"With the enemy's speed, we have two chances to fire before their first-level main battle artillery can reach us!" Liu Xiangyun said after briefly revealing his simple plan.

Ye Qingyuan said: "Two salvos can cause absolute losses to them, but it is impossible to stop their offensive!"

"In this case, we will attack directly! We cannot let their first-level main battle cannon threaten the void tunnel!" Ziyuan Lan said.

The various warships that were teleported out of the void tunnel not long ago could not open the energy shield, so as not to affect the stability of the void structure during the transmission process! Only when the transmission ends can various warships restart their defense systems.

All kinds of warships at this time are undoubtedly the most vulnerable. If attacked, even the most advanced ship types can only rely on their own armor to resist!

If the void tunnel is small and there are not many warships of all kinds transmitted at one time, but there is a fleet with fierce combat power blocking the door on the opposite side, it will undoubtedly be a very sad situation!

Just like that time, he and Tian Xuanhao commanded the imperial fleet to encircle the federal Cameron Army! More than 200,000 warships of various types guard the entrance to the void tunnel, coming to kill one group at a time! The mighty federal military god was tortured to the point where he had no temper at all!

Of course, such a situation is not common! If the entrance to the void tunnel is too large and there are too many warships of all kinds teleported in at once, or if the attacking fleet has strong enough fighting power and has special equipment to break the blockage, then the other side will not be able to get away with it!

The timid Hambo had thought about setting up an ambush near the entrance of the void tunnel, but this void tunnel was big enough, and it was difficult for him to completely block it with a fleet of more than 400,000 people! Moreover, he is also afraid that the other party will come up with some trump card and his own capital loss will be too large! If we lose the fight, we will lose even the capital for negotiation!

Of course, even if you want to negotiate, you have to have a fight first to let the other party see your fierce fighting power!

Only those who can fight can make peace! Don’t worry about victory, think about defeat first! Hanbo thinks he is quite smart!

Under Liu Xiangyun's order, the fleet that had been teleported spread out its formation, left the entrance of the void tunnel directly, and faced the rushing enemy troops.

"They are so courageous!" Hambo was a little surprised and a little angry. The other party's behavior is undoubtedly provocative!

Not long after, the principality's fleet rushed over in a neat sagittal assault formation, and soon entered the ultimate range of the enemy's first-level main battle cannon. Countless thick cannon barrels locked on their respective targets at the same time, with traces of sparkling light. The dark blue electric snake flashes and emerges from the deep muzzle!

"All the fighting parts, lock the forward part of the enemy fleet! Eighty percent of the power can be injected into the volley!" Liu Xiangyun issued the first attack order.

Nine thousand thick blue light beams spurted out from the muzzle, releasing destructive energy!

"No! Everyone is in combat and dodge immediately!" Han Bo's expression changed. Although he knew that the various warships of Daomang Kingdom might be more advanced than his own, he did not expect the first-level main battle cannon on the other side. The strike distance will be so far! At this time, his fleet's first-level main battle cannon has not yet been fully charged!

The sudden turn of various warships traveling at first-level speed is nothing according to the technological level of this era, it just consumes more energy! However, in a hurry, the formation of this fleet was somewhat scattered!

Bright fireballs exploded one after another! I don’t know how many warships of various types were blasted to pieces by the destruction beam due to their slow reaction!

More than ten seconds later, the battle damage situation reached Han Bo's ears. More than 3,000 warships of various types were blown to pieces, and the casualties were still being counted!

The Grand Duke frowned slightly, but still issued the order and rushed forward at the first level of speed. So far, nothing else has been used! Who can say that one's sword is shorter than others! Apart from trying to shorten the distance with the other side, there is no choice!

After a while, the second round of more violent blows came! More than 5,000 warships of various types were turned into space junk. A large number of milky white spherical rescue capsules were ejected, and even more were bombarded into ashes along with various warships, leaving no bones left!

At this time, because the Kingdom's fleet was also advancing, the distance between the two sides was close enough, so close that the Principality's forward fleet finally had a chance to fight back!

Nine thousand beams of destruction suddenly counterattacked! However, fortunately, the energy shields of various warships in the kingdom are very efficient. In addition, the caliber of the first-level main battle cannon on the other side is not large, and the lethality is far inferior. Between this increase and decrease, less than a thousand warships of various types were destroyed!

"Each combat unit maintains a tight formation and passes through the other side's camp at first-level speed!" Liu Xiangyun ordered.

If at this time, like Fang Fang, he spread out his formation and dodged separately, he would only leave a larger side to the enemy. He does not have an incredible brain like Tian Xuanhao, who can make extremely accurate judgments on the trajectory of the enemy's artillery fire!

However, he also has his own way to deal with it, which is to try his best to reduce the attack surface of the fleet, and then attack the other side's formation with a first-level speed assault. As long as the enemy's camp is in chaos, his own side will have more opportunities!

Nine thousand warships of various types turned into a sharp spear and accelerated towards the core of the principality's fleet!

When we meet on a narrow road, the brave wins! What is competing at this time is the courage and boldness of the commanders on both sides!

Anyway, the charging speed of the first-level main battle cannons of various warships in the Principality is far slower than our own, and the next round of attacks will have to wait at least another eighty seconds! And on the ever-changing battlefield, a lot of bad things can happen in eighty seconds!

"This guy is crazy enough!" Hambo stared at the Kingdom army rushing toward him! Privately shocked!

What should be done?

Retreating is impossible, and even dodge is impossible! Once the other party rushes over and turns back, he will be attacked from both sides!

"Order all kinds of warships' secondary guns to bombard with all their strength! There are also space fighters, mecha corps, and supernatural corps to dispatch! No matter what, we must stop them!" Hambo ordered through gritted teeth.

As long as he survives this hurdle, he is sure to contain the kingdom's fleet offensive!

The ejection ports on the ventral sides of all space carriers and battleships opened at the same time! A large number of fighters and mechas flew out like dumplings!

A large number of fully armed awakened people ejected from the hundreds of special ships located in the center of the fleet that were closely guarded! They hurriedly formed a formation and covered up the fleet rushing towards them at first-level speed.

The kingdom's fleet also took the same action. The more well-equipped supernatural legions, led by a bright sword light, faced enemies several times their size without fear!

At this time, the main force of the kingdom's army has not yet been completely transferred, and there are only less than 9,000 awakened ones going to fight. However, with the equipment bonus, the principality does not have much advantage!

The speed of that round of sword light was extremely fast, but in a few seconds, it rushed straight into the depths of the principality's supernatural legion array! Before the strong man leading the team could react, a ball of silver fireworks slowly burst into bloom, looking particularly dazzling in the vast starry sky!

An extremely powerful spiritual storm is coming!

At the center of the fireworks, the heads of a large number of awakened people exploded without any resistance! Even Qianxing is no exception! At a slightly distance away, the officers and soldiers who were recruited were also bleeding from their orifices, completely losing their fierce fighting power!

Even those on the periphery who were affected by the aftermath were all dizzy and their effectiveness in the fierce battle was greatly reduced!

After a successful blow, the sword light did not stop and rushed into the next area where the awakened people were densely packed. In an instant, another dazzling firework exploded!

"Go to some strong men and stop him!" Hambo shouted in shock and anger.

Half a hundred rays of light shot out, judging by their aura, they were no weaker than Qianxing!

Ye Qingyuan smiled disapprovingly, and his figure suddenly appeared. In the blink of an eye, he was near a dense fleet. With his speed, no one could catch up with him unless he did it intentionally!

The Sky Sword in his hand was swung rapidly, and in an instant hundreds of kilometer-long crystal sword lights flew out. The landing point of each sword light was the engine part of a warship of various types!

By the time hundreds of fireworks burst into full bloom, there was no trace of that round of sword light!

Just when the half-hundred Qianxing strong men lost their goals and hesitated, death came! A dark golden cloud suddenly appeared beside them. This group of self-conscious guys didn't even make a sound, then they were wrapped up in the cloud and never made any sound again!

Hu Mu, who was fully clothed, looked in that direction in awe, raised the energy knife in his hand, and commanded majestically:

"Light crossbow ready——"

Tens of thousands of light crossbows came out in response, pointing at the principality's supernatural army on the opposite side!

"No! Get out!" Hambo shouted.

The Wang ** regiment is well-equipped, and he knows it in his heart! Although the number of awakened ones on his side is far more than that of the other side, he does not have the guts to let his legion resist the other side's light crossbow volley!

It’s just that it’s too late now! Unless they are demigods or above, few awakened people dare to say that they are faster than Light Arrow!

In an instant, his eyes were filled with the blue light rain!

In the contact channel, extremely sharp screams came one after another, and they became more and more frequent in the end! Even joined together! It suddenly stimulated his nerves!

A few breaths seemed as long as centuries!

By the time several rounds of light arrow attacks were over, the size of the Awakening Principalities still alive at the scene had been reduced by nearly half! The rest are on the verge of morale collapse!

"Continue to attack! Destroy them all!" Hu Mu ordered calmly.

Han Bo only felt his hands and feet were cold, and he couldn't speak for a long time!

The space fighters and mecha legions were completely suppressed, and the supernatural legions suffered heavy losses! Our own fleet simply cannot withstand the impact from the other side!

Just a minute ago, the kingdom's fleet easily tore apart the formation of its own fleet and left for a while at first-level speed!

When he issued an order to reorganize his formation, Bifang circled around and rushed back! Still the same tactics! Just a few back and forth, the principality fleet has been washed to pieces! It has reached a point of near collapse!

After a while, nearly 9,000 warships of various types were teleported over from the other side and lined up to join the battle circle!

Attacked from two sides, no matter how many troops he has, he can't hold it back!

"Withdraw from the battlefield, reorganize your formation and wait for another opportunity to fight!" Han Bo finally said helplessly after trying several times and finding that it was of no use.

It’s not that easy to withdraw! This order only made the morale of the officers and soldiers on the fleet even lower! Countless warships of all kinds rushed out of the battlefield in a chaotic manner, making the already chaotic situation even more unmanageable!

The retreat was almost a rout!

Of course, the Kingdom's army would not let go of the opportunity to beat the drowned dog. Liu Xiangyun asked the follow-up fleet to speed up the teleportation, while ordering the fleets to pursue and fight fiercely! Try your best to encircle and annihilate the enemy's effective forces!

The supernatural legion also came out in full force, sparing no effort to encircle and suppress the awakened ones on the other side, and at the same time allocated a large number of troops to clean up the fleet!

Hanbo's intestines were about to turn green at this moment! If he had known that the other side was so ferocious, why would he use such tactics?

If from the beginning, all the forces were concentrated to block the entrance of the void tunnel and intercept the fleet sent from the other side, although there is no guarantee that the other side's offensive would be absolutely intercepted, the Wang** Regiment would have to spend at least hundreds of thousands of various warships. Only by paying the price of the ship can we break through the blockade!

If reinforcements from the Kingdom of Lanofi can be delayed until they arrive, the Saber Army will no longer have any hope of winning!

Even if you can't make it to that time, you can still ask for negotiations. With your previous record, you will naturally speak more forcefully and earn more benefits!

However, at present, everything is lost!

Look at his current fleet, like a group of frightened sheep. Facing the ferocious siege of wolves, the commando team can no longer organize a large-scale counterattack. The entire fleet has lost the minimum courage!

At this point, almost all the famous generals from the entire Xinghai gathered together, and they were exhausted!

"Let's expose it for now! Send a message to the other side, saying that we are willing to...surrender!" After struggling for a long time, Han Bo finally made this painful decision!

"Yes! Your Highness!" The valet beside him said with relief, and even the commander and maids in the entire main control room breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at their deliberately suppressed relaxed expressions, Hambo felt extremely bitter in his heart.

If I hesitate for a while longer, I'm afraid someone will tie me up and send me away for a while, right?

Speaking of which, this Grand Duke is really miserable! I fought with several of my brothers to death, and finally won. This guy hasn't even sat down yet, so he has to move his butt!

Of course, it’s not a big deal if you move your butt! Just pretend that you have never touched that throne. If you continue to be ignorant of current affairs, you will have to move your head!

I just hope to find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com The king he had never met before was not so difficult to talk to.

No matter what, you can't take away all the treasures piled up in your palace, as well as the hordes of beautiful concubines! You have to leave at least half for me, right?

"Your Majesty! They agreed to surrender!" Ziyuan Lan reported to Ye Qingyuan.

At this time, Ye Qingyuan was still working hard outside to dismantle various warships. When he heard the response on the contact channel, he finally stopped and ordered: "Then follow the established procedures! Let their Grand Duke come to see me immediately. !Hand over command and control codes!”

At this time, more than half of the various warships of the defeated Principality fleet remained intact. After hearing the instructions from the command ship, they all stopped escaping, shut down their engines and first-level main battle cannons, and stopped in place to wait for someone to come from the other side. take over.

Grand Duke Hanbo, accompanied by a group of commanders, took an airship to the command ship of the Kingdom's fleet.

Several high-star awakened people came over with sullen faces and conducted an extremely strict security check on the group, barely even allowing him to strip and search him! After finally struggling, he was allowed to enter the main control room of the command ship. (To be continued.)

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