Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 732: A Bloodless Victory

Ye Qingyuan breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. He thought there would be another battle, but now it seems that the situation is much better than expected! It's really a joy to be able to capture such a large piece of territory without a single blow!

The two of them walked slowly and slowly arrived at a small outdoor theater. [..l]This is where the previous owners used to drink and have fun in their spare time and enjoy new operas.

A gorgeous stage made of pure white marble mixed with colorless crystals, with dozens of small and exquisite fountains lined up in front of the stage. Hundreds of nanmu seats with simple shapes and exquisite silk cushions were arranged in a ring around the stage.

The best viewing place facing the stage is a gorgeous throne that is obviously much taller, covered with soft bright yellow brocade cushions.

Slowly walking up the spar platform and sitting down on the throne, you can see the beautiful scenery all around.

Leng Zhuo stood beside him, looking at him quietly, his beautiful eyes like autumn water full of inextricable tenderness.

He put his arms around her soft waist and let her sit on his knees. She stretched out her arms around his neck in response, and the towering peaks caressed his face gently inadvertently. The elegant and refreshing fragrance hits your face!

He gently used his hands to clamp her shoulders, stopping her from teasing him! He asked: "If these cosmic areas can be obtained quickly, the original external expansion plan will have to be adjusted! For at least three months, we will no longer be able to use troops externally, right?"

Seeing him talking about business, Leng Zhuo corrected his expression slightly and said: "These territories add up to hundreds of cosmic areas. If the territory of the kingdom suddenly expands, it will more than double! It really takes time to digest and organize it! Three Months are too short! However, as long as it is just an accident, we can send out troops again by then!"

"That's good!" Ye Qingyuan exhaled and said,

"The situation in the star sea is becoming more and more chaotic. Countries with a little fierce fighting power are involved in the war. The army of the Tyroa Empire is confronting the coalition forces of the five major forces over the Scandon Star Abyss. It is uncertain when they will rush over. ! There’s not much time left for me to wait!”

Leng Zhuo smiled and said: "The five ultimate forces in the Prison Soul Star Sea are not so easy to deal with. Even if the Tiloa Empire's army can rush over, it will be at the end of its attack! What's more, there is the Shuofeng Empire behind us! I'm afraid. What does it do?”

"That's what I said. However, I still hope that they can take as long as possible, and it's best to form a deadly feud! They won't be able to escape in the short term! We can only take the opportunity to strengthen ourselves!" Ye Qingyuan said with a smile. .

"My Majesty, what you mean is really sinister!" Leng Zhuo glanced at him angrily, covering his mouth and chuckling.

"It's not that I'm sinister! Sitting in this position, of course, I can only think about the interests of the kingdom! If they don't fight to the death, how can we stand a chance to rise?" He said without any shame.

In his position, he seeks his government. After being the leader of the country for so long, his face seems to have gradually thickened, and he has begun to possess certain qualities necessary for a qualified politician!

Of course, it is difficult to judge whether he will become a real political figure in the future!

Gazing at her charming face and charming beauty, his eyes gradually became eager. His hands involuntarily tightened around her slender waist, and he buried his face deeply into that tempting ravine!

The gorgeous palace dresses fell to the ground one by one, and a low and gentle moan sounded from the wide throne, mixed with the man's heavy breathing...

Shuofeng Empire, the Twelve Provinces of Southern Xinjiang.

In the Shaou universe area, where the empire's counter-rebellion army headquarters is located, a bloody storm is brewing at this time!

The rebellion in the southern border of the empire has been going on for nearly a year.

Twelve provinces, a total of more than 300 cosmic areas, equivalent to the entire territory of a first-class country! If hundreds of billions of people and countless resources could all be used by the empire, the improvement in national power would be obvious!

However, under the secret instigation of certain forces and the corruption of many imperial officials, they committed evil acts! It seriously damaged the image of the imperial government and intensified the conflict between the local people and the government!

The rebellion broke out unsurprisingly!

By that time, the late emperor had passed away not long ago and Fang Yuqing had ascended the throne. People inside and outside the empire were in a state of uncertainty. In the eyes of those forces, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Using the rebellion to contain the actions of the Imperial Regiment would deplete the Empire's national power, and at the same time, it could also effectively damage the Queen's reputation. As long as things develop in this direction, it won't take long for the empire to fall into the quagmire of Southern Xinjiang and be unable to escape!

By that time, the Queen, whose prestige has plummeted, may not be able to keep her position! The overall situation of the empire will develop in the direction they most want! The most unproblematic result is to replace them; if the luck is worse, the royal family will be sidelined; even if the worst result is, their own race will gain more power and benefits!

However, they don't care about what kind of final result the empire will face because of this!

The reason why the rebellion turned into a raging fire in a very short period of time was all because of their secret support. Otherwise, it would have been impossible for the rebels to do it alone!

However, although the Queen is young, she is not as weak as they think! In addition to decisively issuing orders to send troops to quell the rebellion, the intelligence network of the royal family and the Royal Oversight Service has never been idle!

After a period of careful investigation, the Queen obtained enough evidence and began to launch a fierce counterattack!

The twelve provincial governors who had just taken office were all stripped of their positions and titles, all their fiefs and properties were recovered, and then they were publicly hanged! Along with them, there are also a large number of middle- and lower-level officials who are unlucky! Even the imperial prime minister Wang Guangchang, who had always protected and condoned them, lost his official position!

Then, the Queen issued an order to mobilize heavy troops, led by Marshal Wang Yuexiang, to use all her strength to encircle and suppress the rebels in southern Xinjiang. Another big purge is taking place in the imperial capital! All ethnic forces associated with the rebels have been severely suppressed!

There is no family affection or kindness in the power struggle. What the Queen did is an inevitable reaction for any qualified monarch!

After several months of siege and suppression, the rebels, who had lost most of their external assistance, suffered heavy losses and their momentum was greatly reduced!

Two months ago, when the Queen visited Daomang Kingdom, she patrolled southern Xinjiang and issued an order for the Royal Guards to also participate in the campaign to encircle and suppress the rebels!

After more than a dozen fierce battles, the rebels suffered successive defeats and were compressed into a limited number of small star systems to survive! The empire's army has heavily surrounded it, and its complete annihilation is just around the corner!

However, during this period, the intelligence agencies uncovered more and more shady stories! Almost half of the wealthy and aristocratic families in the imperial capital were implicated, especially the eight major aristocratic families! There are also local ethnic forces in southern Xinjiang!

The rebels' various warships, energy crystals, weapons, logistical supplies, etc. are secretly supplied by them through some foreign organizations! There are even some people from the Strategic Command who secretly inform them of the Imperial Regiment’s bandit suppression movements!

The Imperial Regiment headquarters building is heavily guarded.

Those on guard duty are no longer the elites of the Empire's supernatural corps, but teams of royal guards wearing black heavy closed light armor, holding heavy halberds, and exuding a dignified, chilling, and cold atmosphere!

Among them, close to the underground command center are the palace guards with a higher level of fierce fighting power! The ice-blue light armor harmonizes with harmoniously undulating soft lines. Under the sealed mask, you can only see the appearance of the woman there, but just looking at the slim figure is enough to make any male who sees them feel vaguely confused. Instinctively restless!

Of course, looking at the entire empire, no man with a normal IQ would think of trying to attack them. That would be tantamount to directly challenging the Queen's majesty!

In the large conference room, at the end of the long mahogany conference table, the young queen, dressed in military uniform, sat on the throne with a stern expression, and a fascinating cold light flashed from time to time in her dark eyes! The person who never left her side was still the mysterious manager Yan.

On both sides of her head, dozens of high-ranking generals were sitting upright, with respectful expressions and no arrogance!

A Guards commander wearing the rank of major general was standing reporting the situation:

"...Your Majesty! This is the current situation! There are five rebel armies in total, two of them have been completely wiped out, and the main leaders have been captured or killed! The remaining two armies have been split into several groups, and they have been killed. The imperial army surrounded and blocked it, and its current range of activities is limited to three small star systems..."

The Queen listened for a while, lowered her head, and her beautiful eyes under her long eyelashes began to pay attention to a thin paper document placed on the table. She was fair and beautiful, and her elegant and delicate hands were gently turning it.

The file is not thick, only a few pages, and the content is not complicated. It is just a name, and each name is followed by a concise explanation. For example, the name owner’s status, family background, local influence, etc.!

This is information collected through joint investigation by the Royal Oversight Council and the Royal Intelligence Agency. The people on the list are all well-known figures in the twelve provinces and more than 300 universe regions, and most of their origins have a long history. A big family race!

The Southern Xinjiang rebels, whose power was astonishing in the past and once threatened the cosmic region at the heart of the empire, had millions of warships of various types at their peak, conquering cities and territories, and were invincible! The commando team is so well-organized and so powerful that it is even inferior to the regular army of the empire!

The two previous counter-rebellion armies sent by the empire were defeated because they did not know the real fierce fighting power of their opponents! The government and the public were in an uproar, and the whole country was shocked!

Investigations by the Imperial Intelligence Department have shown that why these rebels are so difficult to deal with, in addition to the secret help of the forces in the Imperial City, these local native races also contribute a lot!

I originally understood that this place was once the territory of the Xuanluo Federation. After the empire incorporated it into its territory, the interests of these aboriginal people were inevitably harmed to some extent! It's just that the fierce fighting is not enough, even though I am dissatisfied, I just have to swallow it!

However, the misbehavior of the new governor and other officials have completely intensified these conflicts that could have been gradually eliminated over time! Coupled with the change of the supreme ruler of the empire and the support of certain forces in the upper echelons of the empire, these aboriginal people saw hope!

The slogans of the rebels were initially to punish unscrupulous officials, demand absolute autonomy, etc. Later, after successive defeats of the imperial army, their appetite became more and more swollen, and they openly raised the banner of self-reliance, and even planned to attack the empire!

However, all these ambitions came to nothing with the Queen's decisive and ruthless counterattack!

Fang Yuqing looked at the list in front of her, her face cold and silent.

The situation is now stable, but the impact of this rebellion on the empire is far from over!

Millions of troops went out to fight, labor and expenses were spent, and the loss of resources in all aspects was an astonishing figure! And all of this has to be paid for by the hundreds of millions of people under the empire!

The empire's war machine wasted nearly a year on this! As a result, the long-formulated external strategy plan had to be completely postponed! This has caused a series of negative impacts, as well as various tangible and intangible losses!

For such a rebellion, the empire lost too much!

Now, all the rebels will soon be destroyed, and peace will be restored to the twelve provinces in southern Xinjiang. From then on, they can truly integrate into the empire and become an integral part of the empire's territory! This is the view of some optimistic civil servants.

However, will things really develop like this?

At least, only a very small number of the wealthy families who supported the rebels openly or covertly were punished! Most were let go.

The reason is also very simple, that is, the ethnic forces of these families are intertwined and can affect the whole body. If too many are caught, it will inevitably affect the stable development of the local area! The situation that had finally calmed down had another twist!

The Queen snorted coldly in her heart: These losers who only know how to keep things quiet are full of innocent and beautiful fantasies in their minds! But you still think you are right!

Why don't they see that those races dare to support the rebels unscrupulously because of their confidence! If they are tolerated and tolerated at present, when the empire goes to war in the future, if they continue to cause trouble at home, wouldn't it be a fire in the backyard?

She figured that if she wanted to solve it once and for all, the only thing she could do was... She couldn't help but tighten the document in her hand.

It's unclear when the major general's report was completed. All the generals turned their attention to the queen who was still in a daze.

"Your Majesty! Regarding the actions of the Imperial Army, please ask Shuyuan for any other orders you have?" Wang Yuexiang coughed lightly, stood up and asked.

"How long will it take for you to wipe out the remnants of the rebels?" The queen already had her mind set and asked.

Wang Yuexiang looked at his other colleagues and solemnly promised: "One week at most!"

"That's good! However, as far as I know, the last few planets they occupied were all the territories that the races that led the rebellion had managed for a long time? The people living on them were almost all their own races. Is that so?" The Queen stared at the famous general who was loyal to her and asked calmly.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Wang Yuexiang looked at her face and asked tentatively:

"Should all the people on these planets be exiled as the price for their home race's support of the rebellion? According to past practice, they should serve at least forty years of hard labor! Before they can be pardoned!"

"Exile? Hard labor?" Fang Yuqing snorted coldly, "Don't you think it's too easy for them?"

"Then what do you mean, Your Majesty..." (.)

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