? “However, currently, facing millions of elite main legions of the empire, the war we are about to face will never be as easy as before! The most important point is that there are many mobile weapons in the imperial regiment. The interstellar fortress has an obvious advantage in firepower!”

"There are also those cosmic areas that were originally part of the Federation. They all have complete star defense systems, and all kinds of defense facilities are extremely advanced! Back then, we had the entire empire as our backing, and we didn't lack the means to deal with it. It still took a lot of effort. It took a lot of effort to defeat the federal army! This time if it were me and the others, you can imagine the great pressure!"

"Therefore, I would like to advise you not to take this war lightly! This is a major event whether the kingdom can truly rise, and it is the key to whether the kingdom can be smoothly upgraded to an empire! If it succeeds, you will have the capital to plot the Shuofeng Empire in the future; If we fail, all our past efforts will be in vain!"

Leng Zhuo's words were as cold and plain as ever, without any hint of emotion! Pointed out the ultimate shortcomings of the Kingdom’s fleet!

Without experiencing a real hard battle, the combat skills and psychological quality of the officers and soldiers cannot be compared with the elites of the Imperial Regiment. Without a mobile interstellar fortress, it means that they are inferior to the other side in terms of firepower, especially in difficult battles. Suffer!

Gurungs said with a smile: "What His Highness said makes sense! I just understand that I have worked with Wang Yuexiang for many years, and I know his character well, and he is also familiar with his command style and usual strategies! Therefore, for this battle, please Your Majesty allows the veteran to take command!"

"As long as we make targeted arrangements in advance, we can weaken our disadvantages as much as possible! Defeat the other side at a relatively small cost!"

Ye Qingyuan immediately nodded gently: "That's great! The general command affairs this time will be presided over by Gurung Siqing, and Tian Xuanhao will be your deputy!"

After a brief discussion, the personnel arrangements were simply decided. Next comes the detailed discussion of the specific battle plan! Out of trust in Gurungs, the battle plan was largely based on his suggestions!

There is still half a hundred cosmic areas between the current edge of the kingdom and the southern border, less than 3,000 light years away. The army can rush over directly without worrying about the reaction of those small forces! Of course, for the sake of safety, Ye Qingyuan decided to send a fleet to wipe out all the small forces in this small star area! To avoid unnecessary complications!

Gurungs's battle plan is to "win with the right and the odd!" and "complement each other with the right and the odd, and combine the virtual with the real!"

Wang Yuexiang set his capital in the Zhiyuan universe area, which was once the most important high-tech heavy industry center of the former Federation in the Shangyu galaxy! With a large population and a prosperous economy, it is most appropriate to use it as the capital of the new empire!

In response to this situation, Gurungs decided to personally lead the kingdom's main army to meet Wang Yuexiang head-on, combined with the terrain characteristics of the major cosmic areas along the way; then he sent Cameron to lead a partial division to sneak through a pre-selected secret channel. Sneak into the heart of the other side and activate suddenly when the time is right! To contain the other side's power!

In view of the half a hundred large-scale mobile interstellar fortresses owned by the other side, although Daomang Kingdom does not have the equivalent equipment to deal with it, it is not impossible to estimate! The nine thousand "Qianyuan" warships of various types under Zhuqing's command are nothing but first-class weapons! Regardless of the rate of fire, range, charging speed, and destructive power, it is extremely powerful!

It would be great if they could control the actions of the interstellar fortress! Other than that, there’s really nothing to worry about!

This time, the Daomang Kingdom can be said to have dispatched an overwhelming army! Except for the three to nine thousand fleets that were left in the capital and Liu Xiangyun was responsible for looking after the house, almost all the warships that could be mobilized were collected!

According to the established plan, except that Cameron will lead a fleet of 29,000 people and secretly sneak into the hinterland of the southern Xinjiang universe area to wait, all the remaining military forces are temporarily under the command of Gurungs! The number is about 50% of the Southern Xinjiang Legion!

Such a large fleet has never been deployed in the history of the kingdom! Regarding logistics, communication, and life support, it is an extremely severe test! Ye Qingyuan has issued an order to Zhong Zixia, brother and sister, to put aside all the work at hand and work with the entire Wise Group to coordinate the dispatch and preparation of various military supplies!

As the head of the logistics department, Link is busy every day until the cold nights! These days have really exhausted him!

However, he did not complain. The impact of this war on the kingdom was very important! If the entire battle failed due to his mistakes, then he would be a sinner!

The fleet that went on the expedition consisted of almost three million warships of various types, but the transport fleet that provided logistical support was more than twice that number! And they are all large-tonnage first-class speed transport ships purchased from the empire!

Meng Xuan has calculated that for such a huge military operation, the total loss of various materials every day will not be less than five billion crystal cores, which can be said to be a waste of money! In an ordinary kingdom, a plan to use troops on such a scale would be difficult to predict!

In the southern Xinjiang universe, Wang Yuexiang, who recently proclaimed himself emperor, is discussing the future strategic trends of his empire with several close generals!

"In view of the fact that the empire is facing dual pressure from the north and the south, in order to improve this unfavorable strategic situation, I decided to choose one direction to use troops to achieve the goal of improving the empire's geopolitical security situation and expanding the void for survival and development!" he announced. ,

"What reasonable meaning do you have? You might as well say it!"

As a new political power, as a founder of a country, especially a founder who has a large number of troops in his hands and can tear apart the soil to stand on his own feet, he must do something after he becomes independent!

There is no other reason. For example, this type of regime always has some inherent shortcomings. Whether it is reputation or legitimacy, there is no way to compare with that kind of regime that was built from scratch! To put it bluntly, if he, Wang Yuexiang, had not held such great power and had such a good opportunity, it would be hard to say whether he was worthy of becoming emperor!

Moreover, this kind of bad behavior that divides the country will definitely be severely suppressed by the imperial capital regime! The two sides have been fighting to the death since the beginning! Otherwise, the prestige of the central government will be lost!

However, Wang Yuexiang has seen the chaotic current situation in the imperial capital's political arena, and has determined that he will never be attacked by the empire with all its strength in the short term! That’s why I boldly took the gamble this time! And it turns out he was right!

Of course, just taking action in the short term does not mean that the other party will really stop moving on him! Zhu Zhaoyuan and the eight major aristocratic families are not fuel-efficient lamps, and they will never allow such a large piece of land to be divided and left for a period of time without asking! Just waiting for the domestic political dispute to come to an end, it was his turn!

With the fierce combat power he has at hand, it is estimated that it will be a bit difficult to fight against the entire military power of a super-powerful country, at least not yet!

Therefore, whether it is for self-protection or to rectify the name of his own regime and establish the legitimacy of his superior position, he must do something to achieve the purpose of consolidating his position!

The most convenient and fastest way is to launch a foreign war! As long as you win a few battles and expand your territory, your reputation will be greatly improved! With the addition of strategic maneuvering void, the country's geosecurity situation will also be effectively improved!

Outside of southern Xinjiang, apart from the Xuanluo Federation to the east, there is the vast sea of ​​Hell Soul Stars. As long as they can encircle a large area of ​​territory here, the new ruling power will have a stable rear area, no matter how to deal with Shuo Feng in the future. The empire and the Xuanluo Federation have enough confidence!

Moreover, this area is mostly filled with low-level forces. Relying on the huge elite army of the empire in his hands and his own commanding ability, he doesn't think anyone can resist the attack of the new ruling power!

Therefore, he had already made up his mind about the next choice of the new ruling power. He raised it to his subordinates at this time, but it only showed his humility to open up his opinions!

A lieutenant general stood up and said: "Your Majesty! With our current fierce combat effectiveness, it is estimated that it will be difficult to start a war with the empire! Moreover, most of the officers and soldiers in the army are from the empire, and they will be emotionally conflicted! Therefore, the most appropriate choice is to go south and conquer the Hell Soul Star Sea!"

His name is Geraldine, she has been with him for many years and is a close confidant who knows a lot about his temperament and hobbies. And he is quite talented, so he can naturally see the current situation of the new ruling power.

Wang Yuexiang nodded lightly and looked at the others.

Most of the hundreds of high-ranking generals in the conference room expressed their opinions. Those in favor of going south accounted for more than 70% of the total. Some of the remaining people were worried that after the main army moved south, the empire behind them would suddenly attack. Because of this, they advocated holding back their troops for a while and observing for a period of time before talking.

Some suggested uniting with the Yilong Empire to eat up the Xuanluo Federation and divide its territory equally! Once successful, more chips can be added to the new dominance, and then there will no longer be any need to fear the pressure from the Shuofeng Empire!

Such views cannot be said to be unreasonable, but for Wang Yuexiang, they are not in line with his wishes. Therefore, it is destined not to be adopted by him!

"Zhu Yin! Do you have any opinions?" Wang Yuexiang looked at a fat young lieutenant general who was nearby.

This man had been promoted in the Kilizako War based on his military exploits. He had been commanding the fleet under him for several years. They had a good relationship with each other and had outstanding talents, so he was vigorously recruited by him.

Zhu Yin hesitated for a moment, stood up and said:

"Your Majesty! If our fleet develops southward, it will inevitably confront the Kingdom of Daomang! The leader of the country, Ye Qingyuan, has worked with your Majesty before. You should know that he is not a mediocre person! This battle cannot be won It’s not that easy to fight!”

Geraldine said with some dissatisfaction: "Lieutenant General, don't forget, that kingdom has only been established for a few years, and they are all barren and backward areas of the universe. Although the territory is large enough, how much fierce fighting power can it have? Can you fight against our elite warriors?"

"The fact that he was able to establish such a regime almost from scratch in just a few years shows that his ability is extraordinary!" Zhu Yin retorted.

"Then you mean that the legions we are waiting for are definitely not as good as him? Even His Majesty the one we are waiting for is not as good as him?" Geraldine said coldly.

What he said seemed to have ulterior motives! The eyes of some generals looking at him suddenly became subtle!

Zhu Yin was unmoved by his obviously provocative words and insisted: "Your Majesty, I didn't mean that! I meant that such a person must be treated with caution! From the beginning, We must use all our strength to kill him with the power of thunder! We must not let him have the slightest opportunity to take advantage of him!"

"Even if he is strong enough, so what?" Geraldine said disdainfully:

"How many decent fleets can a regime that has only been established for a short time have? How many high star awakeners can it have? Can it compare to me?"

"Don't forget! Since that incident, nine thousand of the empire's elite guard fleets, as well as a large number of awakened people, have all belonged to him!" Zhu Yin said calmly.

Wang Yuexiang gently raised his hand to stop the dispute between the two generals, and said with a smile:

"I have fully considered Zhu Qing's doubts! Although Ye Qingyuan is young, his ability is unquestionable. Being able to reach this point is enough to prove his excellence! I have never meant to look down on him! "

"The most powerful fleet commander under him is Tian Xuanhao! Other generals besides him are not of concern! Every time he goes on an expedition, he relies too much on this man's commanding ability! Daomang Kingdom can Today, he deserves all the credit! This is also Ye Qingyuan’s ultimate weakness!"

"This time, I will personally lead the troops to hold this person back! Then I will send capable generals to take a detour and directly attack the capital of the kingdom! As long as we can achieve the goal smoothly, we are done!"

"Is there no other outstanding commanders in Daomang Kingdom?" Zhu Yin asked with some confusion. "I heard that his former adjutant, Liu Xiangyun, was also able to lead troops in war!"

"Even if he has commanded the fleet several times! But after all, he is just an unknown junior. No matter how strong he is, he can't be stronger than Tian Xuanhao, right?" Wang Yuexiang said disapprovingly:

"And I want to remind you that this kingdom has just been established, and there is no time to improve the domestic star defense system! This is another fatal weakness! As long as they break through their borders, they can attack the kingdom's capital unimpeded. !”

"I will personally lead the troops to fight, and we must strike first! We will strive to capture it in the shortest possible time. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com. If we want to develop, this regime blocking our door must be destroyed!"

"Yes! Your Majesty is very wise!" All the generals responded in unison.

With the full cooperation of the Clone Commando Organization and the Royal Oversight Council, Wang Yuexiang's intelligence power has not been put to much use! At least, he didn't know clearly that in Wang's side, there was more than one high-quality commander named Tian Xuanhao who had fierce fighting power to challenge him!

Liu Xiangyun's talents are not necessarily inferior to him. There are also former federal marshal Cameron, and later a Zhuqing. Recently, even former imperial generals such as Guo Qiuxian and Blücher have also voted for the banner of the kingdom. Down!

If he knew that even an imperial god like Gurungs had agreed to serve the kingdom, then some of his intentions might really change! At least he won’t choose to attack the Daomang Kingdom right away!

Of course, he is not a mediocre person. In view of the weakness of Daomang Kingdom, he decided to send out the main force to attack the capital of the kingdom in a preemptive manner and replace it with a general new political power. This move is fatal!

The asymmetry in intelligence power between the two sides doomed his tragic ending! (To be continued.)

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