Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 713 Can be exchanged

The other eleven people all did the same thing! The rebellion in the Twelve Provinces was secretly instigated by certain forces, but the bigger reason was that the government forced the people to rebel! As the top local chief executive, they cannot absolve themselves of the blame!

A look of forlornness appeared on the Queen's face: "Since you said so, Wang Qing, then things will be easier to handle! These twelve people will all be dismissed from their offices and titles, deprived of all property and fiefdoms! And they will be hanged in public! To calm the local subjugation. People’s dissatisfaction!”

Wang Guangchang was horrified and asked in a trembling voice: "All twelve governors are going to be hanged? Is that right..."

"What is it?" Fang Yuqing suddenly grabbed the file in front of him and threw it at his feet! He said in a stern tone:

"It is because of their existence that these worms have brought disaster to the country and the people, making the situation in the southern border of the empire unstable. They have no choice but to use the imperial army to quell the chaos, which is a waste of labor and wages. Not only does it increase casualties, but it also affects the empire's next expansion of the border. A big plan to expand the territory! If I don’t pick off their heads, how can I eliminate the hatred in my heart!”

"And you, as the chief minister of the empire and a veteran of several dynasties, you didn't expect to ignore such a major event that shook the country! Don't tell me that you didn't know anything about what they did! "

Wang Guangchang was shocked and took a step back, lowering his head and remaining silent. No one from the group of officials who had any problem with him dared to speak out!

However, this is not the most terrible thing. The Queen's next words almost made all the officials in the court bewildered!

"Wang Qing! You have been in charge of the imperial cabinet for many years, and you have worked hard without any credit! You cannot be entirely blamed for what happened this time! You are old now and have low energy. It is inevitable that some problems will arise!"

"You should let go of the burden of being the Prime Minister first! I will give you a mansion with princely standards. Go back and have a good rest! From now on, you don't need to go to court to discuss matters!"

There was deathly silence in Nuo Da's hall!

The chief minister of the dynasty, a veteran of the five dynasties, just resigned from office in one sentence?

Several courtiers moved their lips, as if they were planning to plead, but when they saw the murderous look in the Queen's eyes, they backed away in fear.

Watching the reactions of the civil and military officials below, Fang Yuqing showed an arrogant smile and said slowly: "Since no one has any objections from the ministers, the matter is settled! The post of prime minister is temporarily vacant until I can make a final decision. Once you have selected the candidate, let’s make another appointment!”

"From now on, all administrative officials above the level of planetary governor will not be allowed to take office without my inspection and review! To prevent similar cases from happening again! Do you have any objections, sir?"

"Yes! Your Majesty is wise!" No matter why they were reluctant, all the ministers in the court just obeyed the order respectfully.

Gurungs sighed in his heart: This young monarch is much more powerful than the late emperor! First came the military power, then the political power, and now even the power of personnel appointment and dismissal is in his hands! The foundation is becoming more and more solid. Who else will dare to challenge her authority in the future?

However, regarding the current empire, this still has more advantages than disadvantages! The situation in the Star Sea is changing rapidly. During this extraordinary period, a strong figure is really needed to take control of the overall situation and lead the empire through the crisis!

And I, as well as the Strategic Command, will become the Queen's unwavering support!

Seeing that the purpose of today's meeting had been achieved, Fang Yuqing felt a little more relaxed. She stood up with a smile and said, "This is the end of today's discussion. Please leave! If you have any more important matters, please report them directly to me at any time!"

After the court meeting, Fang Yuqing left the main hall alone and walked to the inner palace. The palace guards accompanying her were kept away by her at a distance.

Walking along the jade-colored crystal path, we soon arrived at the palace of the former empress of the empire and now the queen mother.

At the main entrance of the splendid palace, half a hundred palace guards were guarding there, and the same number of palace maids in white stood outside the door, waiting for the palace master's call at any time.

Compared with when I was the Queen of the Empire, such a scene is undoubtedly much smaller! However, for a vicious woman like her, she should be content!

Fang Yuqing snorted coldly in her heart, but her face was calm and she walked leisurely. Behind her, Manager Yan followed her without knowing it.

She looked back at the woman whom her father trusted the most during his lifetime and whom she relied heavily on, and a sincere and gentle look appeared on her face.

Seeing that he was almost at the palace gate, Manager Yan couldn't say anything more. He just winked at her to indicate that everything was normal.

Fang Yuqing nodded lightly indifferently, her skirt was swayed, her ring jingled, and she stepped steadily onto the jade star in front of the palace gate. A group of palace maids and guards hurriedly saluted, and another female officer trotted in to report.

In the side hall, the current Queen Mother Zhu Zhaoyuan is sitting at the desk, writing and drawing on a paper document, and she doesn't know what she is busy with.

The Queen walked straight into the palace gate, saw the figure of the Queen Mother, walked over and bowed lightly, saying disdainfully: "Mother, Yu Qing is here to visit you!"

"Your Majesty!" Zhu Zhaoyuan quickly put down the pen in her hand, with an eager smile on her face, stood up and came over.

"I haven't seen you for a few days, and your majesty has become even more beautiful!" She praised insincerely, ordered the maids to serve tea and snacks, and then diligently took the queen to sit down and asked her after her.

At first glance, they really look like a loving biological mother and daughter!

After Manager Yan saluted, he stood quietly beside him, silent.

After exchanging lukewarm greetings for a while, Fang Yuqing stood up and left. Unexpectedly, Zhu Zhaoyuan's words made her originally calm mood become a little angry again.

"Your Majesty, I don't know if you have made up your mind about what I told you that time?" Zhu Zhaoyuan asked expectantly.

The Queen raised her eyebrows and said expressionlessly: "The Guards Corps is now fully staffed, and there are really no suitable job arrangements! I am afraid that I will disappoint the Queen Mother!"

Zhu Zhaoyuan smiled and said: "Your Majesty! Isn't this personnel arrangement a matter of your words? Zhu Junzhe is my nephew. In terms of seniority, he is also your cousin. He is a talented person with outstanding abilities! You also admire your Majesty very much! By Isn’t it just right for him to serve as the commander of the palace guards?”

"My palace guards are all women, and there might be something wrong with him being the commander!" Fang Yuqing suppressed her anger and explained patiently.

"Your Majesty, what you said is an outsider! Your cousin is not an outsider! What's wrong with letting him take care of your daily life and safety? In this way, won't you have more opportunities to meet? From now on, we will have a relationship It's convenient! You have reached the age of marriage now, so you should think about this!" Zhu Zhaoyuan finally made it clear what she meant.

A flash of anger flashed in Fang Yuqing's eyes, and she said coldly: "Mother, you are really a noble person who forgets things! When my father was alive, he had betrothed me to Duke Ye Qingyuan, and you were also present at that time! All the distinguished ministers and nobles of the court witnessed it! Why are you still bringing this up now?”

Zhu Zhaoyuan looked a little unnatural, and said with a dry smile: "However, isn't that young man no longer in the empire? You can't keep waiting for him, right? Why does your cousin say that he is one of his own, so he is not as good as him?"

Fang Yuqing thought about having an attack several times, but she forced herself to endure it. She lowered her head and looked at the exquisite embroidery patterns on the jackal skirt, frowning and saying nothing.

Zhu Zhaoyuan thought she was hesitant, so she pressed forward and said: "I heard that you dismissed the governors of the twelve provinces in southern Xinjiang not long ago? How wonderful is that! How can those outsiders be as reliable as their own family? I have already found a new one for you. The candidate! Take a look, if you think it’s okay, make a decision earlier!”

With that said, she picked up the list on the desk and handed it to Fang Yuqing.

The Queen finally couldn't hold back her outburst. She waved her sleeves and swept down the tea cups and snacks on the coffee table beside her, and scolded sternly: "Zhu Zhaoyuan! Is what you did a little too much? Do you really think that I am a child? As a child, Queen Mother, you are arbitrarily discussing state affairs! Who gave you the power?"

"For the sake of my father, I don't have to worry about it this time. There will be another time! Humph——"

After saying that, she walked away for a while without even looking at the ugly expression on the Queen Mother's face!

Fang Yuqing, who returned to the imperial study room, was still angry. She took off the crystal beaded crown on her head and threw it heavily on the desk.

"This vicious crazy woman! I didn't expect that she was still planning to hit me! She really didn't know life or death! If I had known this, I shouldn't have kept her in the first place!" She gritted her teeth.

Manager Yan sighed softly: "Your Majesty, you have lost your composure!"

"What the Queen Mother did was indeed beyond her duties! However, as the Lord of the Empire, even if you don't like something, you can only tolerate it as long as it does not affect the overall situation!"

"Her suspicion of my father's death has not been cleared up yet! No, I'm sure she did it! Even if there is no evidence, we can conclude!" Fang Yuqing said solemnly, "What guesswork do you have?"

Manager Yan Qingqing was horrified: "Your Majesty, you are planning... This is not possible! It will affect your reputation!"

The Queen sat down behind the desk and said disapprovingly: "Even that disgusting rogue Prime Minister was sent back to her hometown by me! Who does she matter?"

"Besides, there is one thing I don't know. Why did she know about what was announced in the court not long ago? It seems that there are quite a few loyal dogs by her side! They are ventilating her so hard. Report the news!"

Manager Yan had no objection to this point: "Yes, the behavior of some palace maids and guards is really outrageous! After the death of the late emperor, there have not been many changes in the palace, so they have forgotten a little bit! It should be Clean it up!"

"It's better that the father made a promise before his death and refused to pursue the case. In addition, the emperor's younger brother is underage! She thought she could easily obtain the position of the Queen Mother? How can she still survive to this day?"

The Queen took a jade lion paperweight and played with it carelessly. She softly uttered a few words from her petal-like red lips: "Forget it! Take some people with you! Take down all the palace maids and guards beside that crazy woman. I’m too lazy to interrogate them one by one! Just beat them all to death! In addition, we will choose a group of maids who are smarter and more reliable in their work and go over to serve her!”

"Yes! Your Majesty!" Manager Yan responded solemnly.

"Huh! This is just a warning! I hope that woman will restrain herself from now on. If she is still restless, I will not care about the damage to my reputation. I will inevitably become a villain again!"

Manager Yan bowed silently and retreated for a while.

Fang Yuqing was sulky for a while, then she calmed down a bit. She opened the top-secret photon computer on the desk and started reviewing documents.

After sitting in this position, she realized that as the head of a country, there are too many things to distract yourself! Any order or decision must involve all aspects of interest entanglement! If you are not careful, it will cause some unnecessary troubles!

It is estimated that it is no longer a luxury to be able to decide all matters big and small and enjoy the pleasure brought by power as before in the Royal Supervisory Council!

There is no comparison between emperors and powerful ministers in some aspects!

This errand is really not done by humans! The light pen in her hand kept jumping among the seemingly endless electronic documents, and the Queen felt extremely depressed.

Slight footsteps came from outside the door, and a young man wearing a general rank walked in.

"What's the matter?" the queen asked without raising her head.

Li Kai stood still under the Jade Star, performed an impeccable military salute, and then said: "Your Majesty, there is news from the Prison Soul Star Sea!"

"Say it quickly!" Fang Yuqing stopped what she was doing and stared at him with her beautiful eyes.

"The Principality of Daomang has defeated the joint interference of several surrounding forces, and its territory has expanded again. Currently, forty-nine cosmic regions are under its rule! Moreover, after a year and a half, there will be even larger external expansion. Implement the plan!" Li Kuai reported in a calm voice,

"This guy is really capable! I just understand, is this step too fast? It seems... not good!" The Queen frowned slightly while being happy.

From her point of view, she certainly knows the negative impact of this kind of blind expansion. If the fierce fighting power is enough, it can occupy as much territory in the short term, but it is also because there is no time and energy to digest the results of the battle, and the foundation cannot be solid! As long as you encounter a slightly bigger setback, it may cause people's hearts to wander and the whole situation to collapse!

"Your Majesty does not need to worry. He has already considered all these issues and has corresponding measures to deal with them!" Li Maci said, "I have already recorded all the policies for this new country. Your Majesty can discuss them later. Take a closer look!”

"Oh! Okay!" Fang Yuqing nodded gently. Then he asked, "Does he have any other requests?"

Li Mace hesitated for a moment and then said: "He hopes that His Majesty can send a group of high-tech talents to assist in various construction projects in the country!"

"How many people does he want?"

"At least tens of millions of people are needed, looking for Shuyuan and the more the better! Talents from all walks of life are needed!"

Fang Yuqing's expression froze: "His appetite is really big! Does he need so much to open his mouth?"

"Does he think that he can definitely get what he wants?"

Li Maci smiled and said: "Whether you can get what you want depends on whether your Majesty is happy or not!"

"Then he will be disappointed. I am very unhappy right now!" The imperial light pen decorated with gold patterns of Luan Jade rotated flexibly between the slender jade fingers, bringing up a trail of afterimages.

"Then... did I simply reply to him like this?" Li Kai was slightly startled and said hesitantly.

The light pen that was rotating at one speed suddenly stopped, and the tip of the pen was pointed straight at him.

"You can have people if you want, but what benefit will this bring to the empire? There is no free lunch in the world. Since he has established his own business, he must act in accordance with international practices! Give equivalent things in exchange!" The Queen said slowly. . (To be continued.)

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