Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 702: The Early Years of the Founding of the People's Republic of China

Upon hearing this, several important ministers looked at each other in confusion. After a while, Crassus hesitated and said: "What your Highness said is fair! I just understand that it is not easy for high-star awakened people to reproduce heirs. If the time drags on for too long, Maybe..."

Ye Qingyuan spread his hands and said: "There must be a standard, right? There is only one position for the principal concubine. If it is given to anyone casually, the remaining few will not be satisfied. How do you want me to adjust it?" "

"Well, I thought..." Crassus looked at Zhong Zixia, but still held back what he was about to say.

Brother, it’s not that I won’t help you! Just because you are already a very popular minister, if your sister gets this position again, the existing power system of the principality will be unbalanced! Even if His Highness doesn't mind, the other courtiers won't agree! It's not a good thing for your family if things go on like this!

Crassus sighed privately.

"Since Your Highness has made this decision, I have nothing to say! I just hope that Your Highness will accept a few more concubines so that this problem can be solved as soon as possible!" Hu Mu said.

Ye Qingyuan nodded gently. Then he brought the topic to them: "You are starting to think about this problem now, right? Hu Mu, Zhong Zixia, and Ziyuan Lan, you are all high-star awakeners, and your fierce combat effectiveness will be improved in the future. But We have to solve our personal problems as soon as possible! If we put it off for too long, it will be a redundant thing!"

Several people looked a little unnatural: "Yes! I will work hard later!"

"That's good!" Ye Qingyuan said with a smile, "In the various military academies we have set up, there are many women who have awakened through fifth-grade DNA. You can go find it yourself! I will help you find whoever you like. Let’s agree!”

On the other side, Qin Yuanyuan and the girls at the table got the news soon, and their faces suddenly felt a little ashamed and a little disappointed!

"I knew he would say that!" Qin Yuanyuan sighed softly.

Luo Qingyue and Yun Xun'er also looked a little unnatural.

Leng Zhuo played with the wine glass in his hand, looked at them meaningfully and said: "Actually, this is fair, isn't it? Whoever can give birth to an heir first will be the master of the harem. There is nothing wrong with this arrangement?"

My mother also said: "It is a long-standing tradition that mothers value their children! You can only work harder! Don't resent him for this!"

"Mom! This is not just something I am waiting for, he is also involved!" Luo Qingyue paused her chopsticks and said angrily: "Isn't he still thinking about the queen?"

"Is this happening?" Mom was surprised and didn't know what to say for a moment.

The girls fell silent. If what Luo Qingyue said was true, then they really couldn't argue!

Leng Zhuo looked at their resentful expressions, covered his mouth and chuckled: "You guys! Are you discouraged now? Didn't he know very well? Whoever can give birth to an heir will have that seat! And why is the Queen? ? As long as you become his woman, you have to follow this rule! What are you worried about? "

"What if she gives birth to a baby first?" Su Lili said weakly.

"Are you stupid? He is far away in the imperial capital, why would you have a child with him?" Leng Zhuo rolled his eyes at her in a funny way.

"No matter how strong she is, she can't compare to you right now. She can be with him every day! With such an obvious advantage, why can you give in so easily?"

The girls suddenly realized that it turned out that if they were concerned, they would be confused! But forgot this important issue!

"Sisters, work hard! You know what you should do!" At this point, Leng Zhuo turned back and took a deep look at Ye Qingyuan, with a hint of cunning flashing in his beautiful eyes.

The Molek universe area is where the capital of the Baloat Principality is located.

Within the palace, in a steaming hot spring, His Royal Highness the Grand Duke Figaro Edwin was playing in the water with several beautiful concubines, with ****, lotus arms, pink legs, white The colorful breasts were dangling in front of his eyes, and they were doing their best to please the man in front of them!

The Grand Duke, who was about fifty years old and still relatively strong, squinted his eyes and lay half in the water, enjoying the service of the women with peace of mind.

At this moment, a female official walked over quickly and came to the heart-shaped pool made of crystal cores and diamonds. She said softly: "Your Highness, Mr. Zhu Yikui has something to ask for!"

After saying it twice, the Grand Duke gently opened his eyes and asked arrogantly: "What is he here for?"

"My lord, it's about the Yanlong Universe area!" the female officer replied with a low eyebrow.

"Oh! So that's why!" The Grand Duke muttered a few times vaguely, and said reluctantly: "Let him wait there for a while!"

"Yes!" The female officer bowed and saluted, followed the order and left.

After removing the arms and legs of several women wrapped around him, the Grand Duke called the maids on the side to come over and dress him.

After finishing dressing, he went directly to the outer hall accompanied by several maids and guards. His chief adviser, a young man with a slightly fat body and strong facial lines, had been waiting here for a long time!

Seeing the Grand Duke coming out, Zhu Yiqun quickly bowed and saluted: "Your Highness! You are finally here. I have something important to do. I think I will ask Your Highness to make a decision!"

Figaro Edwin waved his hand: "What happened? You might as well speak out!"

"Yes!" Zhu Yiqu took out a volume and sorted out the files and said, "According to the news sent back by the personnel from the Yanlong Universe area, during this period, the newly established Daomang Principality is stepping up its fleet training, and it seems that it has been used on a large scale. Signs of soldiers!"

The Grand Duke took the file, read it carefully for a while, and said somewhat incomprehensively: "It's only been less than a month since the founding of the country, and we have to launch an army. You are really brave!"

"Isn't that young man clear about his current situation? With the current situation, no matter who he attacks, he will be attacked with all his strength from the other two directions! This is by no means a regime with a weak foundation like his What you can bear!”

Zhu Yi said: "My subordinates are really puzzled. Based on the previous intelligence analysis, that young man is not a fool! It stands to reason that he would not make such a foolish move! After all, as long as there is one failure, , his newly established regime will no longer be able to maintain it!"

Figaro Edwin firmly shook the file in his hand and frowned in thought.

He has already understood the situation that has happened in the Yanlong Universe area during this period, and has sent a large number of people to sneak into the starry sky, trying to completely control the direction of the newly emerged commando!

Kudler, his old enemy, was killed by this young man named Ye Qingyuan. From the bottom of his heart, he was quite happy! Even though I and the other party spent many years, they still couldn't bring down the other party! Now, a junior has done it!

Putting aside the standpoint of interests, he still had some affection for this young man he had never met before!

Taking advantage of this great opportunity, he joined forces with the Red Dragon Society to the east and the Stayas business organization to the southwest. Taking advantage of the new victory on the other side, they were busy consolidating their territory and had no time to pay attention. The territory of the chaebol family!

Then, the three of them threatened to march together to force the other party to dare not criticize their plundering behavior! Thus, two and a half hundred cosmic regions were successfully divided!

The Principality of Baloat made huge profits from this operation, and suddenly gained territory in seven cosmic regions! It won't take long for it to be digested, and the fierce fighting power will be further enhanced!

It is said that Kanata was busy preparing for the founding of the country during this period, and had no plans to send troops to fight against the three forces. He temporarily relaxed his mind and began to carefully manage the newly acquired territory. Regarding the Feng Feng of the Red Dragon Society, Shimajiro's suggestion that the three families work together to completely eliminate this new ruling power was rejected with disapproval!

It wasn't that he didn't do it without hesitation, but because of the lunatic's nature, he knew very well that a profit-seeking, greedy, double-dealing guy would never be satisfied with this little benefit at the moment.

And the Kurdan of the Stayas business organization is also a perfidious, insidious guy who will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals!

If this new ruling power is destroyed, then the three forces will inevitably border on each other! Jiro Toshima, who has lost the balance of his opponent, will definitely join forces with Kurdan to attack the Principality of Baloat! By then, it will be my turn to have trouble sleeping and eating!

Therefore, it is very necessary for the principality to have one more force to check and balance the power of these two madmen!

Even, for the sake of the future of the principality, after the founding of the other country, he immediately announced his recognition of this regime! And implicitly expressed the desire for alliance!

In his view, this new ruling power must have a strong enough ally to protect it in order to survive safely! And the Principality of Baloat is their easiest choice!

Of course, there is no free lunch in the world. Since it is the principality that provides them with shelter, the alliance must be based on the principality of Baloat! Because the fierce fighting power is not equal, the rights and obligations of both parties are naturally different!

In order to show its sincerity, the Principality of Daomang must pay a large amount of benefits to the Principality of Baloyat as protection fees every year! In the trade between the two sides, the Principality of Baloat should also enjoy the most preferential treatment, such as tariff reduction and exemption!

What's a little unpleasant is that the other party has not responded with the excuse that they need time, and this time they refused directly!

This made the Grand Duke very angry! Such a force that doesn't know whether it's good or bad, and doesn't know how to advance or retreat, should we really give him some clues so that he can know his identity and status?

"What do you think I should do in response?" the Grand Duke asked slowly, staring at his confidant.

Zhu Yiqun has served this master for many years. Just looking at his expression, you can tell that he has already made up his mind and asking himself is just a formality.

So he immediately said: "I believe that the arrogance of Daomang Principality has become the cause of instability in this starry sky. We should agree to the suggestions of those two forces and jointly send troops to teach him a lesson he will never forget!"

"Do you think such a union is feasible?" the Grand Duke asked again.

"Your Highness, when the three forces of ours unite, we can at least bring out the mobile force of seven to nine thousand warships of various types. Not to mention lessons, we can even destroy this country!" Zhu Yi said.

The Grand Duke was silent for a while, and finally nodded softly: "Very good! This is the only way to deal with it. I just understand that after this battle, my life will not be easy for me after this! I can only find other ways to think about it." Got it!"

Red Dragon Universe Area, Dragon Horn Star.

"Has that timid Figaro Edwin finally agreed to send troops together?"

In a beach somewhere, a short and stocky figure, short arms and legs, a protruding belly, and a fleshy face, like a toad, squatted on a large crystal couch. Half a hundred people with white skin, He is surrounded by beauties wearing transparent bikinis.

At this time, next to the sleeping couch, a pocket photon computer projector was turned on. On the three-dimensional projection, a young man with a pale face and a sinister expression was introducing the situation to him:

"That guy is really a bit of a coward, mother-in-law, he doesn't look like the leader of a country! After we deal with that kid now, why don't we and the two families join forces to take care of the Baloat Principality together? Isn't that right? From now on, wouldn’t it be better if the two families are jointly in charge of this starry sky?”

The dwarf on the couch is Toshima Jiro, the leader of the Red Dragon Society, and the person in the three-dimensional projection is Kurdan, the supreme controller of the Staas business organization!

Hearing Kanata's suggestion, Toshima Jiro chuckled, clucked his lips and said: "Okay! Why not? That old bastard, I have long disliked him! It's best to take advantage of this opportunity to kill him However!"

Kurdan nodded lightly and said: "Then let's talk about the division of interests first! I want ten of the boy's fifteen universe areas! Of course, the Yanlong universe area can be yours!"

"We will share the ten cosmic regions of the Principality of Baloat equally! However, as for those affiliated cosmic regions, you can take a few more! In this way, our territory will be nearly doubled, just to build an empire for fun It’s more than enough!”

Toshima Jiro snorted coldly: "You have a good plan! You've eaten all the meat, and you just throw away some worthless bones and think you're going to get rid of me? You drank too much! That kid's fifteen Cosmic regions, I want ten including the Yanlong Cosmic Region! The other five are yours!"

"Whoever grabs that old devil's territory from Figaro Edwin belongs to him! There's no need to talk about anything else, everyone can do it according to their abilities!"

"You are too dark! Are you planning to fall out now?" Kurdan blushed and cursed. Find the bookstore

Jiro Toshima replied without showing any signs of weakness: "You are crazy! Don't forget that your fighting ability is not as good as mine, why should I let you get so many benefits?"

For a moment, the two big guys started yelling at each other like the lowest-quality, most obscene and shameless hooligans on the street!

After more than three hours of waffling like this, we finally reached an agreement on how to share the spoils that both parties could agree on! However, looking at the cunning and changeable eyes of the two guys, it is hard to say whether they will be able to act in accordance with the agreement!

Several forces jointly sent troops, and it was agreed that each side would send 450,000 warships of various types and 39,000 awakened people. All parties would advance and retreat in a unified manner. Each party's military actions must be communicated with each other and negotiated in advance! In order not to give that kid any chance to make a comeback!

Two days later, the three fleets set off in a mighty manner!

"Are they arriving soon?"

In the main control room of the command ship, Ye Qingyuan asked. (To be continued.)

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