Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 771 The God of Shadows

? The girls in the harem did not rest at this time, they were all sitting and chatting together in Qin Yuanyuan's palace.

After these days of buffering, the girls have gradually accepted Chen Yan's joining, at least they no longer deliberately resist. However, the arrival of Siyun added a lot of laughter to the harem.

The little girl has always lived in a relatively closed environment. When she first arrived, she met so many people who were willing to play with her. After a brief period of discomfort, she became one with the mothers and concubines in a short time!

Of course, the happiest person is my mother. Although she is actually not very old, she is almost satisfied to be able to see her granddaughter so early and resolve a worry!

Regarding Ye Qingyuan's decision not to seal the queen for the time being, the girls were surprised, but a glimmer of hope emerged in their hearts. They felt that things were almost turning around. As long as they could get good news, they might not have to fight for it in the future. Chance!

After Ye Qingyuan returned to the palace, he also came to sit with them for a while, seeing that it was getting late and it was time to rest.

Looking at the eager eyes of the girls, he hesitated for a moment and then said: "I am here today. Dear concubines, um... if it's okay! Go back and rest early!"

As a result, all the girls looked at him with smiles, and no one had the intention to get up and walk.

All right! Then I know this is the case! Don't go to bed without guessing tonight! Ye Qingyuan twitched the corners of his eyes in private and said nothing more!

Finally, Leng Zhuo said with a smile: "I'm not feeling well today, so I won't argue with you sisters! I'm resigning now!"

Chen Yan also smiled and said: "Siyun is going out for the first time, and she is not used to this place yet. I will sleep with her today, sisters, please help yourself!"

As a result, only Yun Xun'er, Luo Qingyue and her sister were left present. The three women embraced him into the inner courtyard of the palace, and then spent another night of joy and happiness...

Zhanying Wangting.

In a hidden void somewhere, hundreds of round ghost race sages gathered together, exuding powerful auras. The pale golden magnetic field reflected each other, and the smooth body surface was covered with dense, complicated and gorgeous patterns, with various colors from time to time on it. The light flashes!

This void is not big, only several kilometers in radius! In the center of it is a square pillar-shaped base about a hundred meters high, all covered in snow-white, which looks like nothing more than the material. Countless mysteries are engraved on it using an unknown technique, like the weird runes of a heavenly book. The runes were like living creatures, flickering and moving along the surface of the cylinder according to absolute rules!

At the top of the square pillar is an object with a diameter of tens of meters, which is somewhat similar to a satellite dish in the Earth era. The number of mysterious runes on it is more than ten times greater! There are many strange scales on it!

If you observe those scales carefully, you will find that they seem to be a method of positioning the void star field ruler, but it is different from the five-dimensional void quadrant star field ruler positioning used by outsiders, and it is also different from the five-dimensional void tomography positioning method!

Those scale divisions are composed of as many as ten different mysterious symbol commandos! In other words, the void or time that this thing can locate and detect reaches as many as ten dimensions!

Such a level of technology has far exceeded what humans can achieve. Even these old alien civilizations and even the ghost race, which is known for its ability to manipulate and utilize the void, cannot possibly reach such a height! Otherwise, the entire Star Sea World would have been theirs for a long time!

This is a race-suppressing artifact owned by the ancient race of gods nine thousand years ago when they dominated the star sea! Zhouji celestial dial!

As long as you supply it with enough and powerful life energy! You can activate it and it will have incredible power! For example: Reversal of time!

Of course, this does not mean that it can actually send an object or life back to the past! Instead, you can use this power to see what happened at a certain point in the past! Just film the void position and time span in advance!

Such an ability is extremely powerful! Any race that possesses it will gain immeasurable advantages!

For example, the ghost race plans to excavate a large ruined city left by an ancient civilization. However, due to the various powerful defense methods in the ruins, they can't find a way to crack it despite all their efforts!

At this time, you can use this artifact to reverse time! Push back the time of that place by nine thousand years, "see" various scenes of that civilization's prosperous period, and see every construction detail of that city from the beginning, and find out how to crack it!

For another example, during a war against a certain hostile civilization, you can use this function to learn the details of all the other party's military plans in advance, thereby ensuring that you are invincible!

This treasure belonged to the artifact category among the ancient gods in the past! Later, the ancient civilization suddenly declined. After many twists and turns, this thing was finally unearthed from a certain ruins by the ghost race at a great cost! From then on, it existed as an inherited sacred object of the royal courts of all dynasties!

With this thing, the ghost race gained immeasurable benefits back then! It was once extremely prosperous! At that time, the Zhanying Kings who have tasted the sweetness will probably turn to this artifact for help whenever they encounter problems that are difficult to solve!

However, the cost of using the artifact is too surprising! Every time it is activated, it is necessary to absorb all the life energy essence of at least five Youhuang God Kings! Nothing less will do!

At that time, the ghost race relied too much on this fatal artifact, resulting in the death of a large number of strong men in the race! In the end, the entire racial group turned from prosperity to decline!

The later lords of the ghost race will make a decision on this, unless it is particularly important, or something that threatens the survival and safety of the entire race, this fatal thing is not allowed to be used again!

From then on, this treasure was sealed and may not be used even once in thousands of years!

Now, the Kotila tribe was destroyed by unknown forces. King Zhanying was puzzled and finally thought of turning to this race-suppressing treasure!

King Zhanying quietly looked at this artifact that he hated and loved, and after a long time he asked, "Are all the venerables here?"

A member of the race next to it immediately said respectfully: "Your Majesty! Among the ten tribes of the royal court, apart from those who have missions and have not returned from traveling abroad, we can currently summon up to the fifteen-star Youhuang Commander level. All the sages are here!"

"That's good! Let's start now!" King Zhanying said calmly.


To use the "Zhou Ji Celestial Dial" once, you need to use up all the life essence energy of the five nobles of the Youhuang God King class! Such losses are unbearable even for the current family of the ghost race!

It just had to be like this. A large racial group whose fierce fighting power was comparable to one of the ten tribes of Wangting was simply and completely exterminated! Afterwards, not even a single clue could be found. What kind of existence could possess such an extremely powerful ability? If they then attack other tribes, the final result will be unfathomable!

Moreover, it has learned about the death of the guardian beast of the Yanwei Tribe Alliance, the Sky Feather Soaring Snake! I heard that it also happened in the vast cosmic area in the northern part of the Hell Soul Star Sea, where the Kotila tribe was originally responsible! This makes it even more uneasy!

Of course it does not believe that the power of the human empire can deal with that big guy. More likely, it should be the unknown existence, or an unknown powerful civilization secretly taking action!

Therefore, turn on the Zhouji Dial and use the power of the artifact to trace the origin! Finding out the real culprit of the incident has become its current inevitable choice! Even if you pay a huge price for it, you won’t hesitate!

Of course, King Zhanying could take action himself or use other means, but such a loss would be more than worth the loss!

Because of this, it adopted a compromise method, summoning all the venerables above fifteen stars to participate in the opening ceremony at the same time! Hundreds of venerables took action together, and if the loss was evenly divided, it would be within the tolerable range!

Under the command of King Zhanying, the Zhouji Sky Dial was finally launched smoothly thanks to the joint efforts of the eight most senior Youhuang God Kings!

Waves of seemingly invisible energy fluctuations spread, and the runes on the surface of the artifact emitted a bright white light one by one, and the level of activity increased by another level! It seems like some kind of strange life is waking up from its deep sleep!

On the top of the artifact, the strange star scale scale on the disk also slowly reacted, and mysterious runes floated one after another, emitting colorful brilliance!

Under the control of King Zhanying's powerful brainwaves, the symbol representing the ruler of the ten-dimensional quadrant star field began to rapidly change its position. During the staggered photon development, it experienced billions of commando changes in the blink of an eye!

A huge display measuring ten meters square on one side was formed above the artifact, and a vast sea of ​​stars appeared there!

As the changes in the scale of the ten-dimensional quadrant star field gradually stabilized, the rapidly beating picture on the monitor gradually became fixed, finally locking on an extremely secret place deep in the Hell Soul Star Sea!

This is the former settlement of the Kotila tribe: the Sea of ​​Stars!

Next comes the key star segment for the operation of the artifact! King Zhanying looked at the hundreds of high-star venerables present, with a hint of bitterness in his heart!

This is the vitality of my race!

The ten tribes of Wang Ting are the core racial group of the entire Zhanying race! The spiritual pillar in the hearts of hundreds of millions of people! These hundreds of venerables are already the essence of most of the ten tribes!

It is precisely because of the existence of this batch of strategic forces that the great Zhanying race is guaranteed to be on an equal footing with other established civilizations in the star sea world! If something happens to them, it will definitely directly affect the future rise and fall of this race!

Although the lost life essence can be shared equally, it will also cause the venerables participating in the opening ceremony to have a short period of weakness, and must be carefully nursed back to recovery!

It's okay for one or two venerables, but if hundreds of venerables are like this, it will be a bit dangerous! If there are any major events within or outside the race at this time, then...

It would never make such a decision unless it had to!

Forget it, no matter what, the safety of my race is a vital matter! You must find the enemies in the dark in advance at all costs! Otherwise, when the situation in the Star Sea reaches a critical state in the future, and that enemy jumps out to cause trouble, it is very likely to destroy the careful planning of my race for many years and cause catastrophic effects!

Expecting this, it finally made up its mind and issued the second command!

The artifact body trembled, and streaks of white light as thin as hair were drawn out from the flying mysterious runes! It intertwined into layers of light nets, and then slowly spread, covering all the hundreds of venerables present!

The venerables released all their auras at the same time. With so many high-star Youhuang commanders launching together, the vast and surging power was simply earth-shaking! The vitality that was so abundant that it was immeasurable that the elephant spurted out, causing the specially reinforced void here to shake violently!

King Zhanying emits a gentle pulse of energy, easily stabilizing the void structure that has begun to loosen!

The light network began to greatly extract the life energy of the venerables and used it as the source of power to drive the operation of the artifact! After a while, the pale golden magnetic field on the fifteen-star Youhuang commanders obviously dimmed!

As the artifact was officially activated, the picture on the monitor slowly changed. The star ruler symbol that symbolized time flashed frequently. According to the will of King Zhanying, he began to look back on the past time!

Soon, time replayed to one month ago, then two months, three months... King Zhanying deliberately controlled the speed of time to avoid missing some important information that might exist!

Just when these volleyball players were spending a lot of money to track down the real murderer, a meeting was being held in the palace of the Daomang Kingdom about the future path of the kingdom!

In front of all the kingdom's top officials, Ye Qingyuan announced the results of his talks with the special envoys of the five major alliances of the Hell Soul Star Sea!

The special envoy brought the goodwill of the five leaders, as well as their hope to establish a fixed communication mechanism, their views on the current situation in the Star Sea, suggestions on dividing the scope of influence, etc.!

The meeting lasted for a long time, and Ye Qingyuan had already learned the attitude and bottom line of the five major forces: hundreds of cosmic areas to the west of the kingdom could be included in the kingdom's territory by sending fleets, and he recognized that the kingdom had an equal status with the five major forces! In exchange, the Kingdom of Daomang will no longer be able to easily expand its territory from now on, especially the many larger forces to the west of the kingdom!

Ye Qingyuan knew their worries. The army of the Tyroa Empire was sharpening their swords in the Scandon Star Abyss. Here, many forces worked together to guard the natural barrier. If he continued to expand endlessly later, it would cause many problems. The threatening forces are no longer willing to help defend!

If the coalition's defense line collapses, look for Shuyuan The imperial army marches straight into the Prison Soul Star Sea. Everyone will be dead, and no one can escape!

According to Leng Zhuo's prior analysis, once these hundreds of cosmic areas are completely included in the kingdom's territory, a sufficiently secure line of defense can be built! In just one and a half years, the kingdom's star defense can be connected into a stable whole!

Therefore, the current meeting is to discuss the kingdom's next strategic offensive direction!

Whether to reject the goodwill of the five major power alliances and continue to move westward; or to choose other directions to expand the kingdom's survival void, this is a question that needs to be considered carefully!

As a result, the vast majority of the ministers participating in the meeting agreed to give up and accept the requirements of the five major power alliances!

"Your Majesty, and everyone here!" Crassus said,

"The main goals of the external expansion route of the Kingdom of Daomang in the first star segment are two. One is to increase the strategic revolving void; the other is to choose the appropriate national boundary line and create a sufficiently safe and stable star defense. To ensure that the kingdom is in a tight situation There will be no worries in the subsequent strategic actions!” (To be continued.)

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