Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 760 Chen Yan, my her

Two hours later, the silver-blue sword light slowly landed in the palace. 『小┡说┡』

However, the 20 palace guards discovered that their Majesty did not return to the palace to rest, but went to the imperial study room, and it seemed that he had someone with him! And she's a woman!

However, they didn’t know the specific reason until the next day!

In the royal study, the two sat hugging each other and recounted their experiences in the past few years.

"Sure enough, then I know that it was that vicious woman who did it!" Ye Qingyuan finally found out the cause and final result of that incident.

"How on earth did you avoid that shot?" Chen Yan sat in his arms and asked a little awkwardly:

"You were not as strong as me at that time, and there was no way you could withstand the bombardment of the battleship's first-level main battle cannon! Could it be that you still had a piece of five-star equipment on you? For example, a magic square matrix! But even if you did, you were already unconscious at the time It’s passed, and I won’t be able to wake up for a while!”

Seeing Ye Qingyuan's slightly uncertain expression, she quickly said: "Okay! If you don't want to tell me, just let it go for now, just pretend that I haven't asked!"

After talking for a while, she already knew that the man in front of her was no longer the ignorant boy he was before! As the leader of a country, his mental temperament has changed greatly. Even if he has not forgotten himself in his heart, he may not be able to tolerate his behavior of prying into some of his secrets!

Ye Qingyuan looked at her expression and said with a smile:

"You don't need to worry. Since you haven't changed, then in front of you, I am still the same person as before! However, there are some things that I can't explain to you now. It's not that I deliberately hide it from you. One day, you will knew!"

"Now, tell me why you found me?"

When this was mentioned, Chen Yan's face became solemn: "You should know her origins, right?"

"Of course," Ye Qingyuan said with a smile, "Zhi Nei of the Yanyue Commando, the third largest race, the daughter of the Xiao family, it is really unimaginable! Your background will be so big! Why did you refuse in the first place? talk?"

She said a little guiltily: "I didn't know what I was hiding from you back then. My family sent me out for training, and usually I would have to go back and take on greater responsibilities after two or three years! At that time, I would figure it out and wait for the opportunity. When you are mature, I will tell you that I will bring you into the commando organization! But who knows what happened later..."

The Xiao family's fierce fighting power and heritage, as well as their status within the Yanyue Commando Organization, are even higher than those of the Yun family in the empire! And as a direct descendant of this family's race, it goes without saying that she has a high status.

When Chen Yan first met him, she had the mentality of just playing it off, but it was only later that she developed true feelings. This was something Ye Qingyuan didn't know!

"The reason why people got the news about you is because the Emperor of the Yilong Empire over there, Yu Luo, submitted a big deal to the Commando Organization..." she said.

"Aimed at me?" Ye Qingyuan thought for a moment and then knew what she meant.

Chen Yan nodded lightly: "It just so happens that the person in charge of the commando team there is my sister. She heard someone talk about you, so she became suspicious and planned to go to me to ask. It's just that she I have been out carrying out tasks for half a year, and I just met him not long ago! So I came over right away!"

"Originally I understood that you are the candidate chosen by the Cangling Commando. According to the usual practice, the Yanyue Commando will not accept such a business. However, the situation in the star sea has changed now, and the Gnaslok Empire is developing Chang Kuai, after several days of debate among the commando team leaders, they felt that there was no need to abide by the past traditions, so they accepted this request!"

"How many people from the commando organization came this time?" he asked.

"Five Heavenly Punishment Killers! They are the Peak Awakeners of the Fifteen Stars!" She responded, "They are proficient in disguise, lurking, and sneak attacks and assassinations. No ordinary strong person from the same star can be their opponent!"

"It seems that your commando team has really spent a lot of money this time! Send out five peak experts at once!" Ye Qingyuan couldn't help laughing, "With my current status and fierce combat effectiveness, it seems that it is not worth mobilizing such a large number of troops. !”

Chen Yan rolled her eyes at him: "Those old guys are not worried about you, but the commando behind you! They did this just to test the reaction of Cangling's senior management! According to their opinion, even if Cangling attacks Even with a few strong men on your side, you will never be able to withstand the siege of five Heavenly Punishment Killers!"

"But now, I don't need to worry! With your current fierce fighting power, even if there are several times more Heavenly Punishment killers, they can't even scratch your head!" She hugged him and kissed him, "Perfect The power of genes is indeed beyond what outsiders can infer!”

"They should be arriving soon, right?" Ye Qingyuan stared at her and asked slowly:

"How do you think I should deal with them?"

Chen Yan was about to speak, but when she saw Fang Fang's deep eyes, her delicate body couldn't help but tremble, and her words were stuck in her throat.

As the leader of a country, how should you deal with such a situation at this moment! There is no need to ask! There is no other outcome except life and death!

When one's own life is threatened, if one still thinks about compromising and giving in, that would not be the behavior of a qualified monarch!

And even though she has the closest relationship with the other party, on this matter of principle, it is impossible to assume that a bowl of water will be balanced without offending both parties!

From the commando's point of view, her current behavior is tantamount to betrayal! Even if the five Heavenly Punishment Killers were able to escape unscathed in the end, it would not change their views!

And the man in front of her still had feelings for her. But if she begged for someone else when they met for the first time a few years later, and it was still in this situation, then what would be in his mind? Will he think that she is no longer the same person as before, and thus feel alienated?

"You...just do whatever you want! I don't have any objections!" She gritted her teeth and said with some difficulty:

"I just understand that my sister is also among them. I hope you can save her life by then. In the end, we can meet again. She did a great job!"

It seems like she still prefers me!

Ye Qingyuan looked at her pale face, felt a slight warmth in his heart, and said with a smile:

"You don't need to feel guilty! In this situation, it's really hard to say who is right and who is wrong! So far, your commando team has no enmity with me, we are just doing things according to the rules! Even for your sake, I will I won’t let things get out of hand!”

"I won't kill any of these people! Capture them all by then, and then let the old guys from the commando Oriuchi come over and negotiate with me!"

"What do you mean..." Chen Yan blinked her beautiful black and white eyes, vaguely guessing, and asked uncertainly.

"You commandos haven't planned to put all your bets on the emperor yet, have you?" Ye Qingyuan asked.

"Yes! However, the Genaslok Empire is currently making great progress! Therefore, many venerables are already inclined to do this!" She already knew what he meant!

"As long as it's all, then there's still room to talk!" He said confidently,

"Even if the empire goes smoothly and has doubled its territory, we can't be sure that he will have the last laugh! Several well-established alien civilizations are still watching from the side!"

"Yeah! It's true!" She nodded hurriedly,

"My grandmother is one of the five top commanders in the Commando Organization. She disapproves of the actions taken by the commando organization's senior leaders against you! It was only through the efforts of the Lan family that it was passed!"

"Isn't that enough?" He smiled and said,

"You don't have to come forward then. I will rely on my fierce fighting power to subdue those killers, so that the top leaders of the commando team will not suspect you, and the next thing will be easy to handle!"

"That's right!" When he heard her mention the Lan family, he asked again:

"Is Lan Shixia still alive today? Is she also a member of the Lan family?"

Chen Yan said: "Yes! Her grandfather is also one of the five great commanders. I thought I would kill her to avenge you! But she has always been very careful. More than a year ago, she became Genus again. The Queen of the Locke Empire, so I really can’t find a chance!”

"That's it!" Ye Qingyuan snorted lightly and coldly,

"Then let me do it! She and her man's empire! There is no need to continue to exist! One day, I will make her regret coming to this world!"

Looking at the time, it would be dawn in more than two hours. Ye Qingyuan hugged her and said, "After talking for a long time, I'll go and rest for a while!"

"Yes!" A touch of red clouds flew over her fair and smooth face. She meekly let him hold her in his arms and turned behind the screen, where there was also a big bed.

After being apart for several years, the two finally reunited, and what happened next is needless to say!

After the passion, the sky was already bright, and the two of them were not tired at all. They cuddled tightly and talked about their love that seemed to be endless.

"Oops! I almost forgot one of the most important things!" Chen Yan lifted Zhen from his arms, her snow-grey skin, and the alluring ravine between her firm breasts, all presented to him at a glance. In front of you!

"Why?" he asked with some confusion.

"This is the child I've been waiting for!" She took off the necklace from her neck, opened the pendant and handed it to him.

"Really?" He was suddenly horrified. When he saw the interesting image of the little girl, a burst of indescribable ecstasy, mixed with all kinds of inexplicable emotions, suddenly came to his heart!

That’s right, this is my own child! Even though it’s just an image! However, that kind of vague resonance in the blood that transcends the barriers of time and void actually exists!

As an ordinary person, whether you have children or not only affects your family. However, as the head of a country, if he fails to give birth to an heir, it is an extremely serious political problem and may even affect the stability of the regime!

Unexpectedly, my kingdom was worrying about the successor, and this child appeared! The hidden dangers that worried all the kingdom’s ministers in the past no longer exist!

Then he estimated that she had been raising the children alone in the past few years, and he had not fulfilled half of his responsibilities. He couldn't help but feel guilty, and sighed: "I'm sorry! I have really made you feel wronged these years." "

"Don't say that!" She gently covered his mouth with her delicate hands, and she smiled:

"As long as you remember her kindness from now on! Go and pick up the child I'm waiting for! It's really heartbreaking to have to leave her alone at home every time I go on a mission!"

"No problem! I'll go there together after we finish dealing with things here!"

On this side of the Skandon Star Abyss, the top leaders of the five major power alliances gathered together to discuss the issue of curbing the external expansion ambitions of the Kingdom of Daomang! Start making a series of arrangements!

In the secret meeting room, the five bosses sat together again to exchange views on the recent situation in the Star Sea!

Wibert was the first to speak: "Everyone! Do you all know what's happening over at Scandon Star Abyss? What should be done next? You may wish to speak freely!"

What he said was that the Tiroan Empire's army suddenly suspended all military operations, and the entire army shrank its defense lines and hid in hiding.

Of course, this is by no means the result of Emperor Philosis being sympathetic to his soldiers, but he has a more feasible penetration plan! In this way, all conventional military forces were withdrawn from the battlefield.

According to the news secretly sent back by spies sent by several forces who have been away for a while, the empire secretly sent several groups of special engineering ships to an unknown destination, escorted by a large number of powerful people with super powers! I don’t know what killer move they are planning!

Difolia said: "Perhaps they have recently come up with some powerful means and are planning to move it out to experiment. Maybe they can create a safe passage!"

"It's possible!" Baudelaire agreed with his point of view with a gentle nod.

"However, I believe it is the work of the ghost race! That group of profit-seeking volleyball players, I don't know what's going on recently, suddenly came to sell those amazingly powerful weapons and equipment to us! In the past, they would never These sharp weapons that may harm themselves will be sold in large quantities!"

Xia Qiying said: "Since they can sell things to us, of course they can also trade with other forces! As long as they can make money, there is nothing wrong with this!"

Defrai said with some annoyance: "A few days ago, I was still happy to have a batch of powerful equipment! I thought that now we can better consolidate the defense line. Looking for Shuyuan can even be considered as direct Attack! But if the empire has obtained the same thing, we still can’t take it lightly! Hey! These smart guys!"

Xia Qiying sighed: "This is the shrewdness of those volleyball players! Both warring parties spent a huge amount of crystal cores to purchase their equipment, but in the end they found that the strategic balance between each other had not changed at all! The only one who gained Just those guys who count money until their hands cramp!”

"Emperor Philosis doesn't know how much he paid in exchange for certain technologies of the ghost race to use to open a safe corridor in the Scandon Star Abyss!"

Difolia asked: "What should we do now? Should we let them run wild?"

Xia Qiying shook her head: "Of course not! The empire will not get what it wants! Actually, those volleyball players care more about the safety of this line of defense than I do!"

"What do you mean..." Wibert seemed to have guessed some of the reasons, and asked in an uncertain tone.

"Everyone, prepare enough crystal cores!" She said with a wry smile, "These volleyballs will soon be selling me some technologies and equipment that can curb the empire's actions!" (To be continued.)

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