Now, facing the aggressive momentum of this big country, it has made several nearby big countries extremely uneasy!

It is said that the Rockefeller Empire has sent a secret envoy to the Black Republic to negotiate a truce and join forces to curb the possibility of the Gnaslok Empire. It has also invited several major powers with fierce fighting capabilities that are second-rate to join in to build momentum!

However, several well-established alien civilizations still remain silent at this time and show no signs of intervention!

Of course, this is just the opinion of ordinary people. Ω  Δ Novel* In reality, Ye Qingyuan has mastered a lot of information worthy of attention through various secret channels!

Not to mention anything else, at least after the Tian Yu Teng Snake attacked the palace of the Queen of the Shuofeng Empire, the relationship between the Yanwei Tribal Alliance and the Bojiang Empire was already in an extremely bad situation!

According to news from within the empire, since Zhu Zhaoyuan took control of the supreme power, he has signed a series of treaties, giving those half-human, half-snake guys a lot of privileges! Covering many fields such as business, taxation, law, residence, resource development, etc.! This caused a large number of Yanwei people to enter the empire to hunt for gold!

At the same time, the Bojiang people, who had always regarded the Shuofeng Empire as their own vassal territory, also took action! A large number of strong men took advantage of their appearance, which was no different from that of humans, to secretly sneak into the empire and launch a series of large-scale killing operations against the Yanwei people!

Of course, such actions are all carried out under the table! The top leaders of the two races finally maintained their last sense of reason and had no intention of openly declaring war! However, it is unknown how long such a secret war situation can last, and whether the situation will gradually get out of control!

However, regarding the ghost race, that group of volleyball players have been very active recently, happily running back and forth between the major forces, selling their various void equipment that are astonishingly powerful and even more astonishingly priced! Make a lot of money!

Only the Miriam Empire had no movement. However, this was only on the surface. Secretly, an unconfirmed news slowly began to spread among the top leaders of the major forces: Why is the Gnaslok Empire progressing so smoothly? In addition to the help of the Yanyue Commando, they also received the tacit approval and even secret support of the Miriam people!

No one knows how much the empire paid to gain their support, and what the intentions of these red-skinned lizard-like life forms are!

Imperial capital, Skria universe area.

In the center of the universe, there is a huge blue star with eleven ecological planets surrounding it. This is the heart of the empire!

The Imperial Palace is located in the stratosphere of the fifth planet. It uses countless giant anti-gravity engines to hold up the huge palace complex. Under the sunlight, it is so beautiful that it looks like a paradise on earth!

Located deep in the palace complex, somewhere in a magnificent palace, a grand party of debauchery and lust is being staged at this time!

Thick black curtains embroidered with gorgeous gold patterns completely covered all the floor-to-ceiling windows! The palace door was closed, and dozens of female palace guards wearing transparent shirts were guarding the door.

The spacious hall is now covered with thick white shag carpets, dozens of large sand beds, water beds, and circular rotating beds are arranged in a chaotic manner, and the pink sheets are sprinkled with flower petals of five colors!

Most of the lights in the hall have been extinguished, and only a few small pink lanterns that emit a lot of light are dotted in a few inconspicuous corners! The void of Nuoda is filled with a sweet perfume that has a strong effect!

In the dim environment, dozens of pairs of men and women, all naked, hugged each other and rolled around, assuming various bold and bold postures, engaging in the most primitive communication activities of love! The sounds of heavy breathing, the woman's artificial moans, and the clear and loud sounds of skin and flesh hitting each other, echoed one after another in the spacious hall!

This is the masquerade of the Gnarsrock Empire! When the participants entered the venue, apart from their masks, both men and women were wearing naked clothes! Here, each other's identity is no longer an obstacle, only the most primitive sexual behavior remains!

Due to insufficient population, the empire's top officials took many measures to increase the fertility rate! It contains this fragrant and bright anti-aging activity! It is said to be an extremely ridiculous idea proposed by a certain generation of romantic emperors!

The empire's fertility rate has not increased much because of this, but this trend has spread! Even the well-dressed high-ranking officials at the top of the empire are eager to play this game! It is a more shameless behavior than adultery and cheating!

Above the main hall, there is a semi-isolated void surrounded by several jade screens! There is a large antique couch. On the screen, the golden bedspread is embroidered with countless spring/palace paintings with beautiful brushwork and harmonious lines!

Two big men, one black and one white, sandwiched a fair and plump breast in the middle, shaking crazily and rhythmically! From time to time, there were a few excited roars like wild beasts! The woman was attacked from both front and back, letting out unscrupulous soft waves/laughter!

After a long time, with the woman's scream, the crazy sex finally came to an end!

The two men let go of their hands and lay on the couch with the woman to take a rest.

"Dear Badoglia, and Laisen, your skills are getting better and better!" The woman said with a satisfied look on her face.

The white man is apparently the guy who has been pursuing Chen Yan! Hearing the woman's compliment, he said flatteringly: "Dear Your Majesty the Queen! It is Badoglia's honor to satisfy you!"

The dark guy was also busy echoing!

Unexpectedly, that woman turned out to be Lan Shixia, the queen of the Grassrock Empire, a noble figure in the world! At this time, he and his two lovers were happily engaged in such a shameless and romantic thing!

Lan Shixia smiled with satisfaction and said: "That's good! His Majesty the Emperor has not returned from his expedition to the sea of ​​​​stars today. I am really lonely. Fortunately, I have a group of knowledgeable guys like you accompanying me! Otherwise, this life would be really sad. !”

Badoglia pondered for a moment and asked tentatively: "I heard that the empire is planning to suspend the war temporarily so that it can accumulate strength and prepare for the next wave of strategic offensive?"

Lan Shixia glanced at him sideways with her almond-shaped eyes, and said calmly: "Yes! For this reason, His Majesty the Emperor has already planned to return to the Imperial Capital for a short vacation! He will probably come back next month!"

Looking at the somewhat disappointed expressions of the two guys, she smiled softly and said: "Okay! There's no need to be so depressed, okay? The emperor won't stay long. Once he leaves, can't I wait to be happy together every day?" "

"When I thought that you were going to accompany His Majesty, my heart was like a knife! Do you know that apart from you, there is no room for any other woman in my heart? Ah! You are the aloof goddess in my heart! You are So flawless..." Badoglia opened her mouth and said a lot of love words that made her vomit!

"Okay, okay! You are the only one who knows how to coax people!" Lan Shixia said with a proud smile,

"Because of your hard work, I will recommend you to His Majesty when he comes back! I will arrange a suitable job for you!"

Badoglia was overjoyed when she heard this, and started another offensive of disgusting love words. In the end, she unexpectedly knelt down on the carpet, hugged one of her thighs, and started fucking like a dog! That Laisen followed suit and hugged her other leg!

"Ouch! You two bad guys! Stop for a second, I have something serious to say!" Lan Shixia retracted her legs with a smile and sat up.

"Master, what do you want to order?" Badoglia was still lying on the carpet respectfully, with his butt raised high! He raised his head and looked at her eagerly.

"His Majesty the Emperor ascended the throne not long ago and has been busy with foreign campaigns. The harem is still very deserted!" Lan Shixia shook her green silk stockings and said:

"Therefore, this time I want to select a group of suitable high-ranking women for Your Majesty to enrich the harem! Well! You can help me by then!"

Badoglia's eyes lit up and he said obscenely: "Of course! However..."

As soon as Lan Shixia looked at his expression, she knew what he was planning. She kicked him bitterly and scolded him, "Okay! I knew you had bad ideas! You said you were wholeheartedly devoted to me!"

"Hehe! Your Majesty the Queen! This is not my fault. I am here to fulfill your order and select the most suitable woman for His Majesty the Emperor!" He said shamelessly.

"You have a good idea!" Lan Shixia glanced at him,

"Okay! It's up to you what you want! But we've agreed beforehand that you'd better not make any plans until His Majesty the Emperor comes to visit them! Otherwise, if you anger His Majesty, I won't be able to protect you!"

Badoglia was overjoyed and nodded hurriedly in response!

"Is that Chen Yan still going out to carry out tasks recently?" Lan Shixia asked again.

"It seems... like this!" He said hesitantly.

"Huh! This woman doesn't know what the heavens and the earth are! She always got into trouble with me in the past!" The queen smiled coldly,

"What a good thing happened to her this time! His Majesty the Emperor has been thinking about her since he saw her that time! This time he specifically asked me to select her into the palace!"

"What? This..." Badoglia couldn't help but be horrified, her expression hesitant.

"Why? Are you reluctant to part with it?" Lan Shixia looked at him with disdain,

"Are you still thinking of chasing after her? Come on! That woman is a bitch. If she doesn't give in, if you give her a whip, she will immediately strip naked and lie on the ground begging you to fuck her!"

"Now that I have entered the palace and am under my control, I will try my best to deal with her!"

She stood up and suddenly stepped on his head: "Don't worry! As long as you can serve me well! Then that woman, you can play whatever you want! Is I good enough for you?"

"Yes! Your Majesty the Queen!" Badoglia debated for a while and finally made a choice!

In the Ziyuan Universe area, the "Jiying" star shuttle finally landed on the planet Beida Continent after several days of traveling!

In the garden behind the villa, there are pavilions, rockeries, lakes, flowers and grass, which looks particularly beautiful and elegant! The magnetic field generator opened a light blue energy shield, separating this paradise from the ice and snow outside!

Siyun was riding a small bicycle, walking slowly on a path paved with fine pebbles. A life chemistry butler who looked exactly like Chen Yan was following beside him.

It seems that when Chen Yan is not at home, the housekeeper takes care of her daily life and plays the role of mother, which does not make her feel too lonely!

The little girl pedaled happily, turning her little face from time to time to talk and laugh with the life chemistry steward next to her. Her childish voice reached Ye Qingyuan's ears, with a strange power that could penetrate gold and stone!

He just stood like this at the back door, quietly watching his daughter playing happily. He thought about going over to hug her, but he was a little embarrassed and timid. He didn't know whether it was the first time she saw him. How will this father react?

Chen Yan, who was standing by, noticed his nervousness, smiled slightly in understanding, and said, "I'll wait there!"

He nodded slightly, took a deep breath, and walked over with her.

Siyun was having fun when the wheel suddenly got stuck and his forward momentum was stopped by a gentle force.

She looked up with some confusion, and saw a strange young uncle standing in front of her, looking at her kindly, his eyes full of excitement and joy!

"You're blocking my way!" The little girl stared at him with bright black eyes and yelled at him unhappily.

The young uncle still smiled gently and had no intention of giving way. He even stretched out his hand to hug her.

Siyun subconsciously shrank back and looked at him with a somewhat wary look.

Ye Qingyuan was slightly startled, unsure of what to do, and shrugged. He grabbed a handful of beautifully packaged candies from the void ring and handed them to her.

Unexpectedly, the effect was even worse. The little girl quickly climbed off the bicycle and hid behind the life chemistry housekeeper without even looking at him!

"Um...this!" He didn't expect such a result, and couldn't help but feel a little at a loss. She looked back at Chen Yan as if asking for help.

She had been hiding behind him before, not letting the little girl see her. Seeing Ye Qingyuan shrinking, she showed up like this. Calling gently: "Baby, come to mommy!"

When Siyun saw it was her, he jumped over to her with a joyful cry and plunged into her arms.

"Master, you are back!" Several maids around came over to greet him.

"Go prepare lunch! Remember to make it rich!" she ordered casually.


After they retreated, Chen Yan held her daughter and went to the pavilion by the lake with Ye Qingyuan and sat down at the stone table at the end.

Siyun kept talking to his mother affectionately and ignored him from beginning to end.

Although Chen Yan went back and forth to explain to her that the young uncle in front of her was the father she had never met, the look in her eyes when she looked at Ye Qingyuan was still unfamiliar, and she was looking for Shuyuan to be more wary. !

Even though Bian Fang brought out more snacks, candies, and toys, she was still unmoved, let alone let him hug her!

She definitely thought of me as a weirdo who deceived little girls! Ye Qingyuan thought about it somewhat depressedly.

It's just that she can't blame her. Ever since she opened her eyes to see the world, she has only been with her mother. From then on, there will be no second relative in her life. It is normal for her to be unable to accept herself! I can only cultivate my feelings slowly from now on!

"When should I go back?" he asked Chen Yan.

"Why are you in such a hurry? You have to tidy it up!" She said with a smile, "How about taking a rest overnight and leaving tomorrow morning?"

When you get back to the kingdom, what do you want? Are you still using it for cleaning? He was about to object, but he figured that after all, this was the place where she and her children had lived for a long time. After leaving this time, she didn't know when she would be able to come back again. It was only natural for people to be a little reluctant. .

"Okay! It's up to you!" he said. (To be continued.)

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