Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 765: Unification? Fantasy!

"Who has the last laugh?"

"Then it depends on whether you have the confidence! In fact, I feel that your chances are no less than that person's! Work hard!"

On August 17, 7947 in the interstellar calendar, more than five years have passed since the Kilizako invasion. Δ小     said * It was precisely because of this unprecedented disaster in the human world that Ye Qingyuan had the first opportunity to leave the planet where he was born and lived for eighteen years and join in the tragic war! And grew up in the flames of war, and finally reached the top of the empire's power!

After staying in the imperial capital for a year and a half, a war started in southern Xinjiang, and he led an army of supernatural beings to go on an expedition! After a series of bloody battles, the main army invaded by the Xuanluo Federation was defeated, and all the way into the hinterland of the Federation, all the hundreds of cosmic areas in the Shangyu Galaxy were included in the empire's territory!

After the war ended, he abandoned all power and honor, took a group of cronies away, and came to the Hell Soul Star Sea to establish his own foundation! After more than two years of hard work, he became the master of the kingdom with more than 300 universe areas! Only he himself knows the ups and downs, difficulties and setbacks.

After Chen Yan learned about his experiences in the past few years, she had mixed feelings and felt a deep sense of loss! If I could have been more firm in my attitude at the beginning, and even asked my ancestors for help, I wouldn't have just been about to break up with him by then, right?

During the years when the man in my life went from immaturity to maturity, I failed to stay by his side, struggle and grow with him, and leave my own imprint in his heart. So, From now on, there will never be such an opportunity!

His original self should have a unique status in his heart, even more important than his sister who he had lived with for several years! However, just because of her own hesitation, things completely developed in a direction she had not expected!

No matter how deep the feelings are, they can't help the passage of time. A few years have passed, and the traces I left in his heart have already faded! The status of any of the women who are accompanying him now is probably not inferior to hers!

As soon as I expected that all this was caused by the vicious Lan Shixia! She couldn't suppress the boiling murderous intention in her heart! If it hadn't been for her, would she have ended up in this embarrassing situation?

Fortunately, I still have his child. Depending on this favorable reason, there may be a chance to remedy the situation! Otherwise, the weight of himself in his heart now would not be much greater than that of a maid beside him!

Naturally, Ye Qingyuan didn't know clearly about her complicated thoughts. Along the way, the two of them not only chatted with each other, but also discussed the current situation of the star sea world and possible future development trends!

The Gnaslok Empire sent troops to attack the Tianshi Republic as a symbol, officially kicking off the competition between the major powers of mankind for the supremacy of the star sea!

As of now, a year and a half has passed, and the balance of power in the Star Sea World has quietly changed! The number of countries and forces that originally numbered in the five figures has been reduced by more than two-thirds due to the crazy conquests of the big powers!

The big countries at the top of the ranking have all seen their territories expand significantly! Especially as the most powerful nation, the progress of the Genaslok Empire is extreme! The vast land of more than two thousand universe areas has become its new territory! The various resources and population it has obtained, as well as its huge political reputation and influence, have made it favored by more and more forces and individuals!

Maybe the one who can unify the star sea in the future is really Ulionov V! Many people don’t say it verbally, but they are gradually recognizing this point of view in their hearts!

Today's wars are mainly about big countries conquering and annexing small and medium-sized countries, and plundering resources and territory! There are not many direct conflicts between major powers!

At present, most of the weak small and medium-sized countries and forces in the fierce fighting have been divided and annexed! Most of the remaining ones are existences with absolutely fierce fighting power. In order to protect themselves, many of their members are beginning to seek alliances in an attempt to protect themselves from the threat of the military fronts of the great powers!

However, this can only alleviate the temporary crisis. In the long run, they will not be able to withstand the tiger and wolf divisions of those big countries!

According to Leng Zhuo's estimation, in as little as one year and as much as two or three years, these remaining middle-level countries and forces will also be annexed and eaten one by one!

At this point, the initial star segment of the Unification War is completed! In the entire Star Sea World, there will only be a total of less than ten major countries or alliances of forces left!

Immediately afterwards, comes the most fierce and important star segment in the battle for star sea hegemony!

The generals of several big countries will come up with their own ingenious plans, join forces vertically and horizontally, and make friends from far away and attack close by! Alliances are betrayed, divisions and disintegration occur, and dissension infiltrates! There is no use for anything! Just to make yourself the final winner!

In this process, while the major powers are doing their best to suppress their own races, they also have to allocate a lot of energy and resources to deal with the interference and calculations from the established civilizations of different races! The stronger the fierce fighting power of a big country, the greater the pressure it will bear!

Emperor Yuwen Cangqiong back then, and many other great powers or forces later on, as long as they showed fierce fighting power and determination to unify the human world, they would always encounter accidents of one kind or another. The supreme ruler would die, and the country would suffer major disasters. Mistakes in decision-making, a series of mysterious disasters, and more! As a result, the hegemony declined and unification came to nothing!

Therefore, the huge early progress does not mean anything! It will only make you become a thorn in the side of the other race, and be suppressed with all your strength!

For the Daomang Kingdom, which is still building up its fierce combat power, there is still time, but it is also running out! The kingdom's national strength must be raised to a higher level as soon as possible before it can be qualified to participate in the next round of brutal competition! Otherwise, you will be out early!

Leng Zhuo had discussed this important issue with him, and he already knew it in his mind. After taking his daughter back, he planned to convene the ministers to discuss the strategic layout plan for the next star segment of the kingdom!

"By the way! What's the name of the child I'm waiting for? You haven't said it yet!" Ye Qingyuan suddenly thought about this and asked her.

"Siyun! Xiao Siyun!" she said softly,

"Of course, when you return to the kingdom, you, the father, will have to give her a formal name, Princess. It doesn't seem right to call her that way!"

"This name is very good! Why is it bad?" There was a warmth in his heart, and he couldn't help but hug her tightly.

According to her, when she first realized she was pregnant, she originally planned to take out the embryo and freeze it, and then let the child be born after killing Lan Shixia! However, later on, as the racial power of Lan Shixia's family became more and more powerful, revenge became difficult to achieve. After wanting to get rid of her scalp, she had to change her mind and let the child be born until she grew up!

"Have you tested the child's genes? You don't have anything to do, right?" Ye Qingyuan asked slightly nervously.

Chen Yan said: "Of course, the genes are really excellent! Although I can't compare with you, there are so many so-called peak experts! It will not be a problem to be promoted to a divine expert in the future!"

"And she has been brought up by her own hands, and she is taken care of by the biochemistry housekeepers when she goes on a mission! Except for her sister, she generally has no contact with outsiders! Therefore, there is no possibility of leakage of genetic samples! You can rest assured!"

He took a breath, the matter of perfect genes must not be leaked! Ever since Yun Xun'er managed to scheme against him that time, he has been very careful! Fortunately, with the technology of this era, as long as you pay attention, you can ensure that not a single hair or even a tiny bit of skin debris is left behind!

A few days later, the "Sneak Shadow" star shuttle has entered the territory of the Gnaslok Empire! The artifact comes with the function of peering into normal void dynamics from the void gap! When passing through some main waterways and large industrial bases, he slowed down and observed the empire's war readiness situation!

Since the current main strategic attack direction of the imperial army is the northeast, it is precisely because of this that all major waterways heading in this direction have been filled by mighty fleets, military fortresses, and logistics transport fleets!

The ancients said: Before the soldiers and horses move, food and grass go first! In the interstellar era, in addition to food and grass, in order to ensure a long-lasting combat capability, a main fleet requires various logistical materials that have reached astronomical figures!

Just take a warship corps with a size of 150,000 ships as an example. Even if it only ensures normal cruising and combat readiness, the monthly loss of various materials will reach tens of thousands, which is equivalent to 20 crystal cores. As many as billions! Moreover, the larger the fleet, the higher and more complex the required logistical support conditions are! The more money you burn, the more serious it becomes!

If you encounter a war, especially a long-term and high-intensity battle, the cost of using it will be soaring! It has become a bottomless pit that consumes national resources!

Of course, for such a great country, the family wealth is not as strong as usual, but there is no need to worry about it!

"It is indeed the most powerful country! Once it enters a wartime state, its industrial production capacity is really huge!" Looking at those inestimably large space factories and industrial bases that can be seen everywhere near the administrative planet! He was working overtime to produce various materials needed for the war. While he was shocked, he also felt a hint of worry!

I am also a person who aspires to the great cause of Xinghai. It is inevitable that I will confront this empire one day in the future! At that time, facing the empire's extremely powerful large-scale industrial system, the war potential was almost unlimited! Can his country compete with that?

Watch the fleet of brand-new warships emerging from the space industrial base. After undergoing complete safety tests, they will be sent to the unmanned planet ground base in the distance! Intelligent robots will perform the final interior facilities decoration processing!

Almost all the surface of the entire rocky planet is covered by this silver-gray steel monster! And from time to time, some groups of various warships that have been prepared receive takeoff orders, take off and sail away, heading for the front line along the void tunnel!

Such a shocking industrial background really made him ashamed!

Most of the kingdom's heavy industrial foundations are currently not fully developed. It is precisely because of this that we have to work harder after returning! There’s a long way to go! You can only make up for it with money and hard work!

Among the big countries in the entire human world, in terms of its long existence, long history, and strong national power, the Gnaslok Empire is almost the well-deserved number one existence!

This empire existed as early as the age of the earth. After humans entered the interstellar world, some domestic forces were forced to leave their countries and exile in the star sea due to the failure of political struggles, and came to this area of ​​the universe to develop again.

Thousands of years have passed, and the empire has been destroyed and rebuilt several times. As a number of powerful countries in the past have experienced troubles one after another for one reason or another, they have either declined, split, or simply perished, and have been lost in the long river of time. ! The empire that has been concentrating on accumulating fierce fighting power and developing silently has finally risen and become the number one power in the star sea world! And it has occupied this position for hundreds of years!

After so many years of development, it stems from the almost obsessive desire for territory among those in power in the past dynasties! The empire's territory is the largest among human countries! The direct benefits brought by this are that the empire has extremely large reserves of various rare strategic resources, and it is one of the few countries that can achieve self-sufficiency in all development resources!

Using a clock dial as a metaphor to describe the places and territories of major countries, the vast territory of the Gnerslok Empire extends from the 8 o'clock position to the three o'clock position! Spanning nearly 29,000 light years! There are as many as 2,300 regions in the universe! And this is just the number before the war started! Now its territory has doubled, and there is a tendency to continue to expand!

The Tunguska Galaxy, located in the heart of the empire, is a galaxy with the most active and abundant resources in the entire star sea world! The entire galaxy covers more than 1,500 areas of the universe and is distributed in an irregular river belt shape, hence its name!

For any rare strategic resources needed for the development of today's great powers, please find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyua. com you can find ample storage here! It contains giant crystal core veins that can be seen everywhere, a large number of energy crystal planets that exist in the open air, and various rare metal mines with extremely high purity! Resources such as gold and rare earths are scattered everywhere like rubbish!

There are more than 50,000 ecological planets in the entire Tunguska Galaxy, all of which have extremely large life-form resources! Tens of thousands of precious woods, exotic flowers and plants, and all kinds of edible animals and plants that are so delicious that they are incalculable are all here! Many life forms are even rare species unique to this starry sky! There are also many treasures that are indispensable for awakened people to achieve breakthroughs in practice!

Two-thirds of the various strategic resources required for the expansion of the empire come from this place! In a word: Tunguska Galaxy is a veritable golden kiln of the empire and a national treasure house! Whoever controls this place controls the lifeblood of the entire empire, and whoever controls it has the capital to dominate the Star Sea!

However, fortunately, the population of the empire is not large. Such a vast land has a population of less than 800 billion, which can be said to be the bottom number among the top ten major countries! This is also its only shortcoming! Otherwise, the national power of this empire will be even stronger!

Such a behemoth is a powerful being that any powerful force in the Star Sea World has to be wary of, and is never willing to provoke unless it is absolutely necessary! (To be continued.)

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