye Qingyuan said with a smile.

In the dark starry sky, a huge group of silver-blue sword light quickly moved through the enemy group! Next to the sword light, balls of light the size of basketballs, silver and solid, kept changing out of thin air. After flying around him at first-level speed for a while, they exploded with a bang!

Every explosion of a ball of light will set off layers of endless spiritual storms! This makes these pretentious guys suffer even more losses!

Finally, Kudler couldn't sit still! Stand up and plan to fight in person!

However, he also knew that although he was thirteen years old, he was not sure whether he could truly defeat the young man outside!

Ye Qingyuan was killing happily when he saw a light yellow ball of light suddenly rush out from the other camp and hit him at first-level speed! There are three and a half hundred high-star guards beside him. From a distance, I could feel the unique and powerful aura of a demigod-level expert!

"The fierce fighting power of the Yanlong chaebol family is very good! I didn't expect that there are such strong people?" Ye Qingyuan was a little surprised.

The ball of light rushed to a nearby place and stopped. The first man there, wearing high-quality light armor, stared at him carefully for a while, his expression becoming even more ugly.

Ye Qingyuan smiled softly: "Sir, have you seen enough? I'm about to take action! I hope you can stay in front of me for a few more seconds!"

"I am Ram Kudler, the supreme leader of the Yanlong chaebol family! Are you the young commander?" The man said, "It was a misunderstanding that I offended you this time! We are willing to apologize. , and compensate you for all losses!”

"I'm not sure if you are willing to sign an armistice agreement?"

Ye Qingyuan snorted coldly: "When has it been? Do you think you are still qualified to negotiate? It's so embarrassing to have the nerve to say such things!"

Kudler's expression changed: "Commander, peace brings wealth, but we sincerely estimate that we want to turn hostility into friendship!"

"Besides, we still have far more warships of various types than you, so why are we not qualified to negotiate?"

"That's good!" Ye Qingyuan said nonchalantly, "Just let them fight for a while, until you are almost at your wits' end! You will almost know how to abide by the duty of a defeated person!"

The solid ripples swept through layer by layer. Within a radius of tens of kilometers, the enemy's awakened people were all bleeding from their orifices and dizzy. No one could maintain fierce fighting power! Including Ram Kudler!

Ye Qingyuan issued an order to control all those who had temporarily lost their fierce fighting power. If there are still those who dare to resist, they will all be killed without mercy!

There were less than 30,000 enemy awakened people in the field that could be supported. He did not take action, but let his own troops deal with it! The purpose is to hone their practical abilities!

Some of the awakened ones who have already freed up their hands are working together to besiege the enemy fleet!

After more than an hour of fierce fighting, the Yanlong fleet, with only more than 20,000 warships of various types left, finally resigned and announced its surrender!

The next step is to count the results and receive all the enemy's remaining power! He also forced Kudler to issue an order for the 20,000 fleets stationed in the Solang universe and the Yumeng universe to also surrender!

At this point, the key battle in the rise of the Sea Beast Star Thief Group ended with the complete annihilation of the Flame Dragon Fleet, the ruler of this starry sky! A group of high-level figures from the chaebol family were captured, including the head of the chaebol family, Ram Kudler!

This time, a total of more than 50,000 warships of various types with good energy efficiency were acquired, as well as a similar number of awakened ones. The fierce combat effectiveness of the Sea Beast Star Pirates Group has greatly increased! There is a vague tendency to compete with the Yanlong chaebol family!

At the military meeting, Ye Qingyuan said to Liu Xiangyun: "I'll give you 50,000 warships of all kinds! And the same number of awakened people, can you take down the two cosmic regions of Dong Yu and Solo?"

The situation in the Dongyu universe area is similar to that in the Solang universe area, with several forces adding up to nearly 80,000 warships of various types; in the Solo universe area, Duan Kongming's failed sneak attack resulted in the loss of 30,000 fleets, and the current universe There are almost 70,000 warships of various types in the area, which are controlled by several of his close confidants!

"Within one week, these two universe areas will be brought under the rule of the lord!" Liu Xiangyun responded simply. )

Ye Qingyuan nodded lightly with satisfaction: "Very good, several Qianxing from the Cangling Commando, and Hu Mu will go with you! Try to get it at a lower price!"

After this battle, most of the elite forces of the Yanlong Chaebol family have been buried here! Although the chaebol family headquarters has three and a half million warships of various types, they are controlled by different factions. In addition, outside the chaebol family's sphere of influence, there are also competitors of the same category who are restraining them!

Therefore, for a long period of time, the chaebol family was no longer able to have a substantial influence on Ye Qingyuan's troops. They could completely expand their territory to several cosmic regions!

Two days later, the Solo Universe area was wiped out by Liu Xiangyun's army, and more than 30,000 warships of various types were seized, more than 33,750 awakened people, various properties, and countless rare resources!

Five days later, 8 forces in the Dongyu Universe area were wiped out one by one! More than 20,000 warships of various types were seized, and tens of thousands of people were awakened!

At this point, Ye Qingyuan's territory has officially expanded to five universe regions! It won't be long before he is fully qualified to replace the Yanlong chaebol family!

"...There are two options right now. One is to expand externally and double the territory we have! The other is to suspend the weapons and recuperate within the next year and a half!"

At the high-level meeting, Liu Xiangyun explained to everyone: "I personally think that maybe we can grab a few more cosmic areas! In this way, we can truly become the largest force in this starry sky!"

Ye Qingyuan didn't speak, just looked at the other people present.

Zhong Zixia said: "Securing a few more cosmic regions won't be a big military problem! Just understand that we currently don't have that many manpower, so it's almost difficult to coordinate! All kinds of talents in training have not yet graduated! For the time being! I can’t count on it! Therefore, I feel it’s better to wait!”

Leng Zhuodao: "If more sites are won, the subsequent economic layout, administrative planning integration, and infrastructure construction tasks will also increase significantly! More funds and more manpower and material resources will need to be invested in management! This For us now, the burden is really heavy!”

"Actually, the key point of whether to expand externally is to see whether there are any forces in the surrounding area that pose a greater threat to us!" Crassus said,

"In the past, the Yanlong chaebol family was almost one! However, now, the chaebol family, which has suffered a sudden defeat, will no longer be able to use troops against us for a long period of time! On the contrary, it has to deal with the fierce fighting around it. Challenge from competitors! No time to take care of us!"

"The big forces in the surrounding area will only focus on the Yanlong Chaebol family at the first time. After all, it is a big force that has been developing for hundreds of years. The oil and water are obviously extremely rich! Take advantage of it During the period of weakness after suffering a blow, go to Shuyuan to add insult to injury! This is the only choice to maximize your benefits!"

"However, as for us, for now, five universe regions are not that few! If we have just such a manpower, if the stall is too big, we will not be able to take care of it! It is better to concentrate on this area first Take care of the territory, and wait until everything is on track before considering further external expansion!”

Then, everyone present spoke one after another, each expressing their own opinions.

Generally speaking, few are in favor of continuing to expand externally, while most are in favor of recuperating and consolidating the fruits of existing victory!

"Okay! That's the deal!" Ye Qingyuan said, "If we expand externally too fast, the foundation will inevitably be unstable! Anyway, the surrounding cosmic areas are there, and we can't move them! Even if we wait for a while to receive them, it won't matter. Something like that!”

"The most important thing for us at the moment is to race against time to manage these five universe areas and make them truly our foundation!"

In the following period, the entire Sea Beast Star Pirates Group focused their energy on the internal affairs construction of the five major universe regions! (To be continued.)

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