Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 700: So what if you are not willing to give in?

"No!" Shi Zhiyuan said sternly, "The Shuofeng Empire's scientific research base is heavily guarded and heavily defended! It's difficult for us to take action. However, have you heard of the youngest genius in the empire?"

"That young man named Ye Qingyuan? You told me that that time!" He nodded lightly and said,

"I also know some information about him. He is indeed a pretty good young man! It is said that the previous emperor married the princess, the current queen, to him, but I don't know why he changed his mind later! He also left him in Nan Guarding the border. Hey! What a pity!"

Shi Zhiyuan smiled and said: "Sir, your news is a bit delayed! He is no longer in the empire, but has gone to the Hell Soul Star Sea to set up his own business! I don't know whether it was the empire's instruction or his own choice!"

"Of course, this has nothing to do with us! What I want to say is that the Shuofeng Empire's breakthrough progress in the genetic field is due to the acquisition of his genetic samples!"

Constantine's eyes lit up: "You mean, start with him? Yes, it's really a good idea! As long as we get his genetic sample, with the commando's level of technology, we can quickly develop Same product coming!”

"Send someone over there immediately to find that kid!"

Shi Zhiyuan quickly said: "Sir, there is something I have to remind you. Behind this young man is the Cangling Commando who is paying attention. It is said that the Queen of the Empire also attaches great importance to him, and he himself is fierce and powerful in combat. He has already He has a semi-divine level of cultivation! Therefore, it is not advisable to use too drastic methods in contact with him!"

"He's just a demigod, so there's no need to be so careful, right?" Constantine was somewhat disapproving.

"However, since you have spoken! Then just do this: send a few special envoys to talk to him and buy his blood samples! It doesn't matter if the price is higher!"

"This is the best!" Shi Zhiyuan said after taking a breath.

Since the war between the Shuofeng Empire and the Xuanluo Federation ended, for nearly a year, the Star Sea World has been unable to fight, but small frictions and disputes have continued one after another! The top leaders of major countries have frequent contacts in private, and they are collaborating with each other. Conspiracies and calculations are emerging one after another, and the undercurrents are stirring under the calm water!

Of course, knowledgeable people know that this is just the calm before the storm!

In one month's time, it will be the New Year's Day on the interstellar calendar! Just when the people among the people were looking forward to a few days of rest, the long-brewing war finally came!

The Gnaslok Empire mobilized more than three million warships of various types, and Ulionov V personally supervised the battle, launching a comprehensive offensive against the neighboring Tiens Republic with the goal of destroying the country!

Two days later, due to trade frictions, the Black Republic at the southern end of the Star Sea and its powerful neighbor the Rockefeller Empire each mobilized heavy troops to confront each other on the border! The war is about to break out!

In the Twelve Provinces of Southern Xinjiang newly established by the Shuofeng Empire, large-scale riots broke out in the former federal territory. Several large-scale resistance armies have appeared and have repeatedly attacked the base of the imperial garrison!

In the Tyroa Empire, Emperor Philosis mobilized three million warships of various types to personally conquer the Hell Soul Star Sea, intending to incorporate this starry sky into the empire's territory!

In the eastern part of the Star Sea World, the most powerful country in the world, the Salestine Alliance dispatched a combat army of three million warships of various types to attack the nearby Republic of Surya, claiming that it would destroy the Great God's The glory spreads to the entire star sea!

When these big countries compete with each other, the small and medium-sized countries below will naturally not be idle. You attack me and I attack him, and the fight becomes a mess!

The long-awaited war just broke out like this!

Heroes from all walks of life have appeared one after another, looking for their own place on this ever-changing interstellar stage, and striving to become the protagonist on the stage!

Of course, who can have the last laugh? In addition to strong enough and fierce fighting power, opportunity and luck are also indispensable, and even play a key role at certain times!

"Comprehensive civil war in the human world is really rare..."

"How long has it been since we saw this species killing each other on such a large scale?"

"This is because of their large number of individuals. Otherwise, they would have perished long ago..."

"They treat their own kind so cruelly. They are really a dangerous race..."

"Fortunately, that's the case. If they were as united as the ancient race of gods that had great glory in the past, and the sea of ​​​​stars is so vast, how could there be such a void for the survival of my race?"

In a hidden cosmic area near the Hell Soul Star Sea, in the Void Fault, half a hundred volleyball-like life forms were conversing.

"Master Kotila Race, I have been waiting for so long, but I still haven't been able to find any useful clues. Do you think we should put it aside for the time being? After all, the current situation in the Star Sea is tense, and we have more important things to do. The matter needs to be dealt with urgently!"

A ghost race person suggested.

The leader of the ghost race in the center immediately objected: "No! Finding out the whereabouts of the Yuangu Base is the most important thing for my race at the moment! There must be no delay!"

"Ever since the Yuangu base on Blue Algae was accidentally activated more than two years ago, Wang Ting has been very dissatisfied with our tribe and others!"

"After such a long investigation, it can be determined that everything in that base has fallen into the hands of a certain human! What I have to do now is to find him and take back the artifact!"

One of the tribesmen immediately asked, "Where is that human?"

"It's not clear yet! However, there is still a way!" said the chief of the Kotila race,

"The wise man of my race consulted the ancient books and confirmed that there were three bases left by the ancient race, and the one taken by humans was just one of them! I believe he will also learn this from the artifact. !”

"I have made careful preparations when I come out this time. Relying on the means I have, as long as the artifact is fully activated, the special energy fluctuations it emits will be felt by me! By then, hum!"

"Chief of the race, if we get back the artifact and everything in the base, what will be the benefit?" Another race member asked.

The pale golden magnetic field around Chief Kotila trembled violently, showing that it was extremely excited: "Why is it useless? You don't know, but there is hidden all the technological essence of the ancient race of gods! "

"As long as I obtain it, I can complete my race's understanding and use of the laws of the void! There are also many unexpected wealth! If all of them are obtained by my race! Our tribe will become the most powerful among the ghost races. A powerful force! I am the natural King of Shadows! By then, what will Wang Ting mean?"

"As long as I become the new king of the race, you will all be distinguished lords, enjoying unlimited wealth and glory!"

"In this case, we will follow the clan leader to the death! For the benefit of our tribe! All efforts are worth it!" a ghost race venerable said excitedly.

People of other races also expressed their opinions.

"Haha! This is the best!" Chief Kotila said with a proud smile, "Let's go! I already feel that that human being is not far away from me!"

Time flies so fast, and the New Year is just a few days away.

Yanlong universe area, Purple Dragon Wings planet.

"Your Highness! This is a list of awards for meritorious soldiers after the founding of the country. Please take a look!"

In the main hall, Crassus presented the file in his hand, and the female officer who was accompanying him took it, and then sent it to Ye Qingyuan who was sitting on the throne.

After this period of planning and preparation, all matters related to the founding of the country have been arranged, and various regulations inside and outside the palace have been initially formulated and implemented.

A series of major matters such as political system, military system, etiquette, law, economy and finance, etc. have already established a framework, which will be continuously supplemented and improved from now on!

The first batch of people who followed him all had their own clear duties and corresponding matters in charge. It was no longer the somewhat disorganized and unclear situation before.

At this point, the whole group got rid of the shackles of the past and began to truly have the atmosphere of a country!

Ye Qingyuan took the file, glanced at it hastily, and put it on the desk in front of him.

Looking at the few confidants under the crystal star, he smiled and said: "You'd better talk about it yourself! If you have any questions, you might as well bring them up for discussion!"

"Understood, Your Highness!" Crassus calmed down his thoughts and said:

"This list of rewards is the first since the founding of the country, so it covers a very wide range. The first batch of people who followed His Highness, regardless of their status, as long as they are still alive, are all on the list!"

"However, regarding the specifications and content, I divided them into salary, territory, position, title, etc.!"

"The most common level among them is salary. In addition to salary and military pay, all kinds of money and silk gifts given by His Highness can be classified into this category! The next higher level is territory, then official position, and the highest level is title! According to the past It is the practice of the Xinghai countries that no one can be awarded a title without military merit! This can also be done in our country!"

"In this list, ordinary soldiers can each get one million credit points and a 300-square-meter house as a reward; non-commissioned officers can get double the reward on this basis; for lieutenants, second lieutenants can each get 10 million. There is also an 800-square-meter villa and a speeding car at the credit point, and for every rank of lieutenant and captain, the reward will be increased by 50%!"

"For the rank of Colonel, a major can get 300 crystal cores, a luxurious flying car, a villa with an area of ​​2,000 square meters, five hectares of land, and a small aerospace plane; for every rank of lieutenant colonel and colonel, the reward will be doubled! "

"General commander, the brigadier general can get five thousand crystal cores, two luxury villas with an area of ​​33,700 square meters, one thousand hectares of land, luxury speed cars, leisure spaceships and several new types of warships! From now on, every Promote one rank, and the reward will be tripled!"

"Of course, this refers to the ordinary reward specifications for officers and soldiers. Regarding the supernatural legion, the calculation is based on the reward standard of the lieutenant grade! In addition, regarding the various warship commanders who have made great contributions in key battles, You can also reward them according to the standards of the supernatural army!"

Ye Qingyuan asked: "Has the pension standard for fallen officers and soldiers been established?"

"Back to Your Highness, rough terms have been drawn up. Ordinary soldiers killed in battle will receive five million credit points at one time, as well as a total compensation equivalent to eighty years of salary during their lifetime. Immediate family members can receive two free third-grade DNAs. Awakening quota! As the military rank increases, the pension standard increases step by step, and the specific regulations need to be improved!"

"Of course, if Your Highness feels that any of the terms are inappropriate, you can make it clear and I will order someone to revise them right away!"

"That's not right!" Ye Qingyuan chuckled softly, "You did a good job! I'll leave this matter to you. Once the decision is finalized, it can be promulgated and implemented!"

Having said this, he looked at the other people: "If you have any other questions, please discuss them together!"

Zhong Zixia took a step forward and said: "Your Highness, you haven't determined the country name for us yet!"

"Is this..." Ye Qingyuan pondered for a moment and said: "Let's call it 'Daomang'! Currently, it can be called Daomang Principality to the outside world!"

"Do you have any objections, sir?"

Liu Xiangyun said: "Your Highness, we currently have fifteen universe areas. Although it is not too much, it is still enough to meet the standards of a kingdom. It seems better to call it Daomang Kingdom!"

What he was talking about was the convention used by Xinghai World Communication. A territory that is less than ten universe areas can be called a principality; a territory that reaches ten universe areas can be called a kingdom, and a territory that exceeds fifty universe areas can be called an empire! Of course, there are also those who are thick-skinned and dare to call themselves such-and-such a great empire even if their territory does not even reach the entire universe! This is naturally not recognized by mainstream international public opinion!

After guessing the age of the earth, I never expected that hundreds of countries and regions could exist on such a small planet! It’s really hard to predict! Compared with the political system of that era, the current country is undoubtedly much larger! There are even super-powerful countries with hundreds of universe regions like the Xuanluo Federation, the Shuofeng Empire, and the Genaslok Empire, and the standards are naturally different!

Ye Qingyuan shrugged, but shook his head and rejected it: "I feel that we should keep a low profile now!"

"The founding of the Yuan Dynasty was to order and standardize our commando organization! Having a sound system will allow our group to go further! However, the fierce combat effectiveness of our group is not yet considered Powerful, look for Shuyuan The foundation is not deep! Pursuing this false reputation is not the right decision!"

According to his estimation, it must have at least fifty cosmic areas to be called a kingdom, and it must have a territory of three hundred cosmic areas to be called an empire!

From the beginning, he was not satisfied with being the leader of a small country, settling in a corner and enjoying happiness behind closed doors! His goal is at least to build a great empire comparable to those super countries!

The monarch and his ministers deliberated for a while, and all agreed with his opinion, so the matter was simply settled.

Then, Crassus said again: "Your Highness, as for what you said that time, that you plan to implement the second-grade DNA awakening for free among all the people under the rule of the principality, I think it is really inappropriate!"

"Oh? Then tell me your reasons!" Ye Qingyuan raised his eyebrows slightly and stared at him.

Since occupying the Yanlong Universe area for a year and a half, Ye Qingyuan has gained a better understanding of the plight of ordinary people in this starry sky through multiple detailed investigations among the people! (To be continued.)

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