There are fifteen cosmic regions with a population of hundreds of billions, and more than 80% of the civilians have never even undergone first-class DNA awakening surgery! Less than one percent of the total population has undergone second-grade DNA awakening surgery!

No matter how miserable those original forces are, they still have enough economic and fierce fighting power to turn all the people on their territory into talents who have been awakened by second-grade DNA!

It's a pity that they are short-sighted and don't know this at all! Even if you know it, you may not be willing to waste resources on these civilians!

All they care about is their own interests!

"Yes!" Crassus bowed slightly and said:

"His Royal Highness's original intention is to comprehensively improve the quality of the domestic population in this way to quickly enhance national strength! The benefits of DNA awakening are obvious to all. However, if it is implemented for free nationwide, the negative impact will be almost greater than we expected. It’s much bigger!”

"There are hundreds of billions of second-grade DNA awakening reagents. Domestic factories cannot produce them at all, so they can only buy them from big countries outside! Such a huge number is probably enough to empty out their stocks! The direct and final consequences it brings The result is that it will cause market chaos and attract the attention of many major forces! It will prematurely expose this small country like us to the eyes of major forces!"

"And even if you don't think about this problem! As for the poor people in the country, is this really helping them? If they get such a big benefit without any effort, will they be truly valuable? Will they be grateful? Will the new ruling power treat them well? Do you take this for granted?"

"There are countless living examples in history that tell us that human beings are the most easily satisfied living beings, and they are also the most greedy and lusty living beings! If you get one million, you will estimate five million. Ten million! Once you get a house, you will start looking for a bigger villa!"

"If, after getting the opportunity to awaken second-grade DNA, they still estimate the opportunity to obtain third-grade and fifth-grade DNA for free, and they naturally think that the new ruling power should satisfy them, what should I do?"

"There has never been a free lunch in this world, nor should there be a free lunch! Because it is unfair to those who have worked hard and paid to get lunch! Just think about it, if a person doesn't have to do anything, then If he can get a good life, will he still have the motivation to fight and improve himself? It is definitely not a blessing for the country to have such people!"

"Your Highness, I also feel that Lord Crassus's words make sense!" Zhong Zixia said, "Good governance can be implemented, but it cannot be without principles! Detailed regulations must be drawn up to reflect the differences!"

"As for those people who are really willing to follow us and support the new ruling power, we can treat them kindly! As for those who remain neutral and wait and see, we can tolerate it, but we will not deliberately take care of them; and the few who oppose us and so on Those who do so must be resolutely suppressed and eliminated!"

Ye Qingyuan frowned and thought for a long time, and then said slowly: "Indeed, I thought it was too simple before! Good intentions may not always lead to good things! Good things may not necessarily lead to problem-free results!"

"What the two Qings said makes sense. This matter really cannot be hasty! Let's discuss it later!"

Immediately afterwards, the monarch and his ministers discussed other issues in detail from noon to evening, and then Ye Qingyuan set up a banquet in the palace to entertain everyone.

Only now do they realize that there are too many problems that need to be dealt with to establish a standardized and orderly national government! And there are some things they never expected! It's better to have Leng Zhuo help, who knows how many mistakes will be made!

However, they are all young and so is the country!

Although it still seems raw and immature in many aspects! However, youth is the ultimate capital and the ultimate advantage!

This year’s New Year’s Day is destined not to be a relaxing and happy day.

More than half of the countries and forces in the Star Sea World have been involved in the war, and the people of these countries have also suffered, making life difficult! Rising prices, food and fuel shortages, and other problems will appear soon after use!

The situation in those big countries is generally stable, but it is hard to say for small and medium-sized countries, especially those that have suffered defeats. The domestic situation is really not optimistic!

With the war, in just a few days, hundreds of small countries have been removed from the Star Sea World forever, the domestic ruling stars have been slaughtered, and their territories have been merged into the territory of larger countries!

Of course, for a small country established not long ago in the Hell Soul Star Sea, all of this is still just a cloud on the horizon, something that is out of reach! No one would have expected that this small country would one day grow to the point of attracting worldwide attention and truly control the general trend of history!

In the splendid palace, the young Grand Duke was conferring awards to the ministers.

Ye Qingyuan sat upright on the throne, with the new Prime Minister Zhong Zixia standing beside him, holding the imperial edict in his hand, and read out the names, positions, and rewards of the conferred persons one by one.

The person whose name is read will step onto the stage star, kneel on one knee in front of Ye Qingyuan, and listen to the award. Then he gets up, taps the other person's shoulder three times with the golden ceremonial sword, and personally delivers the canonization document. Once it reaches the other party's hands, the ceremony is complete.

Rewards for rank-and-file soldiers and middle- and lower-level commanders were enacted. This time, the rewards are mainly given to the senior officials of the principality, and most of them are the group of people who followed him out in the first place!

In the first canonization, the quality star will not be too high. Tian Xuanhao, who had the ultimate military exploits, was only a second-class baron, and the rest were third-class barons! There are 8 people including Tian Song, Zhong Zixia, Ziyuan Lan, Liu Xiangyun, Hu Mu, and Gilad!

The remaining ones such as Mengxuan, Link, Tongshan, Randall, Crassus and others also received generous rewards, but none of them had titles.

However, this is nothing. The main task of the principality is to expand its territory, and there are many opportunities to make meritorious deeds! They will definitely be indispensable for titles and other rewards!

According to the current specifications, a third-class baron can obtain a territory of 80,000 square kilometers on a certain ecological planet, can independently commando and build a private army with a total of no more than 300 warships of various types, and can also obtain a first-class resource planet. Twenty years of exclusive franchise! The second-class baron's territory is 120,000 square kilometers, he can have a private army of 800 warships of various types, and he can obtain the exclusive right to operate a first-class resource planet for fifty years!

In addition, all the officials who participated in the awarding ceremony received a large amount of additional property from Ye Qingyuan, including various properties, spaceships, and other luxuries, etc., all of which came from the families of the previous hostile forces!

During the first canonization, the official positions and titles should not be too excessive, otherwise it will set a problematic precedent, and it will be difficult to arrange future rewards! However, when it comes to financial matters, it doesn’t matter if you are generous!

The personnel arrangements have also been made. Zhong Zixia is the Prime Minister, Crassus is the Deputy Prime Minister, Tian Xuanhao is the Minister of Military Affairs, and Liu Xiangyun is his deputy; Ziyuan Lan is the Minister of Security, in charge of intelligence work; Hu Mu is the Director of the Super Power Corps.

Meng Xuan is in charge of domestic resource development matters, and she is also in charge of the central bank established by the new commando team for the time being. We will wait for a more suitable candidate to be found and make other arrangements! Yang Xue, Tang Weiye as her deputy.

Link is in charge of the logistics of the Strategic Command and the selection and training of new recruits. He also oversees the military academies affiliated with the Superpower Corps.

Randall is in charge of the principality’s foreign trade affairs, while Tongshan is in charge of industrial information network affairs.

When the government was first established, it was imperfect in many aspects, there were not enough manpower, and the job arrangements were not reasonable. We can only adjust it slowly in the future!

In terms of the army, Ye Qingyuan divided it into three categories. The first category is the Guards Corps, which currently consists of 50,000 new warship commandos. The officers and soldiers on the ship are the most elite and most loyal clones. Hou Yifeng served as the commander of the army.

The second category is the standing army. There are currently 29,000 warships of various types. Tian Xuanhao is the commander-in-chief and directly commands half of them. Liu Xiangyun and several other generals command the remaining half.

The third category is the Reserve Corps, which mainly consists of captured old warships of various types, with a number of about 9,000. They are mainly responsible for less important tasks such as training, transportation, and maintaining domestic security order. Gilad is responsible for commanding .

The supernatural army was divided into two, with Croland in charge of the palace guards. The current number is 30,000, most of which are clones! The remaining 150,000 people are under the command of Hu Mu. Of course, Ziyuan Lan also has some supernatural force at his disposal!

The supernatural legion organized by the Cangling Commando is its own, with a total of 150,000 people, led by their venerable, semi-divine powerhouse Yang Yiqing.

In terms of military ranks, currently only Tian Xuanhao is a major general, several other major generals are brigadier generals, and those below him are school officers! Only if you make more contributions after this, will you continue to advance.

After the entire ceremony was successfully completed, a banquet was prepared in the palace, and the senior officials of the principality gathered together to enjoy a drink.

I don't usually feel it, but at this time, I found that there were many people who were qualified to enter the palace for the banquet! Most of the members of the Strategic Command are commanders with school grade or above, administrative officials with planetary governor grade or above, chiefs of some small races who are willing to be loyal to the new ruling power, etc.!

In the spacious hall, hundreds of banquet tables were set up, and sumptuous delicacies were presented by groups of palace maids. Ye Qingyuan held a cup in hand, toasted to the civil and military officials present, and then met with a few core ministers. They sat together, and the girls in the harem sat at another seat.

"It's not easy to finally come this far! I'm going to have a good drink today!" Tongshan laughed loudly, holding a wine bowl in his hand.

Zi Yuanlan looked at the bowl the size of a human head in his hand, and twitched the corners of her eyes: "Come on! If I really want to be like you, I have to crawl back today! I don't have the guts to go crazy with you!"

Ye Qingyuan smiled and said: "Don't worry, today is no different than usual. You can drink it no matter what!"

"I have to toast to the officials over there later! Why don't you do it for Tongshan?"

"This..." Tongshan blinked his eyes, stared at him and said, "Is there any benefit? If so, go ahead!"

Link glared at him with contempt: "Isn't the reward Qingyuan gave you small? A greedy guy?"

"Hey! You can't say that!" Tongshan said angrily,

"There are so many banquets outside, and if I have to serve them all, I won't be able to drink even if I have ten mouths! You can't harm me like this!"

"Are you afraid?" Tian Xuanhao raised his hand and poured a full bowl for him, "As the price for your bragging! You should punish yourself with three bowls first!"

"I'll choke you, you're cunning enough..." Tongshan glanced at him with a depressed expression, "Just punish me, do you think I'm afraid of you?"

As he spoke, he raised the big bowl and drank it in one gulp!

After drinking such a big bowl of strong liquor, I didn’t expect that his expression would not change. None of the guys here could compare with him!

After drinking for three rounds, everyone ate and chatted, but Liu Xiangyun left early. After all, the garrison fleet in the capital space area needs a person of sufficient importance to be in charge in order to prepare for an unexpected situation and respond as soon as possible!

Zhong Zixia ate for a while and winked at Crassus. He looked at him, hesitated for a moment, and finally put down the wine glass in his hand and said: "Your Highness, there is something that I don't know whether I should say or not!"

"Why? What are you guessing?" Ye Qingyuan drank it all in one gulp, holding the cup and laughing:

"Today is a happy day, don't be too restrained, just ask!"

Crassus said: "I feel that for the sake of the stability of the regime and the stability of people's hearts, you should think about the issue of the successor!"

Ye Qingyuan didn't expect that he would mention this. He was slightly startled before saying, "Why are you so urgent?"

"Your Highness, you are really very young now. Logically speaking, there is no need to worry. However!" Crassus said seriously,

"Don't forget your current status. As the leader of a country, this is by no means a trivial matter, but a political issue that may affect the foundation of the country!"

As a hereditary country, after the monarch ascends the throne, he usually establishes the order of successors as soon as possible! If there are no heirs, they will also recruit concubines and give birth to descendants as soon as possible to calm people's hearts!

Ye Qingyuan currently has no heirs, and only has two or three big cats and kittens in his harem. He will inevitably be criticized by the world in the future, and it will also have a great influence on people's support!

Crassus looked at his face, and then said: "There are also rewards for the ministers, but the women in the harem are not among them. I don't know why you think that, Your Highness? Who do you plan to give the position of concubine to?"

Ye Qingyuan was silent, there were some things that his group of ministers didn't know at all! For example, his agreement with Fang Yuqing!

Although it is too early to talk about this matter at present, if the main concubine is established early, it will be difficult to handle in the future! It can't be established and then abolished for no reason, right?

Link also said: "Your Highness, this matter is really not trivial, it is related to the stability of the regime! There should be a decision!"

"Do you intend to take another concubine? If you understand, please contact Shuyuan and I will make arrangements immediately; if you don't understand, then select one of the current harem women and decide on a name! That's it! It makes sense!"

"This..." Ye Qingyuan hesitated for a long time and couldn't help but look back.

Closer, Qin Yuanyuan and other harem girls were chatting in low voices, looking over here from time to time.

Although I don’t know what they said, this matter is definitely the issue that they care about the most! Since he has not expressed his position, they are somewhat anxious, right? That's why I tried to test his guessing method in a circumstantial way!

I just understand that I really can’t give them an answer now! I'm afraid I'll disappoint them!

Ye Qingyuan thought for a long time and finally said: "Since none of them have given birth to an heir, there is no need to rush to canonize them now, right?"

"It's better than this. Whoever gets pregnant first in the future will be the concubine. What do you think?" (To be continued.)

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