Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 729: Win another game

On the throne in the center, Ye Qingyuan, who had returned to the command ship, was sitting peacefully. After Grand Duke Hanbo came in, he did not dare to take a closer look. He took a quick glance, knelt down with fear, and said respectfully:

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty! Your Majesty, Hambo Javier Thewin, on behalf of the Principality of Baloat, is willing to surrender the whole country and serve Your Majesty as the Lord from now on! I will never abandon you from generation to generation!"

Ye Qingyuan looked at this decent-looking guy and said calmly: "Since you are willing to surrender, then prove your sincerity to me? All armies, territories, and wealth must be handed over! You Can it be done?”

"Your Majesty... everything is as your Majesty wishes!" Han Bo's face turned pale and he wanted to argue a few words. However, looking at the current situation, he was just thinking about killing himself. There was really no room for resistance! I can only grit my teeth and accept my fate.

"Very good! I will send troops to take over all the territory under the duchy, and at the same time count all the properties in the duchy!" Ye Qingyuan looked at the pale Han Bo and said with a smile:

"For the sake of your awareness of current affairs, I will reserve the title of viscount for you, and you can take away 30% of the wealth in your palace. And your women, I don't want you, you can take them all away! "

"I will demarcate a territory in the royal capital and build a mansion for you. From now on, you can go there and enjoy your happiness!"

"Yes! Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness!"

Han Bo's face relaxed and he quickly kowtowed in thanks! Such a result is a bit embarrassing! However, based on the current situation, he is already very satisfied!

Half an hour later, all the kingdom fleets were teleported over. Liu Xiangyun commanded a part of the force to collect the surrendered principality fleet. The main force immediately rushed to the Molek space area, the capital planet of the principality.

Only when we occupy that place will the dust almost settle!

At this time, the casualty figures were also reported. The Wang ** regiment had lost approximately 30,000 warships of various types, and the casualties were no less than millions!

War in the interstellar era is so cruel! Compared with the casualties in the principality, such losses can be said to be relatively light!

At the same time, at the other end of the Molek universe area, separated by the distance between the two universe areas, an even larger fleet was speeding towards us!

There are seven to nine thousand reinforcements from the Lanofi Kingdom, as well as varying numbers of fleets sent by five nearby forces. The total number exceeds one hundred and fifty-nine thousand warships of various types!

Originally, there were 8 forces, all invited by King Wu Shengde! Everyone agreed to send troops together, and when the Daomang Kingdom is defeated, they will divide its territory according to the amount of their contribution!

However, two families backed down midway, so now only five forces came with him.

Of course, he didn't care. With these troops, it was more than enough to destroy a new ruling power that had just been established! You can also get some more territory by then!

But as for those two disobedient guys, let them be free for a while, and after finishing cleaning up here, see why I am waiting on them!

Sooner or later, this starry sky will belong to our Kingdom of Ranofi!

"At the current speed, how long will it take to get there?"

On the command ship, Wu Shengde, who was wallowing among the women, took a moment to ask the attendant beside him.

"Reporting to your Majesty, we can reach the cosmic area of ​​the principality's capital in up to 8 hours!" the attendant said respectfully.

"So? Is it too fast?" Wu Shengde let go of the concubine beside him with some uncertainty and stood up.

His upper body was still wearing the Generalissimo's uniform, but it was messy and messy, and there were many stains of suspicious origin on it! The lower body was naked, revealing two short, skinny legs!

I casually grabbed a gorgeous skirt and wiped it on my lower body, then put it under my nose and took a few nice sniffs, then easily wrapped it around my waist! He trotted all the way to his throne, jumped up like a monkey, half squatting and half sitting.

After coughing a few times, he tried his best to put on a majestic face and said:

"I told that weakling Hambo before that I will arrive in two days! The purpose is to let that guy have a good fight with the fleet of Daomang Kingdom first!"

"When these two families are almost exhausted, that's when labor and capital are taken advantage of! These two families want their territory, women, labor and capital, and no one will be spared!"

"If we arrive early now, maybe that guy won't be able to really help! Counting on the labor fleet to help him fight? How can it be so cheap?"

A general smiled flatteringly and said: "Yes! Your Majesty is wise! Then according to your wishes, I can stop here and rest for a while. There is no need to rush on! When they come up with a result, it will not be too late for me to attack again. !”

"Yeah! Yes, this is the best!" Wu Shengde chuckled,

"Perhaps they are having a lively fight right now! Send a reconnaissance ship to have a look and report the situation immediately!"

After saying that, he grabbed a palace maid next to him, rubbed her chest wantonly for a while, and then pressed her pretty face between his legs...

Molecule area.

Not long ago, the fleet stationed in the capital suddenly received an urgent order from Liu Xiangyun. In addition to leaving a small number of troops to maintain order, most of the various warships immediately took off and prepared for battle!

"This is the message that the scout ship I was waiting for sent back not long ago!"

In the main control room, Ziyuan Lan pointed at the image on the monitor and said solemnly: "The army of the Lanofi Kingdom has arrived!"

"How many troops are there on the other side?" Ye Qingyuan asked.

"Through interrogation of the prisoners, it can be determined that there are no less than 159,000 warships of various types! This time, I'm afraid it will be another hard battle!" Ziyuan Lan sighed.

"I suggest that we stay away from him for the time being and wait until we have a clearer picture of the situation on the other side before deciding whether to fight! I don't know what your Majesty thinks?"

Liu Xiangyun retorted: "It's just 159,000 warships of various types, nothing special! With the fierce combat effectiveness of the Kingdom's fleet, I am sure that it will be a battle!"

The reconnaissance fleet dispatched by the Kingdom of Lanofi was unlucky. When they secretly passed through the void tunnel and approached the Molek universe area, they happened to encounter the reconnaissance fleet of the Kingdom of Daomang. There was a fierce battle between the two sides. The side of the Kingdom of Daomang relied on The advantage in equipment has completely defeated the other side!

All ten reconnaissance ships were destroyed, and several guys who entered the escape cabin were captured alive. After being brought back for interrogation, they knew the cause and the final result.

There are one hundred and fifty-nine thousand warships of various types, and the current Wang** regiment is really under a lot of pressure. However, the other side is divided into five different camps, and the cooperation between them will definitely not work! And it is far inferior to the energy efficiency of various warships!

The various warships of the Daomang Kingdom are all on the same level as the models currently equipped by the Shuo Feng Empire, and the other side, even the Lanofi Kingdom, does not have the ability to make its own main warships! All kinds of warships used are export models purchased from the five major forces in the Xinghai Sea, and their energy efficiency can be estimated!

Whether it is various warships or awakened ones, although the number is not as high as that of the other party, the huge advantage in equipment can make up for this!

Therefore, Liu Xiangyun dared to say that he was sure of winning!

In fact, everyone knows in their hearts that if they are timid now, the other side will definitely make further progress and press forward step by step! There will even be more forces joining in to take advantage of the situation! Only by using thunderous means to completely defeat it can the problem be solved once and for all!

"Then let's just settle it! Order all fleets to prepare for battle!" Ye Qingyuan ordered.

Liu Xiangyun looked at the star map carefully and suggested:

"According to the information obtained from the interrogation, their main force is still outside the two universe areas. Of course, it is also possible that they have discovered that the situation is abnormal and are rushing over! I understand what I mean. Let our fleet go to lod 7579 near the capital universe area. Void tunnel, use terrain to intercept!"

"In addition, I will inform Cameron that the original plan has been slightly changed. Let him continue to lurk and wait until the right time to attack again!"

lod7579 Void Tunnel is a transmission node with a relatively small diameter, and it is also the only way for the enemy's main attack!

Even with the fierce fighting power of the Daomang Kingdom fleet, it is impossible to completely block this void tunnel. However, it is still possible to cause greater losses to the other party!

The army moved quickly and finally arrived at the planned ambush location two hours later.

"Judging from this, the other side is coming soon!" Liu Xiangyun did not dare to neglect and immediately ordered:

"While there is still time, prepare quickly! Throw all those suspended mines, smart turrets, anti-matter bombs, etc. nearby!"

The Lanofi Kingdom has really realized that something is not quite right with the situation here! The spies placed by Wu Shengde on the Capital Star secretly informed his master of the real situation through some covert means.

Wu Shengde was so shocked that he immediately canceled the original plan and issued an order for all warships to speed up and rush to the Molek space area!

"The fortune of Daomang Kingdom is also very good, isn't it? With more than 400,000 warships of all kinds, I didn't expect that they would be settled so quickly! Hambo, a guy who can't stand up to the wall with mud! If I had known he was such a loser, he should have Let’s destroy him first!”

The king was privately annoyed!

The monitor in front of him lit up, and a sturdy, bearded middle-aged man with a ruddy complexion appeared in front of him.

"Your Majesty the King!" he greeted gruffly.

"What's going on? Why are we about to attack right now?"

"General Dror, the situation in the principality has changed. Han Bo has been defeated!" Wu Shengde explained.

The bearded man named Dror frowned, took a sudden "poof", and cursed: "Such a bitch, I really don't know why he sat in that seat in the first place! It's better now, you have to ask me Wait until you come to carry it yourself!"

"Say it first! Our fleet from the Lanshan Principality will never be the first to fight! Let the three of them chew on that hard nut! Or your Majesty, you can take the lead!"

"Sir, what are you talking about? Didn't you say that everyone worked together?" Wu Shengde said patiently, trying his best to suppress the unhappiness in his heart.

Dror chuckled: "Who said we are too weak? It's just that we are weaker in the fierce battle. I'm afraid it will be difficult to fight a tough battle, but it will mess up the war! Therefore, Your Majesty, please be more patient!"

Wu Shengde got a little angry and jumped up with a bang: "What do you mean? Just think that the work is just a waste of time? Okay! The labor and management don't care about your 29,000 warships! Just don't forget Now, when it’s time to divide the spoils, just don’t join in the fun!”

"Bullshit! It's you who invited us here! I've waited for so many people to support you, you've had enough glory! But you sent me away without giving you any benefit? How can such a good thing be possible?"

Just like that, the two guys cursed each other for a while, and representatives of the other three forces also joined in, each with their own opinions, and the quarrel was endless!

Until the large fleet arrived at the lod7579 void tunnel, the five groups of forces still failed to come to a conclusion!

The news from the forward fleet made the king really anxious!

Knowing that the void tunnel ahead had been blocked, Wu Shengde's rogue nature completely broke out. He tore off the golden ribbon on the marshal's uniform, tied a knot on his head, jumped on the throne and roared with gritted teeth: "Everyone is ** *Stop fighting, okay!"

"What means do you have?" the five guys on the monitor asked together.

"You five are all dizzy, right? We haven't met the enemy yet, and we will start fighting among ourselves! When they come over, no one will be left behind!" Wu Shengde suddenly said,

"Let's not talk about anything else! Each family will send out 50,000 warships of various types and rush out of the void tunnel as soon as possible! Otherwise, there will be no need to fight this battle! Let's just slap our butts and leave as soon as possible!"

After the five guys looked at each other for a while, a guy named He Qianfang said: "Your Majesty, your fleet is far more numerous than mine. You only sent out 50,000 warships of various types. It seems unfair to us!" "

"Shit! The warships of Labor and Capital didn't fall from the sky!" Wu Shengde was furious, "If I'm to blame, I blame you for not bringing more troops before!"

"However, if our losses are too great, what will you do if you turn against us? Then we won't have a sense of security!" Dror said slyly.

Yu Ming understood that several guys started arguing again.

In the end, Wu Shengde finally gave in and agreed to send 9,000 various warships as the first wave of attack fleet, and the other five forces each sent 50,000 various warships!

The arrangement on this side of the void tunnel has already been completed, and the Kingdom fleet, which was waiting impatiently, finally found a reaction at the entrance of the void tunnel.

At the entrance of the dark void tunnel, the figures of thousands of warships of various types slowly emerged, becoming increasingly clear.

The densely packed suspended mines and the smart turret immediately reacted. Find Shuyuan After a saturation attack, this wave of vanguard fleets all turned into space junk! There's not even a chance for the big fleet to take action!

Looking at the images sent back before the fleet was destroyed, he saw five and a half million warships of various types from the Kingdom of Daomang surrounding the void tunnel far away. He was horrified to see the millions of first-level main battle cannons. !

However, at this point, he was really unwilling to let him expose it for the time being!

"We must fight for labor and capital, and we must fight a bloody path!" He ordered fiercely.

Driven by him, a large number of warships of all kinds rushed forward and rushed through the void tunnel with their lives!

The many means of blocking the void tunnel were used together, and coupled with the intensive bombardment of the fleet's first-level main battle cannon, the losses of the five opposite forces skyrocketed!

Groups of fireworks exploded one after another in the vast starry sky. Each explosion meant that hundreds of fresh lives were wiped out!

In this environment with extremely dense artillery fire, even those who are lucky enough to hide in the rescue cabin will be torn to pieces by the extremely violent energy tide! (To be continued.)

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