Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 772 The 12 Provinces of Southern Xinjiang

"At present, these two goals have almost been achieved! Then, we will understand what needs to be discussed, how should the kingdom develop next? Should we continue to grab territory in the Hell Soul Star Sea, or do something else! You can give The Kingdom brings more good!”

Ye Qingyuan smiled and said: "If you have any opinions, you might as well speak up!"

Crasu nodded lightly and continued: "I believe that the current development of the Daomang Kingdom's national power has reached a critical period!"

"The previous investment in capital and technology at any cost, as well as the large-scale promotion of cheap DNA awakening potions, have enabled the kingdom's national power to develop by leaps and bounds in just a few years! Coupled with the ever-expanding territory, it has brought about a variety of considerable Develop resources! All these favorable reasons combined have made the kingdom’s current comprehensive national strength reach the peak of a second-rate power! It is almost to the level of a first-rate power!”

"However, this is not enough. As the situation continues to evolve, the battles among the Star Sea countries will become more and more intense! In order to remain invincible in the more fierce competition that follows, the kingdom's national strength must be increased by another level. The level has reached the level of a first-class power, or even a super power!"

"To achieve this goal, we can no longer meet the requirements simply by developing economy and technology, or by grabbing more backward cosmic areas! In other words, there is no way to meet our requirements in the short term!"

"Therefore, the only feasible method is to grab! Grab those prosperous cosmic areas that belonged to the past first-class powers or super powers! Turn them into our own territory, and through digestion and absorption, we can ultimately achieve a rapid increase in national power. the goal of!"

"Your preferred target should be the Shuofeng Empire, right?" Liu Xiangyun asked with a smile.

"To be precise, it's the Twelve Provinces of Southern Xinjiang of the Shuofeng Empire!" Crassus explained,

"Although the Queen Mother has acted perversely in the empire and made people angry! However, the foundation of a super-powerful country is there. The kingdom's current fierce fighting power is not enough to deal with this behemoth! Therefore, we cannot directly attack it yet!"

"However, the twelve provinces in southern Xinjiang are currently in a state of division from a practical point of view. Wang Yuexiang is currently busy sorting out the forces at hand and preparing to become emperor on his own. It won't take long for him to take action! When we get there, Then the opportunity I’ve been waiting for will come!”

The twelve provinces of Southern Xinjiang, that is, the entire Shangyu Galaxy, total more than 300 cosmic regions! It has a radius of more than 20,000 light years, and nearly half of it belongs to the original territory of the Xuanluo Federation!

As the territory of a former superpower, this vast starry sky has been carefully managed by the federal government for hundreds of years! In addition, there are quite a lot of natural resources, superior geographical location and convenient transportation! Today's economic development level, population quality, technological level, and industrial foundation are all extremely strong! It is one of the most prosperous cosmic areas in the entire Star Sea World!

Before the war between the two major countries, this was the Xuanluo Federation's most important reserve of rare mineral resources! Nearly 50% of the metal smelting, various warship manufacturing, and high-precision instrument processing industries are located in this galaxy! The fiscal and tax benefits paid to the federal government every year account for more than 30% of the entire federal fiscal benefits!

In addition to the federal territory, the surrounding cosmic areas that originally belonged to small and medium-sized countries also have a lot of resources! It can be said that as long as anyone can own this galaxy, there will be a huge bonus to the improvement of national power for use! If you can stand on your own based on this, you can also become a first-class power in the star sea world!

Three years ago, the Kilizako invasion was repulsed not long ago. The top leaders of the Federation mistakenly believed that the empire's military strength had been greatly weakened, which was a golden opportunity to plot the empire! So he launched an invasion brazenly!

As a result, due to the use of Ye Qingyuan and others, one of the most important strategic operations of the Federation was sabotaged and Marshal Cameron was captured. )If you miss, you will be suppressed everywhere! After several months of fierce fighting, not only had all the previous results been lost, but they were retreating step by step, losing troops and generals! Unexpectedly, I lost all my foundation in the Shangyu Galaxy!

It was the empire that originally acquired this prosperous galaxy. As long as it is digested smoothly, the national and military power will be greatly enhanced! There are great benefits to following the imperial army's expedition to the Star Sea! Unfortunately, Fang Xuting was assassinated and the political situation was unstable. Then a rebellion broke out, which cost the empire a lot of time and resources!

When Fang Yuqing put down the rebellion with thunderous means, everything was settled! More than two years of precious time have passed!

Under the current situation, more than two years of strategic opportunities have been missed in vain, and the negative impact on the empire is really too great! If it weren't for these accidents, I'm afraid that the entire Xuanluo Federation, or even half of the Hell Soul Star Sea, would have planted the flag of the empire!

The furious Queen issued an order to exterminate all races in the Southern Xinjiang universe that had previously been involved with the rebels! All property confiscated! It almost made up for the losses suffered by the empire slightly!

However, later the Queen was attacked and the empire changed. Wang Yuexiang, who had lost his checks and balances, relied on his own troops and began to think of establishing his own business!

In his opinion, as long as he holds on to military power, the entire Shangyu Galaxy is in his hands! As long as they are managed well, neither the Shuofeng Empire nor the Xuanluo Federation can do anything on their own!

For more than half a year, Wang Yuexiang has not been idle, except for integrating the troops at hand, promising huge profits to his generals, and persuading them to support him. The major industrial bases in the Shangyu galaxy are operating with all their strength, producing all kinds of military materials!

Currently, he has more than three million warships of various types, hundreds of supernatural legions, and hundreds of strong men above Qianxing. With such powerful force as the backing, plus His own commanding ability is also at the level of a famous general. It's just that if he is faced with attacks from more than two major powers at the same time, he is confident that he can win!

However, what he didn't know was that the top brass of Daomang Kingdom had already set their sights on this prosperous cosmic area!

Crassus said it right. If the Kingdom of Daomang wants to upgrade from a second-rate power to a first-rate power in a short period of time, it must capture an absolute number of prosperous cosmic areas and digest and integrate them smoothly! We can no longer simply grab some backward areas of the universe to make up the numbers, as we did before!

Among the current surrounding countries, although the Shuofeng Empire is in chaos, it is still not easy to plot! The same goes for the Xuanluo Federation, not to mention that there is also the Yilong Empire that is already at war with them!

Ye Qingyuan didn't know how many trump cards Yu Luo had, and he dared to take advantage of this super power, even though it had lost a large area of ​​its territory and its national power had declined by a level! It is easy to clean up this Yilong Empire that overestimates its capabilities!

I originally understood that the easiest way is to take advantage of the two countries to take advantage of it while the two countries are fighting to the death! Or, it would be a good idea to join forces with the Yilong Empire and work together to eat the Xuanluo Federation!

It’s just that this is not a one-day achievement. Don’t expect the dust to settle after a year and a half! The results obtained were not at all consistent with what he estimated he wanted!

The first result is that he can destroy the Yi Long Kingdom and destroy Yu Luo, an opponent he is somewhat afraid of! It's just that, apart from adding some more cosmic areas, there aren't many benefits! Instead, it puts one's own country directly under the military front of the Xuanluo Federation, which adds a lot of pressure out of thin air!

The second result is that both sides work together to eat up the Xuanluo Federation, and then the two families divide the spoils and divide the borders to rule!

With the existing military strength of the Daomang Kingdom, it is not impossible to do this. However, this battle situation is a bit complicated and cannot be solved in a short time! The Kingdom and the Federation have no territorial borders. Even if they are conquered, they will only be enclaves! I guess it’s not that difficult to integrate and digest effectively!

And he was sure that after Yu Luo achieved her goal, she would turn against him! At that time, the two countries will have to fight suddenly to solve the problem!

After these two large-scale wars are fought, even if there are many famous generals commanding them, the kingdom's military loss will far exceed that of any previous war! There is bound to be a long recovery period! If during this period of time, Wang Yuexiang, whose foundation has been firmly established, suddenly launches an attack, the kingdom will be difficult to cope with!

Even if the kingdom at that time still has enough strength to deal with the other party, what about adding the Shuofeng Empire?

Facing the Daomang Kingdom, which has owned the Federation, Southern Xinjiang, and all the territory of the original Yilong Empire after successive wars, no matter who the leader of the Shuofeng Empire was at that time, he would not let such a behemoth exist! I will definitely use all my strength to wipe out the kingdom when the war is over and it is in urgent need of recovery!

Therefore, this path seems reasonable! However, it is possible to be involved in a series of large-scale war whirlpools and be unable to extricate yourself! Even if they manage to survive in the end, they will end up taking advantage of outsiders due to excessive depletion of military power!

Then, it has become the consensus of the kingdom's top officials to plot the twelve provinces in southern Xinjiang, capture them in the shortest possible time, and then decide the next strategic action based on the situation!

With the chips in Ye Qingyuan's hands, it is not as difficult as he thought to completely eliminate Wang Yuexiang and capture these more than 300 cosmic areas, even if the fierce fighting power on the other side is much stronger than that of the kingdom!

Before Li Kai left from Southern Xinjiang, he had left behind a considerable part of his intelligence force to secretly monitor Wang Yuexiang. Under the eyes and ears of the Clone Commandos, any disturbance in the Southern Xinjiang Legion would be reported to Daomang Kingdom as soon as possible!

What's more, except for Wang Yuexiang, there is no second general of sufficient weight in the Southern Xinjiang Army who can be compared with the many famous generals of Daomang Kingdom!

Therefore, as long as it is nothing more than an accident, it is only a matter of time before this Shangyu Galaxy falls into the hands of Ye Qingyuan!

At the military meeting, after in-depth discussions among the ministers, a consensus was finally reached on this key issue alone!

"That's it!" Ye Qingyuan finally said,

"I will sign a friendly agreement with the special envoys of the five major alliances later, and then send the fleet to take over all the hundreds of cosmic areas in the agreement! In addition to the time for stable integration, we can start to attack the South in about a month. Jiang is taking action!"

According to the opinions of the ministers, it may not take long to capture southern Xinjiang. Plus the time to digest the results, everything should be stabilized by the end of this year! In the coming year, depending on the development of the situation, we can consider the use of troops against the Shuofeng Empire!

After the meeting, the ministers retired and went to prepare themselves! Ye Qingyuan left the imperial study and saw that it was almost noon. He said to Leng Zhuo beside him: "I'm a little hungry. Let's go to your place for dinner today!"

"Yes! My Majesty!" she responded happily.

The palace is very large, and there is a long distance from here to the inner palace. Shuangyan, who was accompanying her, immediately ordered the guards to bring their cars. The two of them got into the car, chatting and laughing all the way to the harem.

At this moment, Lan Yu, who was sleeping deep in his consciousness, suddenly opened his eyes!

"Why?" Ye Qingyuan noticed her strange movements and asked using brain waves.

"Someone is spying on us in some way!" she responded,

"It's those volleyballs! Let me sense it... Damn it! Why do they have such weird things? I didn't expect that they could reverse time!"

"Are there many extra things?" He was a little nervous.

"A little bit, but it's nothing! It's just a loss of some energy!" She explained,

"That time, a large tribe of them was wiped out. It is estimated that the news has been discovered by that royal court! I didn't expect to use this method to trace the cause! It seems that these ball-like life forms are really a bit strange. Don’t underestimate the secrets!”

"Since they hit my head, let's teach them a lesson! Humph!"

In that mysterious void, the operation of the Zhouji Celestial Dial has reached a critical moment, and the time star field ruler is approaching little by little. When the incident occurred, a faint golden photon development slowly appeared on the huge display!

However, at this moment, something unexpected happened!

The golden light suddenly flourished! It was like a star exploding in an instant! Peiran's irresistible pressure descended on this void through the monitor!

"Not good!" King Zhanying was shocked and was about to turn off the artifact immediately!

However, this time it is no longer possible! The out-of-control Zhouji Sky Dial vibrated like crazy!

God, why would such an accident happen? It seems that I have never encountered it before! King Zhanying complained privately and looked for Shuyuan. tried its best to stabilize the artifact again!

The Zhouji Celestial Dial suddenly lost control, frightening King Zhanying. However, it knew how many people of the race this fatal thing had drained out in the past! Once an accident occurs, the final result will be disastrous!

At this time, it no longer hid its clumsiness, and the golden magnetic field around it suddenly shook, emitting hundreds of magnificent colorful light bands, wrapping around the artifact itself.

Strips of light kept wrapping up, and in an instant they turned into a cocoon of colorful light!

"All venerables, leave immediately!" it ordered urgently.

However, before the venerables could make any move, the golden light erupted again! The light cocoon is easily melted away like snow under the scorching sun! Immediately afterwards, the rune symbolizing time on the disk flashed like crazy! The frozen picture on the monitor above also changed at a dizzying speed!

In an instant, the flow of time back was accelerated millions of times! Correspondingly, the light network used to extract the life energy of the venerables to support the operation of the artifact tightened suddenly! (To be continued.)

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