Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 773: Illusory Thoughts

? The terrible scream sounded, and the overloaded operation of the Zhouji Tianyu began to plunder the life energy of the His Holiness without restraint. Some of the fierce combat effectiveness were relatively weak and could not support it on the spot!

Just watch for a moment, and all the venerables present will be crushed into mummies by the out-of-control artifact!

"Your Majesty! Turn off the artifact quickly!" a venerable man shouted.

They don't know why this thing suddenly went out of control, but if there is any further hesitation, the elites of the ten tribes of Zhanying Wangting will probably die!

King Zhanying was so frightened that he lost his mind! A large cloud of light spurted out, desperately covering the Zhouji Dial. At the same time, it activated the void displacement, breaking through the void and throwing the artifact away for a while!

The milky white light net is still wrapped around the bodies of the venerables, and it is useless to let them fight for their lives and trapped beasts! This strange thing derived from the artifact itself is extremely domineering and has the ultimate power to swallow up all forms of life energy! The harder the venerables work, the more the essence of life energy is lost!

Even though it has lost control of its body, this thing is still absorbing the energy of the volleyballs relying on inertia, but the speed has obviously slowed down! Fortunately, Lai allowed them to breathe a sigh of relief!

Finally, King Zhanying took action himself. The golden magnetic field suddenly expanded, covering all the fatal light nets, and then slowly separated them from the bodies of the venerables, and carefully pulled them out!

However, just when it was almost completed, a huge golden light appeared again, plundering all the remaining energy on the light network! Then he swept towards it again!

Fortunately, it reacts very quickly, and its innate skills are activated instantly. In less than one thousandth of a breath, it can travel in and out of the fault void hundreds of times! He managed to escape the pursuit of that golden light that was as spiritual as a living creature!

In the vast starry sky, there was a vague chuckle, and the golden light suddenly shrank, condensed into an insignificant spot of light, flickered briefly, and then disappeared! That terrifying pressure also disappeared!

After a long time, King Zhanying calmed down from the panic.

"Just... it was really dangerous!" it muttered to itself,

"What kind of powerful existence is this? How could it possess such extreme power? In terms of energy intensity, it doesn't seem to be stronger than me. However, that kind of inexplicable ability has never been heard of even with my wisdom and experience. I said it! It doesn’t seem to belong to any kind of life known to my race! Something is really wrong!”

The Zhanying race is known as the "darlings of the Law of the Void". Relying on this unique advantage, they are the race that is most familiar with the many civilizations in the vast starry sky! Whether it is the current star sea world, the territories of major established civilizations, or the remote wild universe regions, there is no strange life that they do not know!

Even in those inaccessible and dangerous places, there are traces of people from their race! From a practical point of view, there are many powerful ghost race people who are dedicated to exploring as their lifelong love, no problem!

But now there is a powerful existence that is completely unknown to them, which makes King Zhanying even more distressed! I was trying to use the power of the artifact to find out the real culprit of the genocide incident of the Kotila tribe. I guess my goal was not achieved, but I paid a very high price!

In the incident just now, hundreds of venerables were robbed of nearly 30% of their life energy essence on average, and their fierce combat effectiveness was generally reduced by one star! There are a few who are unlucky and even fall below the level of Commander Youhuang!

Even if a large amount of high-quality resources are almost immediately supplied to help the venerables recuperate at any cost, it will take at least two or three years to restore the fierce fighting power of the royal court! During this period, many of Wang Ting's important plans had to be temporarily postponed!

But right now, the war in Xinghai is fierce and the situation is complicated and confusing! This is the period of great opportunity for our race’s five offices to operate and step up efforts to strive for more benefits for the race’s people! If nothing is done, not only will the losses be immeasurable, but even several other major civilizations will have doubts about Wang Ting's fierce combat effectiveness and status!

King Zhanying weighed it in distress, unable to do anything! Reason tells it that the most important thing at the moment is to recall all the powerful race people who belong to the ten tribes of Wangting who are traveling abroad to protect Wangting during the recovery of the venerables! To avoid further accidents!

Especially among the Zhanying tribe, in addition to the ten tribes of Wang Ting, there are also some powerful tribes whose fierce fighting prowess is not inferior to theirs. If they learn this news, they will inevitably not have any strange thoughts, such as It is entirely possible to ask for more power from the royal court, or to simply set up one's own business and no longer obey the royal court's orders!

No matter what, the interests of my race are above all else, and the status of the royal court is above all else! There is no doubt about this! Expecting this, it finally made up its mind and issued a series of instructions!

From then on, many of Zhanying Wangting's actions in the human world stopped! In addition to some race people with not too high status who continue to do business outside, powerful beings with sufficient weight have secretly returned to the location of the royal court, and it is not clear that they are planning a secret plan!

This phenomenon that has puzzled other civilizations of different races has been going on for several years. By the time they turned their attention to the star sea world again, the situation outside had undergone earth-shaking changes!

In the palace, Leng Zhuo ordered the maids to start preparing for the luncheon, and said with concern to Ye Qingyuan, who seemed a little uneasy: "Is Your Majesty very tired? Can you go and rest for a while first?"

"You said, if something happens to one of those old alien civilizations, causing them to have to stay on their own for a long period of time! Will this be beneficial to us?" He suddenly asked.

Leng Zhuo was a little confused, but still said: "Of course it is beneficial! You must know that most of the many disputes and conflicts in the human world are caused by these aliens!"

"That's good!" Ye Qingyuan curled his lips happily.

Gazing at her elegant and dignified face, which was graceful and charming like a classical lady, he smiled again and said, "Actually, I'm wondering if it's time for you to give birth to a child for me?"

A touch of red cloud quietly stained her snowy face: "Your Majesty, this... I naturally guessed it, but your Majesty still needs to work harder!"

"Of course!" Ye Qingyuan laughed, and with her sweet cries, he picked her up and carried her into the inner courtyard of the palace!

On the other side of the Hell Soul Star Sea, in the southeast corner, the vanguard of the army of the Genaslok Empire has arrived!

Ever since His Majesty the Emperor led his troops into battle, the army has conquered cities and territories and conquered everything! No force or country can truly resist the iron hoof of the Imperial Regiment!

The millions of imperial fleet troops were divided into three routes, with the middle route commanded by Emperor Ulionov V personally; the west route army commanded by a generation of famous generals, Admiral Susnov, known as the "Imperial Eagle"; the east route army It is led by Marshal Longmusingo, a veteran of the military who was born in the royal family!

The three armies are advancing in tandem, fighting independently, and joining together when necessary. Like three sharp blades, they will strangle all those who dare to disobey the will of the empire!

So far, even the most powerful country and the best generals have not been able to resist for more than half a year! Relying on the unparalleled and fierce fighting power of the Imperial Regiment, except for a few super powers, the entire Star Sea World has no power that can intercept the advance of the Imperial Army!

Two years of war brought huge war profits to the empire! Thousands of various countries or forces have been wiped out by the empire! More than 1,900 cosmic regions, a vast area that is actually equivalent to the territory of the original empire, have all been planted with the empire's bloody double-headed flying dragon flag!

Trillions of people, thousands of ecological planets, and nearly endless wealth and resources are all marked by the empire! From then on, it became an inviolable part of the empire!

Such great achievements, throughout the thousands of years of history in the interstellar era, there are only a few people who can compare with them! Therefore, Ulionov V was really happy!

Of course, he would not be satisfied. Although the empire's results were sufficient, he estimated that he wanted much more than that! With such a strong family background, he has every reason to ask for more! For example, the superpower that is not far from the vanguard of his army: the **** Salestine Alliance!

Although the opponent has fierce fighting power, with the empire's current bargaining chip, it shouldn't take much time to win it down, right?

In the palace of the "Ice Emperor" with a diameter of 300 kilometers, there is a magnificent and luxurious central control room, and on the extremely tall throne, there is a tall and thick man with a square and powerful face, about fifty people. A middle-aged man in fine clothes!

Under his aquiline nose is a neatly trimmed beard that is about two inches long and shiny black. There is no wrinkle on his fair face. His dark brown eyes reveal a frightening expression from time to time between opening and closing them. Li Mang!

The most powerful man in the human world today is sitting on the throne, with a pair of palms as thick as cattail fans supporting the ferocious dragon head handles on both sides of the throne. The joints on the palms are extremely thick! It almost doesn't look like a human being, but more like a dormant and extremely powerful beast!

The hem of the gorgeous robe has been untied, and a stunning blonde beauty with full body and naked body is kneeling between his legs, holding his thick words in her mouth, swallowing and sucking hard! There are also a group of beauties dressed in gauze around, ready to be called at any time!

These women who serve him are all high-quality goods carefully selected from the concubines, princesses, empresses, queens, and family members of certain presidents and consuls from the countries that were wiped out!

Among the group of women beside him, there were 8 princesses, 11 princesses, two queens, and five presidential wives! The one who was serving him was the queen of a certain big country. She was once the proud daughter of heaven, but now she had to temporarily put aside all her pride and dignity and try to please him like a humble slave girl!

However, this is the natural outcome for the defeated! If they don't want to, there will be an even more miserable end waiting for them! In the past few days, there have been many women of similar noble status to them. Because they did not please His Majesty, Ulionov V issued an order to reward them to his own guards, and were abused by hundreds of people. Tortured to death!

Therefore, none of the surviving women dared to disobey His Majesty's will. No matter what humiliating demands he made, they could only obey meekly!

At this moment, a stern-looking guard general walked in hurriedly outside the gate, holding a blood-red document in his hand!

The general of the imperial guard hurried to the gate. When he saw His Majesty the Emperor's chamberlain, Saloko, standing guard there, he hurriedly stepped forward and whispered: "Master Steward, is your Majesty free at the moment?"

Seeing his stern expression, Chief Saloko asked in surprise, "Is there anything urgent?"

At present, the imperial army has ceased fighting and has entered a period of rest. His Majesty's palace is ready to return to the imperial capital. Logically speaking, nothing too urgent should happen!

"Yes! Your Majesty must be informed immediately!" The general shrugged, feeling that the general manager was not an outsider and had some friendship with him, so it wouldn't hurt to let him know everything! So I pulled him aside and told him the whole story with a mental wave!

In an instant, the expression of Manager Shaluoke, who had always been mature and prudent, and kept his emotions a secret, changed!

"Why maybe? The palace's guards are extremely powerful! They can't be easily broken! What kind of force dares to be so bold?" Shaluoke asked in a low voice with a slight cold sweat on his forehead:

"When did this happen?"

"It was yesterday!" the general responded in a low voice,

"The commander of the garrison fleet who is responsible for protecting the safety of the imperial capital is timid and timid. He delayed reporting it until now. I also received it not long ago and rushed over immediately!"

"What is the current situation in the palace?"

"They were all burned to ashes!" The general smiled bitterly and tickled the corners of his eyes, "Not even the concubines and maids there survived!"

Chief Shaluoke had a gloomy face and looked for Shuyuan www.ス and thought back and forth for a while before saying: "Okay! I'll go in and report to you. His Majesty is in a good mood at the moment. I hope he won't be too angry! Hey! ! Why did you come here in person? How about just sending a subordinate who doesn’t like it? "

"Lord General!" the general said helplessly.

"Such a major matter must be reported by me personally. Even if I don't come, when His Majesty gets angry and punishes people, I, the officer in charge of intelligence liaison affairs, can't run away!"

"It's not all your fault this time, it's the guys in the Imperial City who delayed it! I will intercede for you then!" Shaluoke nodded lightly, turned around and entered the door.

On the throne, His Majesty the Emperor lowered his head to look at the former Queen who was working hard to please him. A steady stream of comfort came from his lower body, which made his tense expression slightly relax, and he stretched out his big hand to caress her. Her jade-like face!

When the peak of happiness came, the emperor let out a beast-like howl from his throat, grabbed her slender and beautiful jade neck, pushed her hard for a few times, and finally let out a burst of fluids! The poor queen almost suffocated from him! But he didn't dare to spit it out, and he had to try his best to pretend to be happy! (To be continued.)

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