The ancient venerable said with a smile: "The ability, personal prestige, influence, and control of the entire domestic political situation of the founders of the country, especially the founders who started from scratch, are far from those of the dragons who took over the power from their fathers. The descendants of the dragons and grandsons can't compare! Because they are born with too many constraints, so everything they do has to be considered as the game and balance of the various forces in the country!"

"The internal structure of the country they inherited has been finalized to a large extent, and the distribution mechanism of various power resources has also been basically changed! The royal family no longer has much room for expansion! No matter how talented the monarch is, he will inevitably be affected by this. impact!"

"But the founder of the country is different! He conquered the country by himself. Why does he want to manage his own country? It is difficult for others to obstruct and suppress him! Therefore, the development of the royal family is extremely empty! Various power resources have not yet been clearly defined. By dividing, he can completely ensure that his own interests are maximized! He doesn’t have to worry about political instability!”

"If he implements various new policies, the founder of the country will encounter the least resistance. In many cases, he can almost make a decision with just one word! How can those second-generation ancestors compare?"

"Therefore, I am more optimistic about this child! Because his foundation is the most solid! What do you think?"

Everyone thought about it for a while, and they all expressed no objection to this!

"When his country is officially established, it will inevitably face a more severe war test! As long as he can survive it, there will not be many forces in that universe that can easily suppress him! By then, I suggest that he be Do you have any opinions on more support?" the ancient venerable asked.

"No problem, it should be so!" the other five people said Xinran.

Gnarthrock Empire, Turnerswick universe area.

The headquarters of the Yanyue Commando Organization is located in the capital of the universe region, a planet with extremely low surface temperatures and is covered in ice and snow all year round.

Underground, somewhere in a huge cave-like void that resembles a natural transformation, on a crystal floor as smooth as a mirror, a group of men and women in fiery red robes sat on the ground.

On their left chests, there is a bright red crescent moon pattern embroidered, surrounded by one to nine lifelike flame patterns! The greater the number of decorations, the higher the status!

Located in the center of the crowd are five big men with nine powerful flame patterns on their chests! They are the highest-ranking commanders in the Yanyue Commando Organization! It has the supreme final decision-making power regarding all matters within the commando organization!

"Commander Gristov!" A subordinate with five flames on his chest reported to one of the silver-haired old men, "The imperial army has been assembled, and His Majesty the Emperor has come to the front line to supervise the battle! The attack will be launched soon! "

"Oh!" The old man named Gristov nodded lightly and looked at the other five companions.

A beautiful middle-aged woman with a beautiful appearance and an elegant temperament smiled and said: "This battle is the first time that His Majesty has used troops after he came to the throne. He must fight it! In order to scare people's hearts! No wonder he is like this. Pay attention to!"

She looked at the old man beside her, whose face was like a full moon, with ruddy white skin: "Master Lan Huachuan, have you really decided to give your granddaughter to that person?"

Lan Huachuan said slowly: "This Your Majesty was the candidate that everyone was looking for at the beginning, and now he has taken up the position! With the strong family background of the most powerful country as capital, it is logical to plan to unify the Xinghai! I am doing this, is it possible? Is there anything wrong?"

"I know that you still have a few backup candidates, for example, the one from the Hell Soul Star Sea, the one from the Black Republic, and a few others, so I won't say more! In the past, this was very Reasonable behavior!”

"However, now that the candidate we have chosen has already taken the position, is it necessary to continue to support the remaining people? Should we concentrate our resources and do all we can to assist His Majesty in the Star Sea? "

The beautiful woman said: "His Majesty really has enough chips. Compared with other candidates, his advantage is unquestionable! However, there is no guarantee that he will have the last laugh. That person! It seems a little early to place all your hopes on him alone!"

After everyone else heard this, they all nodded lightly and said yes.

Lan Huachuan said unhappily: "Everyone, this situation is like gambling. Nothing is ever guaranteed! What we can do is to select the candidate with the best chance to support, and then use our own With our own resources, let things develop as we expect!”

"Isn't this Ulionov V, who has already taken control of the First Empire, not worthy of me waiting to use the Heart Assistant?"

Commander Gristov said leisurely: "Dear Lord Blue Palm, we did not say that we do not support this person! However, now is definitely not the time for the commando organization to make a real bet! The chaos in the Star Sea has begun, and soon it will A series of wars are about to break out! What's the point of the First Empire? However, he was lucky enough to be born into the royal family and finally got that position. His true abilities and temperament remain to be seen!"

"In this situation, the commando team can make every effort to assist him, but that's not all! Only when he truly achieves results that convince everyone can we think so!"

"However, the Commando Organization will not interfere with your plan to marry him. However, this is only a matter between your family and the royal family. It does not represent the Commando Organization's intention! I hope you can understand!"

Lan Huachuan said helplessly: "Very good! I also respect the commando organization's choice! I will not interfere too much in the empire's affairs!"

Lelan universe area, Yuanshuo Commando Organization headquarters.

"Mr. Chairman! Your daughter, the Queen of the Tyroa Empire, has received a letter!" In a magnificent and magnificent palace, a maid presented a mahogany box inlaid with gold and jade to a middle-aged man in rich clothes who was looking down at a book.

"Put it here!" Constantine raised his head and said flatly.

The maid put down the wooden box, bowed and silently retreated for a while.

After she left, Constantine rushed to take the box and opened it. A paper letter appeared in front of him.

This child still uses this most primitive method of communication and refuses to use the super void liaison device to contact him! It must be that there is still resentment in your heart, right? She also understood that he had wronged her a bit by promising her to that old man who was hundreds of years old!

But this is the fate that children of all races must face! In order for the glory of our race to continue for a long time, I just have to sacrifice you! As long as the plan is smooth and the plutocratic family has an empire as its backing, it will surely be invincible in this unprecedented chaos in the galaxy! My daughter, can you understand the difficulties of being a father?

Looking at the familiar Juanli handwriting on the cover, Constantine sighed slightly guiltily, opened the envelope, took out the letter paper and unfolded it.

The content of the letter is not long, so I read it quickly!

"Looking at the meaning of this letter, it seems that you are still not pregnant?" He frowned and said, "It has been a while since we got married, right? Why has there been no good news?"

"This is difficult to handle. If we don't give birth to an heir, why should we implement the next step of the plan?"

Lord Constantine, who is famous in the Star Sea, is the third-ranked super chaebol family in the human world. He is the contemporary head of the Yunluxue Group. He owns numerous industries and even has a large number of connections with major established civilizations. of trade! With the immense amount of wealth and extensive personal connections he has at his disposal, he can't make more concessions than even a big country!

Constantine thought for a while, then gently pressed a button on the table. A maid immediately opened the door and walked in, asking humbly: "What is the master's order?"

"Invite Mr. Shi Zhiyuan here and tell him that I have something important to discuss with him!" he said.

The maid took the order and left.

After a while, a middle-aged man with ordinary clothes and an ordinary face walked in.

"Sir, are you looking for me?" he asked softly. His eyes were neither happy nor sad, showing a permanent vicissitude, as if he had seen through all the changes in life and everything in the world, with an indescribable clarity. Enlightenment.

"Look at this!" Constantine handed him the letter. It can be seen that the friendship between the two is extraordinary. It’s not just an employee-to-top relationship.

Shi Zhiyuan took the letter and read it through, and immediately understood what his family friend and boss was thinking.

"The queen has no children. This is indeed a problem!" He said slowly, "The plan regarding us has a vital impact. I don't know how you plan to deal with it?"

Constantine sighed softly and said, "Isn't it just that I'm looking for your help to come up with an idea?"

"What do you think is the best way to deal with it now?"

Shi Zhiyuan thought for a while and said softly: "Absolutely. Is that rumor true? Your Majesty, Philosis, is no longer fertile?"

"What? This..." Constantine's face darkened instantly.

Of course he knew what his think tank said. If it was true, then all his carefully formulated plans would be in vain, and the large amount of resources that had been invested in advance would also be in vain!

In other words, he has been fooled by his son-in-law who is several hundred years old from the beginning?

Shi Zhiyuan looked at Constantine's gloomy expression and said calmly: "My lord's estimate may be too much! As a strong monarch, he cannot allow himself to have such a bad reputation! Therefore, The cooperation between you and the empire should be worth continuing!"

"According to my observations in the past few years, the Tiloan Empire has increased its investment in the genetic field. One of the reasons is to solve the hidden disease of His Majesty! It's just that it has not been able to produce results!"

Constantine's face looked better: "Then what should be done now? Sir, do you have a solution?"

Shi Zhiyuan asked: "With the technological level mastered by Yuanshuo Commando, is it possible to synthesize DNA awakening reagents above level 8?"

"This..." Constantine pondered for a moment, figuring that the person in front of him was not an outsider, so it wouldn't hurt to let him know something! He said:

"We are really starting to test it. It won't take long before the first seventh-grade DNA awakening potion will be available! But the difficulty is really not that high! The amount of crystal cores consumed on the vehicle, ugh..."

"According to the assessment of the wise men in the commando organization, it will take about two to three years before we can succeed! This is based on continuous investment regardless of the cost!"

At this point, he knew what Shi Zhiyuan meant, and he planned to use this on his son-in-law!

As long as a seventh-grade DNA awakening reagent can be synthesized, it is really the best way to solve the hidden disease of Emperor Philosis! Then, as long as the queen can give birth to an heir, everything they do next will make sense!

Two to three years is really a long time considering the current situation in Xinghai! But this is also a matter of no means. The technologically fierce fighting power of Yuanshuo Commando can already represent the pinnacle level of the human world! Even those big countries are inferior!

Shi Zhiyuan frowned and said: "The situation is changing rapidly. Who can know what changes will happen at that time? We can't afford to wait!"

"Then... what better means do you have, sir?" Constantine asked.

"Just two days ago, my intelligence network obtained an unconfirmed news! The Shuofeng Empire has made breakthrough progress in the field of genetic technology!" Shi Zhiyuan said.

"To what extent?"

"It is said that the finished seventh-grade DNA awakening reagent has been released!"

The words of the chief think tank made Constantine look solemn.

"Do you think that's possible?" he asked slightly nervously.

"80% of it may be true!" Shi Zhiyuan said solemnly,

"Although they are very guarded, with so many eyes staring at them, some clues will always be leaked out over time! It is said that after several peak powerhouses in their royal family used this thing, their fierce combat effectiveness was higher. Great growth, and may even break through to the level of a divine powerhouse. You must know that there is no such powerhouse in the human world yet!"

Constantine frowned, walked back and forth in the cabin a few times, and said slowly: "Wait, is it possible to get such a seventh-grade DNA awakening reagent?"

I looked over there and looked for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. ccom He added: "All available means are included!"

Shi Zhiyuan frowned and thought for a long time, then twitched the corners of his eyes gently: "Absolutely impossible! The risk is too great! And the chance of success is so small that it can almost be ignored!"

What he meant, Constantine also knew, was that the value of this kind of thing could not be measured by the crystal core at all. It was a veritable strategic resource! In a situation where none of the other countries in the Star Sea had it, the Shuofeng Empire took the lead and possessed this technology! Shouldn't it be kept as a treasure of the town? When others try to figure out what to do with it, they are trying to figure out how to open the sky!

"Can you send someone to talk to Her Majesty the Queen of the Shuofeng Empire, sacrifice some profits, and come over in exchange for finished products!" He asked.

"Sir, the symbolic significance of this thing is very important. How much benefit do you plan to sacrifice? And there is no guarantee that the other party will definitely agree to exchange it with you! If it were you, would you let this kind of strategic resource spread easily for a while? ?”

"After all, there's nothing we can do?" Constantine said anxiously. (To be continued.)

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