Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 712 Zhou Bapi scrapes the land

Just as the Daomang Principality was recuperating and digesting and cleaning up its internal affairs, the melee between the Xinghai Kingdoms further intensified!

Under the siege of millions of troops from the Gnaslok Empire, the Tiens Republic lasted less than two months before the capital was captured. The president fled abroad, along with a large number of high-ranking officials including the vice president. Captured alive by the Imperial Regiment, all secretly hanged!

The first battle was successful, and hundreds of cosmic areas were included in the empire's territory! The imperial fleet, whose military power was greatly enhanced, set its sights on the nearby Eastern Cambodian Federation, which was also a medium-power country with nearly a hundred universes.

President Wilt is an out-and-out hawk, and he never has any illusions about the empire! As early as before the Tianshi Republic was destroyed, he insisted on forming an alliance with it and sent troops to sneak attack the rear camp of the imperial army. And it has roped in many small countries to help!

It's a pity that the military strength of the most powerful country is not just bragging! With Ulionov V personally visiting the battlefield to supervise the war, the military alliance headed by two medium-sized countries is not as reliable as expected!

In addition, the empire's intelligence department is not idle either, coercing and tempting, sowing dissension, and infiltrating divisions! After several rounds of cruel and bloody contests in the underground world, quite a few small countries abandoned the alliance and sided with the empire!

This also destined the tragic ending of many small and medium-sized countries in this starry sky! If there is no infiltration of powerful third-party forces, it is only a matter of time before more than a hundred countries and commando organizations in this starry sky are included in the empire's territory!

At the same time, the senior officials of the far-neighboring Rockefeller Empire, after weighing for several days, finally couldn't hold back anymore and began to send out large armies to sweep the surrounding areas, paving the way for a full-scale attack on the Black Republic! Nearly 80% of the entire empire's troops have been concentrated on the front line of the confrontation between the two sides!

Of course the top leaders of the Republic were not stupid and immediately took tit-for-tat measures! Send a large number of fleets to block the Imperial Regiment's actions! After a series of bloody conflicts, the war finally broke out a week ago!

In just one week, more than 500 million officers and soldiers were killed on both sides! The loss of material wealth is countless! Both countries have started to fight with real fire, and there is no room for relaxation. The final result can only be the complete collapse of one of them!

The war between the Salestine Alliance and the Zulian Republic has already begun on a large scale! The Alliance's combat corps, which was progressing smoothly at the beginning, was ambushed by an unknown powerful force five days ago. The supreme commander was assassinated, and dozens of high-star clergy were killed. The losses were extremely heavy! The offensive had to be slowed down!

Afterwards, when the alliance intelligence agency investigated the cause of the failure, they unexpectedly discovered traces of the involvement of Tianxi Commando, including Yanyue Commando. This led to the defeat of the Qianzhan Legion!

The top leaders of the alliance were furious when they came back to their senses. The top leader of the alliance, Pope Innocent VIII, vowed to let the anger of the gods burn out all heretics who dared to harm the people of God!

Although the Shuofeng Empire had no major military operations at this time, the newly established Twelve Provinces of Southern Xinjiang were also turbulent at this time. The momentum of several resistance armies became stronger and stronger, echoing each other from afar, and there was a vague trend of joining forces! If we do not take a severe crackdown, this territory will become a wound on the body of the empire that is difficult to heal! Let the empire continue to lose blood!

Twelve provinces, nine of them were obtained from the Xuanluo Federation, and three were merged after wiping out many small surrounding countries! In total, there are almost 300 cosmic areas, accounting for one-third of the original territory of the empire!

To gain such a large territory all at once, according to the original intention of the empire's senior officials, was to digest it for a year, and then decide on the next large-scale use of troops based on the situation around the empire!

At this time, the late emperor passed away and Fang Yuqing came to the throne. A new round of external expansion plans will undoubtedly be pushed forward now!

Because Fang Xuting had carried out a large-scale purge of the court during his lifetime, and the new queen's own abilities were also extremely outstanding! There haven’t been many twists and turns in the country! One year after taking the throne, Fang Yuqing's status and authority have gradually become stable!

As a result, some forces with secret ulterior motives can no longer sit still! For example, the eight major aristocratic families, as well as the conservative forces in the royal family! Some commando organizations that are inextricably linked to major foreign forces, etc.!

Since it was difficult to start with other aspects, these guys decided to focus on the new territories of the empire, the Twelve Provinces of Southern Xinjiang! Since this starry sky has not been included in the empire's territory for a long time, the royal family and the empire have far less control over it than other lands! This also gives them the opportunity to stir up trouble!

Tianhua Star, Juntian Hall of the Imperial Palace.

The tall throne sat on a high platform in the middle of the hall. The young queen turned out from behind the bright yellow jade dragon screen and slowly approached her seat. Her beautiful black and white eyes casually glanced below the jade star. Thousands of imperial courtiers have been waiting for you for a long time!

The Queen sat down calmly, with the confidence and pride of being in control of everything on her unparalleled beauty! Although she is young, no one dares to have any disrespectful thoughts towards her! Anyone with such thoughts has paid the due price!

In the year since she took the throne, this young woman has repeatedly proved with her forearms that anyone who wants to influence her established opinions and covets the highest power! No matter who it is, no matter how big the backer is, there is no possibility of escaping unscathed!

"My crown is also dyed red with blood! Under my throne, there are also hundreds of millions of corpses and seas of blood!" She once said this when announcing the execution of a group of children from aristocratic families who were secretly plotting evil.

After several costly tests, the forces hidden in the dark have been discovered. When necessary, this young queen can slash her sword at anyone who dares to challenge her! To defend one's status and power!

After the simple and solemn court etiquette, the proceedings began.

Minister of Military Affairs Gurungs reported on the changes and developments in the situation in southern Xinjiang during this period, as well as the progress of the imperial group's encirclement and suppression of the rebels. Finally, he said: "Your Majesty, I still stick to my previous point of view. The twelve provinces of southern Xinjiang The rebellion was caused by someone secretly supporting it!"

Prime Minister Wang Guangchang said dissatisfiedly: "Marshal! Your words seem to be a bit alarmist! Now that the Xuanluo Federation has too much to take care of itself, why might it still have the energy to support the rebels in the Twelve Provinces? Apart from this big country, there is no decent military force around the southern border of the empire. Power! Who has enough power to support them?"

"I still believe that the rebellion in southern Xinjiang is caused by the resentment of the indigenous people there and their disobedience to the imperial education! The army should be dispatched to severely suppress it!"

Gurungs said coldly: "The prime minister's intention is to kill all the indigenous people there? What benefits can the empire gain? A starry sky that looks like a dead zone. Is this the result you want?"

"Master Marshal! When faced with the rebellious people who are dissatisfied with the rule of the empire, of course the only way to suppress them is with thunderous actions! Do you still want to allow them to continue to live in rebellion? You have been fighting for a lifetime, don't you not understand the reason why Dao Ci does not command troops? "Wang Guangchang said with an authentic smile.

"Rogues? Do you think so?" Gurungs glanced at him with disdain, "If I remember correctly, in the nearly half a year after taking over this starry sky, these aboriginals did not have much respect for the imperial regiment. hostility!"

"At that time, all the newly occupied territories will be responsible for maintaining daily order and implementing military control by the Imperial Regiment! It was not until half a year ago that the new administrative local planning was completed. It is for this reason that the Imperial Regiment fully transferred the coordination power to the cabinet appointees. Governors of the provinces!”

"The dissatisfaction of the indigenous people about the empire began to grow from that time! How long has it been like this? Unexpectedly, several rebel armies appeared all at once, and they also had a huge fleet to rely on!"

"Dear Prime Minister, can you tell me why?"

Wang Guangchang's broad, fat face twitched slightly, and he said disapprovingly: "Why? Of course it's because those unruly people are dissatisfied with the empire! What other reasons could there be?"

Fang Yu, who was sitting high on the throne, said calmly: "What is the reason? Now is not the time to investigate this! I agree with Wang Qing's opinion. Regarding those forces with evil intentions, whether they are rebels or others, It must be killed with thunderous means!”

Wang Guangchang immediately said: "Yes! Your Majesty is wise!"

Gurungs frowned and looked at him, then looked at the Queen, shook his head and said nothing.

Fang Yuqing's eyes drifted to Yu Gang, the minister of the Imperial Oversight Council, and asked for more information: "Yu Qing, didn't you say that there was something important to report that time? All the ministers are present, so you can talk about it together!"

The fat Prime Minister's eyelids twitched, and a premonition of danger suddenly arose in his heart!

"Yes! Your Majesty!" Yu Gang bowed, glanced at the Prime Minister with sharp eyes like an eagle, and said slowly:

"After investigation by the minister and many colleagues in the Oversight Council, it has been discovered that the newly appointed provincial governor Lin Yulian, Tu Jun, Ivanovsky, Raymond and other five important imperial ministers have no scruples in plundering people's property after taking office. , real evidence of oppressing and killing the local residents! Everyone has a thick copy of the relevant files!"

"Especially the newly appointed Governor Lin Yulian, in just one and a half years, he has amassed as much wealth as 800 billion crystal cores through various means! He also has the exclusive development rights for dozens of first-grade resource planets! Under his In the jurisdiction, almost all ecological planets have more than one luxury villa! Each villa has several unidentified beauties!"

"This is only the information currently available! The other governors have more or less problems! The Oversight Council has received tens of thousands of various reporting letters! I am verifying them one by one. I believe they will not be used for long. , you can collect enough evidence!”

The hall was quiet, and the courtiers present were all shocked!

No one expected that the provincial governor who had only been in office for less than half a year would commit such a surprising number of major crimes! What's even more terrible is that everyone of the twelve governors has a share, and no one has a clean behind!

The Queen's cold voice sounded in the hall: "If I remember correctly, these twelve governors were all nominated and recommended by Wang Qing. Out of my trust in you, I was right! However, currently..."

"Can you tell me what's going on?"

Wang Guangchang's face turned pale and he finally became a little flustered.

The Queen stared coldly at Wang Guangchang, the prime minister of the empire, who was so powerful that one person was worth more than tens of thousands of people!

Even though he has always been cunning, cunning, and extremely shrewd, he is now unable to withstand His Majesty's questioning! After all, the incident happened suddenly, without any psychological preparation in advance. It is estimated that it is impossible to excuse those few of my cronies!

"Your Majesty... this... I didn't know this beforehand! It should be... they themselves betrayed the trust of your Majesty and the people of the empire, so... this..."

"So what?" Fang Yuqing asked with a cold hum.

Wang Guangchang gritted his teeth and said: "I believe that these officials who are corrupt and bend the law should be severely punished! The law of the country should be rectified!"

Under the current situation, it is estimated that it is impossible to keep these close confidants, so I can only endure the pain and get rid of it for the time being.

Fang Yuqing still did not relax and shouted angrily: "Then Wang Qing, do you have no responsibility? The twelve imperial provincial governors were all recommended by you! It has only been less than half a year since I took office, but I didn't expect that everything went wrong! Once How big of a scandal would this be if it were known to trillions of citizens of the Empire?”

"According to what you said at the beginning, these twelve governors are all selected from the thousands of frontier officials in the empire. They will definitely take care of this starry sky for the empire! I also believe it! However, currently, they are all What did they do? Why were they all capable and law-abiding officials before, but once they moved to another place, they all became corrupt?"

"The Twelve Provinces of Southern Xinjiang are the newly acquired lands of the empire, and now such a major case has occurred! What a significant impact it will have on the empire's next strategic decision-making. As the prime minister of the empire, Wang Qing, don't you Is it clear?"

As she questioned, Wang Guangchang's face became even more ugly, and his pair of elephant legs began to tremble uncontrollably! On his forehead, dense beads of sweat slowly flowed down his fat face.

"Your Majesty, the old minister made an oversight and recommended an improper person, thus bringing shame to the imperial government. Please punish him severely!" the rogue prime minister said helplessly.

At this time, he was already cursing in his heart: These stupid fools, forget about corruption, but he didn't expect to make such a big noise, and let the gang of bastards from the Oversight Council seize the opportunity! You are not new to the officialdom, so don’t you know how to make things clean? You didn't warn me beforehand, but now it's better, even I got involved!

What kind of virtues do his cronies have? Look at Shuyuan He naturally knows in his heart that there is nothing they dare not do, and there is no money they dare not make! It is said that he himself is the best, and his subordinates naturally follow his example!

When the territory of the twelve provinces was initially demarcated, all forces were eyeing the lucrative positions of these twelve governors. One after another, people approached him to intercede and hand over notes, accepting gifts, money, and women. The reception was soft!

Needless to say, the final candidates were the twelve people who had given him the most gifts! Let’s leave aside the others, let’s talk about Lin Yulian! After that war, he was good at maneuvering and gave a generous gift to the Prime Minister, and easily obtained the position of Governor of the Hengcharhan Universe Region, and also gained the status of a superior.

In order to get a spot this time, he spent almost all the wealth he had accumulated over the years, and this way he got his wish! It is also unclear why he, a poor governor in a remote space region, has such rich assets. It can be seen that his ability to make money is one of the best in the empire!

I lost so much blood, and if I don’t try my best to replenish it as soon as possible, I can’t bear to say that I have worked so hard for so many years! For this reason, as soon as this guy took office, he scraped the land and exploited the hundreds of millions of people under his rule in every possible way! (To be continued.)

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