Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 731: I still win this round

The fierce battle between the supernatural legions was also going on fiercely, with a large number of awakened beings being killed by the other side using various means every second! The bright red blood spontaneously condenses into a series of various blood beads and blood cells in a weightless environment! All kinds of mutilated limbs were scattered and floating, which looked shocking!

The enemy's two semi-divine warriors have been killed by the warriors of Cangling Commando! Ye Qingyuan took action to kill some of the remaining dozens of Qianxing, and left the rest to the soldiers of the kingdom's supernatural army for training!

The volley of light crossbows before the hand-to-hand confrontation has deeply shocked the enemy! Nowadays, strong fighters with absolutely fierce fighting power are often killed or captured, which has caused a huge blow to morale!

After a stalemate for more than two hours, the coalition's numerical advantage has been exhausted. Most of the high-star awakened ones above seven stars were killed or injured. Although the remaining shrimps are numerous, they no longer have the ability to restore the situation! We can only let the Daomang King ** group slaughter wantonly!

As for the fleet, although the formations of both sides have become intertwined, Liu Xiangyun still commands the main force of the fleet to consciously carry out key strikes on a certain part of the coalition forces!

Such a strategy soon showed its effect, and the force that received special "care" soon suffered heavy losses and had to withdraw from the battlefield first! This resulted in flaws in the originally tight coalition formation!

In this case, the final result will be serious! Liu Xiangyun, who seized the opportunity, immediately concentrated his forces and made a breakthrough! The coalition's formation was split into two halves! Then launch a fierce penetration offensive!

Wu Shengde was so angry that he roared repeatedly! All possible means were used, but the situation could not be reversed!

In just these few hours, although the coalition forces had a numerical advantage, because the forces were divided into multiple camps, the command and dispatch was not flexible and timely enough, and the disadvantaged Daomang Fleet was forced to fight! The battle damage exchange ratio reached three to one!

As the legions of the Daomang Kingdom gradually took control of the situation, the balance of victory began to tilt towards their side!

"The time is almost up!" Leng Zhuo evaluated the performance of both parties and said to Liu Xiangyun:

"Let Cameron's troops attack! With his joining, we will definitely win this time!"

"No problem!" Liu Xiangyun nodded gently, sent the password that was agreed in advance and left for a while!

Soon, another fleet from the Daomang Kingdom emerged from the void tunnel behind! Completely blocking the coalition's retreat!

This batch of fleets totaling 30,000 ships, under the command of the former Federation Army God, opened fire and plunged into the depths of the coalition camp with unparalleled momentum, completely overwhelming the already chaotic coalition fleet. Disperse!

This new force became the straw that broke the camel's back!

The first ones to escape were naturally the fleets of the five forces. It is said that they did not have many warships of various types that could be used at this time! The Lanofi Kingdom's fleet still has a lot of ships left, so it is holding on for the time being.

However, this is only a matter of time! Even Wu Shengde knew in his heart that he was helpless! This battle is definitely lost!

Of course, he was frustrated, but he had not completely lost confidence! There are nine thousand warships of various types in the kingdom, and there are large military fortresses guarding the entrance to the void tunnel near the capital's space area. As long as I can go back, I will still be the almighty King!

Although the army of Daomang Kingdom is powerful, it still seems a bit arrogant to think that it will swallow up Lanofi Kingdom in one go! Relying on the geographical advantage, I can completely withstand the attack of millions of warships of various types!

Although the Principality of Baloat is destined to fall into the hands of the other side, even those forces that have suffered heavy losses may completely fall to the Kingdom of Daomang, and they will encircle him geographically! But so what?

As long as he takes this breath, he can regain his strength and fight again! With the national strength of the Lanofi Kingdom, it will not be a problem to double the fleet in the short term!

Expecting this, he immediately ordered the remaining fleet to use all their strength to entangle King Daomang's regiment, but his own ship secretly retreated, trying to get in the chaos and retreat toward the void tunnel.

"General! The enemy has been defeated. What should we do next?" Reid asked fleet commander Cameron in the squadron command ship.

He is the commander of the supernatural legion assigned by Ziyuan Lan to assist Cameron in the battle. He also takes care of the responsibilities of protection and surveillance! After all, this is the first time that the other side has led an army on an expedition after agreeing to pledge allegiance, so it must be done with caution.

Cameron said calmly: "With the kingdom's main fleet, it is only a matter of time before the enemy is completely wiped out. We don't have many troops under our command. Even if we join in, it will just be the icing on the cake!"

"The most appropriate strategy is to block the entrance to the Void Tunnel and not let go of any enemy ship! At this point in the battle, if the senior officials on the other side do not hesitate to surrender, they will definitely start planning an escape! The General! You think so?"

"You are the fleet commander, and of course you have the final say on the fleet's actions!" Reid smiled. "Just issue the order! I have no objection!"

"That's good!" How come Cameron didn't know what Bifang was thinking? It's just that it's human nature to do this, and he can completely understand it! Trusting relationships are built gradually.

If the other side doesn't do this, that's abnormal!

Yu Ming understood that under Cameron's order, 30,000 warships of various types dispersed the coalition camp, then turned back and formed a formation to firmly guard the entrance to the void tunnel. However, any approaching enemy ship will be greeted by a volley of first-level main battle cannons!

Except for the one in front of me, the other closest void tunnels are all seven hundred light seconds away! It is estimated that these warships with average energy efficiency can escape from the pursuit speed of various warships in Daomang Kingdom. It is simply an impossible task!

"Your Majesty, how do you tell me? I can't get through!"

In the command ship, the guard commander reported to Wu Shengde in panic.

"What's wrong? You ask me, who am I going to ask?" Wu Shengde slapped him crazily and roared with a ferocious expression:

"Come on for me! Call those damn warships over, tell them all to come over, we must rush out a bloody path! Even if they are all dead, I have to leave for a while!"

The commander had no choice but to issue the order. In fact, at this point, the main fleet's organization has been broken up, and they are fighting on their own. It is difficult to survive, so how can they care about the master's orders?

Therefore, after waiting for a few minutes, no fleet came together. Instead, there were fewer and fewer warships of various types guarding his ship next to his ship!

"It's too late! Your Majesty, I'll wait and rush!" the commander advised fearfully.

"There are not many warships of all kinds guarding the void tunnel over there. There are more than 5,000 warships of all kinds beside us. We should be able to rush through!"

"Then...okay!" Wu Shengde said feebly.

This small fleet seemed to be the same as when it came over, arranged in an irregular formation, and began to launch a fierce attack towards the entrance of the void tunnel!

But they forgot one thing. Although there were fewer warships guarding the void tunnel at this time, their troops were even smaller! Based on the current situation, there is no other outcome other than dying!

Soon, the fleet was driven back in embarrassment by extremely fierce artillery fire! At this time, Wu Shengde had less than 2,000 usable ships! Even his own ship was damaged!

"Is it God who wants to kill me?" Wu Shengde slumped on the throne, like a toad without bones, with bulging eyes like a dead fish, and his mouth wide open, as if he was breathing in but not breathing out!

Unexpectedly, after working hard and planning for many years, I finally caught a suitable opportunity, launched a coup, killed all the members of the original royal family, and ascended to the throne! It's been less than three years, and I didn't expect that I would be a prisoner of the stars again!

Maybe, this is retribution! Is God punishing me because he can't stand it anymore? Wu Shengde expected it with a wry smile.

"Your Majesty! The enemy troops have already surrounded us!" The guard commander saw his devastated look and was so anxious that sweat broke out on his forehead!

"Let's expose it for now! Let's surrender!" As soon as these words came out, it was like a dose of deadly poison, completely paralyzing his last vestige of vitality! He collapsed on the throne and made no sound anymore!

The message senter left for a while, and a few minutes later, a group of awakened people, led by Red, broke into the main control room. The commanders there quickly raised their hands to express surrender, and declared back and forth that they had no weapons in their hands!

Reid glanced around easily and found nothing unusual, except for the excessive number of beautiful women!

This must have been done by the guy lying on the throne whose life and death were unclear, right?

"Is he your king?" he asked the surrendered commander beside him.

"Yes, yes! Your distinguished general!" the commanders agreed hurriedly.

A smile of joy appeared on Reid's face, and he captured the enemy leader alive. This was a rare feat! You can definitely upgrade yourself and Cameron to a higher level!

"Immediately report the situation to His Majesty, and at the same time announce the news and leave for a while to let those who still dare to resist sober up!" He ordered his subordinates.

"Okay! The overall situation of this battle is almost decided!" After receiving the reply, Ziyuan Lan breathed a sigh of relief:

"The Principality of Baloat is what I've been waiting for! But what about the Kingdom of Lanofi..."

"This kingdom should also be what I am waiting for!" Ye Qingyuan said decisively,

"Their king has been captured, and this batch of fleets is almost completely finished! However, there are still relatively large forces in the kingdom. If we attack by force, the casualties will be too high, so we need to carefully discuss it!"

"My goal is to capture all the benefits of Lanofi and the Principality of Baloat! As well as those forces who are helping us to do evil, none of them can escape!"

Together, these forces have three and a half hundred cosmic areas. If the entire territory of the two countries can be integrated into the kingdom's territory, then the territory directly ruled by the kingdom will exceed three hundred cosmic areas!

Once these territories are sorted out and digested one by one, we will have the foundation to build an empire!

The first large-scale external use of troops by the Daomang Kingdom after its founding still ended in a complete victory just like previous battle records!

However, the casualties this time were a bit higher. After the war, the losses were counted and it was found that about 150,000 warships of various types were destroyed! The casualties of the Awakened, the total casualties of Cangling Legion and Wang** Regiment were about 9,000! All in all, this was the largest scale of casualties that the Ye Qingyuan Group had suffered since its inception.

I just understand that compared with the results achieved, this loss is nothing!

There is a coalition of five forces headed by the Kingdom of Lanofi, with one hundred and fifty-nine thousand warships of various types, and millions of awakened beings. Due to the mutual suspicion among the top leaders of the coalition, the command is ineffective and coordination errors occur! As a result, they met the tragic end of being annihilated! The number of those who were destroyed and those who surrendered and were captured accounted for half each!

I originally understood that Ye Qingyuan's intention was to capture the Baloat Principality first, digest it for a period of time, and then decide whether to go to war with the Ranofi Kingdom depending on the situation! However, that guy Han Bo didn't expect to succeed in persuading Wu Shengde to send troops for support, which brought the final showdown between the two countries forward!

Although the casualties are a bit too much, it is still within the acceptable range for the Daomang Kingdom, which currently has millions of soldiers and warships of various types!

Today's kingdom is on the right track in all aspects. Every month that passes, the size of the fleet will expand by 9,000 ships - not just various warships, but a fleet that has transformed into a fierce combat power!

And, as time goes by, this number will only get bigger! The rise of the Daomang Kingdom in the Prison Soul Star Sea has gradually become a fact recognized by surrounding forces.

One day after this.

"...Since the current owner of this kingdom has fallen into our hands, the time to destroy this country can be slightly advanced!"

On the planet Molek, in the palace where Hambo used to live, Ye Qingyuan was walking in the back garden. Leng Zhuo held his arm tenderly and analyzed in a low voice:

"Ziyuan Lan conducted a thorough interrogation of Wu Shengde and came up with many useful things, involving all aspects of the Kingdom of Lanofi! Resource distribution, population quality, economic status, industrial level, and the most important military strength information, etc. wait!"

"I have carefully analyzed that since the Lanofi royal family was exterminated by Wu Shengde and replaced by Wu Shengde, the entire kingdom's power system has undergone a series of drastic changes! Due to the improper position, look for In order to prevent his subordinates from following the same example! Wu Shengde has carried out large-scale purges many times!"

"Almost all the officials and generals with some status have been killed! Except for himself, there is no other person who has the prestige and ability to control the overall situation in the country! This creates an excellent opportunity for our plan! "

"You mean, taking over this country is not as difficult as it seems?" Ye Qingyuan asked with some excitement.

"Of course! My Majesty!" Leng Zhuo hugged his waist and smiled softly:

"According to his confession, although there are still a fleet of nine thousand in the country, due to the balance of power, even the most trusted general will not control more than thirty thousand warships! Moreover, these generals are divided into multiple factions. With his deliberate connivance, they usually fight among themselves and no one obeys anyone!"

"Now that he is a prisoner, the country has become a mess! There will never be a second person who can effectively control the overall situation in the short term!"

"Therefore, as long as we force him to issue an order to surrender, the entire Ranofi Kingdom will smoothly and quickly become our territory!" (To be continued.)

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