Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 759: Making your own decisions

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Ye Qingyuan shook his head helplessly: "Since you have been working for her for so many years, you should know that she has more than one information channel, right? If you intercept the information, she will not know anything? Such an approach, except Besides making you lose her trust, is there another result?"

"Besides, if something happens to the Queen, what good will it do to the current kingdom? I remember that you have always been very shrewd, why are you careless about this matter? Why do you want me to say you are good?"

Li Kai's face turned red, and he thought about explaining something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"Brother, there is definitely a reason for your behavior this time!" Luo Qingyue couldn't bear to embarrass him too much, so she asked.

"Of course there are reasons!" Ye Qingyuan looked at his expression and said slowly:

"Let me guess, you should be worried that after I get married to the Queen, I will change my original intention and completely forget about my past commitments, right?"

"Your Majesty..." The look of shame on Li Maci's face became even stronger!

Ye Qingyuan looked at this powerful minister who was loyal to him and always spared no effort to help him, and sighed softly: "Luo Qing, since you brought me into the Royal Supervisory Academy, in the past few years, how much have you treated me? I should have enough understanding of my character! Do you think I am the kind of person who is ungrateful after receiving benefits?"

"Even from a profit perspective, the help the Commandos can provide to the Kingdom is beyond what the Empire can match! Do you think I would do something stupid that would destroy my foundation?"

"Your Majesty! I was careless for a moment!" Li Maci said with a bitter smile,

"I saw that the Queen was too strong and was worried about Your Majesty... so I was overly worried! I must have come up with such a bad idea!"

Luo Qingyue looked at her man nervously, wondering if he would get angry and blame her brother?

Ye Qingyuan nodded gently: "I have promised you before, and now of course I will not break my promise because of the change in status! It's better than this. I will write down a written edict in the name of the leader of a country today. , wherever the kingdom’s flag can reach in the future, all cloned individuals will be freed and become legal citizens of the kingdom, enjoying the same rights and obligations as normal people!”

"With such an approach, you and the brothers and sisters in Commando Zhili should feel relieved, right?"

Li Kuai was startled, his face suddenly turned red, and an extremely excited expression suddenly appeared, and then he suppressed it forcibly with his strong self-control! Even Luo Qingyue was inexplicably happy.

"Your Majesty! On behalf of countless similar people in the dark world, thank you for your generosity!" He bowed deeply and said in a hoarse voice.

"Thank me for what? This is what I should do!" Ye Qingyuan said with a smile.

"This is your first time here! There's no need to leave in a hurry. Just rest here for a few days! Let others take over the affairs of the empire for the time being! When that woman betrays her family and leaves, I'll wait for the opportunity. It’s coming!”

Li Mace said respectfully: "Yes! Moreover, when I came here, I had already learned about the plans of the eight aristocratic families. They plan to take major actions within half a year! Maybe, we can think of doing something to prevent them from being too relaxed!"

"This is very good!" Ye Qingyuan said with satisfaction,

"I'll call everyone back later and discuss it carefully! I will decide on this empire!"

At this time, the King's Capital Planet is located in the tourist spaceport in synchronous orbit. Countless spaceships are taking off and landing every moment, and countless tourists are pouring in and out like a tide!

Chen Yan left the spaceport and looked at the bustling scene in front of her, with a flash of unbelievable shock in her eyes!

It's a cold night in the palace.

Ye Qingyuan secretly opened his eyes and took a quick look at Wu Zhou. Yun Xun'er was sleeping soundly next to him, her enchanting and seductive body tightly wrapped around him like a water snake, and her beautiful face was still full of joy. Sweet smile.

Calculating that time was almost up, he gently pulled out of his arms and legs and slipped out of bed quietly.

Outside the heavy bead curtains, the night watch maids have changed twice. At the door of the palace, the palace guards in full robes are vigilantly observing the surroundings, and they have not relaxed for a moment!

After walking out of the bead curtain, he waved casually, and two palace ladies in white immediately came over to help him dress. After a simple wash, the side door of the palace opened silently, and he walked away alone for a while.

When I came to the courtyard, I looked up at the vast night sky. It was magnificent and magnificent, and the vast ocean of stars was still dotted quietly in the high sky, unchanged for hundreds of millions of years!

A bright sword light suddenly appeared, wrapping his figure from the inside out, and then, the sword light slowly flew high into the sky!

The palace guards who were nearby were not surprised by this scene! The expressions of several beautiful-looking female palace guards who had obviously arrived not long ago did not change, but they communicated with each other in private with mental fluctuations:

"Your Majesty will leave for a while to practice again..."

"Of course, this is what he must do every day..."

"There is something strange about His Majesty's practice method. It is fundamentally different from the usual way of practicing supernatural powers..."

"However, he is very powerful. It is said that even strong men with stars far higher than him are no match for him..."

"Speaking of which, His Majesty is really a genius who has only lived for a century. He is so young and his fierce fighting power is almost at its peak! And he can also build such a big country..."

"They and I are actually about the same size, but the gap is really..."

Just as they were discussing in secret, two tall, beautiful palace guards with bright eyes and white teeth came slowly patrolling from a distance with a group of guards, causing them to stop deserting in unison.

The pair of palace guard commanders, who were obviously twin sisters, came over to look around and found nothing suspicious. After asking them a few questions casually, Fang left with satisfaction.

As soon as they left, several girls started talking again:

"You see! The twins just now are said to be nepotistic connections of a certain big shot in the kingdom's security department, so they were able to assume the position of commander as soon as they came in..."

"But he also has that fierce fighting ability, isn't he? It's not just based on connections..."

"What! They are only one star better than us. I heard! It's because His Majesty likes it, so..."

"No wonder! But this is also a helpless thing! If you can please His Majesty, your current status may be higher than them, maybe like the one sleeping over there. Then we will have to look after you. Door……"

"You think so! Is this so easy..."

Regardless of their whispers behind their backs, the huge silver-blue sword light slowly rose up. When it reached an altitude of 10,000 meters, it suddenly faded and disappeared completely in just a moment. After a few breaths, it had already appeared in front of them. Near the Earth's orbit!

With Ye Qingyuan's current fierce fighting power, it is easy to travel through the universe, and this distance is not a problem!

At this height, the air is extremely thin, and the magnificent ocean of stars hangs above your head, as if you can reach it with your arms!

Due to the long-term practice of that mental method, his body and brain waves are extremely sensitive to the majestic power of the stars in the vast starry sky! Especially in this near-absolute vacuum environment, the training effect will be greatly enhanced!

Just like the daily exercises in the past, the source energy in the body began to circulate according to specific meridians, and powerful brain waves spread to the five-week universe.

As soon as his mind moved, the star power in the sky was suddenly felt. Under the influence of a mysterious idea, the infinite bright starlight spanned the endless universe, gathered like a tide, and rushed into his body!

As more and more starlight gathered, the sword light became brighter and brighter, and its diameter gradually expanded, finally reaching a radius of nearly a kilometer! Like a gorgeous star hanging in low-Earth orbit!

Within the stars, under the mysterious traction force, the endless star energy slowly turned into a large silver mist, and then condensed into a huge cocoon of light, wrapping his entire body there!

The mental method exerts all its strength to stimulate, and the brain waves look inwards, and the small galaxy on that side becomes more and more clear. In the deep and vast void, countless extremely subtle and delicate stars are there, changing and changing, endlessly!

The five internal organs are washed and nourished by this extremely pure star energy, slowly transforming towards a higher level! Huge energy flows endlessly in the blood vessels and meridians, like the Yangtze River! Every meridian, every drop of blood, and even every cell contains boundless vitality that ordinary people cannot fathom!

Fifteen stars, in the eyes of outsiders, is the limit that a strong person in the human world can achieve! For thousands of years, the number of people who want to break through this shackles and break through to become a powerful person is like the sand in the Ganges River, but no one can succeed, no matter how talented you are, how perseverant you are, or what adventures you have!

Only he himself truly possesses the ability to aspire to the peerless realm! The fact that several powerful men in the Shuofeng Empire were able to successfully break through was also due to his genes!

However, Cangling Commando Zhi also obtained his genetic sample. Although it was also a processed defective product, it was not a problem to develop several seventh-grade DNA awakening potions. Based on this calculation, they should have more than one Is a powerful person of divine quality born?

However, as for myself, because my accumulation is too strong, even if I practice diligently, it is estimated that reaching level 19 will not be achieved in a day and a short time. Don't even think about it in three to five years! Unless there is another unexpected adventure!

Speaking of adventures, he suddenly remembered that when he received the Yuangu base, the Yuangu scepter contained information about the other two bases!

According to the star map and star field ruler left there, the second base should be located in the territory of the Tiloa Empire, somewhere in an unknown unknown territory; however, regarding the third base, I didn’t expect it to be In the Bojiang Empire!

It seems that if you want to obtain the complete inheritance of the ancient god race, you will have to visit these two empires in the future! Especially the Bojiang Empire, it is said that the territory they currently rule was originally the most prosperous territory of the ancient race of gods! It is estimated that many related ruins should have fallen into their hands, and this has made the Bojiang race a strong position in the star sea!

However, today's kingdom is busy expanding its territory, and powerful enemies are watching eagerly from the side. It is really worrying to think that they will be away for a long time! We can only wait until the time is right!

At the critical moment when he was concentrating on his practice, the starlight in the sky suddenly stopped, and a gentle energy interrupted his trance. Lan Yu's voice sounded faintly: "Stop for a moment!"


"Your old sweetheart is here!"

"What... old friend?" he asked confusedly, "How can I..."

But he soon found out!

The silver light cocoon slowly dispersed, and the sword light dimmed, revealing the scene outside.

A round of green light stopped quietly not far from him, and there, a beautiful woman in a fiery red dress and flying black hair was staring at him steadily!

His head buzzed and he suddenly became confused!

Memories that had been sealed for several years seemed like a flood that had opened and surged out in an instant!

"It's you..." Unconscious words came out of his mouth, his voice was hoarse and dry!

There is a vacuum here, and sound cannot spread. However, through his mouth movements, the woman opposite has confirmed his judgment!

"Ye Qingyuan?" Chen Yan was filled with joy and sorrow, and asked with mental fluctuations, "Is it really... you?"

Tears already appeared in his big bright eyes.

Several years have passed, but she still has not forgotten this relationship, not to mention she still has his child!

Ever since she learned the news, she has been worrying about gains and losses! I don’t know what reason I should give to see him, and what I should say after meeting him. Although what happened back then was not her fault, it was caused by her. Could he be angry with himself because of this? Misunderstand!

After she arrived in the royal capital, she struggled with these problems for a long time. In the end, she really couldn't figure it out, so she decided to use the simplest method to directly reveal her identity, enter the palace, see him, and see why he said it!

In the middle of the night, unable to fall asleep, she went to the rooftop of the hotel to watch the stars, and happened to see the sword light taking off from the palace in the distance and rising into the night sky!

Even though she was far away, she could still feel the boundless vitality! The vast energy magnetic field is far superior to that of the top level experts! There was also a familiar scent that made her ecstatic!

As expected of the owner of perfect genes, how many years has it been like to find Shuyuan I didn't expect such an incredible achievement!

When she encountered this kind of opportunity, there was no need to hesitate anymore, she immediately followed it! Then, there was the scene just now!

For a moment, Chen Yan's heart was full of mixed feelings, including joy, sadness, melancholy...all kinds of indescribable emotions, which made her feel timid unexpectedly.

"We haven't seen each other for a few years. How are you... doing?" Ye Qingyuan asked stammeringly.

He didn't guess why. He didn't expect that the other party would come to him! However, he is currently in the limelight, and it is normal for him to be paid attention to by senior commando organizations like Yan Yue.

Qing Hui quickly came over, and the woman opposite responded to his question with action.

It wasn't until he was held in her arms that a huge stone in his heart almost fell to the ground! (To be continued.)

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