"The reconnaissance team has found their traces near Channel 09, and after passing through five void tunnels, they entered our national border!" Tian Xuanhao made a few marks on the star map, turned around and explained to him:

"Your Highness, according to our plan, since the other side has dispatched an absolutely superior force, they are approaching in a majestic manner! We can also meet them head-on, supplemented by surprise troops! We will use our strengths and avoid their weaknesses to defeat them..."

This time, the three enemy forces jointly attacked, with a total force of more than a million warships of various types, and nearly a million awakened people! There are hundreds of powerful people above Qianxing! The fierce fighting power is not unpowerful!

On the other hand, on the side of Daomang Principality, the number of various warships is only one-third of the other side, and the number of awakened people is about 50% of the other side! However, in terms of equipment quality, our side has a huge advantage! Therefore, the pressure felt by the senior leaders of the Strategic Command is not as great as the other party estimated!

The scheduled battlefield was chosen on the border of the Principality, in the vast starry sky outside the Yumeng Universe area. According to a lot of intelligence collected in advance and Leng Zhuo's deduction, it is more likely that the enemy's combined fleet will converge here and then attack!

Facts have proved their judgment. Of course, this is also the other side's guess method that did not cover up their whereabouts at all! From the perspective of the three forces, the absolutely superior military strength is enough to wipe out this weak principality even without the need for those tactics!

With their backs against the Void Tunnel, the 250,000 various warships of Daomang Principality have completed their pre-war preparations, and the commander-in-chief is still Tian Xuanhao. Leng Zhuo was in charge of deducing the battle situation, and all major generals participated in the battle.

This battle is undoubtedly crucial to the new regime! If you win, you can truly seize the dominant position in this starry sky, gradually encroaching on the territory of the three forces, until a powerful kingdom is transformed!

If it fails unfortunately, the regime will collapse and all past efforts will be in vain! It’s hard even for people like them to survive!

Facing such an important war, it is inevitable that some discordant voices will appear among the large number of officers and soldiers.

"General, do you really not want to confirm it again?" Liu Jingan said to Gilad in the squadron command ship:

"Facing such a powerful offensive, it will be difficult for this regime to survive. If we contact them again and defect at the critical moment, their fleet will collapse in one fell swoop! In this way, we can get rid of their control and regain control. I’m free! I’ve also taken my revenge!”

Gilad glanced at him and said calmly: "What benefit will this do to us? After the principality is over, will we have a good life? By then, this place will be divided up by those forces, how can we be there? A place of refuge?”

Liu Jingan said: "We can choose one of the forces to join us! Relying on our current military strength and negotiating with them, we can definitely obtain one or two cosmic areas as our garrison territory!"

"What do you mean, are you just leaving the clock to smelt copper?" Gilad snorted coldly, "Are those groups more promising than the current His Highness? Are they more worthy of seeking refuge?"

"Old Liu! You have followed me for so many years, are you still blind to some things? I only have so many abilities, so who should I follow? You have also seen His Highness's achievements. Compared with the outside world, Those short-sighted guys don’t know how much better it is!”

"These days, His Highness has been treating me very well! Why do you have to think about changing your employer? Can you guarantee that those people will definitely be better than His Highness?"

Liu Jingan looked a little embarrassed: "I feel aggrieved for you as well, Commander. Why should a young man who is still in his infancy climb on top of me? If I don't bring him down, I will always feel aggrieved! Raffarin, what do you mean? right?"

Raffarin on the side stroked the hilt of the sword in his hand and said calmly: "I don't care, if the commander tells me to do something, then I will do it! It's meaningless to say anything else!"

Gilad waved his hand and said to him: "Old Liu, for the sake of our past friendship, I have forgotten what you just said! I hope you will also forget these unrealistic estimation methods as soon as possible! I have been waiting for this His Highness is not someone who is easy to fool, once he finds out, he will never be lenient!"

"The enemy fleet is coming soon, prepare for a fierce battle!"

Liu Jingan looked at him, pursed her lips, stopped talking, and slowly turned around and left the main control room door.

Gilad looked at the military advisor who had been loyal to him with a complicated expression. After a long time, he gently exhaled and ticked the corners of his eyes bitterly.

ten minutes later.

"It seems that he is quite aware of current affairs!" Ziyuan Lan looked at the conversation record and smiled.

He raised his head and glanced at Liu Jingan on the monitor, and nodded gently in approval: "After this battle is over, I will recommend to His Highness that you serve as the governor of the Jiuchen Universe area! Work hard!"

"Thank you so much, sir!" Liu Jingan was overjoyed.

Half an hour later, the enemy's main fleet finally passed through the void tunnel and teleported over in batches! Countless iron-gray hulls shimmered with a cold light under the starry sky, like a group of cold and ruthless cosmic beasts, about to reveal their ferocious fangs to the prey in front of them!

"Detonate them all before they all come over! This way the result will be greater!" Su Lili suggested.

"No problem!" Tian Xuanhao nodded gently.

Not long after, nearly half of the enemy's warships of all types had arrived. While they were nervously organizing their commandos to be on guard, a heaven-shaking energy storm suddenly erupted in the void with a radius of dozens of kilometers near the void tunnel!

In an instant, more than 9,000 warships of various types were reduced to nothing in the violent explosion. The officers and soldiers there did not even have time to activate the escape system, and even perished together with the various warships! There were also an equal number of various warships injured, and a series of silver-white spherical escape capsules were ejected from time to time!

Under Liu Xiangyun's suggestion, as early as a few days ago, the routes that the enemy might pass through were deduced! Then all the entrances of the void tunnels were set up with intelligent levitating thunder arrays like dragnets! Of course, in order to achieve an unexpected effect, under the leadership of Su Lili, all the suspended mines were covered up by the high-star mirror array. With the enemy's detection methods, it was extremely difficult to detect clues in a short time!

I'll kill you while you're sick! After the explosion, Tian Xuanhao immediately commanded the fleet to open fire and began a comprehensive attack on the enemy fleet that had been scattered!

"Damn it! Why is it like this?" In the command ship, Kurdan stared at the message sent back not long ago, and couldn't help but feel heartbroken! Most of the fleet that was destroyed just now were his cronies. Unexpectedly, they were killed before he had time to react. How could he stay calm?

"These bastards who kill with a thousand cuts! I didn't expect that they would use such shady means to deal with us!" Figaro Edwin frowned.

Toshima Jiro immediately issued an order for the commandos to fight back, and at the same time asked the fleet behind to come over quickly!

This kind of high-standard mirror array is by no means cheap. No matter how rich Fang Fang is, he cannot use it without restraint. Because of this, he is not very worried! It's just that the hit rate of the other side's artillery fire is extremely high, and he is actually a little unable to do so at some points!

Tian Xuanhao snorted coldly in his heart, and then directed his men to carry out shelling accurate to decimeters!

After a while, more than 50,000 warships of various types were destroyed! And your own losses can be almost ignored! !

In the vast starry sky, a fierce and fierce battle was unfolding in full swing. Due to the large diameter of the void tunnel, despite the large-scale minefield blockade first and then Tian Xuanhao's precise strike, it still could not completely block the transmission of the three-party coalition forces!

Half an hour later, after paying the price of destroying two and a half million warships of all kinds, the coalition forces finally rushed out of the void tunnel entrance, and then lined up to launch a fierce counterattack!

The fleets of both sides fired salvos while changing formations at one level of speed! The energy reactor is running at full power in order to gain a few seconds of opportunity to fire directly in front of the enemy! Perhaps, just this insignificant one or two seconds can allow myself to escape the fate of being destroyed!

"The coalition forces of several parties have as many as one million warships of all kinds! It does look very scary! However, they do not know that when facing the enemy on the battlefield, strong military strength is an important reason for victory, but it is not the decisive factor! It does not mean that With enough troops, victory will be within easy reach!" Tian Xuanhao took the time to explain to the commanders in the main control room while issuing frequent instructions.

"Then you have definitely found a way to win, right?" Ye Qingyuan asked with a smile.

In fact, with Tian Xuanhao's ability, he can defeat this seemingly powerful enemy in a head-on confrontation without any strategy! However, our own casualties will also be relatively large.

However, Ye Qingyuan cherishes feathers, and if the damage can be less, of course he has to work hard for it! Moreover, the principality has a weak foundation. In order to accumulate capital and expand rapidly, it cannot withstand too many casualties at the moment!

Tian Xuanhao responded: "Of course, the coalition forces on the other side are composed of commandos from three forces. I have studied the abilities, conduct, and behavior of the leaders of these three parties in advance. They are by no means the kind of people who can trust each other and cooperate!"

"At present, the three parties have temporarily united together for a common goal. However, once something happens, this fragile alliance will fall apart immediately! In that case, it will be very easy for us to win! We don't have to pay much price!"

"Just like how we dealt with Kudler that time!" Zi Yuanlan said. Suddenly, a tacit smile appeared on everyone's face.

They all know that this time, the coalition is in trouble again!

Although the quantity is less than one-third of that of the other side, the quality is more than a generation ahead! Coupled with Tian Xuanhao's precise command ability, Daomang Principality's fleet did not fall behind at all!

After all, the coalition forces are composed of commandos from the three forces. Although the command level agrees to share information, the advance and retreat arrangements should be kept as unified as possible! However, under Tian Xuanhao's targeted attack, Kurdan's fleet received key "care"! Not long after, more than 50,000 warships of various types in his camp were destroyed!

Kurdan was heartbroken, and his actions also became a little timid! He has already lost nearly half of his family fortune. If he continues like this, it will damage his foundation. Even if he wins the final victory, he won't be able to share much of the spoils! It might even be possible that Toshima Jiro, who always fell out with him, would add insult to injury and kill him!

As a result, the formation change of the coalition forces suddenly slowed down a bit. Although it has not caused a big impact yet, this subtle change was hidden from Tian Xuanhao! Yu Ming understood that after a series of instructions, the artillery fire hit that place became even more intense!

After gritting his teeth and holding on for a while, the head of the Staas business organization finally couldn't stand it anymore and wanted to withdraw from the battlefield to reorganize his formation and wait for an opportunity to fight again!

Once he withdraws, the other two forces will stop! In the three-dimensional projection, Jiro Toshima said gloomily: "Old friend, what do you mean! Why did you retreat privately?"

"My fleet has suffered too many casualties. Brothers, we can't hold on any longer! You two can handle the unnecessary business for a while!" Kurdan said firmly.

He was filled with anger, and his tone became less friendly.

Before Figaro Edwin said anything, Toshima Jiro stopped: "What do you mean? Everyone is working equally hard, your men suffered heavy casualties, but our brothers are all enjoying the blessings? Why? Can you just retreat and rest?”

Kurdan was so angry that he slapped the table and cursed: "Half of my family fortune has been lost, how many people have you killed? Can it be compared with my losses?"

"Speaking of which, I don't know why the guy on the opposite side attacked me! Almost a large amount of artillery fire was directed at my fleet!"

Toshima Jiro snorted coldly: "It's only because of your bad luck! Who can blame you? In short, we and several others are working together to destroy the Daomang Principality. Whoever contributes more will get more. The spoils of war!”

"You absolutely have to retreat, and that's not okay! However, you know that the end result of putting in the work is just the effort. It will be beneficial when the time comes, so don't be picky and picky!"

"You..." Kurdan blushed, but couldn't get angry! What the other party said is not completely unreasonable. For a while, there will be no result at all!

Figaro Edwin came out to smooth things over: "Can you two stop fighting? Now on the battlefield, with the enemy facing us, we should work together. Why can we rebel and find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan? com Did you let the enemy see the joke for nothing?"

"Lord Kurdan, you absolutely need to rest, but you will have to make some concessions when it comes to the division of the spoils! Moreover, your Awakened troops will also participate in the battle! How to decide is up to you. !”

Kurdan's face turned red and white. He hesitated for a while, then reluctantly said: "Okay! However, my losses will be considerable. By then, I will give up to 50% of my share to you!"

"Deal!" Jiro Toshima agreed happily.

Three out of three, the pressure on the coalition forces becomes heavier and heavier! This time, Tian Xuanhao shifted his focus to the Red Dragon Society's fleet!

Toshima Jiro's performance was even worse! In just half an hour, he was in so much pain that he issued an order to send out all the Awakened troops! I want to use them to turn the tide of the war.

Part of the coalition's supernatural legions had been decimated by artillery fire in the previous fleet battle. However, there were still seven and a half million of them at this time. Among them, the High Star Awakeners did not suffer much losses due to the fierce fighting power, unless it was due to luck. Too bad, he was directly hit by the first-level main battle cannon, otherwise he would have been able to avoid the attack in advance to a large extent! (To be continued.)

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