Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 691: The Pirate’s Thoughts

Sisfo's face became even more ugly, and he tried his best to restore the situation, but to no avail!

Half an hour later, more than 5,000 warships of various types were destroyed, and the losses on the other side were minimal! What's more, there are a large number of warships of various types watching the fun but not taking action!

He wanted to negotiate with the other side, but they only wanted one thing, which was unconditional surrender!

"Let's expose it for now, promise them!" After struggling for another hour, we watched our own casualties getting worse! Sispho finally gave in helplessly!

The command ship flew a white flag and sent a surrender signal to the other side! After receiving permission from the other party, the propulsion systems of all warships were shut down, and the muzzles of the first-level main battle guns were closed and locked. Then wait for the other party to come and receive it!

After a while, a large number of fully armed Awakeners and Mecha Legions came over! Control all the personnel in the command ship, and then go to the remaining warships and the transport fleet to gain control of all ships!

Then, after discarding all the heavily damaged warships, the Sea Beast Bandits returned with their rich loot!

The loot captured this time is huge, including tens of thousands of sets of five-star light armor, as well as a large number of various high-quality resources needed for awakened people to advance to the stars! There are even a small amount of fifth-grade and eighth-grade DNA awakening reagents; special processing equipment used by Gao Xing Creator, etc.!

This batch of supplies worth more than 200 billion was purchased by Kudler after spending many years of his own wealth! Now he has benefited from his own mortal enemy!

"They are all good things! With this batch of resources, we will soon be able to cultivate a group of awakened ones with fierce fighting power!" Hou Yifeng said happily.

Liu Xiangyun also agreed and said: "It seems that the old saying is still true: a man will not be rich without windfall, and a horse will not be fat unless it eats night grass! I almost forgot about the Star Thieves when we worked hard on construction on our own territory. It’s the main business of the group!”

"From now on, come out and hang out more often when there is no problem! You won't have to worry about all the resources needed for the development of the territory!"

Linyuan Star, space port.

In the observation tower with the widest view, the top floor is a semicircular void with an area of ​​several hundred square meters. It is empty. Ye Qingyuan is wearing white casual clothes, sitting on the spotless spar floor, closing his eyes and meditating.

Above his head was the majestic ocean of stars. Under the pull of a mysterious force, the endless bright starlight poured down silently through the huge dome made of transparent crystal, rushing to converge into his body!

As more and more starlight gathered, it gradually condensed around him, wisps of silver mist visible to the naked eye! The continuously condensing light mist transformed into a thick silver cocoon of light, completely wrapping him there!

In the end, the entire void was filled with the mist condensed by this powerful and beautiful star energy. Under the starlight of the sky, it reflected dreamy and blurred colors! It’s like being in a palace in a fairy tale!

The mental energy in the body is activated with all its strength, and within the sea of ​​consciousness, the small galaxy is slowly rotating, absorbing all the star energy attracted from the outside world!

When the brainwaves go deep into it, you can find that there is an extremely deep and vast void beyond the galaxy, where countless tiny but delicate stars are floating and falling, creating illusions and disillusionments!

With the continuous injection of energy, there are more and more stars in the galaxy, and the momentum is becoming more and more powerful, with a vague tendency to form a starry sky of its own!

Under the wash of this pure energy, the five internal organs, meridians and bone marrow are gradually transformed towards a stronger level! Huge energy surges through the blood vessels and meridians, like the Yangtze River! Every drop of blood and every cell is glowing with a majestic vitality that is incomprehensible to ordinary people!

Although he has already reached the demigod level, his actual combat power is on par with the top level experts! However, he never relaxed for a moment! Since leaving the empire for more than half a year, no matter how many things he has to do, he still has to take absolute time to practice every day!

Although he has trump cards and reliance that ordinary people cannot match, the opponents he will face in the future will definitely be far more powerful than expected! If you don't keep working hard and improve your fierce fighting power, how can you fight against those long-famous and unfathomable strong men of different races in the future?

With Lan Yu's help, her strength is growing every moment. Most of the star energy that fills the entire void in front of her is brought by her! With his current ability, he could only absorb a fraction, and the rest was eaten by her!

Compared with half a year ago, the energy in my body has increased by more than five times! However, the next star promotion is still very far away, and it will take at least two years before it is possible!

At the current point, improving the fierce combat effectiveness is basically just a matter of time! Those veteran strong men who are unlucky are often stuck at a juncture for decades without being able to make any progress! He is undoubtedly much luckier. As long as he practices diligently, he will one day aspire to become a divine powerhouse and break through the highest realm that no one has ever broken through in the thousands of years since the advent of human awakenings!

Two hours later, Ye Qingyuan slowly finished his work, and all the free silver energy was sucked away to the last drop! The entire void returned to normal, and it seemed like nothing happened!

A message came from the photon computer. He looked down and found that the Guards Corps sent a few days ago had completed its mission and successfully turned around! The loot captured was so rich that even he was overjoyed!

It seems that Liu Xiangyun's opinion is good. From now on, he will have to catch more of the Star Thief Group's main business! Only in this way can we obtain enough resources to promote our rapid development!

In today's era, if you want to develop, you have to rely on resources; if you want to develop at a first-rate speed, you must be willing to invest and pour in endless high-quality resources. As long as the decisions are made correctly, the territory will naturally prosper quickly!

They didn't have the awareness in this regard before, so they stayed on the territory every day to carry out construction, trying to figure out how to increase their profits! Until later, Crassus suggested that although there is no current plan to completely replace Yanlong, we can still estimate the means and spare no effort to attack the forces on the other side, so that their wounds will continue to bleed! For example, hijack the caravan on the other side!

The benefits of doing this are: first, you can get a lot of free goods resources; while supplementing yourself, you weaken the other party! Second, you can hone the new fleets that have just formed an army! Find problems and make improvements in time!

If this virtuous circle continues to develop, our own advantage will be even greater in future showdowns!

Ye Qingyuan accepted his advice, and after the fleet had left for a while and made a few sales, and acquired goods worth tens of billions, everyone knew what they should do now!

Originally, the main business of this commando organization was to rob five places! Steal all resources for your own use! If it deviates from this theme, what else would it be called the Star Thieves Group?

Although the ultimate goal of the group is to establish the Yuan Dynasty and establish the country! However, that is a matter of the future. At present, the commando organization has not yet been cleansed. Since this brand is still hanging, then naturally what you do must be consistent with your identity!

Anyway, there are few good things from these surrounding forces, but they all have the same virtue! There's no need to feel guilty about robbing! Besides, their goal is just to get money, and they will not kill innocent people indiscriminately!

Of course, the choice of target is also very particular. A force that is too small will not work because there will be too little oil and water; a force that is too powerful will not work because it will cause trouble; only a force as big as the Yanlong Chaebol family is a suitable target for Xingxing Duan!

Moreover, they only limited their plundering targets to a few forces, so as not to make too many enemies at once and attract their joint siege!

After a year and a half, the fleet has gained a lot, and the construction progress of various projects in the territory has been greatly accelerated! And you no longer have to invest out of your own pocket! Especially today, that batch of loot is the ultimate harvest since the uprising!

I came to the council living room and met with all the middle and high-level commanders who were going on this expedition. In addition to compliments, substantial rewards were indispensable! He has always been generous in this regard!

The celebration banquet was arranged for the next night, and the entire group’s senior management was in attendance!

In the banquet living room, everyone was laughing and drinking. Even Leng Zhuo, who usually didn't like liveliness, and his sister and Luo Qingyue came out to have a few drinks.

They have reasons to be happy. Now the development of the territory has begun to bear fruit, and the new fleet has also become quite large! With security fully guaranteed, it is not impossible to gain more territory in the future and unify this starry sky!

If they were still a little anxious when they followed him out of the empire, now they have conquered territories in five universe regions and have an inheritance that truly belongs to them! They, as well as those brothers Pao Ze who had been following him, only now truly believed in him!

Since they have entrusted their lives and fortunes to him, then naturally what he does must be worthy of this trust! Ye Qingyuan silently made up his mind in his heart that he would definitely lead them to more victories! A wider territory! Until one day, I reach the pinnacle of glory!

Everyone took turns coming over to toast, and after a few rounds, he couldn't bear it anymore! I found an excuse to sneak out and sit down on a pavilion in the corner of the courtyard to rest.

Now that the cultivation time has been long enough, the new fleet has also changed its size. It's almost like, after a while, a new round of external expansion can begin, right? This time, not only to completely devour the Yanlong chaebol family, but also to at least double or triple the area of ​​​​their territory!

Expand territory externally, absorb and digest, consolidate territory, cultivate and rejuvenate, and expand fierce combat effectiveness! Once you are ready, proceed to the next round of external expansion! This happens over and over again, creating a snowball effect! It won't take long before a powerful force will truly rise in the Prison Soul Star Sea!

While he was deep in thought, soft footsteps sounded, and a slender and graceful figure moved briskly towards him.

"My lord, why did you skip the table? This is not a good habit!" A soft, magnetic voice rang in my ears.

"If you don't leave, then I will make a fool of myself in public! Don't you think it's fun to be drunk by your subordinates?" He responded with a chuckle.

Yun Xinyao stood in front of him, wearing a pure white evening dress, decorated with several small and exquisite hangings, black green silk coiled on her head, pinned with an exquisite jade hairpin, her pretty face , staring at him with big smiling eyes.

He looked at the other side for a while, then suddenly reached out and took her into his arms. Yun Xinyao briefly struggled with the trapped beast for a few times, half pushing and half sitting on his lap.

"You! Did you just guess who this person is now?" She said with a hint of resentment.

Ye Qingyuan was silent. Ever since she left the empire with him and came to this starry sky, for more than half a year, he had been busy practicing and dealing with many complicated official duties. He often didn't rest until very late. Even his sister and Luo Qingyue were not there. Don't even go there, let alone her!

"This is also a helpless matter! However, the foundation has been laid now, and it will not be like this in the future!" He comforted her.

"You can't just leave people alone like this, right?" Yun Xinyao leaned down, biting his ear gently with her teeth, and said: "The current time for the establishment of foundations is to use people! Are you going to give me Arrange an errand too? Don’t forget that I am already a Nine-Star Founder!"

Ye Qingyuan said: "If you don't tell me, I plan to mention it to you too! The initial investment in the supernatural equipment manufacturing industry is too huge! The ability requirements for practitioners are also very high! So I didn't think about this at the beginning!"

"Now that we have an absolute foundation, funds, equipment, and space can all be solved! I plan to let you be the chief officer, specifically responsible for the research and manufacturing of awakened equipment! I just understand that the required personnel will be difficult to find at the moment! "

Yun Xinyao tilted his head and shrugged, saying: "Actually, there are still people! The former forces in these five universe regions more or less maintained some low-star creators. Although the stars are not high, The quality varies! However, as long as you train and hone it properly, you can make do with it!"

"Very good!" Ye Qingyuan nodded lightly, "I'll leave it to you to arrange these people! In addition, there must be many high-quality candidates in the Yanlong Universe area! When we conquer there in the future, these talents will be I've been waiting for it all! You don't have to wait too long!"

"Don't you have to wait too long?" Yun Xinyao grabbed his ear and twisted it, and said angrily: "You made me wait for more than half a year!"

The warm breath like orchid rushed to his face, making his heart slightly agitated.

In the cabin, Yun Xinyao slowly opened her eyes.

He lowered his head and looked at his body, looking for Shuyuan There were still traces of last night on it.

The man next to her was sleeping soundly. She stared at that young and handsome face with mixed feelings in her heart! Some joy, some loss, some embarrassment, all kinds of inexplicable emotions emerged together, making her let out a faint sigh!

The emotional entanglement with this younger brother has finally come to an end. From now on, he is the man that he will accompany for the rest of his life! His own destiny, misfortune, honor and disgrace are closely related to him.

As the price for breaking away from my family's race, I now have nothing! His importance to himself becomes even more prominent!

She stared at him with her beautiful eyes. For a long time, she leaned down and kissed him gently on the forehead.

Ye Qingyuan felt her movements and unconsciously opened his eyes, just in time to meet those eyes full of tenderness and sweetness.

"How long have you been watching?" he asked with a smile.

"Can't you look at it?" She blinked her long eyelashes a few times and asked in a teasing tone. (To be continued.)

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