Following the previous example, regarding the two newly acquired universe areas, Leng Zhuo is still taking the lead and is responsible for the overall planning, design and layout! Brother and sister Zhong Zixia are responsible for improving the details and supervising the actual work progress.

Once a problem is discovered, we will immediately make targeted improvements. If it is something unnecessary, we will report it to Leng Zhuo for resolution! Sometimes it is necessary to convene special meetings to study.

After deletion, selection and integration, a group of old warships of various types and substandard soldiers were eliminated, and finally a powerful armed force with 9,000 warships of various types and more than 90,000 awakened people was transformed!

With the current fierce fighting power, it is not impossible to destroy the Yanlong chaebol family, but there is no way to deal with the covetousness of several major forces in the surrounding area! Therefore, Ye Qingyuan currently has no idea of ​​​​fighting with the Yanlong chaebol family, which will only make wedding dresses for others!

However, the captured senior figures of the Yanlong chaebol family, including Ram Kudler, were imprisoned and kept under close guard! When the decisive battle with this big force comes in the future, they will still be useful!

In fact, there are already signs of instability among the top brass of the chaebol family who have lost their heads! The huge power vacuum needs to be filled, and some ambitious figures are planning to take advantage of this once-in-a-century opportunity to take its place!

For this reason, they even sent people to contact Ye Qingyuan privately, promising various benefits and asking not to let those troublesome guys back! It's best to kill them all! The new leadership of the chaebol family will definitely maintain a good relationship with the Leviathan Pirates!

In this regard, Ye Qingyuan agreed one by one. At this time, there is no harm in playing tricks with them.

In terms of internal affairs, the five cosmic regions have a combined population of nearly 30 billion and 17.5 hundred ecological and administrative planets! For long-term development, all areas must be carefully planned and operated steadily!

Since the Thoreau universe has been unified for many years, the economic situation is the least problematic! It is also the region in the universe with the best and most complete technological development. The annual benefits add up to more than 35 billion crystal nuclei! Several other areas of the universe are incomparable!

One of the main reasons why the economy of these cosmic regions lags behind is that the overall planning is chaotic. Those forces only care about making money and fighting for territory! Who cares about the life and death of ordinary people?

Then there is not enough investment in infrastructure! In some of the few factories, the equipment used are antiques from decades ago! The production efficiency is so low and sloppy!

Under Leng Zhuo's arrangement, all factories and enterprises have been completely renovated, and a large number of new machines and equipment have been installed one after another! Just wait until the workers are trained and the output can be greatly increased!

Take mining on those resource planets for example! A Daowen copper mine with a scale of 10,000 people used to only have some old, small, semi-automatic mechanical excavators, with a daily output of more than 10,000 tons of raw ore, but there was no relevant refining and purification equipment at all! Excluding energy loss and labor and machinery costs, the monthly profit is pitiful!

Currently, the mine has been replaced with the most advanced large-scale intelligent excavators. For a mine of the same size, the daily output of raw ore has increased by more than forty times! Coupled with supporting smelting, processing and purification equipment, tens of thousands of tons of high-quality concentrates are produced every day! After one month, after excluding all costs, the profits increased dozens of times!

As long as the investment is in place, I believe that within a few years, this place will become a prosperous space area comparable to the hinterland of the empire!

More than five months later, the first batch of 30,000 elite warships of various types, which came from the imperial capital and were personally ordered by Her Majesty the Queen, were sent to the Shengyuan Universe area by an unknown commercial organization among the people, and were officially delivered to The night is clear and far away.

Just at this time, the first batch of ship operators trained by the Sea Beast Star Pirates Group have also graduated and passed the test smoothly! Just in time for use!

Under the strict review of Ziyuan Lan and Luo Qingyue, a group of soldiers with clean financial status and the highest loyalty were carefully selected. Combined with these 30,000 new ships, the commando team established the first Guards Corps directly under Ye Qingyuan. !

At the same time, the Imperial Capital also secretly dispatched a large number of engineering personnel to select two planets in each of the five cosmic regions and built twenty large-scale warship repair and maintenance bases of various types, which can simultaneously repair two thousand warships of various types. Carry out maintenance and repairs. In high-intensity wars, such a base is an important guarantee for the fleet's fierce combat effectiveness! Even the Yanlong Chaebol family does not have such a professional and complete maintenance base!

In addition, there are weapons and ammunition matching various warships, high-density energy blocks, and all vulnerable parts, which are open to supply! The imperial capital also sent special officers to explain various technical issues in the use of various warships to the soldiers!

As various warships continue to arrive, all soldiers will change their uniforms one after another! When the number of these various types of warships reaches five to nine thousand, and all the required soldiers are in place, the Sea Beast Star Thief Group will truly become the overlord within hundreds of cosmic areas!

With the unstinting support of such a super power, it is foreseeable that the rise of this force is inevitable!

Hongyu universe area, er5503 channel.

Sisfo turned off the photon computer and leaned tiredly on the high-quality velvet quilted seat, planning to take a short rest before going to inspect it again.

As a high-quality manager of a commercial organization and the chief officer of this caravan, he has a lot of bad things to do!

This area of ​​the universe is not peaceful at all. From a practical point of view, there are few places in the Prison Soul Star Sea that can be related to the word "peace"!

The final result of the numerous forces, large and small, is the emergence of the Star Thief Group that is everywhere, ravaging like locusts! They kill people, steal goods, kidnap and extort, there is no trace of humanity at all!

As long as you are targeted by any group of star thieves and your own force fails to defeat them, then surrender obediently! Maybe the other side is in a good mood and only takes your fleet and belongings! It won't hurt your life!

Because of this, all caravans that dare to do business in such a place are escorted by a huge fleet! Even if the business organization does not have enough fleets, it will still pay to hire a group with good enough reputation and fierce fighting power to protect its own wealth!

Sisfo is a member of the business organization affiliated with the Yanlong chaebol family and has served this commando organization for generations! Now that I have finally made it to this place, I am finally qualified to lead a caravan on my own! He might have made a mistake in his own hands and ruined the job!

There are more than 3,000 large military transport ships under his command, and they carry a batch of extremely important cargo! It was purchased from the "Amethyst Wings" Star Thieves Group, the leader of the Yanlong Chaebol Family and one of the five leading forces in the Prison Soul Star Sea!

Not only was this transaction a huge amount, but the top brass of the chaebol family also paid many additional benefits to get it! As long as he can deliver it safely, his performance evaluation will be marked heavily! It's not impossible to even upgrade to another level!

The journey was uneventful, and when we arrived at this place, we were less than a day away from the control of the Yanlong Chaebol family! He still didn't dare to relax at all!

Although there are 30,000 elite warships of various types escorting him, there are so many vicious gangs of star thieves in the star sea. When encountering fierce battles with tyrannical forces, it will still be very difficult for him!

He has notified the chaebol family headquarters and asked them to send more troops to respond!

The chaebol family has recently suffered a major setback and lost a large number of various warships and awakened beings! This has made the forces in this area restless. Even the former allies are looking at this previously powerful force with somewhat incomprehensible eyes, secretly speculating how long it can last!

Not long ago, a force that had a good relationship with the Yanlong chaebol family, the Principality of Stuyveszy, had already taken substantial measures. They sent envoys to request the chaebol family to reduce or reduce tariffs on their own goods, and they got their wish!

This made other allies see more clearly the current situation of the chaebol family, which is powerful on the outside and powerful on the inside. In the past, if the principality wanted to get its wish, it would have to pay at least a similar price!

The boss of the chaebol family was defeated and captured six months ago. Several close confidants and nephews in the family had a fierce quarrel over the dominance of the chaebol family, and they even got into a fight! Later, several hostile forces from outside pushed too far, and all parties had to put aside their prejudices and unite to fight against the outside world! Let’s keep the chaebol family’s ship from sinking first!

Later, at the critical moment when all parties reached an agreement not long ago to divide the leadership of the chaebol family, the top executives of the hateful Sea Beast Thieves Group didn't know why they were crazy, but unexpectedly they released those people back in batches! In the end, even the original owner Ram Kudler sent it back!

There is no room for two queen bees in a honeycomb. You don't need to estimate what will happen between the new team that took power not long ago and the old people who have been out of power for a long time!

Facing the chaebol family that is constantly fighting and has a vague tendency to split! Kudler had no choice but to use his trump card. He took out his family savings that he had accumulated for many years and purchased a batch of precious resources from his sect master. He planned to rearm a group of reliable high-star awakeners in a short period of time and eliminate all those with dissident intentions. All members are purged! To preserve one's power and status!

I hope nothing unexpected happens, Sisifo prayed privately in his heart.

It's a pity that the more you are afraid of something, it just comes!

"Master Manager, we are blocked! I don't know how many warships there are!" the observer's panicked voice suddenly came.

"What's going on? How many warships are there over there? Can you confirm their identity?" He suppressed the tension in his heart and pretended to be dignified.

"Take a look for yourself? It seems to be from that group of pirate pirates!" The observer sent the image to his photon computer.

In the vast starry sky, a group of various warships, all covered in silver gray and numbering around 30,000 in size, blocked the way of the caravan! Although there is no numerical advantage, the other side has no timidity!

After Sisfer saw it, he breathed a sigh of relief. There were not more warships of various types on the other side than his own, and judging from their appearance, they were all old models, which were incomparable with his own elites!

"Tell them to get out of the way!" He said coldly, "Otherwise, let the other party taste the power of my waiting!"

In the main control room of the command ship of the Sea Beast Star Pirates.

"Then I know!" A young man about seventeen or eighteen years old with a delicate face said helplessly, "How many times has this happened? You have taken the warning to wait for me as nothing!"

"Okay, Hou Yifeng, stop complaining!" Liu Xiangyun said calmly, "They won't cry until they see the coffin! That's fine, let them taste the power of our new warships! Anyway, I'm waiting for the first few Isn’t this what you always do?”

"Understood, General!" Hou Yifeng said immediately. "Why fight? Are you going to follow the same routine as that time?"

Liu Xiangyun said: "Of course, but this time you will command a fleet and take the lead in launching the offensive! I will hold the line for you! See if your skills have improved!"

Hou Yifeng agreed happily: "No problem, in that case I will go!"

He is also a member of the Clone Commando Organization. Because of his outstanding performance in the previous battles, he was spotted by Ye Qingyuan and planned to focus on training him as a general.

This time the Star Thieves came out to take advantage of others. Liu Xiangyun intended to hone his commanding skills through this fierce battle. That's why he made such a decision!

Two minutes later, a group of about 5,000 various warships separated from the formation and faced the escort fleet of the opposite caravan!

"Fire, and since they won't give way, show them some trouble!" Sisfer said fiercely.

The first-level main battle cannons of tens of thousands of warships of various types opened and launched a long-prepared attack on the target!

The five thousand various warships did not dodge or avoid, but activated their own energy shields at the same time. The muzzles of the first-level main battle began to flash with bright blue electric snakes. After more than ten seconds, a wave of updates The violent beam of destruction came back without any humility!

A situation that stunned Sissi Buddha occurred: the bombardment by tens of thousands of our own warships of various types had no effect at all! Those infinitely powerful beams of light fell on the energy shield on the other side, only to cause waves of fluctuations before disappearing completely!

The energy shields of less than a thousand various warships collapsed, but the various warships themselves were not harmed!

What's going on? My various warships are the best and most advanced models in the chaebol family, but I didn't expect that they couldn't even scratch the skin of the other old warships! Is it because you are dazzled? Or is the world abnormal?

Why didn't he expect that the other side would get all kinds of warships that were more advanced than them?

The Sea Beast Star Pirates' counterattack came quickly, and all the various warships that were hit exploded and disintegrated immediately! Even if the energy shield is opened to the extreme, it can't withstand the attack from the other side!

"The third, fifth, and fifth teams retreat immediately! The energy shield is restored, and the first-level main battle cannon continues to charge! The eleventh, twelfth, and fifteenth teams move forward to attack..."

"...The detachment that has completed the attack retreats to recharge, and other detachments cover it. Be careful not to damage their transport ships. That is our prize!" In the squadron command ship, Hou Yifeng calmly issued the order.

After several rounds, more than 3,000 warships of various types in the escort fleet have been destroyed! Under the bombardment of the 2,800mm first-level main battle artillery, no matter how strong your energy shield is, you will be killed in one shot!

In the escort fleet, the most powerful first-level main battle cannon has a caliber of only 1,800 millimeters, which is several levels behind in power. Moreover, the energy shield defense index of the other side, the maneuverability of various warships, and the first-level main battle cannon are The charging speed is far superior to them, there is no comparison at all! (To be continued.)

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